Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 163

by Theodore Daniels

  - Be that as it may, we still do not even know when the ships will come for us. - Jason checked his instrumentronom. - We did not act on this matter no explanation for all of two days.

  - I imagine. Ships. - Mocked Rodriguez. - One boat, well, if the hold is clean and the ship is not pokotsany Reapers.

  - And that is very good. - I agreed to the group's leader. - So that?

  - We did everything we could. Closed, locked or sealed by Jay. - En Honaker said. - More likely we can do. At our station no one asari, could, of course, work out on it, but alas, in the absence of ... So let the blue-skinned women themselves brought up his own mind, these interfaces and everything attached to them. In vain that we did not leave the tehlaby half a day, cooking a complete snap for them?

  - Not in vain. - Jason closed container. - All. All - on the bunks and sleep up to five hours. At six o'clock - all have in our lectures and practical lab.

  And so it happened. At six o'clock all the students entered the classroom. Jennifer met them silently and intently.

  - Brought. I know you did everything that was considered necessary and possible. - She said, when the students sat in their chairs. - I have to say I am pleased with your work more than full. And to save time, immediately announce who won the right to stay on board the squadron. It Sean Bellarmine, Rodriguez and Jason Prengli.

  Ride out the storm of enthusiasm, Jennifer looked around and said to the students:

  - Lest you think that you will be served a dirty uglevoz - you will take on board the frigate Corps spectrum. He will arrive at the station in the evening at six o'clock. it will arrive to the place of parking Squad Twelve hours - the Citadel. You - will be ten days, the whole decade. By arrangement with the Command Squad, you will be granted the right to live on the Citadel and on the sides of the Troop ships. So the rest of the day - get ready. And now - thank you all. The container is sealed and closed as necessary?

  - Yes, Miss Jenny. - Prengli, not hiding satisfaction, smiled. - We have closed all of its own code. And, as we now know who is flying, each of the three will get a portion of the code. One third. To each. So that we can remove the protection only the three of us. And none of us individually. - Said the young man. - This will be fair.

  - It is true. Then - the container falls to the warehouse at the hangar. And you - to gather and prepare. The rest - a day of rest after such a work can not hurt. With the guidance of the Academy agreed - no problems. Everybody's Free.

  A new wave of enthusiasm swept over the students. Jenny with satisfaction watched the remaining did not show their resentment or frustration or dissatisfaction. They are working on a real project, brought real benefits, and that many of the groups are - because they knew in advance that will fly to the Citadel and Troop ships are not at full strength. Everything is fair.

  Letting go of the students in the audience and making sure that the container has taken its place on the pallet in the warehouse in the hangar of the Academy, Jennifer workout in the room for teachers, took a shower and went back to his room. It was necessary to consider the letter otryadovtsam - common to all, and most of normandovtsev - personal. From volgovtsev Jenny allocated only Svetlana, so she wrote a separate letter. Then for a long time was an Shepard. Write, erase, he crossed out, rewritten, biting her lip in thought. I wanted to say so much, but it turned out all somehow dryly, clumsily. Distracted to write letters to other members of the crew and command frigate, cruiser, Jennifer returned to the letter to Shepard before dinner. Distraction benefited - a new version of its text satisfied.

  After dinner, Jennifer returned to the room and began to build upon the rest of the letters normandovtsam. Time is running out - through the corridors of the faculty rushed her students. Each of them suddenly found urgent business to the departing trio colleagues what Jenny treated with understanding - with the Citadel much easier and faster to contact the parents and relatives, friends and acquaintances to buy everything you need at the station is also much easier. It is not lost in space Academy Station, and metropolitan station of the galaxy.

  Many students, sitting on the benches in the corridors and chair, hastily readers to dictate text messages and emails. Many have written letters manually. In fotovideokabiny queues - all wanted to capture in such a memorable day. Photo studio biotic faculty turned into a dense blockade - collective pictures and short videos shot in pipeline mode.

  The remaining hours before the arrival of the frigate Spectra Corps cadets spent in endless conversations, several tense atmosphere diluted fees.

  Exactly at six o'clock in the instrumentron Jennifer received a message about the arrival of the frigate in the Dock. The commander of the frigate said that parking is permitted no more than an hour, and he insists on the fact that passengers must be on board during that hour and not later. Realizing that he has to establish such a hard period sufficient grounds, Jennifer decided to hold the students personally.

  It turned out that the whole team at full strength already in the departure hall of the station. Three departing the Citadel stood in a dense ring of colleagues, listened predotlёtnye farewell, laid more and more readers, and the crystals in the voluminous bag.

  Jason first noticed Jennifer was incorporated into the room and took a step toward her. She silently handed him the reader with all the letters, embraced and exchanged a firm handshake. The young man walked away, allowing the girls to say goodbye to mentor. Its immediately surrounded the remaining students.

  - Miss Jenny ... - Rodriguez did not hide his tension. - I will never forget this day. It will always mean to me too much. Even now I can not express all my feelings and emotions.

  - Home, Rhodri, follow the Jay and Sean. And try not to get caught there in history.

  - Well, Miss Jenny. - She nodded, hiding his eyes moving to the tears.

  - Please go through the gate. - Appeared in the hall technician frigate. - Preparation time for departure.

  Three cadets saluted farewell mentor and colleagues, turned and entered the gateway. A few minutes later the frigate came out of the dock station and immediately scored Flight marching speed. Students watched his first flight through the portholes station, then - on the screens, which transmit images to vnestantsionnyh probes. Making sure that the frigate had melted into the darkness of space, students talking in a low voice, returned to his room. Free day is a free day, and Jennifer did not stop them from spending it the way they want. After standing a moment at the screens and window, she returned to her room.

  Citadel. The war against the Reapers. Biotic interfaces - 2

  A small frigate like students. The girls took a separate cabin, Jason lived with the technician who met them in the hall at the station of departure. The commander of the frigate - old Earthling sparingly greeted the passengers, let them see the wheelhouse and briefed to conduct on board rules, and then disappeared into the wheelhouse and is no longer interested in what students are doing.

  - Serious guy. Interestingly, it is spectrum? - I asked the friends Sean restless when they gathered in girly cabin and sat on the seasoned regiments.

  - Yeah. So he showed you and the star. - Rodriguez did not miss the opportunity podnachit girlfriend. - Even if so, it may well be ordered not to show their affiliation with the Corps to everyone.

  - Yes, but the frigate belongs to the Corps. - Clarified certainty who loved Sean.

  - You only remember here that the tradition of the Corps have their own vehicles set by none other than Saren Arterius, which, incidentally, has returned from oblivion John Shepard. - Rodriguez flashed his knowledge on the history of the Troop and Corps. - And do not think that if there are no signs of a frigate belonging to such a serious organization, it does not belong to the Corps. On the "Normandy" no signs Corps there, and there are four Spectra fly.

  - Yeah. A unique case in the history of the Galaxy. - Jason confirmed. - Two astronauts and two Turian. And they live and work and serve in the same boat.

  - A cruiser on their wings. - Sean quipped.r />
  - First of all, Sean, cruiser does not necessarily break everywhere and everywhere the first. This is a heavy ship. - Jason did not miss the opportunity to sit on his skate. - A frigate, even if he was replaced by Class on "a frigate, cruiser" still refers to the maximum average ships. And the characteristics and place in the scheme of ship classes and according to tradition, he is obliged to go ahead and be the first. And secondly, do not forget, please, that the cruiser commanded by Captain Shepard's wife, and she is now "in a position". And Shepard will not be happy if she gets hurt. Third, remember, please, that the problem was solved thanks to Palaven Imperials. As well as in many other places the investigated part of the galaxy. Some rachni at Suan what are ...

  - I would like to hear the singing Svetlana ... - dreamily said Rodriguez. - No, it recorded a solo performance at the Suan I, of course, a lot of time listening, as well as the recording of both concerts, but this song on Suan - something special, and even more so - if you hear it live.

  - She would not do that in the near future. By all accounts it appears that she is singing, no longer every year. So as soon as we hear it. - Contritely, nodding said friend Sean. - I would and she was not even very averse to hear this song live, but I understand how difficult it is for Svetlana.

  - Well, for Shepard, she sings ... - whispered Rodriguez.

  - Compare. He - her husband, the husband and the main one, the husband of her children. The highest level of access. And we who are you? - Sean glared at her friend an appraising look. - Simple obscure students. Well let biotics, well, let the students-students Grisoma Academy biotic faculty. It does not matter - malomerki. And it must be admitted as a fait accompli.

  - Said Shepard sang on Tuchanka. I sang for Wrexham and for Bakar. - Jason said. - And Svetlana attend. So he sang for her and for their children.

  - May be. Detachment refuses to hold a concert at the Citadel, but in order to raise the morale of the krogan Shepard could well make a little chamber, even if recital. - Sean imagined Croghan and listen to the singing of the fragile kroganka earthling. - They have recovered from genophage, and it ... after the ... well, I do not know who invented the analogue terrestrial illness, serious illness ... recover. And now there is a question about how to krogan signed a framework agreement with turians. When I heard that on Palaven now three Primarch and bosses all very young age - at first I did not believe it, and then, when the news of the Citadel and in the "voice" Omega "confirmed, I realized that this - the truth.

  - And here and there marked squad too much and I would say very positive. - Jason said. - One of three intervention imperial fleets became classics of operations for the liberation of the Reapers entire star systems.

  - It is a pity that this liberation - temporary. - Rodriguez sighed.

  - A great way to start with the first step, Rhodri. - Said the young man. - And we now, when most star systems inhabited by sentient organics constantly under attack zvereyuschih Reapers need a victory.

  - And the squad once again gave us hope. When I heard that I can see the detachment near, to visit his ship - I almost fainted not slammed. - Sean honestly.

  - Sean, it usually is. I do not believe it, I thought - misheard. - I played up her friend Jason. - And, frankly, I was willing to stay on the academic stations. But ... if Miss Jenny decided ...

  - Jay, you did not notice? - Said Rodriguez.

  - What is it, Rhodri? - Interested Prengli.

  - Our Miss Jenny is partial to John Shepard. I will say easier - she loves him ...

  - Really. - Jason agreed. - When she handed me the reader with letters ... her hand trembled. She was obviously worried than usual. I now better understand how much she wanted to fly with us, but alas, younger need attention, and it's too much effort to organize a full-scale enhanced training for us. As always in our life - you lose one, the other - to find.

  - I have not met a man who would so loved several women. - Sean said thoughtfully.

  - Well, that man, that is Captain Shepard you will soon meet. - Prengli smiled. - Strictly speaking - we to it and head.

  - Yeah. How it is: "Head Office Citadel Corps.". Powerful and capacious and strictly. - Said Rodriguez. - No worse than "Spectres of the Citadel Corps."

  - Uh-huh. So I imagine the whole wing with the inscription on the front door, "Troop Command." And rooms Shepard, Anderson, Strel'tsova and Titov. - Prengli pulled out of the bag package with juice, opened, took a few sips.

  - They are not officials-bureaucrats are any. - Sean replied. - Where they go - go professionals only ...

  - Or heroes, ready to become a legend. - Confirmed Rodriguez. - However, otryadovtsy have become personalized legends, but never isolated himself from other intelligent ...

  - Yeah. - Sean nodded. - Then the rumor went. It is said that on the Citadel Shepard almost killed one Salar director. He instructed the captain, walks with his wife at the station, the shooting camera. I did not consider that the ban on shooting videos and photos Troop members act absolutely for all reasonable.

  - He defended the right of his wife to decide when it can take video and photos, and when not. - Rodriguez said. - I would have kissed her husband tightly if he did well.

  - Rhodri, you're an hour you do not want to discourage Svetlana John? - Sean grinned. - See, and that in fact Svetlana - the commander of the cruiser. Yes, and it is a good sniper. Bang-bang - and will lie up legs. She is a woman serious, delay and make a fuss you will not.

  - No, I still want to live. - Rodriguez smiled sympathetically. - Well, find yourself a husband who knows what and when and how much I want. Even if I do not speak a single word to him about it.

  - About such a man, such a husband wants to probably every girl and every woman. - Sean sighed. - Quickly dismantled only such men ... Before you know it - and they are married ... Yes, and with children ...

  - No, I definitely would not dare to bear a child, staying in the military. That's how nervous and psychic overload! On physical and I do not say, and Svetlana - twins. Firstborn ... - Rodriguez lowered her head, hiding her eyes. - Iron Woman.

  - She was loved and respected by her colleagues. And they are not subordinates, namely for her colleagues. As normandovtsy for Shepard. - Sean suppressed a sigh. - Maybe it helped Svetlana and John so much closer.

  - Well, according to legend, of which there is already a lot - they are approached very cautiously. - I joined in the conversation Prengli. - And then kissing and hugging their business for a long time did not go.

  - Maybe they just really respected each other initially. We respect the personal and bodily each other's sovereignty. And understand that if otryadovtsah deprived of such happiness for purely objective reasons, can not pass certain limits. - Sean pulled out of the bag package with herbal infusion. - And yet they are the first parents in the Troop. - She unscrewed the cap, took a sip. - The parents of a son and a daughter. There are rumors that it will be unique children.

  - For such parents, Sean, normal children do not exist - only the unique. - Sincerely I smiled Prengli. - They are from childhood to see all life in all its manifold of. Growing up on a ship among many sentient races.

  - And Synthetic. When I think that the "Normandy" three cyborg - wade tremor. - Rodriguez naturally yanked his shoulders. - This is what we must have nerves of knowing that they control everything and everyone within the ship's hull, live and operate twenty-four hours a day.

  - But what a performance ... That's what we all work for two days the three of them could make for some three hours. - Confirmed Prengli. - But the main thing - they do not seek everywhere substitute for organics. They understand that they, too, need to keep the form and to train. And they help to detachment, of course, great.

  - And all this we will see and feel ... - Sean said quietly. - I can not believe. See proteanina, talk to him, to be with him ... Senior Race ... Fifty thousand years.

  - And hundreds of years of confrontation with the reapers. - Also said softly Prengli. - No, I is not going. The wa
r against the Reapers should be over much sooner. Much. A hundred years of war ... It is impossible to even imagine what will be losses.

  - At this time, the Reapers have to be thrown into timelessness. - Pripechatat Rodriguez. - And if I should die in training, I would rather die than agree in turtle crawl from level to level, spending a few years, and knowing that my relatively satisfying and peaceful existence in the academic station someone reasonably paid with their lives and his personal integrity.

  - To die in training - small honor and simple task. - Prengli stood up, walked across the cramped cabin. - To die in battle - that it is an honor and a duty. To die for something to someone intelligent of organic survived. For something to bring the hour of victory over the Reapers. - He paused, punched in the cabin wall. - The final victory. - He paused. - Okay, girls, I'll go. We need to think about many things. - He came out firmly closing the door behind a flap.

  - Jay left, I realized that we need posekretnichat. - Rodriguez habitually took the lead in the conversation. - Listen, Sean, let's ask for a "Volga" to Strel'tsova. Let Jason remains in the "Normandy", he or she would be quite normal, and we'll examine the cruiser, talk with Svetlana ... C ovcharonami play. Of course, if we were allowed to Svetlana and warn that we - our. They are in fact, according to legend, it is guarded very closely.

  - First, the Citadel, Rhodri. And there we have - not only stay, but also work.

  - Are you seriously wanted to communicate with this asari ?! Shawn, I do not recognize you. She proslyshit, we were focused on people - and talk with us will not.

  - Then I'll say, Rhodri. She left a request? Leaves. This - the document. I do not want to hear about the adaptation of our findings to the people's needs - its right. Becoming a man, neither I nor, I think, you will not make it. Just we pass all the developments in the headquarters and the local red-tape-monger let them think how to influence this zakazchitsu, which is now trying to escape into the bush. And we have the need to run a bunch of errands from our colleagues who stayed on the academic stations, there is a need to communicate closely in the application of a biotic Kaidan Alenko, which, incidentally, is rumored to be trained very close and often with Miss Jenny. There is a need to communicate closely with proteaninom and turians spectrum. Maybe we can look at the meeting of the Council, though to be honest, me to this completely holy trinity is not pulling well, never. And there is a great need to talk with ...


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