Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 166

by Theodore Daniels

  Decades spent in a coma. Now Liara could afford adequately present and understand what they cost these days, her parents. Perhaps the heavy state helped Liara Etite d'Avignon and become a new uniform, to return to the family lifestyle. After all, the asari family, so common for people wore conditional. Long gone are the days when Liara was helpless little asari can not imagine my life without a mother's warmth and participation in the staggeringly large-scale. Maybe rift between her and her mother, who came just for this period was to some extent predetermined, programmed common? I do not want to believe it - now Liara was convinced that every organic, every sensible organic passes his way. Now Liara love of their parents in a completely special way, taking much of the fact that it was not uncommon for people, adapting and making it possible to both matriarch feel the force, the depth and earnest love their daughter. No matter how many daughters may be in Etity and Benešov before, no matter how developed their fate and life now it is Liara was their daughter and would do everything to and Etita and Benešov felt - they Liara love deeply, fervently and fully, she wants to be next to them, he wants to help and support them no matter what happens in the present and in the future, no matter what happened in the past, which she does not know much on the early childhood. And now Liara wanted to grow up even more convinced that the matriarchs - their daughter was completely inherited all the best from both of them all the most valuable. no matter how developed their fate and life now is Liara was their daughter and would do everything to and Etita and Benešov felt - they Liara love deeply, fervently and fully, she wants to be near them, want to help and support them, that Whatever happens in the present and in the future, no matter what happened in the past, which she does not know much on the early childhood. And now Liara wanted to grow up even more convinced that the matriarchs - their daughter was completely inherited all the best from both of them all the most valuable. no matter how developed their fate and life now is Liara was their daughter and would do everything to and Etita and Benešov felt - they Liara love deeply, fervently and fully, she wants to be near them, want to help and support them, that Whatever happens in the present and in the future, no matter what happened in the past, which she does not know much on the early childhood. And now Liara wanted to grow up even more convinced that the matriarchs - their daughter was completely inherited all the best from both of them all the most valuable.

  Liara remembered how she first came to the newly created company, engaged in information brokering. What she had was small, the firm - just the office, work room brokers and room for visitors. Well, about all sorts of bathrooms and closets, and an archive room is now remembered as something not particularly like - such spaces exist in any self-respecting company. Liara remembered as the beginning of the study the information market is beginning to form and formulate goals and objectives of the firm, became a recruit - just five young asari. As the first few days they sat for days, working on the wear and at the same time intensely studying, tracking how it was at all possible, the activities of their more experienced colleagues. After all, understanding the specifics of reasonable organic is all quite easy and simple.

  Yes, she had just tried to regain his former speed and confidence in his movements. We had to constantly bear in mind that the consequences of injuries were too severe. We had to deal with physiotherapy, it was necessary to move a lot to maintain muscle tone, had to hide under makeup stains, the speakers on the hands and face, and even on his feet, had to do everything to make as little different from his contemporaries externally.

  Of hard work and dedication, the desire to learn and to know a little lead to the desired results. The company grew, matured, the number of satisfied customers already counted in tens. Liara, as a specialist, recommended to friends and acquaintances. There was profit, revenues increased. But something was missing. Liara looked at longingly groomed in a frame under glass university diploma and knew she must be engaged not only in business, but also a science, because it is so much time spent on training and research activities. So she had a desire to find a laboratory to become a generalist and there is no leader and ordinary employee. If mediation by the information it has provided substantial assistance to the support Etity d'Avignon,

  By the time of Protheans talking openly and fully. Even if most of it was confident that only managed to survive Yavik and no one else from among his relatives and tribesmen. At times Liara come across in the Extranet at various forums on outright proteaninu pity, because, as it was thought he was alone. Liara, I guess that Yavik - not one, not even laughing at zhalelschikami naive - she remembered how it got on Terumi - from security Prothean military defensive weapons. Yes, Protheans knew how to keep its secrets as it should be. The Extranet and have not appeared the data about the system. We do not have time to come and data Prothean outposts and cities on a number of planets. All this is not always associated with Protheans. It took too much time. Too few.

  Too little time has passed until the moment when the galaxy hung dozens Reaper ships. Liara acutely remembered those days the invasion, when Tessa azariyskoe space broke the First Fleet, led polutorakilometrovy shrimp and videoconferencing asari engaged in battle with the enemy, equal to which the majority of soldiers and desantnits spetsnazovok did not know until that moment.

  Then it became clear how the enemy is strong and powerful as many of the worlds most diverse races Space Citadel came under attack. Then asari first learned about the transformation of his many compatriots and contemporaries in maids Reapers. Then asari differently looked at the footage that came with the Collector base, where they were sealed for the Huskies - transformed into organic synthetics former reasonable. Much may have been known in the past, but now, when the asari worlds came under massive attacks, these known facts became sharp and extremely urgent, demanding the reconsideration of, awareness of, and the translation into the category of guidance. Before asari rose enemy, whose blue-skinned maiden was only a raw material for processing into paste.

  Of course, video conferencing asari initially gave a worthy rebuff and Reapers and their minions, but it very quickly became clear - the enemy is too strong, too experienced and ready to fight on attrition, of attrition. Fighting decades, months, years. Even Asari, programmed and Protheans and the evolution and biology of long-life, gradually came to the frightening conclusion: this enemy will not be able to cope as easily as with a krogan or rachni.

  Then it became clear that this war will require the involvement of all - as people say, from small to large. Lost indeed soon proved extremely high and forces in military units azariyskih long might not be enough - the Council asari Matriarch knew it, fortunately, fairly quickly.

  In its intermediary company information Liara tried to prepare themselves to carry out the work force of fewer employees: it has become clear that in a few days, a maximum of ten days - mobilization is declared. Many of its employees leave the comfortable office rooms, or to become militias or recruits amphibious and commando units. Yes, it will, of course, education, training will be as far as possible. But there will still be fighting, will be death, there will be losses, will be injured.

  In the laboratory, many of her colleagues are also examples of the form of militias or soldiers videoconferencing. The rest of the staff tried to translate laboratory for military orders, leaving civilians to the bare minimum. Subscriptions for non-disclosure, which became mandatory pistols and bulletproof vests, appropriate training - training ground and firing range with the obstacle. From civil asari no one expected the special training of overload and stress, the usual for the Warriors.

  Then Liara once again felt how tenaciously holding her by the throat seemingly healed wound. She tried to meet the standards, but the experienced instructors and mentors saw Azariah acts on the limit. But having received information from the military doctors, it generally tried to withdraw from training and polygons can be, even taking into account the fact that when he was an archaeologist, it has often enough shot at looters and all sorts of bandi
ts and robbers. Most teachers did not believe that the asari survivor is wounded and almost became disabled, would exceed a certain limit obscheponyatny their current capabilities and capacities.

  Liara knew that among the asari appeared deserters and conscientious objectors, and deviants, in short, all those who are desperately trying to avoid approaching a favorite for the Grand Prix. She also knew, and that of her injury and its consequences will learn with time many. And it will try to close the way to the militia. Yes, younger T'Soni not want to become an army operation: it is felt that it will not be allowed military physicians as injury was too heavy and had to inevitably affect the capabilities and abilities of young asari a very long time. But she did not want to be ballast, did not want to be the only civilian, did not want to become a victim of such an attack dangerous enemies. And because it is gradually approached to the idea of joining the civil militia Tess.

  Azarov does not immediately come to the idea of the organization of a militia. Young asari traditionally were getting desantnitsami, they went into the military structure and lose the right to become militias. The former dancer for the most part, despite all the physical data, agility, coordination, endurance, ability to overcome fatigue, do not always want to deal with any weapon and expose themselves to constant overload. Matrona were mostly oriented to the birth and upbringing of children, among them was not enough for those who have decided to join the army or militia. Matriarch themselves newborns militia administrative structures are not considered as his companions and soldiers - age and experience is one thing, the physical condition, ample for peaceful civilian life is clearly not been sufficient for regulatory activities in the militia. Many militias commanders, and not only they understood - such an enemy quickly will require all militias and military loads of responsibilities on their shoulders to the fullest extent. Almost as long as a few asari, endowed with appropriate information, not seen in the militia auxiliaries, and the army of the second tier, which must quickly prepare themselves to be in the first ranks of front-line orders.

  Etita d'Avignon and saw that Liara ponders entry into the militia. They understood the reasons for this hesitation and understand his perspective - as the prospect of failure, and the prospect of agreement. Do not pressing on the daughter, not imposing it their views, both matriarch as soon as possible to support her, giving her the full opportunity to consider all the details, and select.

  The day came when Liara firmly assembled and went to the local collection points, where the selection was carried out in the militia. Yes, in the first days of the invasion, when it became clear that the enemy is too strong, around such items were asari crowd. Now, here, too, it was crowded, but the selection has become much more stringent and as Liara knew based on the Extranet, with time selection will be even stricter.

  For his part, she did everything to conceal the fact of his azariyskimi awarding orders and medals, and did everything to downplay the impact of severe injury to their abilities and opportunities. Having passed through the crowd asari, she stood on the porch, entered the lobby and headed to where the arrow labeled "Selection Committee's Militia."

  A short introductory talk at one of the offices of the so-called preliminary examination for Liara does not become a problem - here no one paid attention to her injury and on its social merits and awarded. Younger T'Soni understood that this stage is passed to it when the matriarch-serving stamped her personal file bright inscription "preliminary approval" and sent it to the adjacent building, which passes only the asari, in files which stood the stamp.

  Once inside, Liara knew it would be difficult here. Very difficult. It was the realm of military medicine, and to whom, but it was well known who the military azariyskie doctors and what is their level of professional medical and military training. She was very afraid that meet any of the doctors who helped her to get out from under the threat of disability, but it turned out that they have long since fought far beyond Tess.

  In short, a very short time, she sat down on some bench in the hall, nervously tugging at the file and looking around. Yes, all around were some asari, is not accepted in the militia members of other races. The militia was only azariyskim. There were, of course, local militia units, which were constantly living in space azariyskom turians and salarians. For them, there were specialized qualifying items.

  Gathering her courage, Liara stood up and walked to the door, behind which were the possession of military medics. In the waiting room she was asked to strip naked - this was the army selection standard, which Liara had heard back in the hospital: military doctors-Asari, who treated her, often talked about the selection procedures and rehabilitation procedures, and there she learned younger T'Soni, asexual asari allowed to go to here such here liberties. Undressed, and shall cleave to his thigh file Liara crossed the threshold of the changing room and was in the hallway, where there were a few dozen asari, waiting at the doors of several rooms for their turn.

  Feeling like it starts to shiver, Liara consulted with a list of doctors, and decided to take a turn to the GP. Yes, she felt the appraising eye of other asari, but it is usually perceived that there was no why be shy - very few non-experts would be able to notice the scar on her neck, cleverly disguised by plastic surgeons or mark on his shoulders, left knives Leng. Dish balance, she herself threw a short look at other naked soiskatelnits - mostly here were young asari asari and middle-aged. Most likely, today was a kind of "day virgins", and matrons and matriarchs invited other specifically defined for these days.

  Passing medical specialists, Liara instinctively felt the clouds gathering over it, defines the word "non-admission". She could hardly restrain himself, trying not to show the form, but in the last room, the hall, the seat of the selection committee and where she was invited to a half hour after it passed the last doctor: usually female candidate to invite quickly, wait had no more than five minutes, Liara immediately felt that a little more - and the stamp of the "non-admission" will appear in its file, which will be entered into all database azariyskogo space, so try to go through a commission anywhere else not even worth it.

  Stay in this room remember the details did not want to, even though there is nothing special had happened: the asari - civilian and military doctors examined female candidate is not only talking to each other, they passed each other some readers. Liara immediately offered a seat on the stand here as shabby armchair and she agreed, not trying to eavesdrop on negotiations physicians.

  As explained by the head of the commission, the matriarch medical, Liara barely falls short of the necessary indicators of readiness to serve in the militia. Realizing her dissatisfaction, the matriarch said that in the afternoon she can give the right to pass complexity; the obstacle. Liara nodded his head in agreement, and vaguely feeling that this is - the last chance to join the militia.

  Coming out of the committee room, Liara, not noticing anyone or anything around, I went to the dressing room, got dressed and went to the cafe, located nearby. Take a table in the corner, she opened the file, but all of the medical information were encrypted and is equipped with unconvincing encodings. Leaving attempts to open protection, Liara ordered a light lunch, mindful of the possibility of vomiting during exercise and to include instrumentron, identified where this obstacle. Time, which she was appointed to undergo tests approaching. She was sitting in a cafe, stirred the drink stick, driving the cut leaves, and wondered.

  She thought about Shepard. Liara did not want to be a burden for him or kept woman or dependents. She wanted to understand in practice available to her at what John is busy almost the whole day and almost all year round. She remembered a lot about John, in her memory surfaced very different picture. Perhaps the subconscious mind helped her prepare for the passage of the obstacle. Younger T'Soni understand that here it is only two choices - either to pass this band, and show that it is strong and able, or die in this band, because she herself has been known that this - uniform limit overload, it jeopardizes all physicians efforts to normalize it
s condition.

  The strip is passed. And there was a record of the suitability of the service in the host file. However, after the band had to go to the formation and freeze for a few minutes, but Liara was expecting much worse. When she came to my apartment, and stretched out on the bed, trying to relax the muscles of the body, she again began to remember Shepard and all that was associated with it. Sleep did not go, but it was a lot of doom. Liara plunged in thought.

  With zagalakticheskih opportunities Shepard people first among the Citadel races have made contact with the Reapers scout and avoided the deployment and implementation of the disastrous scenario of confrontation and conflict with a race of sentient huge ship. Yes, shrimp, but who came over and over again in the galaxy war, to carry out its program of harvest. However, while on Eden Prime, people began to destroy the Reapers scout. And now, as the firm knew the younger T'Soni, Reaper reconnaissance did not take part in military operations against sentient organics inhabited galaxy.

  Shepard returned to Protheans life. Yes, Liara convinced that Yavik - not only proteanin - it's been so much and so it is clear for those intelligent who wish to believe it. And Liara would like to believe that Yavik far from alone. Warrior Elder Race believed Shepard and John believed, he believed, and many other normandovtsam. Sam believed - it was only his own choice and their own decision. Believing he Yavik, he gained the hope that the gravediggers of his race - the Reapers will finally punish and be punished for all the crimes. What they finally become history and will never come to the Galaxy.


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