Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 172

by Theodore Daniels

  Alenko was not enthusiastic about the upcoming assignment. Yes, to clear the area, yes, keep the area clean and free, together with its surroundings, in order to come here to escape shuttle transports did not know worries with flak evasive maneuver and reflection attacks kamikaze-tserbov. The situation in this city on Benning tense by the minute and the lieutenant looked longingly at the sides, with the frequency of orders tsedya expiring anti-aircraft gun, the last tape dozhёvyvayuschego charges.

  Rusty containers, no less rusty wall beams, the light - then the blue, then blue, then white, yelling civil tarahtenie installed somewhere combat engineers tserbami turrets, panicky cries civilian audio frequency.

  - Getting to the sweep of buildings. - He ordered the lieutenant, seeing the approach of Corporal. Jenkins nodded.

  Glancing around the corner, Alenko convinced that the street is well suited for simultaneously reaching is more evacuation shuttles to their site. Rotate, decrease and all playground near by. Jenkins has already ordered gestures, sending of two of its marines to the vertical stairs and ramps. That's right, let the cleaning begin. Ashamed of its slowness and clumsiness, Alenko issued a series of gestures, informed his colleagues about the necessary and expected action, then stepped to the nearest ramp, temporarily abandoning the race on vertical ladders. Something he did not want right here and so jump on the vertical ladders. I do not want and everything. I feel that there may be at haskotserbov and sniper. It may not be. And there's cheerful divers sniper love chafing on site the tiles in the first place. So quietly, leisurely. And consistently. The main thing - consistently.

  The only thing that bothered Alenko recalls panorama of the street - it's a great number of various wires, whole bunches of cables, block the abundant space above the street. It was not possible to make a full cable collectors, alas, did not allow much planet, had to dodge. And these network cables could not have been worse for a number of shuttles. Yes, one shuttle could still dodge and break, but the site will call dozens of shuttles at the same time.

  After consulting with Jenkins, he decided - once in the main cleaning is completed, the first shuttle cut down these cables above the street with their guns and machine guns. Consumption of ammunition, of course, but the following transport shuttles will no longer take risks to get lost in the jumble.

  Wheel left behind. The group was the first Alenko, Jenkins group - the second. They are not separated. It is not divided. Kaidan flew on the first beams like a torpedo, in the middle room of the room pulled up, looked around without dropping weapons. Empty. No trace of human presence. That is, of course, the tracks were, but not so significant. Yes, hot screen saver instrumentrona with fun, yes, a table on which there are still lying stylus and even some chёrtёzhnymi case with accessories and any reader. And the rest - empty. And now the thought of stripping Kaidan seemed alien. What is there to strip? From whom? From civilians, which was under three million in the last pre-war census? Or from tserberovtsev? Haskotserby not fools, they will not sit here still.

  - We are looking for Civil and tserbov. - Ordered by Alenko konferentskanalu. The answer was double clicks - the majority of his colleagues understood and accepted the order, confirmed its readiness to receive and execute.

  The reader could not find anything useful - a brief note of some certain Ally Nemo with a request not to approach the local public transport stop, because it was full of soldiers "Cerberus". Like this. It seems that civil, lived in this town too long suffered from the raids haskotserbov and now warn each other about possible problems with the kidnappers in advance. Passive, maloorganizovannoe - or rather, not organized resistance.

  Weak resistance - had time to think Alenko, hugging the wall and watching out for the start of the opening tserberovskim shuttle. There was a single shot and a man in civilian clothes leaned over the railing, and tserberovets-infantryman who killed him rushed to the tunnel formed by the beams and disappeared from sight faster than Lieutenant companions had to take him to the sights of their rifles.

  Running out of the bar, Alenko looked around, saw the ramp and rolled over him, bending down and clinging to the side walls. Noting the fire burning in some small container, Kaidan glanced down, noted that "civil" icon remained in the same place, at the hearing convinced that his colleagues follow them and have already taken a quiet place, to make a fire. Somewhere in the distance there was a rough rumble tserberovskogo shuttle seems the car driver had orders either to land, or to take on board haskotserbov, why not leave the area and spinning somewhere in the distance, looking for a place and waiting for the right moment.

  Having made the decision to move towards this group of civilians, Alenko took a few cautious steps on the ramp, listening and looking around. You could go down the ramp, climb the metal stairs shallow wide or narrow vertical emergency ladder. The choice was made and his lieutenant, heading for a shallow wide steps, because the order was - to comb beam in search of any civil or tserbov. So suddenly tserberovtsy in the notation used inside Squad turned into tserbov. Or rather - in haskotserbov. Since tserberovtsy almost all have now been husky, and they simply called tserbami. Haskotserbami called the mood, when it was a possibility. Or need.

  First Steps, a second staircase, then the beams with a wide open front flap door. And no.

  Medical stations, posted on the walls of the beam, Lieutenant colleagues ignored - perhaps panatselin and other medications that are out there, in these stations, still preserved, useful fleeing tserbov benningovtsam. May be.

  A shot of a heavy assault rifle caught the attention Alenko. He saw that if a group of civilians, whether few tserberovtsev, but saw in the opening group reasonable - it was exactly. Some flew instantly relaxed. The time for action - a shot heard colleagues and himself Alenko Kaidan sounded good reason. We had, of course, to see who was shooting and where to hit, but it's - in working order.

  Everything turned out much worse than anticipated lieutenant a few tens of seconds ago. One of the policemen escorting Kaidan paratroopers fired his rifle just above the heads of a group of intelligent, she collapsed and Kaidan saw the falling civilian - man, quite young, but with a huge hole in his chest - and so much was charged rifle and even a short distance. Two infantrymen tserberovtsev porsknuli in different directions, at a glance, and even fired from the move to shelters started shooting at the windows of the bar, where the group hid Kaidan.

  Of course, two of them against the full haskotserbam spetsnaz group did not survive, because a few shots from assault rifles - and both haskotserba sprawled on his back on the tiles area. Squinting eyes left, Kaidan saw another haskotserba that when it shot a civilian in a light suit and immediately lay on the platform plate itself, sloping short burst of assault rifle - as it turned out, one of the cops, Marines have long held this haskotserba at gunpoint, but that's too late to pull the trigger.

  It revived dormant until the turret on a tripod, sending almost continuous turn toward the bar, where the refuge Alenko and his men. On the upper level to the site parachuted some strange haskotserb centurion in the suit, but with the habits of a simple infantryman. Abandoned by their smoke grenade quickly clouded space platforms gray smoke and if not for scanners in spacesuits, see the smoke anything it would be very problematic, and so at least for the silhouettes, painted the portrait hard automation, you can aim and even fall. Plugged turret two grenades, people calmed Alenko lieutenant and engineer, was the fallen metnuvshy tripod and the very strange centurion, who had a few minutes nykat for concrete slabs and fences, not forgetting to shoot and run from cover to cover.

  Using the cigarette smoke tserberovtsy had tried to encircle the beams, but failed. Distributed within the beam at shelters, people Alenko lieutenant fired back, the benefit of scanners allowed to see the outlines of bodies and suits the enemy accurately and clearly. Two combat engineers had tried to establish a new turret, but well formed, without even having to remove tripod from their backs. Shootout dragged - tserberovtsy brutalized, made the first attempt to deal with the
powerful group has already started to deliver them with serious trouble.

  Under the cacophony of battle lieutenant Alenko trying to understand whether civilians had from that group to get away from that now sweep the place or did not have time. But arriving tserberovtsev forces did not give define it with necessary and sufficient accuracy. The battle lasted.

  - Go to the singles. Beat only defeat. - Kaidan ordered, knowing that if he does not tell it now - his commander's foresight fails permanently. Charges remained too low and forces haskotserbov have not yet ebbed. Alenko very much like to believe that by pulling the considerable forces Reapers assistants, he and his men thus allow civil avoid capture and removal in the laboratory three-headed dog servants.

  - In the area of High Street, controlled by you, lieutenant, is now clean. - Donёssya of the speaker's voice Alyx. Kiborgessa kept the situation under constant fine-grained control, but did not show their presence does not interfere with their comments. The thunder of guns haskotserbov became really abate - cops paratroopers with obvious relief steel finished off tserberovtsev retreating, trying to ensure that as little as possible haskotserbov managed to escape. - Dozens of civilians are sent to the border of the city, they are pursued by troops landing "Cerberus". - Kiborgessa forwarded to the refined instrumentrony normandovtsev new card. - Coordinates transferred. You can intercept tserbov there, Lieutenant.

  - Accepted. Forward. - Alenko waved his hand sliding down the vertical narrow stairs to the platform. Bypassing the corpses, the team rushed to the spot on which the maps instrumentronov beamed icon denotes a cluster of civilians.

  - Civil pass after verification. See in the rear. Tserbov - destroy. - Kaidan ordered when they are wide range of wooden beams that formed a kind of corridor, got to the area marked on the maps instrumentronov thereby icon. Further it is happening too fast - the locals, seeing the familiar emblem of the Alliance, once tried to slip past normandovtsev and walk away, while the share of the paratroopers were their pursuers-haskotserby.

  Harassment of civil tserberovtsy organized on a large scale - almost leaning out of the window of the last bar, Kaidan was forced to duck once - in the doorway flew a rocket and if not for the lack of windows in the opposite doorway ... Nevertheless, something the lieutenant had noticed: a ramp, a large ramp and playground in front of him, stabbed civilians, paralyzed overlooking five tserberovskih approaching shuttle.

  - To the shelter! - Alenka still looked, timing with eyes comfortable position and distributing them among their own people alone gestures. Those who saw the picture on their screens instrumentronov, cops paratroopers were in no hurry to run out under fire, counted the approach path. They had to cut off the top tserberovtsev from this site, given the fact that they may try to take their shuttle directly at her. We had to use grenade.

  - Attention. On the approach - the squadron. Support came into the fight with approaching cruisers "Cerberus". "Volga" and "Normandy" finish off the remnants of the fleet of cruisers haskotserbov previous wave. - Olivia machine reported a lifeless voice. - Lieutenant, after the destruction of the wave you are allowed to proceed with the evacuation to the frigate. In the case it enters the troops arrived to escort squadron passtransportnikov.

  - Accepted. - Alenko waved his hand, allowing his men to occupy positions previously distributed. - Getting to the defense. Soon will come here evacuation shuttles. We need this area and the bottom too. Forward! For the cause!

  Haskotserby no small thing: I heard queue guns flew shuttles, hung with dusty clouds of gas grenades cloud, fog to catch up on the ruins of the passages between the beams and the debris of building materials - Benning constantly completed and all sorts of things, and the materials here on the streets was enough. Even stealing the billet had no sense - sooner or later, everything would have gone into the matter anyway. Now amidst this apocalyptic landscape can be seen as a group, and single civilian who tried to leave the dangerous area. Marines-cops opened fire on the shuttles flew haskotserbov those suffered fire cannons and machine guns at their shelter. Husky sighting shot on the sighting did not waste ammunition.

  Is already on Benning tserberovtsy saw flies shuttles also revived, they began to approach the place where the accumulated civil. I had to send people Jenkins on the flanks and the rear of the complex beams, adjoining the platforms. From there, it was necessary to cut-hungry locals centurions, missile and infantry with the engineers. The battle raged with renewed vigor. Boy, whose purpose was the defense, to be exact - sets the protection of civilians who find themselves under attack from two sides.

  After killing leaning out over the concrete fence of the centurion, Kaidan reloaded his rifle, changed the position of a roll, and again tried to clarify the change is happening. Centurion and grunt-tserberovets noted the movement and opened the doorway, where the lieutenant flashed suit, heavy fire from their rifles, but Kaidan has been out of their reach, while the wall of the bar and shook hits. Yet Expeditionary beams - a good thing, reliable. Not for nothing on Benning their favor instead of rooms, and even of entire apartments.

  After destroying a couple of storm troopers-tserberovtsev, Alenko again changed his position, giving thanks to a higher power that is above the attacking haskotserbov, and thus was in a better position.

  - Lieutenant. On the directions of three, five, eight - noted the approach of the new forces "Cerberus". On the Ground. - Alix clarified. - We're approaching the attacked sites shuttles more reinforcements from this side "Cerberus" will not receive. You need to block access to sites for tserberovtsev from the ground.

  - Accepted. Clear. - Kaidan replied curtly, gesturing distributing his teammate on shelters so that they formed a line of defense. - Operate. It is necessary to meet them and do not miss to sites.

  - Shuttles sent. You need to hold the position until the end of the evacuation. - Clarified kiborgessa, disappearing from the audio channel. The answer is not required - daughter Olivia is well studied tactics of members of the landing party's standard in such situations.

  Hold so keep it. Seeing the upcoming single haskotserbov, Alenko said - they began to attack. And now it was to keep them out of the line. The battle began in the conditions of uncertainty - both sides showed the wonders of tactical skill, trying to use every opportunity to reach diametrically opposed goals. Outweigh, at least in full, for a long time, neither side could not win - the battle lasted more than an hour, the bodies haskotserbov piled here and there, and heaps and mounds single, and was behind the evacuation. Shuttles staged a real carousel, technicians and engineers on board the shuttles drove civilian ships at a rate that could last issue earlier only in the most rosy dreams, but not in reality. Were heard cries, groans, curses, abrupt commands.

  Tserberovtsy tried to break through to the sites, using all available means. Such frequent use of anti-gravity Alenko not seen for a long time, haskotserby emerged from the side streets, opened fire without aiming at first and then more and more accurately. Such frequent change of shelters, rescues from fire husks personnel group Alenko could not remember his entire service, including time spent on virttrenazhёrnyh complexes.

  Threw grenades defense line in areas tserberovtsev also did not work - just husks were not allowed at the distance confident throwing a grenade or a distance aimed fire from grenade launchers. Explosions, of course, was in excess, but as long as they do not cause damage to shelters and do not lead to casualties among the personnel of the Group.

  Realizing, perhaps, that the rich booty - so many civilians in one place - is here now to slip out of their hands, tserberovtsy thrown into battle with Lieutenant Alenko group more and more strength. Runs a site locals looked on normandovtsev shooting, but those continuing to fire, only dismissed, urging gestures running - faster, faster to the site to evacuate on shuttles.

  Several times tserberovtsy attempted to take normandovtsev in ticks, but over and over again, these attempts were defeated. Kaidan lost count devastated shops, a long time ago normandovtsam had searched the bodies of t
he fallen tserberovtsev, and then fall back, under the protection of hastily erected out of scrap materials fortification line of defense. The evacuation continued - to fit all new platforms and new passenger and freight shuttles - a squadron of transports gave Benning all available ships, including technical. The problem was posed one - to evacuate the maximum number of people. Where - this was already the second time. The main thing - to take out. In parallel, all-cargo ships loaded with food warehouses Benning, took everything, even on the external load in containers. The order was the same - to take out the maximum.

  In tserberovtsev he had his order - to hold and not let. In the atmosphere of seething dogfights between the shuttles and shuttles arrived squadron "Cerberus". Haskotserby tried to knock down and shuttles going to the planet, and shuttles, leaves the planet. Apply damage cause destruction, to do everything to preserve the uncertainty of the situation, and then to turn the tide in their favor.

  Some crazy driver of the shuttle "Cerberus" tried to dive right at the area in front line of defense, but the shuttle tangible and neozhdanno trembled under the blows of several grenades, he was taken away and he, unable to resist a predetermined pilot course, fell on the block set at each other beams, which, fortunately, there were no people. The explosion was notable, perhaps on board was full of extra ammunition for haskotserbov - because they need somewhere to take the ammunition, not from the air.

  Vytselivaya next nimble attack aircraft, Alenko changed positions for the umpteenth time. Sturmovik caught fast and some very much flexible. If haskotserby started punching women stormtroopers - things are bad. So, they try to take all of the captured and subjected haskizatsii earthlings. It seems that the war faded into the main phase when none of the parties for a long, and sometimes - a very long time not received for a variety of reasons radical, leading to inevitable victory advantages. And now, this vytseliv stormtrooper, Alenko anticipation and took three shots punched his helmet. Sturmovik tumbled through the fence and stopped. A lieutenant has already taken under the scope of another attack aircraft that slippeth to the site on a vertical ladder. And the seeker easy victory also rested.


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