Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 182

by Theodore Daniels

  A few minutes in the chamber was silent. Shepard stood up, walked away from sitting at a table Jacob.

  - You can also candidly, Shepard?

  - I think I agree with you very honest. Although I do not think you deserve, Taylor, this level of candor.

  - I know that you can shoot me right here, Shepard. And I'm ready for it. I understand that I have once again lost, showed weakness, a fool, call it what you want. You're right, I chickened out, withdrawing from the Alliance, I chickened out, trying to get away from the "Cerberus". And I guess that strushu if agree to work for you.

  - You is that we are not working, Taylor. As long as you are - prisoners who shines firing wall or life in solitary confinement in prisons on the Citadel Spectres. - Shepard said.

  - I will continue? So. I know that I strushu. And I know how it goes ...

  - Just do not blame everything on his father, Taylor. - Shepard said sharply. - Do not. He - his own life, you - their own. He was not in the "Cerberus". And he...

  - He mocked his crew. And I could not trust me to protect civilians. What I'm better it?

  - Are you sure that it is always necessary to compare ourselves with others? Even with his father. You have, I repeat, Taylor, his own life. And you, Major offered to stay. He admired you, you appreciate a great many in the Alliance. You then have been a goner, you can still stay in the Alliance, not to get into the "Cerberus", not to meet Miranda ... so you met her. Maybe Taylor, you would have met her, but - under other circumstances. We will not specify now, no. It does not matter. But you would not have to run twice. And then the third escape plan. Have you already planned it subconsciously. Because it is not sure that will cope with our load and our way of life. Alliance with you make a fuss, "Cerberus" to make a fuss of you, we are with you, Taylor make a fuss - will not. We will not, okay? - Shepard looked up at the sitting tserberovtsa and he recoiled, although the captain stood by him in three steps. - Yes, Taylor will not. And if you think you can survive, buy a normal life just because you now like to have a child, then you are wrong. You committed enough crimes to be shot on the minimum requirements of the framework legislation and the Citadel of the Alliance of legislation, Taylor.

  - You're all shot. - Jacob said quietly.

  - Would you like to talk about Brynn? Okay. - Shepard did not come to Taylor, remained standing in the same place. - You in the "Cerberus" offered to undergo firearms training? You refused. Brynn - also declined. Refused, as we know, most of the scientists of the group that escaped from the custody of the Phantom. It would be understandable if the firearms training for you or any member of the group Brynn paid from his own pocket. But the weapons training was free for employees "Cerberus", Taylor. Free. You imagine yourself incredibly steep Maine, which at one stroke seven pobivahom and refused to undergo this training, considering that so civil you kosmopeh former Alliance can always shoot. Only you have forgotten, Taylor, that you, a former kosmopehu will confront not only civil. Will you resist and professionals. You were sure that you do not need this training. You become contact with Brynn, convinced that she, too, doubted the idea and ideals of "Cerberus", in short - it suits you. And you're not thinking about the fact that "Cerberus" has provided you and Brynn and her people to undergo firearms training course is not just. You do not even think about that Brynn as civil, this training is much more important than you, impossibly steep Maine. What's stopping you to influence it, to induce to make it forced his men to go free firearms training course? And what was the result? Several corpses far past scientists. On that planet. Yes, any soldier of the Alliance say that would not be us, the corpses were all - you and Brynn, and all her companions. The corpse, Taylor. In your presence, in your Taylor, presence. You, the security chief, ignored the safety of the people entrusted to you. You, Taylor, and no one else was allowed scientists to conduct large-scale experiments on the basis of which, as you know exactly under the control of "Cerberus" and that Ghost does not zevnёt. Not zevnёt Taylor. Now, explain to me, Taylor, why Brynn had to survive if you are a former kosmopeh, made so many deaths of her colleagues? My people had to almost force scientists to push the shuttles because they do not want to leave the experiments started. Experiments based on where they are - are not full-time employees, and the fugitives, which has hunted. It allowed scientists to conduct large-scale experiments on the basis of which, as you know exactly under the control of "Cerberus" and that Ghost does not zevnёt. Not zevnёt Taylor. Now, explain to me, Taylor, why Brynn had to survive if you are a former kosmopeh, made so many deaths of her colleagues? My people had to almost force scientists to push the shuttles because they do not want to leave the experiments started. Experiments based on where they are - are not full-time employees, and the fugitives, which has hunted. It allowed scientists to conduct large-scale experiments on the basis of which, as you know exactly under the control of "Cerberus" and that Ghost does not zevnёt. Not zevnёt Taylor. Now, explain to me, Taylor, why Brynn had to survive if you are a former kosmopeh, made so many deaths of her colleagues? My people had to almost force scientists to push the shuttles because they do not want to leave the experiments started. Experiments based on where they are - are not full-time employees, and the fugitives, which has hunted. because they do not want to leave the experiments started. Experiments based on where they are - are not full-time employees, and the fugitives, which has hunted. because they do not want to leave the experiments started. Experiments based on where they are - are not full-time employees, and the fugitives, which has hunted.

  - I would not have left Brynn. - Taylor said softly. - Do not leave. I know you do not believe me, even in this, but I repeat - I would not have left Brynn.

  - And then what, Taylor. Good. Mountain corpses of your wards and one single survivor among them - Brynn Cole. Around - full tserberovtsev for which you - the criminal, a fugitive. They have only one order - to take you alive. Okay, we will assume that you are persuaded not to kill paratroopers Brynn. What's next? You will recall that the waiting-woman traitor?

  - Do not ... After suffering Line - Line of transformation into an avenger or a phantom. - Taylor dropped his head, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. - And this is - is not life. And she would certainly have lost a child. It would just take out ... - every second, he said everything is quieter.

  - I'm not talking about what would be waiting for you - guaranteed haskizatsiya Taylor. And if Brynn knows that combine to make it she faces a long prison sentence and agreed with this perspective, because of their actions, each is personally responsible, you, Taylor, trying to avoid punishment by all means. You tried so far. Do you believe that we will believe. You really hoping for it, Taylor. You asked me to meet with you. And I have asked colleagues opinions about you. They do not believe you, Jacob. Do not believe it. And I also have no reason to believe you.

  - Brynn ... - Taylor whispered.

  - Will be responsible for the totality of the acts committed by it. I'm not a judge, but by the laws of war - it will be in prison for a long time. On the lower count is impossible - there are no articles providing mitigation of punishment.

  - But she's pregnant! Is this not a reason to not sign it in prison ?! - A little louder Taylor said.

  - And from whom a child, Taylor? DNA examination will indicate clearly to you, Jacob. But this examination - the first in a series of procedures, which are subject to all defendants and all the suspects. So, what is next? Do you think that will give Brynn communicate and give birth to a child from you? By the time you are convicted criminals. I understand that you the same prison is no longer shining.

  - But you ... Spectrum

  - And I have to pander to lawlessness? Do not tell Taylor. Not funny. None of the spectrum does not stand up for you. If you are performing a special mission, have not been able to question the witness, the interrogation of the suspect, in time to prevent a terrorist act against the Citadel Council, how do you think that you have to think about spectra? You do not share information with the
m, leaving it in the framework of secrecy. Corporate and all other Labuda. In fact, you are now - an accomplice of the crime. I know you're thinking about appellyatsii on the Council. Unfortunately, the laws of war removed from the Council the possibility of considering such cases. A housing Spectra reject such an appeal automatically. So you explain to me why we otryadovtsy should you, Jacob Taylor, believe?

  - What will be different from what I shoot? - Taylor said softly. - Brynn ...

  - She will live their lives. To bring up a child for whom you are, Taylor will not have influence. Unless, of course, the court did not take away her child, because it is you father. And this may well be Taylor. Alas, the procedure allows it. Brynn will live their lives even in the event that the child will grow without its participation. Now these children - very much and we are prepared for that, to give them and the proper education and proper education. Even in the war against the Reapers. Even now, when the war moves to the middle, it is very heavy and costly phase. You shoot, Taylor and you no matter what no longer be able to influence. You will no longer betray repeatedly colleagues, you will not betray the employer, you will not look for pleasure and amusement in the workplace and during working hours. You stop looking for another skirt to satisfy their instincts. Si-do, I said! - Shepard yelled, seeing as Taylor rises from the stool. - Like this. You will no longer ruin not created by you, Taylor. It is quite enough that you do not have in the lives of others, only those changes that are beneficial to you. So, the last time I ask you, Taylor. Why should we believe you?

  - Because I - man. And I have the right to make mistakes. - Quietly said Taylor.

  - Bug? Where? In writing the next document? In a conversation with another person? Or is that your fault killed several prominent scientists-earthlings? How does the right to make a mistake, you want to use, Taylor? You threw videoconferencing Alliance when it was necessary to participate in the war against the invaders and enemies, you threw "Cerberus", when it was just the proper way to do their job, you dumped trust you civil, not teach them only shoot to kill, even from civil pistols and allowing them to conduct large-scale experiments on a temporary basis. What mistakes do you prefer to see under the magnifying glass and take advantage of the right to it? Or to remind you of the right to an error on the plant where you are in the heat of passion opened fire on batarians workers that you did not attack first? Or to remind you of your error, Held in nepresechenii terrorist attack against the Council of the Citadel? Or do you recall that you had better select the people to bring them out of the heavy gates of the base flaps and arrange of them armed protection portal squad? What a mistake, Taylor? And I'm still not talking about your error with respect to Miranda about your error with respect to his father. Ten years not a damn thing you did to find it. Ghost - found. Miranda - I found. And you, Taylor? You, son, son of blood of this man, why did you not his own father searched for ten years in a row? Taylor? And I'm still not talking about your error with respect to Miranda about your error with respect to his father. Ten years not a damn thing you did to find it. Ghost - found. Miranda - I found. And you, Taylor? You, son, son of blood of this man, why did you not his own father searched for ten years in a row? Taylor? And I'm still not talking about your error with respect to Miranda about your error with respect to his father. Ten years not a damn thing you did to find it. Ghost - found. Miranda - I found. And you, Taylor? You, son, son of blood of this man, why did you not his own father searched for ten years in a row?

  - You Shepard, trying to play the role of my judges. - Jacob raised his head, looked at who was standing at the door of the captain. - But you - do not judge.

  - That's for sure. I - do not judge. The judge will be guided by the laws of war, and I know the power of the status of these laws. They do not leave the choice of the judge, or he will award life imprisonment in solitary confinement in prisons spectrum or - execution. You know about this, Taylor and that is why trying to enlist my help and my support. You could say that I'm standing between you and the firing wall with isolating single capsule chamber. And yet I see no reason to protect you from these two equivalent unpleasant prospects. - Shepard walked up to the table. - Since Taylor?

  - I'm tired, Shepard. I beg you, give me a break. - Taylor stood up, went to bed and fell flat on his back on her, covering her eyes. - I am not able to talk to you anymore.

  - I think that the more I did not have an opportunity to speak with you, Taylor. We are close enough to the Citadel, you already know about the Corps. Straight from the side of the cruiser you will be taken to the prison cell of the spectrum. The decision has been taken on this. - Shepard turned to the door and walked out - the sergeant opened the door, barely captain approached her. - It was your choice, Taylor. This conversation and its result - your choice. - Spectrum looked at the trooper. - Close the camera, Sgt.

  Coming out of the prison wing, Shepard went to Svetlana, although it was clear - she just reads his fortune, was worried. So he turned to the common corridor cruisers and went to the officers' cafe. Order a light dinner, the captain sat at the corner table, put away the rest of the chairs, denoting unwillingness to have any companions and sat down, started eating.

  - Where are you. - Svetlana came close. - I already told that your conversation with Taylor concluded. By the way, here. - She opened the wells, took reader. - Brought him. I've already read. Not impressed.

  - And I got you. - Shepard took reader included, got a grasp. Here ... - he could hardly restrain himself from expressing strong.

  - John, I - the commander of the cruiser and such documents fall to me by virtue of official protocol, not by me, by the way, invented. - Svetlana pulled up a chair to the table, sat down carefully. - Maybe he broke with the "Cerberus", maybe. Maybe he loves this Brynn Cole. May be. We have no chief, John - we have no reason to demand his immediate execution. Of course, we can think up a foundation and we will listen. But he would sit for a long time. A very long time. And Brynn - well sit for eight years. Parental child custody. Is not she the first, is not she - the last one. I see no reason for an abortion. Come on, John. - I stopped her gesture vskinuvshegosya Shepard. - I - an officer of the Empire and accustomed to such statements. And even stronger. I do not touch them at all. I do not intend here to play women's solidarity, and on that basis try to relieve this the scientific life. Not so it is too upscale.

  - And the rest? - Shepard finished eating, wiped his lips with a napkin.

  - Others, too tainted. Behind each of these stretches participate in the development of such resources ... that a special part of the Criminal Code, any country of the Earth for them - a sweet home. And there is at least - imprisonment. Until life. "Cerberus" has ceased to be nyashki and regulatory organization, including through the work here is just such clever. So Taylor will sit. How long will sit. And Brynn Cole will sit. Also it will be a long sit. Let say thank you that I did not insist on their execution. This entire gop company. Taylor shot earned five corpses of civilians. Appeared at his direct connivance. He considered that the oath - this is a temporary phenomenon that resigned - and he's a little white bunny and pushistenky, not certified assassin in the service of the state. The Army is not fireworks. And Jacob was trying to make the army lafu at least for myself. I do not understand this. Yes, and I do not want to understand. - She paused. - Okay, John. With Taylor, you spoke? Talked. Up to the Citadel, we have not got the camera where it is already cooked and all the clever men - too. Come to me, we have more time ...

  - Good. - Shepard stood up. - Come on, light.

  The war against the Reapers. The first few months - 4

  Saren Arterius

  Infrequently Saren thoughts back to the past. Infrequently. Whether this war against the Reapers did not help, or anything else. But today ... It would seem, most recently on a green planet they group Troop landing, killing reprogrammed robots sitting on plant drugs earthlings to get to the man who imagines himself whether the sultan, or Padishah, or even how the local governor hopefuls local deit
ies. This man was the father of Jacob Taylor and now the captain went to talk with his son of earthling, a former lieutenant of the Alliance, the former tserberovtsem. Warped own cowardice own inability to make the final choice ...


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