Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 184

by Theodore Daniels

  Some years. Only a few years. There will be new attempts Reapers and win tactical and strategic victory. There are defensive and offensive battles. There are big losses. On both sides of the conflict. All of this will be. And yet, war decades will not be in this reality. There will be a few years of the war, which will inevitably end in a victory over the invaders and occupiers, the complete and final victory over them, who dared to think and believe that their harvest is once again a success.

  The harvest will be interrupted and the thing of the past, as well as a thing of the past and their organizers and spolniteli. Yes, the Galaxy is waiting for the difficult period of recovery and healing, a difficult period of transition to understand that now is not the harvest will be more than ever. There will be new challenges and issues to be addressed. Maybe there will be new enemies, which will come from outside the galaxy. All this and more can be, of course, will be. That is life. The main thing - there will be more Reapers will no longer harvest, there will be more deaths of many races.

  Urdnot Rex

  Rex could very rarely return to his throne room and sit on his stone throne. Most of the time he fought - Huskies Tuchanka attacked almost continuously. We had to stay for weeks in combat formations kroganskih troops. Shotgun Union leader Kroganskih Clan glowed from nearly continuous shooting, melee became frequent clashes.

  Never before Rex could not say that lives a full, very full life, which is only possible for the krogan. Now he could say this with full right: he did not have a mercenary, not a simple murderer, not a walking weapon. He - the chief, supervisor, instructor, commander. And at the same time - it is a husband and father. Very soon, he will have little sons and daughters - Baqarah do this all it will interrupt temporarily his endless trips to other kroganskie clans, their work among women kroganok. It will bring up sons and daughters Rex free genophage, healthy, strong from birth.

  Tuchanka fought. Time and time again under fire space defense weapons got more and more ships of the Reapers and their henchmen. Succumbed guerrilla groups and connections and more landings husks. The clans are now many krogan calmly and freely engaged in science, technology, culture, agriculture. Race lizards improved, transformed, ceased to be just a collection of killers, mercenaries and guards.

  Pyzhaki, wound destroyed by tens and hundreds, have now become additional eyes and ears of the krogan. They also fought, too, have made their own unique contribution to the future final victory over the Reapers. Krogan convinced that pyzhaki much more intelligent and organized than previously thought, and concluded with the monkeys a business generally understandable agreement on mutual cooperation. For several decades pyzhaki not attacked kroganskie food warehouses and stealing, carrying in their hives, all that bad lay within kroganskih clans.

  Rarely when some Reaper could now with impunity down to the surface of the parent planet krogan. Anti-aircraft guns PKO continuously improved, the protection of the areas where they were located, was one of the most powerful and sophisticated, besides krogan have mastered the production of ammunition, which allowed them to live without depending on outside supplies.

  Yes, the war against the Reapers in the main phase has passed, and Rex was already thinking about how to organize life united clans after the victory. Reapers, he saw clearly, not corny enough forces and resources to sufficiently complete and sufficient strength to resist the race to push the Galaxy Space. Hardly Reapers expected that faced with such a variety of resistance: fierce, powerful, united.

  Yes, the fleet managed to destroy the Reapers convoys and fleets of the Resistance - the war is not without losses. And yet, on the site of the destroyed fleet appeared more often than not one but two new fleet, because the alternative would be only reasonable inglorious death of organic life. Once again. And this alternative to the inhabitants of the Galaxy were determined to prevent. If turians fought, then fought and krogan, helping not only themselves, but also to many other races to survive and bring victory.

  Today, Rex saw many krogan transformed. They believe that the war against the Reapers will not last for decades. It will certainly result in the victory over the "prawns" and their minions in a few years. Let these years will be very heavy, long and costly, but they will inevitably be replaced by peaceful years, but what's there for years - decades and centuries of peace and quiet for the free development when the krogan will be engaged in peaceful work, will feel the benefits of the new life without omnipotence genophage. Already krogan going to attack the enemies know that behind them - their wives-kroganki already gave rise to new generations krogan free genophage and horror from the very moment of conception. And so now the krogan fight confident and calm - they have their own future. Krogan live a long time and now that life is completely dedicated to only the war, but fighting and only death. It will be dedicated to the life, development and improvement. For it is to fight with all their maximum potential, which are capable of innate warriors - krogan. To do this is to strain, because the voltage is sanctified by faith in the close, the real victory over the occupiers and invaders. The harvest is definitely a thing of the past. Reapers will no longer be. Never. There are other, stronger enemies will be difficult and a big problem, but the Reapers will no longer be, they finally go back in time, become part of history. Obschegalakticheskoy, obscherasovoy and kroganskoy history. New history of the race, liberated from genophage horror. The resurgent in the fire of a big war krogan race, ceased to be soldiers. It will be dedicated to the life, development and improvement. For it is to fight with all their maximum potential, which are capable of innate warriors - krogan. To do this is to strain, because the voltage is sanctified by faith in the close, the real victory over the occupiers and invaders. The harvest is definitely a thing of the past. Reapers will no longer be. Never. There are other, stronger enemies will be difficult and a big problem, but the Reapers will no longer be, they finally go back in time, become part of history. Obschegalakticheskoy, obscherasovoy and kroganskoy history. New history of the race, liberated from genophage horror. The resurgent in the fire of a big war krogan race, ceased to be soldiers. It will be dedicated to the life, development and improvement. For it is to fight with all their maximum potential, which are capable of innate warriors - krogan. To do this is to strain, because the voltage is sanctified by faith in the close, the real victory over the occupiers and invaders. The harvest is definitely a thing of the past. Reapers will no longer be. Never. There are other, stronger enemies will be difficult and a big problem, but the Reapers will no longer be, they finally go back in time, become part of history. Obschegalakticheskoy, obscherasovoy and kroganskoy history. New history of the race, liberated from genophage horror. The resurgent in the fire of a big war krogan race, ceased to be soldiers. To do this is to strain, because the voltage is sanctified by faith in the close, the real victory over the occupiers and invaders. The harvest is definitely a thing of the past. Reapers will no longer be. Never. There are other, stronger enemies will be difficult and a big problem, but the Reapers will no longer be, they finally go back in time, become part of history. Obschegalakticheskoy, obscherasovoy and kroganskoy history. New history of the race, liberated from genophage horror. The resurgent in the fire of a big war krogan race, ceased to be soldiers. To do this is to strain, because the voltage is sanctified by faith in the close, the real victory over the occupiers and invaders. The harvest is definitely a thing of the past. Reapers will no longer be. Never. There are other, stronger enemies will be difficult and a big problem, but the Reapers will no longer be, they finally go back in time, become part of history. Obschegalakticheskoy, obscherasovoy and kroganskoy history. New history of the race, liberated from genophage horror. The resurgent in the fire of a big war krogan race, ceased to be soldiers. will be consigned to history. Obschegalakticheskoy, obscherasovoy and kroganskoy history. New history of the race, liberated from genophage horror. The resurgent in the fire of a big war krogan race, ceased to be soldiers. will be consigned to history. Obschegalakticheskoy, obscherasovoy
and kroganskoy history. New history of the race, liberated from genophage horror. The resurgent in the fire of a big war krogan race, ceased to be soldiers.

  Michelle Chloe

  In the evenings, sickbay is immersed in the silence. Special silence. Here, in this part of the frigate, cruiser, silence is important. Rest, relaxation and tranquility. In its green-white-black overalls Chloe noiselessly measures the their small room-cabin. He thinks recalls.

  Chakwas asleep in his cabin, nurses - in their cabins. Evening. The next day the war coming to an end soon on the ship's clock will light up four zeros. The minute without time. This will start a new day of the war, a new confrontation day. Another day, when at any moment may come in sickbay wounded and injured squad members. How many times have doctors and nurses Squad restored health and performance of their colleagues? A lot of. Many times. Well, that is the case costs injuries, not injuries. Well, that has not yet been deaths. There was irretrievable losses. Chloe realizes that zvereyuschaya sometimes Chakwas waiting for big trouble, and preparing for them, prepares the whole sickbay staff to what ever it comes, and to mass injuries and to very complex injuries, to cope with which will have to, straining every nerve and using all the opportunities . It is better to prepare for this trouble right now. Well prepared.

  Big ship returns to the Citadel and she, deputy chief physician, "Normandy" will very soon see with Garrus. Yes, she is well aware that Garrus is not likely to become her husband and the chief friend, would not he the father of her children, but so far it does not want to change anything - she likes Garrus, loves this very non-standard and unusual Turian, loves and it is enough that love to over and over again to feel happy.

  In war, for happiness is too small grounds and opportunities and therefore have to be very appreciate any of them. Even the most insignificant. Otherwise ... it will be difficult to help those who are temporarily exhausted, weakened, he became infirm.

  Chloe knows that Garrus has a very familiar turianka. He does not hide from it, man this fact. He wants him to have his children, family, children, for whom he is the father of one hundred percent. This is normal, but Garrus does not want to part with Michelle, to break relations with it, to reduce everything to the level of nothing meaningful long acquaintance. And Chloe grateful to him for this constancy, for this immutability.

  Whatever it was, life goes on, and war ... even such a terrible war against the Reapers, an unprecedented war end sooner or later. It will change many things in the life of the inhabitants of the Milky Way, the galaxy population. A lot of things. Do not change it only one thing - wealth and integrity of the relationship between reasonable.

  Today, Chloe felt the stir in her mind a very important and valuable idea: the war against the Reapers will not last for decades. Yes, Michelle knew Protheans innusanontsy and fought with these "shrimp" for decades and centuries, but now something she very definitely prompted - the war with Reapers decades will not last. The maximum number of years. Yes, it will be difficult, heavy and expensive years. Yes, many reasonable organics are injured, be injured, will be killed. Yes, the loss of large losses can not be avoided. And, nevertheless, this war will not last for ten years or more. It certainly will end earlier. I would like to believe that much earlier.

  The idea came from the depths of the soul, Chloe loved it. It meant that she, the woman dug-do not have many months to think only about professional issues and problems. It certainly saves a great relationship with Garrus, he sees his wedding with this beautiful and mature turiankoy - worthy friend for such a significant and very valuable Turian, see how they are born children. Born to live in a peaceful galaxy where Reapers will talk about not only as of something remaining in the distant past. She physician Squad, meet earthling, to which will be the girlfriend, wife, wife, mother of his children. Life must go on, life should be full. Yes, for the victory over the reapers have to go through these few heavy and difficult years. We'll have a lot to do. The main thing is that these years will not turn into decades of confrontation. Chloe felt as otryadovtsy internally preparing for several decades of confrontation, because they do not want to retreat, not willing to give up, do not want to recognize on a rule of these newcomers. Not once and not all at once to believe that there will be no decades of war with the Reapers. Not once and not all believe in it. Do not be frivolous belief in such an outcome. Will not be. Such a powerful enemy can not be defeated simply and easily. So, in front of Troop waiting for new military campaigns, the new hard and heavy task. She Chloe Michelle - a doctor. And she will do everything so that no one Otryadovtsev died. It - its task in this war, which is necessarily very soon, in a few years it will change the world. unwilling to give up, do not want to recognize on a rule of these newcomers. Not once and not all at once to believe that there will be no decades of war with the Reapers. Not once and not all believe in it. Do not be frivolous belief in such an outcome. Will not be. Such a powerful enemy can not be defeated simply and easily. So, in front of Troop waiting for new military campaigns, the new hard and heavy task. She Chloe Michelle - a doctor. And she will do everything so that no one Otryadovtsev died. It - its task in this war, which is necessarily very soon, in a few years it will change the world. unwilling to give up, do not want to recognize on a rule of these newcomers. Not once and not all at once to believe that there will be no decades of war with the Reapers. Not once and not all believe in it. Do not be frivolous belief in such an outcome. Will not be. Such a powerful enemy can not be defeated simply and easily. So, in front of Troop waiting for new military campaigns, the new hard and heavy task. She Chloe Michelle - a doctor. And she will do everything so that no one Otryadovtsev died. It - its task in this war, which is necessarily very soon, in a few years it will change the world. Do not be frivolous belief in such an outcome. Will not be. Such a powerful enemy can not be defeated simply and easily. So, in front of Troop waiting for new military campaigns, the new hard and heavy task. She Chloe Michelle - a doctor. And she will do everything so that no one Otryadovtsev died. It - its task in this war, which is necessarily very soon, in a few years it will change the world. Do not be frivolous belief in such an outcome. Will not be. Such a powerful enemy can not be defeated simply and easily. So, in front of Troop waiting for new military campaigns, the new hard and heavy task. She Chloe Michelle - a doctor. And she will do everything so that no one Otryadovtsev died. It - its task in this war, which is necessarily very soon, in a few years it will change the world.


  Who better than her telepath-mentalists know what war is ... not in the sense of loss of material, physical, and in the sense of mental stress, sensory perception. The world can be, quite naturally was not a great expert on the conduct of a conventional war, but she was, and his war, private. Vela, because it was one of the very few who was available now is the measurement of the war. And because it has many decades did not know the rest, but did not apply their capabilities and skills, even a quarter, doing intelligence, prevention, prevention, analysis.

  Even if a reasonable act spontaneously, she knew somehow they think about their actions. So, you can take countermeasures. Husky is also far from brainless - they are able to change the pattern of their actions within certain limits, otherwise they would never be able to achieve even minimal success.

  The station is at war. And the world take in the war most directly involved. She felt, felt and understood: the middle stage of the war will not last long. Formed force, which will very quickly and very effectively end this war complete victory reasonable organics. Victory over the reapers. The final victory.

  Yes, now Libra cup range, preferring a tactical advantage and not only the local inhabitants of the galaxy, but also their opponents. So far, this situation will continue - the enemy is strong enough, powerful, skilled, resourceful, professional. Defeating this enemy will fail very quickly and very easily - by his side the experience of many previous harvest when the victim is also fiercely resisted. Yet today Miral felt: Reapers are faced with a forc
e that is able to put an end to their power. With a force that is able to destroy them, even if each race Galaxy inhabitants will be isolated in its Space and will be forced to fight with the enemies alone. Because now it is important not physical, but spiritual, psychological unity. Whom, it is possible in such obemah and extent failed to achieve any innusanontsam,

  The world has been witness to several attacks on Collectors "Omega". Weakened, disparate, broken, these beetles are still trying to fulfill the commandment of the Reapers - repeatedly attack Squad Station. Rarely "Omega" openly called Station Troop rare. But this did not prevent many reasonable organics confidently accept it is now in that capacity, because the station is operated and resistance in such troubled regions as the Traverse and Terminus.

  Miral knew and understood - squad has not just come to these regions, will come, making a new contribution to the overall future final victory over the Reapers. Galaxy remained the same for all its inhabitants. Unified. Now, clearly I felt Asari-telepath, even the smallest colonies on very distant planets resisted Reapers and their supporters all forces available, by all means. The war against the Reapers confirmed over and over again its universal character.

  For her psyche and life squad members were inviolable. And, nevertheless, it is not showing its presence in Psychosphere otryadovtsev - both collectively and individually tracked very many changes, advise, warn, warned, making it implicitly impersonal. Someone otryadovtsev knew about its role and participation in the process, some do not. Help - was convinced the world - can and should be different. And it is better to warn and warn, than to deal with the situation correction of more stringent and explicit means and methods.


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