Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 207

by Theodore Daniels

  - A what ?! - Younger T'Soni jerk sat up in bed. - AEL. Phew ... I could shoot you!

  - Could. - Confirmed workmate, giving the reader. - Check.

  - Goddess ... a few hours before the attack, and I ... there is no connection with the three compounds which have these settings.

  - At the door - the convoy. Will you go and tell. The whole company assembled in full battle and ready to accompany you.

  - Aela ...

  - I'm staying, do not worry. Your parents, we'll cover completely and protect and items. - The girlfriend watched as Liara jumped with cot clothed in full broneskafandr, grabs his rifle, pistols and helmet, distributing them on the bracing of armor: a weapon on his back, the helmet - on the front left side to the right hand was free and it does not hurt.

  Minute - and Liara squeezed into a traveling armored cocoon flyer. The driver nods, seeing the reader with the route plan and picks up the car from stone chips. The bombing continued, but not everywhere it is possible to visit, using tunnels. We have to take risks. We should be raised three other flyers with security. Rarely in its asari homeworld flew or drove alone - the large number of races made such cases are very infrequent, so calculate Liara among many scurrying to and fro asari would Reapers agents very difficult.

  Sleep gradually leaving younger T'Soni, occasionally glanced through the loopholes of the surrounding landscape convoy escort. Instrumentron glowed even homemade soft light, the screen is filled with lines. Liara continued to develop the idea of plants, developing more and more new areas of application.

  The upcoming Reaper attack on Tess asari - both civil and military personnel and militia - were waiting. General offensive shrimp sooner or later should have taken place: the tactics Reaper has changed little since the beginning of the war. A similar approach has already taken place in the space of the Hierarchy, but there intervened and Empire and detachment. Maybe here Empire and detachment have time to intervene? Now that the ten above-ground parts of the compounds azariyskih videoconferencing armed units ... Reaper expect a big surprise, even if the squad and the Empire did not have time to bring Tessa their main attacking force.

  Typing texts Liara recalled his visit to industrial enterprises, are hidden beneath the surface of Tess. "Everything -. Everything for the front - to win." Ordinary, it would seem, the words, but they have worked wonders. A few days - and the next connection is fully staffed passed military acceptance units, ready for immediate use. Yes, we had to do a lot to ensure secrecy for secrecy of military transport installations in locations compounds to protect plants in positions to prevent sabotage and intelligence activities of the Reapers and their henchmen.

  Many, many asari in this decade had not even sleep miserable few hours, but the entire planet was rich in these settings, ready to open fire on the attacking fleet Reapers and their henchmen. And the minute the attack was coming.

  The war continued. Continued bombings have continued landings have continued attempts to sabotage and sabotage. Tess fought, continued to resist the invaders, never bent. Taking a cue from the capital, the parent planet, the other planets and resisted Azariyskogo space, resisted many azariyskie colony.

  The first compound from among those who did not have a long time to establish communications, was completely ready. The reason for the lack of communication was purely technical, but also managed to do what is necessary without the communication link command - units were safely concealed, covered by stray hits and by bombing, calculations continuously studied, ammunition supply repeatedly duplicated. After talking with the command and engineering compounds composition, Liara went on a journey to the location of the second compound.

  It turned out to be all the more difficult. Communication was not because the compound identified five Traitor, all the while trying to inform Reapers full features newly arrived units. Command was forced to isolate the compound and interrogated all the time caught red-handed with the asari.

  - Silent? - Liara asked, looking at sitting in the "stone bag" tribeswoman.

  - Silent. - Confirmed the CID compound. - But do not deny that worked for the Reapers. Confirmed that would transmit data about the settings. That's all. How to cut.

  - What you do expect? - Liara leaned against a concrete wall, trying to calm the trembling in her legs - she was very afraid of weapons of mass decoding of these compounds, because then retaliation will not sudden, unexpected and effective.

  - Because they are silent, and the information on the side is gone - we will shoot them. With the control, of course. The bodies will be burnt. The corresponding procedure will also be executed. - Hissed kontrrazvedchitsa.

  - Do as the law commands. - Liara climbed the concrete stairs to the surface, dived into the inside flyer. - Flew. We have a third compound in the queue.

  The location of the third connection she quickly found out that the command has decided to change the location of plants and therefore do not get in touch with the Centre - tried to save all changes carefully.

  Making sure that no other problems in the compound there, Liara asked the driver to take her back, and she agreed. Four hours later the flier stood in the same place and the younger T'Soni, saying goodbye to the guard and the driver came to his underground hideout.

  Briefly told about the causes of restless Aele silence command three compounds Liara sat down on a stool in front of a table on which stood instrumentron. Before the attack was not much time, and the information that fit the fleets of the Empire or detachment has not yet been reported.

  Carried away by the work - she is now trying to carry out orders of their information-brokering firms and research labs, even in the arrangement of combat units Militia - Liara did not notice that the room Shepard entered:

  - Hello, Liara! - First mate wisely stopped at the door, he waited until the asari adds a proposal to instrumentrona screen.

  First and second youngest T'Soni thought that she had hallucinations again, this time - hearing. Turning around, she saw a figure in broneskafandre at the door of his room, he found the sight plate "Al-Seven" and asari legs straightened completely independently. The next moment Liara hung on the neck of John, do not hide no joy, no tears, no exclamations of delight.

  Shepard gently and carefully stick to it, not pulling away from the newer and newer attempts to kiss and asari zaobnimat it.

  - John! - Sitting on the bed tucked, Liara almost forced to sit next to Shepard. - How?! How so ?! After all, no one knows about your arrival! No information, no! Even the command!

  - We - intelligence, Lee. - Shepard grinned. - Appear quickly, do a lot, disappear safely. Heard you're back from your trip? Three compounds are ready for operation.

  - Yes, ready. But five of the traitors ... We were on the verge of decoding. - Dissatisfied Liara said, hugging John. - Goddess, you have made me the best gift! We should call my parents ... - she tried to activate the wrist instrumentron, but Shepard put his hand on top of the device:

  - Do not rush, lightning. Prospers.

  - But you ... - look Liara touched John's eyes. - Or...

  - I came here for a few days, Lee. Instead of a few hours. So that we will have more time ...

  - Goddess ... - Liara gasped, hugging John and zatselovyvaya it. - I ... I believe ... I know that you will come in time, but that's because ...

  - We - the squad, we - the family. And in the family, everyone understands these moments ... - Shepard said quietly, gently priobnimaya Liara and not preventing it in an effort to kiss his face.

  - Family ... - whispered the young asari. - Family ... John, thank you! Thank you for coming this way ... unofficially ... You came to ...

  - See you, Lee and the work of your plants. - Shepard said, calling timidly soft smile on his face Liara. - Oh, and for everything else - too. At that enough time and opportunity.

  - At all enough! And time and opportunities, John! - Conviction Liara said, clinging to Shepard and opening the open arms.

  Two hours. Two hours Liara was in the sweet d
ream, without seeking or trying to get out of it a reality. They sat on a rigid military cot, sat side by side, arms around each other, and Liara seemed that she was sitting on the softest blanket in some very nice and big room, immersed in semidarkness not terrible.

  - John, I'm sorry ... I should tell you ... I ... I love you ... - Liara whispered, when he finally was able to come up for a few seconds of this half-sleep and look at Shepard's eyes. - If...

  - Lee, I love you too ... - exec said. - And I am happy and proud that our senses ...

  - Mutual, John. - Liara felt her heart fell with a great big stone. The answer to the main, tormented her all this time, the question was given by John Shepard, and this caused her tremendous sense of relief and restrained joy. - Mutual! In this there is no doubt! You're ... you're hungry, John. - She got up quickly laid the table nemudrёnye soldier army rations, opened the envelope, feeling John was watching her. - I ... I'll cook. - She tried to do everything slowly, but the hands themselves were accelerated, fingers flashed, and a few minutes later, she reached out and felt in his palm fingers John - he withdrew the suit gloves and did not pay the slightest attention to the fact that it has not yet withdrawn its gloves. - Sit down and eat. You're ...

  - Thank you, Lee. You come, too, eat. And because I know you all think about the problems ... - Shepard umostilsya on a stool, took a spoonful.

  - I think, John. - Younger T'Soni watched him eat and rejoice the fact of his presence here and now. - But - it is much smaller. After all, you - side by side.

  - Umm. Thank you. - Shepard got up from the table. - Come on, show his creation, the hostess!

  - Absolutely, John. - Liara stood up and the two of them came to the surface, heading for a nearby position, where under camouflage canopy was one of the plants. - Look. - She missed him under the canopy and calmly reacted to the fact that Shepard for a few minutes forgotten everything around. - Today it tells its say, John.

  - He'll say, necessarily. - Shepard said, exchanging a few words with the commander of the calculation. - Good!

  - I'm glad you like it. - Liara smiled when he heard the trill instrumentrona. - Oh, ordered to prepare! Looks like John, you arrived just in time!

  - I try. - Shepard helped members of the calculation result in the installation into the firing position. - Give the command to withdraw the canopy, Liara, or we'll shoot through the curtains. You do, and it has provided?

  - Yes. - Liara looked doubtfully at the screen instrumentrona, broadcast map the situation in the area. - Fleets approached Reapers.

  - They were waiting for a big surprise and bitter disappointment. - Shepard walked away from the installation, so as not to prevent members from the calculation to take the dome. - Countdown?

  - Two minutes, John. - Liara said on-screen appearance of the timer. - Well, if they are up to this time nothing uchuyut.

  - Do not uchuyut, Liara. We took care of it. - Shepard said quietly.

  - Readiness - the first! - I reported to the commander of the calculation. - The negotiation! Ready for a volley!

  - Proceed. - Liara nodded his good friend. - We'll be there.

  - Good. - Realizing that the author Earthling installation really interfere in the further course of events will not be Azarov Sergeant nodded to his colleagues. - Ready!

  Opened its setting on the dome revealed views Liara, Shepard and members of calculating Tess sky, dotted with dashes of different size ships Reapers. The invaders came to the planet, convinced that against this avalanche residents Tessie not find anything significant. Liara knew: intelligence and counterintelligence asari have done everything possible to Reapers did not know about the existence of these weapons. She squinted at her tribeswoman stilled at installation.

  - Attack! - I cried the commander of calculation and installation of alive. No unmasking, no light, sound or other effects that allow to locate the location of the machine, but in the sector, dedicated to this system, all hell broke loose: fifteen fighters Reapers, twelve stormtroopers, three landing ships henchmen and one polutorakilometrovy Reaper if met with an unknown wall, and then twisted, crumbled into small pieces.

  The same is awaited invaders in other sectors of the sky Tess, for the security and protection that meet the calculations of other plants. Ten compounds antiaircraft complexes of a new type arranged Reapers in orbit Tess real Armageddon. Liara looked to the sky, hands folded in prayer in front of chest and did not notice how her eyes streaming with tears of joy and satisfaction.

  Tess, as befits the capital planet, alien intruders attacked powerfully and effectively.

  - Bo ... Goddess! - And I could only utter Liara when noted that the sky over Tess begins to slowly but steadily cleared of marks ships Reapers and their henchmen. - I ... I do not ...

  - It's - you Liara. - Shepard said, not trying to approach and embrace a young asari. - This is - your planet, armed with your weapon smashes enemies on its outskirts.

  - But ... navies ... Empire - Liara murmured, keeping his eyes on the sky of his native planet. - They are...

  - They went to smash the Reapers and their minions to other planets Azariyskogo space, Liara. - Shepard confirmed. - Over time, the installation will be delivered, and there and then all space Azari will be under their protection.

  - It's ... it's ... it's the best I've seen in my life ... - said the younger T'Soni. - Seeing the death of Tessa enemies, enemies asari on such a scale ...

  - In this - your complete and most of the credit, Liara. - Shepard exchanged a knowing look with a second calculation distracted commander.

  Several hours of work settings. Seeing their action, land of the videoconferencing Azariyskoy Republic, launched a relentless hunt for paratroopers and saboteurs Reapers and their henchmen. Part Militia joined the hunting and military information channels Tess barely had time to celebrate another successful capture and elimination Implemented asari.

  - John ... I have a ... I can not come on this I do not count. - Liara, Shepard had returned at the insistence of the underground shelter, he sat on a stool at the table, nervously pressing instrumentrona off. - Well, there is one unit, but ten connections ... This is something that I do not count. Is a few days Tess can breathe easy?

  - Will be able. - Shepard looked at the screen of his instrumentrona. - Forwards you some files. Check.

  - With pleasure, John. - Asari deployed the screen of the device, read carefully. - Goddess, I'll make a monument to your militia Synthetic! We have not been able to calculate the loss of the Reapers in their area of responsibility, and they have calculated their losses and tablitsirovali wide tessiyskogo space!

  - Well, I'm actually glad that I can personally grateful to hear from you, Liara. - The door was strange Liara opolchenka. - And I think that Mark and Olivia will also be pleased to hear, although they will not be here in person. A lot of work with them. - Apologetically said the guest.

  - Who are you? - Liara pulled from its holster. After a moment she held opolchenku at gunpoint and has squeezed the trigger free running.

  - Liara, calm down. - Shepard stood between the guest and sitting on a stool, ready to pounce asari. - It - Alix.

  - Olivia's daughter ?! - Liara gasped in amazement. - How can this be ?! - Gun in the hands of younger T'Soni almost faltered.

  - Alix we have - a professional on the part of the deep human intelligence. And she knows how to skillfully transform. Mom's School. - Shepard said. - Ali, come and sit down. I think Liara can quickly calm down. - Number One looked at the room owner. - Lee, shalt trunk, are you seriously believe that Ali will shoot you or give you to get to yourself? It's funny, really. Lower trunk, Lee!

  - OK OK. Omit. - Liara hid the gun in the holster.

  - Liar, what can I say all that to you some of the guest Staff Corps arrived ?! Its none of our know can not. - I entered the room Aela.

  - From Staff Corps? - Liara asked in surprise.

  - Well yes. Came powers - Otpad, all just saluted and passed. Itself realize militias really does
catch the saboteurs and collaborators, and here such a guest. Inspection or ... - Aela turned. - Well, I guess she went to you. - She looked at kiborgessu. - Good morning.

  - Good morning. - Dishes a role, said Alix.

  - Aela, meet Alix. - Forced a barely holding back laughter Liara. - Kiborgessa Alix, daughter Olivia, squad members.

  - What is Alix? - I said in amazement Aela. - The same?

  - Well, I have no other Troop. - Liara barely suppressed a new bout of laughter and poserёznela. - And you are Commander Shepard, I hope, know without being told.

  - Goddess ... It has not been seen at all. She even passed - and passed it saw, and that he's here ... Nobody, not even the commanders did not know. - Naparnitsa Liara turned to XO. - Um. Glad to see you, Captain!

  - They - exploration. - Seriously said younger T'Soni.

  - I am also pleased to see you, Aela. - Shepard nodded. - Zama offer you sit down, girls. In the legs there is no truth, and you set out here to stand a few hours. - He waited until kiborgessa and naparnitsa Liara umostyatsya on stools. - I did not know that Alyx will arrive too.

  - I do something, Captain, is engaged in providing a group of command frigate, cruiser. - Alix gently reminded. - And in this software includes support of the members of the group in hazardous areas. I hope you will not deny that there is dangerous?

  - I will not. - Shepard looked at instrumentron. - Your command Aela already received information about our presence in the area. So the issues, problems and difficulties, no one will. For some, the appearance of Alix really zalegendirovano as conducting inspections, well, my appearance is understandable - Squad helps those who fight in the most difficult areas. And the difficult part is now - here. So, my presence here is understandable and justified.

  - It is true that ... - Aela struggling to cope with the excitement of seeing close to a two legendary squad members.

  - True. - Alix confirmed. - Imperial Navy sent to the most densely populated planets Azari space. Now the ships of these fleets are fighting with the ships of the fleets of the Reapers and their henchmen. So far, there are no such facilities, but very soon they will be there and then in the intervention of the Imperial Navy will not be absolutely necessary.


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