Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 210

by Theodore Daniels

  - Samara, thank you. - Distracted by lopochuschih something to her babies, Liara went to the Justiciary. - Present a pleasant surprise. I am pleased.

  - I also. - Nodded his tribeswoman matriarch. - And how they are happy ...

  - They are often dragged us here ... After all ... they then you have not seen. - Hanna said. - Where they liked to be almost every day. But we did not play. We stood and watched, something remembered. I do not know, but it seems to me, their thoughts were clearly children.

  - And when they had heard in the news your name, Liara - supported spouse rake - they always listened to and froze. I think they're waiting to see what you are about to appear.

  - It's the children ... The best thing that we all have ... - only Liara said, not even trying to ban the little ones to kiss her on both cheeks, almost simultaneously. - I'm glad to see them healthy and cheerful ... Let's go. I feel their stress, even though they try to hide it.

  - Let's. - Samara driver nodded and she picked up a flyer in the air. Removed from the area for several hundred meters, the baby really loosen up, be happy to come down to the ground and went close to the penny, tightly holding her hand. Younger T'Soni was happy to see my goddaughter was nothing like a frightened and feeble asari, which she saved from death in the basement.

  Parents of babies willingly took part in the games, picks restless young asari. Shepard and Samara took a few shots at his instrumentrony.

  - And like that ... pseudo-mother? - Shepard asked, when they again stopped, allowing small asari run and frolic on a more or less cleared of debris patch.

  - Deprived of parental rights. She is forbidden to apply for something that has to do with a baby. See - too. The case is still controls her life, she is working on low-skilled work in one of the shops. Norma fulfills the law does not conflict. - Samara talked about it even lifeless voice. - And Liara go real legend after this incident ... In them, more importantly, many believe it helps to save many babies at the prospect of abandonment or polusirotstva. And there's orphans and half-orphans Azariyskom in space now ... very much, John. - Samara slightly quickened, her voice has gained depth and raznotonovost. - Look, it's for them - more than just a savior ... If it were possible to do so ... - Samara oseklas.- But alas, the law does not allow. Yes, and Liara such work, that with a baby she can not spend a lot of time. And now it is very necessary. Impressions have to be - enough for half a year ... It's good that they are now - the real, loving parents have. Two, not one mother. And Liara for them is not exactly a stranger ... - matriarch looked like one of the babies holding a Star of Hero, filmed penny from his overalls. - All she knows the baby ... It is evident that this is for her - not amusing trinket and reward. - Small asari at that time already returned Liara its mark, putting in his hand and bending the fingers of his savior, as if confirming: it is - yours, did you - deserve. Liara smiled, holding the baby in her arms and looking at her sister, played with pebbles a few meters. - If Liara will have children - they are beautiful. I know, John, that Liara you deeply, totally and desperately loves, this mature love. And sure - Svetlana will not be against that love. I believe that she will understand Liara correctly. You're afraid ...

  - Honestly - yes, Samara. Liara wants to visit the "Normandy" and "Volga", but I am afraid that this is her appearance there perceive Svetlana. Before the birth left too little time and any psihovstryaska now ...

  - I think that there will be no psihovstryaski, John. For normandovtsev Liara is not a stranger, but after Svetlana learned what to do Liara all this time, she helped her tribeswoman and compatriots - sure she understands Liara and will not be against your relationship with her.

  - I would like to believe it, but now ... - Shepard was visibly embarrassed and is the matriarch-Justiciar immediately felt.

  - Everything will be alright, John. I'm sure of it. Svetlana - a unique person and you know it. You believe it, you believe it and there is no reason for mistrust. And that means - and to fear.

  - Thank you, Samara. - Shepard briefly bowed Justiciary. - You ...

  - We, John, you have to go back. Malyshko's time to sleep and parents fully Affairs. We want to use the lull to the fullest extent. - Justiciary sitting down looked at the flyer. - Nice to see you, John. Good luck and peace.

  - Same to you. - Shepard waited flyer will stand on the spot, helped Samara climb into the cabin, said goodbye to his parents babies, seeing with some regret to part with his savior small asari.

  Liara hugged and clung to Shepard, watching as the car takes off Staff Corps of Justiciary.

  - They're fine, John. - Sob, he said Liara ... I'm terribly afraid that they will not survive ... and now I see that they have preserved the integrity of ... they have a future, and this - the main thing. - She hid her face on his chest Exec. - I'm sorry ... I ... to pieces

  - Nothing, Liar ... - Captain embraced younger T'Soni. - Nothing. We - the living. A live - to live.

  - We - the living. - Echoed Liara. - Thanks, John. - She raised her head, dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief. - Come ... I remember your words, John. You people are able to speak briefly and succinctly ... We, Asari, so do not know how ... in most cases. Sometimes I hate myself for what I live a thousand years. To me it seems too unfair.

  - Come on. - Shepard povlёk companion on the road. - Uh-uh, Lee. You where it emerged?

  - John, I'm sorry. I must...

  - Laboratory?

  - My comprehension. - Liara smiled faintly. - Exactly. I know that you have to take a great big dose of enthusiasm, honor and respect, but without work, I like you - I can not.

  - Well, with this I can tell you clearly help. - Shepard chuckled, typing on the keyboard of his instrumentrona several teams and opening screen. - Mordin you like to work in scientific departments?

  - I wanted to, John. - Responded salarian. - What is possible?

  - Well, if you want a younger society T'Soni ... - I squinted slyly XO.

  - More than satisfied! - Salarian happy. - Alix just wanted to look at some samples of the equipment, as she put it, closer. So in forty minutes we will be in the area. Do not go anywhere. We will bring you directly to the laboratory. And there - we'll decide what to do.

  - Agreed Mordin. - Shepard broke the connection, folded screen. - Let's sit down, Liar, wait. And there comfortably doberёmsya.

  - Looks like my colleagues today will be a bit of culture shock. If I understood correctly...

  - Correctly, correctly understood. Alix will help you, and it will be interesting Mordin. To work, will tell. Maybe find a new direction, interesting to your colleagues. This he can ...

  - And AI phenomenon will generally be a total surprise ... - Liara smiled ... - Squad acting ?!

  - Action, action. - Shepard confirmed.

  - Then - I agree. Sit down.

  They fell on the stone bench, remaining here from the time when the terms of a park. Now the park is little left, but Liara did not notice anything around, it was important that next to her, John, that his colleagues will soon arrive, and with them it is for a few hours immersed in the work.

  Shuttle "Normandy" arrived on time. Greg greeted Liara, Shepard saluted:

  - Sit down. Half an hour - and you are there. - He opened the salon door. Liara stood first, greeted with Alix and poruchkavshis Mordin.

  Sank to the ground in front of the underground laboratory complex nobody met the shuttle.

  - Well, they know that I'm on leave. - Liara said, going down on the ground and looking around. - So, it is likely, considering that I am today and in the near future to work do not come out. In vain, in vain. - She waited until her fit and salarian kiborgessa. - Come on, my friends. We still have things to do.

  In the laboratory, they really did not expect, and the appearance of three otryadovtsev and Liara was greeted with enthusiasm and joy. Less than a quarter of an hour together, and those who this day has not come to work - all of it was clear that where there otryadovtsy, where you can expect success and new achievements. Around Mordi
na a crowd, salarian machine-gun in his usual manner sprinkled terms, formulas, drawing on the nearest wall board tables and graphs, managing to respond to numerous questions.

  Alix walked lab, got acquainted with the equipment, sets of reagents with the plans. Customarily laconic, slightly aloof, she also attracted the attention of the staff and soon it was not to approach - standing around a few dozen researchers, with enthusiasm and tremendous interest in watching how quickly and confidently kiborgessa handles complex technology, how confident and almost instantly typed on the keyboard multi-texts.

  Liara pulled to his side of the employees returned to the interrupted several days ago work. No, probably did not expect Shepard that he, too, will be able to express themselves, so no one prevented the captain to come to a free laboratory table. A few minutes - and before the XO is the simplest ancient explosives detector.

  - Excuse me ... Where is it? - I heard a voice behind one of Shepard laborantok asari.

  - Library of Asha. One text.

  - So it's ... you helped asari-strategist of Staff? - Goggles laboratory assistant sat down next to Shepard. - Are you sure you have taken all this library ...

  - Not only is taken. We have tried to decipher it and learn as much as possible. - Said the captain.

  - Yeah. With such AI possible. - Laboratory assistant with respect and admiration looked at Alix. - One Alix your worth.

  - Expensive. It is priceless for the Troop. - Shepard confirmed.

  - Not just for Squad. Militia wants her to put a monument. And I think that soon this will be a monument to Tess.

  - Alix again fails. - Shepard said, testing the detector at regular probes.

  - But maybe...

  - No. Neither I nor anyone else from otryadovtsev on Alix This is not to push ever. It - only her decision. And she has the full and exclusive right to take it herself. Single-handedly.

  - Sorry ... And yet, what is it?

  - Detection of explosives.

  - This simple ...

  - Well, I would not say that it is really very simple. Its principle is different from those used in the same system today. - Shepard briefly recounted some of the text on one of the tablets that skladёshki of Asha library. - So that the detector signals that something is left with obviously bad intentions and is foreign to this place.

  - I have something to remember. In the second year, we said something at one of the lectures, but now ...

  - Of course, he is not omnipotent, but it is able to sniff out explosives, left saboteur or sympathetic Reapers reasonable organics. - Shepard aside the probe packet. - He is ready to rough. The rest can and should be improved. - First mate stood up. - Maybe it will take you?

  - What are you, I just ...

  - The process you have seen, you know the relationship. Proceed. - Shepard pulled up to the table his chair. - Come on, do not hesitate. I will help, but the main part is you do alone. It is necessary to grow and improve.

  - Sure? - Asari-technician timidly sat in the chair, he picked up a detector probe pulled up and turned his instrumentron.

  - People have a word "convinced". In this case it is higher and more accurately and essentially meaningfully.

  - I am convinced. - Technician said, as if trying a new word for themselves the taste. - Really, it sounds briefly and powerfully. Like a shot.

  - That's how it should be kept, and the distance should be in this case, no more half a meter. - Shepard soft precise movements directed hands laboratory assistant. - He is not omnipotent, this detector, but is strong and its cash strength you need to know and to feel, and then - to be able to teach other reasonable to use this power. Then, when this device will bring to mind.

  - Interesting. Thank you.

  - It still belongs to your race. So here - only your right and then. - Shepard moved away from the lab bench, approached the crowd surrounding the table at which she worked Alix.

  There could be heard clear quick questions that immediately followed the least clear and quick answers, but mostly gathered asari salarians and quarians with turians watched how the kiborgessa using several working lab tables. Once again, the show gave much more than the longest and complete verbal lecture. Instrumentronov light screens, fingers, nails for the keyboard, it was evident that many viewers and listeners write video and audio, trying not to miss anything of what he saw and felt.

  Mordin once again turned his work in a lecture-demonstration. Gathered around the table looked at five job salarian expert as ministering of a dedicated in depth the mystery of existence. Solus himself commented on his actions, so that the questions asked are rarely - in most cases it was clear without further explanation. There is also a lot happening on the recorded instrumentrony, tensely watching the actions of all members of the legendary teams. A doctor and a scientist again seized the attention of many reasonable and did not make an event of some of the educational process. Just show just an explanation. That wise, who wish to - learn and go on doing more and better.

  Around the desktop lab bench Liara was no less crowd. First Mate quickly determined that the laboratory staff have come many other labs and reacted to this fact calmly and with understanding. Younger T'Soni worked, not paying attention to viewers and listeners, giving scant, steep explanations and fully concentrate on the operation.

  A few hours - more than five - passed very quickly. Here, as pointed Shepard, laboratories leaders not distinguished by some authoritative attributes, and worked on a par with their colleagues. The war forced to take and use the main, push toward the least important and harmful. Because net administrators from science is not tolerated and is not kept, but their fellow-scientists, practitioners and researchers - loved, respected, and they have created all the conditions for productive work.

  Dining scientific center that day was packed and buzzing like a disturbed beehive. The walls are hung with boards and screens, were covered up and down, light screen, showing the interested gaze of hundreds of formulas, graphs, charts, tables. Near the walls there were small groups of researchers almost simultaneously manages to write on the screen and message boards, to talk with colleagues and absorb a reasonable racial most simple and nourishing food.

  Discussion of what he saw in the lab was delayed for a good three hours. Mordina and Alix did not want to let go, falling asleep all the new and emerging issues, and inviting to fly and work again and again. Salarian and kiborgessa politely disagreed, but did everything to their new colleagues and acquaintances understand squad very soon will go on a long flight, and will not soon return to Tess, and therefore, the local scientists and researchers have a lot to do by relying on local resources and capabilities.

  Noting how tired Liara, Shepard quickly helped her to take a seat in the shuttle. Greg brought a warm blanket and fell asleep wrapped Mate asari.

  - Where to, Captain?

  - To the house of her parents, Greg. - First mate said, helping to board Alix.

  Mordin, gaining something on instrumentrone, went to the salon without even looking around, sat down on the bench and forgot everything, lost in calculations.

  - Good.

  At the entrance to the underground apartment complex Mate said goodbye to kiborgessoy and salarians, watched the shuttle taking off, holding Liara in her arms. Azari sleep, fatigue limit sverhnapryazhёnnoy to work in the laboratory. John knew that she would be willing to work even in the company of information, but, fortunately, and perhaps - unfortunately, work in the science lab this time demanded from her peak.

  Etita, opened the door, stood aside in silence, accompanied the captain in Liara's room, waited until he was satisfied with younger T'Soni and on the bed and cover up the warm blanket. Touching the shoulder Shepard, Liara's father made it clear Number One, that he should stay for a few tens of minutes next to the penny and John nodded, sitting down carefully on the edge of the bed.

  A few minutes - and Liara complacency turned to the right side, not letting go of his hand the captain's hand.

  Half an h
our passed quickly. Shepard went to the kitchen, greeting whisper d'Avignon.

  - A lot of work? - Quietly asked my mother Liara.

  - Yes. Mordin and Alix came to the laboratory. The crowd gathered around him. And Liara also collected. And then continued their discussion in the dining room ... It looks like she has not eaten there really.

  - It is, I am sure, be grateful to you for what you were beside her, John. - Etita said. - Here, look. - It is forwarded to the captain instrumentron multiple files. - It is on the library Asha.

  - It is good that this library is useful. In the laboratory, I have collected a sample of the existing explosives detector circuit which was one of the tablets in this library.

  - We are too easy for too long treated the riches of the past. - Etita said, sitting down next to Shepard at the kitchen table.

  - You're right. - Captain nodded. - And now the past can help us only when we show an effective interest in his wealth. Asha Library will Asari and has already begun to help.

  They talked for a few more hours, and then fell asleep in the chair Shepard Hall, he refused to occupy any sofa and embarrass the hosts.

  He woke up in the morning, at nine o'clock on that Liara leaned tenderly and gently kissed him on the forehead.

  - Good morning, John.

  - Good morning, Lee. - Shepard convinced that Liara little rest. - Do you have breakfast?

  - No. Waiting for you.

  - Then. - The captain threw his blanket, got up. - Moment.

  - Come into the kitchen. My already gone, they have a morning training cycle. Behind them came Machine Center. They love and respect them. And they are - happy. Happy are those that bring real benefits. - Liara turned, leaving the hall into the corridor. - I'm waiting for you in the kitchen, John.

  - With pleasure, Lee.

  Refreshed after a morning shower, Shepard went to the kitchen and amazement surveyed the table, cluttered with plates, looked at Liara.

  - Lee ... I'm not that hungry.


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