Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 242

by Theodore Daniels

  A few minutes of silence taels. In a conversation with Yavikom they adequately discussed what should have told the asari. Regarding d'Avignon and Etity questions from Yavika taels and did not arise - the matriarchs have sufficient life experience to perceive the story about total immersion technique safely. But Liara. Her love of Shepard could, as people say "buck". But ask the matriarchs get away ... now it could not be done. They are, all three of them - the family reunited, they are rarely seen, so let her listen, taels, the story all along that she did not have to repeat it later.

  - Yavik then used our technology Prothean total immersion. - Taels briefly described asari that represents the technology, what opportunities it gives researchers. - Here and Shepard I saw that before him had seen none of the people directly - how Protheans protect humanity from destruction Reapers. Frankly, Yavik somehow proved that Protheans influenced the development of people, earthlings, so that they reached the limit that guarantees the destruction of the race. Yavik also did not conceal from the captain that besides reasonable living organic matter, reached a high level of development, the Reapers imyut order to destroy the higher animals, which are considered unreasonable, and - an order to destroy the traces of an advanced civilization. Cause and destroyed almost all of our Prothean town, and the remains, as we now know, do not make an impression on new races are too perfect. Here, where we lived until innusanontsy, we also see examples of this approach: all that rough - preserved, and all that pretentious, just - destroyed. As it was established only recently, some of the shots that record that we Protheans are included in the invasion of the Reapers warnings were lifted rifles here on Ilos. These places we noted on the cards that you will get later. Copies of the warning records with these fragments, we will also give you. - Taels sighed, turning the conversation to the journey of Captain in the virtual world of antiquity of mankind. - A few dozen hours Yavik accompanied the captain in his wanderings. It shows the interior of our outposts. Frankly, we also studied the fauna - as a reasonable and unreasonable, quite hard, in some cases even violent methods. And Shepard saw it - our work. Yavik, I know this for sure, everything is explained to the captain. Virtual tour of this class ... and exhausting one who travels, and the one who directs the traveler. For Yavika this journey was too complicated and expensive, but Shepard was exhausted then almost to the limit, so Yavik especially made sure that the master ate tightly after each return from virtual reality, and then - fast, without any dreams, slept. And Shepard as I know, to cope with that and with another perfectly, allowing him to travel for a long time and often. - She caught sight of Liara glow of pride for John and flame unflagging interest to detail proteanki story. Virtual tour of this class ... and exhausting one who travels, and the one who directs the traveler. For Yavika this journey was too complicated and expensive, but Shepard was exhausted then almost to the limit, so Yavik especially made sure that the master ate tightly after each return from virtual reality, and then - fast, without any dreams, slept. And Shepard as I know, to cope with that and with another perfectly, allowing him to travel for a long time and often. - She caught sight of Liara glow of pride for John and flame unflagging interest to detail proteanki story. Virtual tour of this class ... and exhausting one who travels, and the one who directs the traveler. For Yavika this journey was too complicated and expensive, but Shepard was exhausted then almost to the limit, so Yavik especially made sure that the master ate tightly after each return from virtual reality, and then - fast, without any dreams, slept. And Shepard as I know, to cope with that and with another perfectly, allowing him to travel for a long time and often. - She caught sight of Liara glow of pride for John and flame unflagging interest to detail proteanki story. therefore Yavik especially made sure that the master ate tightly after each return from virtual reality, and then - fast, without any dreams, slept. And Shepard as I know, to cope with that and with another perfectly, allowing him to travel for a long time and often. - She caught sight of Liara glow of pride for John and flame unflagging interest to detail proteanki story. therefore Yavik especially made sure that the master ate tightly after each return from virtual reality, and then - fast, without any dreams, slept. And Shepard as I know, to cope with that and with another perfectly, allowing him to travel for a long time and often. - She caught sight of Liara glow of pride for John and flame unflagging interest to detail proteanki story.

  Matriarchs taels listened to the story calmly and apparently even somewhere blankly. Age and experience give them that opportunity.

  - The next excursion was not in the history of mankind and in the history of the asari. - Taels soothingly looked at the startled involuntarily Liara. - John was just neuёmen in their quest to learn more about the most space of the galaxy of races, not just the area of the Citadel. Yavik agreed to his desire, he realized that the captain it can withstand. - Taels again saw in the eyes of a young asari glow of pride for Shepard. - My friend warned Shepard that he, the man, Earthman, see asari unvarnished. Frankly, when Yavik sent me a request, I was ... shocked - in a document contained a requirement to prepare information for deep excursions into the history of a variety of known nepriglazhennuyu Protheans races. Both ancient and modern. I myself was not sure that the Earthman, even an officer, soldier, all this stand,

  Liara listened story taels tours captain in history and compared the Azari heard that she knew - from his mother's stories and the books, which she did as a child read a myriad of. She saw her mother with interest listens taels, knew that she, as a member of the Board of the matriarch, know a lot of that, what does this fragile proteanka. Yes, the asari have not always been nyashki. They are a very long time were predators, has long fought among themselves. It is not used to be a lot of talk about it is not taken in detail to remember even azariyskih communities, but all this was Protheans, as it turned out, not only opened their archives, which contained a wealth of information about the ancient and the ancient history of the race asari but the details of how that's only methods and means, studied modern asari. We studied very thoroughly. Anyway about Liara largely learned for the first time, even for Benešov and Etity much communicated proteankoy was new. Taels often talked about famous Asari things and events, turning the story so that it all appeared as a new previously unseen world, manifests hidden, but be very important part.

  Benešov taels listened story about how males asari gradually degenerated, but remained pure males among the asari, and females have acquired the ability to change their own social, and not only social role in procreation in a very wide range. It turned out that Protheans, albeit very limited, difficult, hard, but still could, were able to have the opportunity to read the information from the noosphere of the Galaxy and of its parts, each surrounding a celestial body in the first place - inhabited inhabited planet. Thanks to information from the noosphere Yavik Shepard was able to show a consistent, detailed, multi-color story azariyskoy race.

  The captain saw the formation of Matriarchy, the formation of Justiciary, the emergence of the problem Ardath-yakshas, learned about many other problems, which to this day have coexisted asari. It turned out that Ardath Protheans been programmed as a sub-race, able to work with the personal code of reasonable organic beings directly, and besides, Ardath, as it turned out, had the right and the transformation of the psyche, so to speak, bodily form reasonable organics within very wide limits. Needless to say, the future of the asari Protheans planned on a grand scale. Thoughts while they are very extensively and in detail.

  - I will not hide. - Taels said. - Request for Shepard, demanding sealing familiarization program with the history of the now existing races, me and my colleagues that mastered Ilos and his wealth after a long period of abandonment and desolation were pleasant. They allowed us to plan our work with great clarity and fullness. They guide us to what really might not be useful at some point in the future, but here and now, in the near future. Work on the requests Shepard, on their implementation into something more tangible, Maximized, allows not to think about t
he impending threat of the galaxy occupation. Allows you to not get hung up on the understandable fear of Yavika, for the fate of other Protheans who managed to survive ... - she paused. - Because we were all very happy to know and understand that Shepard ... is not engaged in bravado, it does not give wishful thinking. He is ready to accept the maximum amount of information. And because digressions into the history of other races, we have tried to prepare as quickly as possible and to the fullest extent. For five days, he knocked in their minds about a variety of races, their history, and not only about the history. Yavik, of course, followed, limited capital, but ... Shepard turned neuёmen in his quest to get the most and my friend had to ... come to terms with such a choice of man. I and my colleagues, I will not deny, we were happy to work on a specific task, a particular problem, and specific questions. - Said taels, ending with the story of how Captain Yavik introduced with the history of the races of the Milky Way Space. - Later time. The rest of the information technology - proteanka put on the table laying with readers - can be found here. I have to go. We have evening work cycle and it requires my presence. We will continue our evening meeting, but touching our conversations are so many. Relax. Good night.

  Liara, as planned, after a restful night of sleep in the back of the EA Citadel mode. At noon came Yavik, explained how and when to get in touch with Tess, said protection and safety measures, and answered a lot of questions and wanted to Liara every success in her work.

  I am answering the call of maple. Young asari are very pleased that he sees Liara whole, intact and healthy, quickly invited the other assistants, forwarded a report on progress made in the absence of the advisor and briefly talked about the complexities and difficulties. Then there was a business conversation ended after two hours. Next session agreed to hold a few days - too frequent use of the channel was unsafe, and Liara convinced - four assistants tenaciously to keep the situation under the management and control, and surgery itself counselor is not required, and the need - Liara will help your assistant manager immediately. Possibilities how to convince younger T'Soni conversation with Yavikom have Protheans had - up to speed delivery Liara back to Tess in the shortest possible time.

  Soothing assistants said goodbye to its chairwoman, and Liara, extinguishing the screen instrumentrona briefly wondered ordering in memory heard and read in preparation for the volumetric report on the work done. From a conversation with Riley, Yreka, Mizin and Klёnoy indicated that no particular difficulties have not yet emerged, and not even in sight, so it could not read the report, but, after a pause, Liara still decided to view the body of at least "on the diagonal "and, having spent this view a few tens of minutes, making sure that is extremely dangerous and there is no problem and is not visible in the foreseeable future. Of course, war is war: the loss, loss, difficulties, challenges present in the set. There was no time to relax.

  In the morning, I had to begin systematic work on routine counselor and above all - carefully examine the contents of the report. About much should reflect more deeply and fully. Liara had no doubt that the restless taels and offer her work in several local laboratory, which is inconceivable without close association with the highly educated, experienced and knowledgeable Protheans. So she, besides working and the Advisor on Ilos here will have the opportunity to do science, and if you're lucky - to work with the information Prothean Archives.

  Plan your next day, Liara was forgotten on a hard bed, telling myself to wake up at six in the morning. A moment later, she fell into a deep sleep, beating, this time without dreams.

  Work near Protheans in laboratories. Communication and asari Protheans. Improving Liara

  Whether taels read thoughts Liara, or more she learned about her desires and intentions, but in the evening the next day proteanka came to Liara into the room and told the guests about public laboratories Ilos it can take as a co-worker for several months, while retaining the the guests very loose schedule. What Liara - Advisor to the Citadel, most Protheans already knew, so please ensure younger taels T'Soni is free schedule of work, no one caused objections or misunderstandings.

  Liara whole day spent out in the Adviser to vrabotatsya mode, re-read several times sent assistants report, written several dozen pages of "Notes about", some of which she has decided to send a return on Tess at the earliest opportunity. Taels guest did not hurry with the decision, leaving the desktop Liara several readers with more information, and to take a few hours of conversation with d'Avignon and Etitoy. How then learned Liara, both matriarch were also offered employment options, with Protheans take into account a lot of details, which allowed to leave the list of the most valuable and credible alternatives. Having agreed with the matriarch of that decision, it will listen on the following evening,

  Studying the reader with information about the laboratories, Liara glad that here on Ilos she did not have to mess around internally. Taels in a conversation with the guest pointed out that in a few decades, and perhaps before she will be given the opportunity to travel to Ilos. Of course, in compliance with the masking and security measures, but still loose enough. Liara taels thanked for this opportunity and decided to try to reconcile the prospect opens with the timetable and schedule of counselors work in laboratories Ilos. Gradually, idleness, and idleness threat receded, immensely pleased that Liara and allowed her to believe that a few months on Prothean planet will be filled to the limit is the activity and knowledge.

  Working in several scientific and research laboratories seized Liara completely. Taels, highlighting a couple of hours taught Liara controlled local wheeled transport - thereby conveyor, explained that young asari can use the machine and how your mobile study - turned out Protheans converted machine in accordance with this purpose: in the salon there was a table, chairs , sofa, shelves and cabinets enough for crystals and other things and objects.

  Thanking taels, Liara mastered a few hours in the car, glad to open in front of her abilities - proteanka Protheans confirmed readiness to show the life of the planet and its inhabitants without any restrictions. Now Liara after a day of work in the laboratory often do not return at night in a residential settlement in a familiar guest beams and conveyor resting in the cabin, falling asleep with readers and crystals in their hands. Taels continued to ensure that young asari do not die on hunger strike, regularly supplying Liara sets rations and encouraging canteens in towns where the laboratories are located.

  Matriarch took care of the previous two Protheans. Etita d'Avignon and have chosen different areas of work, and now, having mastered the conveyors also appear infrequently in a guest village. They were provided with rest rooms within the enterprises, institutions and organizations where they wish to work. Of course, Protheans and decided questions of the guests food, strictly taking care to not peretruzhdaetsya matriarchs and time interrupted the work to eat and rest.

  Work in the laboratory allowed Liara stabilize. Feeling the threat of doing nothing finally gone, and now young asari worked at her usual pace, regularly, once every few days leaving to communicate with their assistants. Gradually she made and his decision on who will replace it later on as adviser. So far, the candidates were few and Liara in no hurry to make a final decision.

  Protheans have taught asari - like Liara and her parents. Quite quietly, unobtrusively they developed them, not allowed to worry about a lot of things to deal with difficulties and dangers, relying primarily on their own strength and ability. Liara knew Protheans taken care of and that the information transmitted by the guest, do not fall into the hands of the Reapers and their henchmen, so was pleased to take part in the preparation of military units and Prothean in real exercises and maneuvers the armed forces Ilos. It turned out that the majority of adults Protheans received military training compulsory and almost all his life in the reserve, regularly taking part in the training camp and training.

  This system is strongly reminiscent of Liara Turian, but they were, of course, there are differences - still Protheans were Elder Race and their preparation was
largely different from that practiced what turians. Over time, Liara realized that attracting visitors to take part in the military training of inhabitants Ilos Protheans care of that on his return to Tess guests did not have to undergo adaptation and retraining - the war against the Reapers, and continued it until the end in sight in the foreseeable future.

  Work in the laboratory for Liara became commonplace. She was glad that he can work in a familiar rhythm to it, bring not virtual but very real benefits to residents of Ilos and continuously improve, because now at its disposal were almost all rich archives Ilos. Often after work Protheans and asari staged joint gatherings, where it was said a long time, not only in the office, but also on the ordinary, and at times - and personal issues. No Liara nor her parents have never felt reasonable second-class, obliged to silently listen to anything that will tell or show the representatives of the Elder Race. On the contrary, Protheans sought to ensure that the asari feel equal among equals, not experienced in communicating any discomfort and did not consider themselves less developed. Looking through his diary entries in a few decades, Liara noted with surprise, as it regularly and her parents Protheans invited to his home, introduced with numerous relatives were allowed to communicate with young Protheans, with their daughters and sons. Several times Liara, Benešov and Etita long dealt with very elderly Protheans, behind who had several hundred years of life at the time of leaving the Vault on Eden Prime. Especially liked the meeting and this dialogue matriarch - they seem to fall into the familiar environment for them, in the peer environment. Liara admired the sharpness and fullness of thinking Protheans older, their zest for life, activity and the desire to bring new benefits to their countrymen. allowed to communicate with young Protheans, with their daughters and sons. Several times Liara, Benešov and Etita long dealt with very elderly Protheans, behind who had several hundred years of life at the time of leaving the Vault on Eden Prime. Especially liked the meeting and this dialogue matriarch - they seem to fall into the familiar environment for them, in the peer environment. Liara admired the sharpness and fullness of thinking Protheans older, their zest for life, activity and the desire to bring new benefits to their countrymen. allowed to communicate with young Protheans, with their daughters and sons. Several times Liara, Benešov and Etita long dealt with very elderly Protheans, behind who had several hundred years of life at the time of leaving the Vault on Eden Prime. Especially liked the meeting and this dialogue matriarch - they seem to fall into the familiar environment for them, in the peer environment. Liara admired the sharpness and fullness of thinking Protheans older, their zest for life, activity and the desire to bring new benefits to their countrymen. Especially liked the meeting and this dialogue matriarch - they seem to fall into the familiar environment for them, in the peer environment. Liara admired the sharpness and fullness of thinking Protheans older, their zest for life, activity and the desire to bring new benefits to their countrymen. Especially liked the meeting and this dialogue matriarch - they seem to fall into the familiar environment for them, in the peer environment. Liara admired the sharpness and fullness of thinking Protheans older, their zest for life, activity and the desire to bring new benefits to their countrymen.


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