Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 249

by Theodore Daniels

  - You too, John. - The officer pressed a few keys on instrumentrone and his face lit up the screen to activate the rainbow.

  Quietly entered the room, Shepard sat down in the chair at the head of the bed. Svetlana slept. She slept soundly, without signs of stress, anxiety, stiffness. Nearby, at arm's length were cots. Glancing at his wife, Shepard thought that comes the important point - it is necessary to select the names of the children. Yes, pre and son and daughter already have the nationality of the solar system, the Earth and the nationality of the two nationality - Britain and Russia. It will take another ten days - and then will be issued basic documents. So it's time to make a selection of names new residents mother planet mankind was.

  Realizing Svetlana desire to do everything on time, Shepard went over in memory the names of those who were accustomed to the Imperials. Of course, Svetlana somehow too has managed to not just think about the names of options. It was necessary to verify the lists. And to choose the most appropriate options. I really wanted the children to have received the names most familiar to residents of the UK and for the people of Russia - Shepard had no doubt that his children in the future, after the victory will be interesting to visit the father's home and, of course, they have a lot of time will be carried out within the vast territory Empire. And over time, become accustomed to dwell very long on board the spacecraft, because they have, no doubt, early childhood will be held here on the boards Troop ships.

  - Joe ... - murmured the quiet whisper of Svetlana. - You came ... ... My joy - she put her arms around his neck, attracted to her and kissed her lips. - Do not worry, I slept well. So sleep is probably not slept since childhood. Quietly, without a dream and very hard and deep. I really calmed down. - It is not opening the open arms, leaned back his lips to his chief friend and sat up in bed. A few minutes later they were kissing and Shepard had every opportunity to make sure that it Svetlana, single, has a direct and full access to his heart and soul, recovering from childbirth. Of course, it took little time more, but basically it is definitely recovering. And I slept too - fast and full.

  A little aloof, Svetlana screen lit his instrumentrona, waited until Shepard activates a list of names and called:

  - Let's make a choice, Joe. - She said quietly. Shepard nodded, and they are easily touching the screen with your finger, began to check lists, barely audible explaining to each other the reasons for choosing a particular name from a huge set. A few minutes - and the names selected. The very names of which, as it turned out, there were also in the list, compiled by Svetlana, in a list compiled by John.

  - Come'll get, look at the children, John. Soon, very soon they will get their names. - Svetlana said, taking care of the main friend and easily getting out of bed. - Come on!

  They leaned over the crib. Infants sleeping, sated and calm down. My mother was there, Dad was there that still small, just born child need? He fed, around - silence, muted light, no reason for concern.

  - They're fine, John. - Svetlana said quietly.

  - Yes, they are - perfect. - Echoed Shepard said, looking at his son. - Thank you, Sveta. You - sorceress.

  - I have to be a magician who, John. For you I will do everything. All that I can and even more. - Svetlana put her arms around her husband and a friend's shoulders, seeing as the ward quietly enters Selezneva. - We have chosen the names of Allah.

  - Well done. - Doctor cruiser approached the bed. - And?

  - She - Maria, he - Alexander. - Said Svetlana. Shepard nodded, confirming his consent.

  - Good. - Seleznev scored a few commands on the overbed medical console, took from the "scoop" the tape. - Anoint their children, parents. - Said the physician, passing the tape in the hands of Svetlana and John. For a few seconds - and Svetlana tape encircles the left handle newborn girl, and John - left hand newborn boy, knowing that this ritual will be filmed automation Chamber and included in the chronicle records maintained by the AI, firmly entrenched in instrumentrone Shepard.

  - Congratulations. - Quietly said Seleznyov. - You get dealt.

  - They were supposed to get the names as soon as possible. - Svetlana said, going back to bed. - And we have tried to do this as quickly as possible.

  - Good name. - Approved doctor. - I think they quickly get used to them.

  - I hope so. - Svetlana lay down, covering veil. - I'm very good sleep off, Al.

  - I see. - Grinned Selezneva. - That's noticeable. I have no comments, well you recover, Light.

  - Can? - On the threshold of the House stood Alyx.

  - Come on, Alix. - Svetlana waved her hand in greeting and kiborgessa approached the cot. - Meet, is Maria and Alexander. We just gave them names and now they will soon receive complete sets of documents.

  - They are beautiful. - Kiborgessa said softly, gently leaning over the crib. - And there will be even more beautiful in the future.

  - Thank you, Alix. - Svetlana smiled contentedly. - Sit down. John, where are you going?

  - How much, Light? I'll bring you something to eat. Not all the nurses and orderlies strain.

  - Good. - Approving glance Svetlana said Shepard else. A few minutes later Mate he returned with three trays.

  - Umm. You still eat and we all brought. Thank you, Joe. - Svetlana took trays with vessels, placed them on the table. She definitely liked to go back to the usual movements to the usual rhythm, get used to the fact that it is now - my mother, she now - adult mature woman having all the features and the right to return very soon to the usual work to the familiar service to the usual range duties.

  Alla helped her friend, in the table setting and participated kiborgessa. Soon the table began a quiet, a lively and interesting discussion. We discussed everything - and problems Squad, and the problems of the Citadel, and the upcoming sortie. Selezneva supported a conversation orientation - it is well understood that Svetlana recover faster, faster to recover from pregnancy and childbirth, if not to limit it now, not to drive into the framework of strict information and behavioral mode. Under John's defense, under the protection of Alix she will be able to devote sufficient attention to themselves, their new needs and his new responsibilities, but it will not remain alone with difficulties - doctor cruiser was convinced that Shepard simply will not allow his main girlfriend though skolko a strained or something worrying too much.

  Yes, now Svetlana will tend to worry a lot, because she had - two small children and a few months they will need it constantly. Well, John was there with Svetlana all this time, he was at her side during the birth, he was close to her now. Somehow Seleznev was convinced - Svetlana today will allow its main friend to sleep with their children in the same bed. Let get used to the fact that a number will be not only my mother, but also dad. They still feel the presence of both parents feel their unity and peace and quiet because sleep yourself, do not show anxiety, alertness.

  Alix enjoyed the fact that John and Svetlana so quickly took it in his own special circle that in her one of the two does not see a simple cyber worthy unless the status of maids and housekeepers. She really liked it, because Shepard said publicly that kiborgessa liked his children, because when she leaned over the crib, they not only awake, but even showed the slightest tension. We can say that they took it as a good friend.

  Svetlana is not shy about the fact that John repeatedly fed her with a spoon - Alix and Alla smiled, seeing as the commander of the cruiser gladly opens his mouth, in a hurry to chew and swallow another bite, and then invariably leaning towards John and kisses him - on the lips, in forehead, in the cheeks. Kisses gently, quietly, gratefully. She was happy - Jon transition to the status of the father passed quickly and completely, he was very close to the children, they accepted him as one of the most important people for them. Of course, he was very cautious, perhaps even a little timid, but over time its role in the life of a son and daughter, and always be sure to grow quickly.

  - Tomorrow at fifteen thirty in the "Volga" will arrive Yavik. He returned to the squad, will arrive on the freighter at t
he docks, pier thirty-six, and from there, I'm sure he will arrive here soon. - Seleznev said, consulting the instrumentronom. - Looks like the Light, tomorrow will come to the children and Titov and our warrior. How to think?

  - Yavik worthy to see the children and it would be useful to meet with the Senior Race at once. The sooner, the faster and better they will get used to it. I am sure, will Yavik for them good friend. - Streltsov said. - And I do not doubt Stanislav - he is worthy to see them one of the first. Well, he would see the children with Yavikom, because they are both - commanders. - Kaperang grinned. - If you knew, my friends, it's nice to feel like a mother, and it's nice to know that I will soon be able to return to work and to serve ...

  The response was restrained Svetlana kind smile and soft views of all around the table. John gave Svetlana a glass of herbal infusion, she took it with both hands, felt the warmth of the glass and inhaled the pleasant aroma. After drinking a few sips, she felt the heat of the beverage spread inside as it warms infusion. Streltsov felt that these special moments later she will remember many many times. The first minutes of full motherhood.

  She knows that Shepard Titov discussed with many options and details of future operations plan, a few days - and "Volga" and "Normandy" will go to the Citadel in its next sortie. Historically, and Titov, and Anderson and Shepard detained departure is detachment from the Citadel to it even more, yet fully recovered to its essential nature of women's work - the birth of children. A few weeks she will hold here within the sickbay, it is possible that after his return to the Citadel Allah will not allow her to return even in the cabin. But it is absolutely certain that every day, every few hours, she will be able to at least briefly see her John, hug and kiss him many, many times, because thanks to him, she had two children! How she wanted - the girl for her, future assistant and a boy for John - the future protector and warrior. For some reason she already believes - he also chooses the path of the warrior, officer, maybe even commando.

  It is only at first it seems that twenty years - that's a lot, but in fact you will pass - and not notice it. And John, his presence near the child, it will help influence and Mary and Alexander to be the best. They will have a unique childhood - close to kiborgessami and cyborg near proteaninom near turians near salarians near Asari ...

  We ought, of course, somehow normalize relations with the penny, because it is in anything and especially not her fault, then just Svetlana was afraid, very afraid for the integrity and completeness of his relationship with John. And therefore I reacted very sharply. Very, very rapidly and it caused a large wound Liara. Spiritual, of course, and can be physical, because Liara already been seriously injured Lang, now it all his life - all for a thousand years will feel the effects of this injury ... And then there's Svetlana caused her such injury ... Even it is difficult to say what is more in this injury - physical or mental damage. Probably, all the same moral more ...

  Liara came under the hot hand Svetlanin. Popal. Could not help it ... Svetlana and John suffered ... He had to tell Liara is very nasty words ... Very unpleasant. If Yavik back - after a few months of arriving at Tess and Liara. It is, of course, will return to his duties Advisor, it will be back to work in the research center and in its information and mediation firm. But at heart she is a wound inflicted by Svetlana. Liara loves John, love. She loves in the present, fully, deeply, truly. She agreed to fall in love with another earthling, become it, not Shepard, and what else, my wife ... It's hard, it hurts, but Liara does it because he loves John. He likes and wants John was sure that Svetlana safe.

  John was very sick like that hard, maybe even sharply to speak with the penny in sickbay frigate, cruiser. He then ... was very talkative and this reticence was needed. It has helped to avoid even worse, even more unpleasant consequences. John Svetlana rescued from having to say the most with the penny. Now, laying out the situation on the shelves, Streltsov was not sure that would be restrained. It could reach up to battering - then she was very afraid for the integrity of its relationship with John. She is simply afraid that Liara vyydёt forward in importance. I was afraid.

  And now she is not afraid. Understand that having visited Ilos Liara much understand, it will inevitably grow wiser, grow up even more. And when she returns to Tess, she is ready to ensure that trust in another earthling. Perhaps to a lesser extent than it trust, to be exact - have trusted John, but still. It is not known how many will continue the war against the Reapers - Protheans here for centuries fought for some reason Svetlana now seems that it will take a few more years. And the next flight will take a few weeks - after darting Reapers across the galaxy, and from them is very difficult to escape or avoid a meeting with their fleets and other departments.

  Liara, returning to Tess again plunge into the work, but it would certainly try to find a close friend, who will receive a chance to be for this young asari chief. Much will depend on Liara and this earthling, by their joint work to establish relationships. It is clear that maintaining a love for John, Liara is very strict, and pereborchivy careful. And after Ilos - especially because Protheans certainly have provided her with important information, which must remain inaccessible to the Reapers and their accomplices. And, nevertheless, Liara can be for this, another earthling very close - Svetlana Now this was not just confident - confident.

  Putting aside the empty plates and cups on trays, Svetlana, John, Alla and Alix continued to speak in a whisper. Time passed quickly, but Seleznev, glancing at the clock ward, stood up, his whole appearance indicating that there is a limit. John took away from the chamber trays with dishes and appliances, Alla examined Svetlana, convinced that everything is normal and have time until Shepard returned, something to recommend a friend and patient. Alix walked to the crib where paused, looking at the sleeping infant.

  - Okay. I leave you in good hands Svetlana. I think, John, that night will be very significant for all of you. - Doctor cruiser laid a second big hospital bed. - Alix?

  - I would be enough chairs, Ala. - Nodded gratefully kiborgessa.

  - Good. - The doctor came to the crib, make sure that the baby continue to sleep. - I went. - A doctor cruiser door closed ward.

  Svetlana came to the crib, bent:

  - John, so they can sleep for hours. But it will be better if you often will longer keep them on hand. - She said quietly. - Let's start right now. - They have to sleep off, so a small change they obviously would not hurt. - Smiling young mother. - Choose.

  Surprisingly Strel'tsova John chose his daughter. Carefully I picked her up - even to correct it was not necessary, it is well taught in the Academy of Al-seven, pressed gently to clean formёnke to his broad chest. About what kind of sense of security and peace of mind is able to give this chest, Svetlana knew very well from his own experience.

  - Alix, what do you do something. Take in the hands of Alexander. He will be happy, it is necessary to get used to your presence.

  Kiborgessa gently and carefully picked up the baby in his arms, he did not even wake up, nothing showed alertness or any anxiety.

  - Well, now I see that the children - in good hands. - Quite Streltsov smiled. - Let's walk slowly in the ward, let accustomed not only lie in cribs, but also to move. First, on the hands, and then ...

  - Then, too, in her arms. - Said John and said main friend liked Svetlana:

  - Of course, John. Then - also on hand. I am pleased. - She put an arm around her husband's shoulders, looked like daughter bowed her head to his father's chest. - She is very happy and pleased.

  - I hope it quietly. I wonder what dreams she sees right now? - Shepard said, gently moving in the ward.

  - Nice, I guess. - Streltsov said softly. - Because she is in the arms of his dad slept. How else, then?

  - And Sasha something ours - a real man. Calm like a boa constrictor. Few of his peers can boast that the first days of his life he spent in the hands of the beautiful and intelligent kiborgessy. - Shepard said, turning to marching behind Alyx.

  - John, you have to drive
me to paint. Of course, I could blush, but ... - smiled contentedly kiborgessa. - Your son is fine. I am glad that he has accepted me.

  - Alix, he will get used to you and do not be afraid when you see with your own eyes, fully and clearly. - Said Svetlana.

  - I would be happy about it. - Said Cyborg. - I am very, very pleased to your confidence.

  Enough to walk up the ward, Svetlana offered Alix and John to sit down on the bed, the benefit of the second bed was the size of two times more and there was enough space for everyone with a stock. Alix shook slightly, and the Alexander loved it. Alla was right - now Svetlana and John saw how their children are changing literally every hour as quickly and completely is their adaptation to life in this big and complex world.

  - Boa constrictor something, but we need to change diapers. - John said, standing up. - Masha, too calm, but the nature of their needs. - He came to the changing table, gently and carefully put the girl on the mattress, quickly and clearly changed the diaper. - Now everything is normal. And then begins to sulk Masha face spoils, the ground for early wrinkles prepares. We will eliminate this disorder repeatedly. - XO smiled.

  - Look, John, it would be my father's daughter ... - Svetlana smiled. - Not from you ... otlipnet will sew all your women. And she is able to make high quality, I'm sure.

  - Nope. She will understand me correctly. And it will be in her early childhood large selection of contenders for her hand and heart. And it will be a long, thoughtful and carefully chosen. And be sure to choose the very, very best.

  - Such as you, John. - Svetlana went back to her husband, daughter cradled in her arms, pressed against his back, put his arm around her shoulders. - Thank you.

  - Ali, here is the speed! Respect! - Watching kiborgessa almost instantly changed diapers Alexander Shepard quite sincerely admired the skill of Olivia's daughter. - Now I believe that your first-born would be the best AI of at least Citadel space. And you will become a reliable support and a great helper.


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