Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 253

by Theodore Daniels

  Few things in human culture seems most reasonable is just as pure, sinless, unarmed, safer than those just born baby. Most intelligent children - special treatment. They - a kind of tuning forks that can strictly ask adults. At least how the world in which they, their children, came ready to accept them, save up to adulthood and give them the opportunity to develop all their skills and abilities to the maximum.

  The world, which came to the younger Shepard-Streltsov, severe. He is at war with an enemy extragalactic aimed at the total destruction of any organic intelligent life. The world resists the threat of destruction, is fighting with the enemy in a life-and-death, and at the same time continuing to develop, improve, continues to claim lives.

  Suddenly, one of Svetlana John conjoint movement got up and went to bed. Leaning over them, he picked up the sleeping son, pulled him gently to his chest. He did not even started, only bowed his head back and sniffed faintly, falling asleep even stronger. He heard the sound of his father's heart, heard his breath and calmed down, realizing that he is now in an even more secure than before, because it is - in the arms of his dad's hometown. Where for a boy may be more safest? Is that in the hands of my mother, of course. But dad, especially a dad, how is Shepard, very valuable for her son.

  Shepard was on the ward, cradling the child, followed by a look of Svetlana. Kind, quiet, approving glance. John did not refuse to spend not only her, but also with children. Yes, he was very cautious, at times - very cautious, but as it should be - all gradually. All - over time.

  There will be days, weeks, and the children see their parents with their own eyes. I wonder what color they have them? Black, brown, gray, blue, green? Whatever - they for John and Svetlana will be the family needed, valuable - their eyes firstborn, their eyes long-awaited children. Eagerly absorbing information surrounding their huge world, readers emotions, feelings, attitudes, thoughts ... Yes, yes, thought. Svetlana believe that such young children give a higher power to use this ability that makes babies equal to the gods at least in this case, very few.

  Shepard succeeded by his son diapers, Alexander is quite calming and snorted, lying on his back, stretched out at full length, basking in his father's gaze, feeling his restrained affection and love. Male love, men's tenderness.

  Svetlana was in no hurry to approach the changing table, in no hurry to take the initiative in their hands. She had not even watched it just looked enjoying. I saw it a different Shepard. Do everything to krogan were free from genophage, risked his life for this. Do everything to Rannoch was free from the hateful guest - Reaper. I do a lot of what is available and it was a mythical epic hero. Make it more in reality. Now, Shepard I saw knelt in front of the changing table and gently stroked his son's head. Alexander slept, relaxed, tossing. Shepard, Svetlana was sure to notice how time goes. It's all focused on her son. Enjoy, drink up to the bottom of the whole range of new sensations associated with the fact of the existence of his child,

  Streltsov did not notice how a new smile blossomed on her face. Soft, soft, quiet. Not full, but happy, very happy. It's only a day, and John already being seeks to do with his son, to communicate with him. He does not expect that the normal age - two - three months or even more - two or three years, when so many fathers finally seek to establish a dense constant communication with his sons. It is next to his son in the first hours, from the first days of his life. And he did not seek to accelerate the maturing son realizes that he needs to complete a normal childhood.

  A little squinting, saw Streltsov almost glowing in the twilight of Alix's eyes. Kiborgessa all saw it very much, this was sure Svetlana, captured on video. A little nod younger kiborgessa confirmed guess Svetlana and faintly smiled.

  Inaudible coming to the table, Svetlana took care of Alexander the handle. He immediately grabbed his four fingers of her index finger. John, without getting up from his lap lay his hand on top of his hands and they were friends together a few minutes looking at the sleeping son. Svetlana felt warm and handle the child and warm hands of the main other.

  These few minutes, she remembered for a lifetime. Alexander joined her and John, made them truly united. No marriage procedure does not create relationship between a man and a woman. The only link that generates the relationship is their common child. Absolutely common, native, hard-won, long-awaited. And now, Svetlana saw that it really is a single entity with John, because it is not only the son, but a daughter. The son, as expected, will carry into the future genetic code Svetlana and John, give him a decent woman to connecting it to your gene code, it has spawned a new generation. The best generation. The same, no doubt, will make their own way their daughter.

  Alexander felt the presence of a number of both parents, and he liked to bathe in them running from the waves of love, tenderness, joy and pride. Svetlana knew - to be held quite a bit of time - and the chamber filled with agukaniem and Gulen, laughter and smiles. Yes, of course, there will be crying, because children are still very small and have little to express in plain ordinary language to adults. But they are well aware and know how to use the silent universal language of feelings and emotions and Shepard knows the language perfectly. Children will cry, but the tears are not tears of sorrow and pain - it will do everything for that, as well as John. They came into the world is not a paradise, where plenty of problems and, therefore, will be prepared to address these issues will be prepared to resist evil in all of its guises.

  The soul Svetlana grew confident that John will give both children the maximum possible attention. He did not refuse to play with them, to talk, to read them a story. It will be next to them when they get sick common childhood diseases - where do without them, because otherwise the immune system will not develop in the impenetrable armor. It will be next to them when they are frightened, experiencing numerous children's fears and with him they learn to overcome these fears, to become brave and strong.

  John smiled as he looked at his son, clutching finger Svetlana. Svetlana smiled, feeling the grip of a baby fortress, its velvety soft skin. She knew that Alix writes everything on video and the time will come when they will show the grown children many hours of film on how they, Alexander and Mary came into this world.

  For them, all five, the time stopped in this chamber. They were alone with each other and with their children. Yes, outside the war was aboard, Citadel receives and sends military convoys and civilian convoys, led the existing fleet of the Resistance, in various squares, sectors, segments of the galaxy fighting was going on. The war against the Reapers continued. And here, in this chamber sickbay reconnaissance cruiser mature and intensified further proof of the futility of trying to win new Reapers complete and final victory over a reasonable - whether organic or synthetic - life.

  John gently took Alexander's hands. I walked away from the table. This time he did not cradled his son - he already slept soundly. Maybe even I dreamed. His, child, infant. Of the world, it may be able to explain and Svetlana and John what he saw in his dreams, but, probably, but not certainly, but definitely it will not do - in fact such dreams fully understood only by children. Perhaps it wanted to nature, perhaps - so wished evolution.

  Svetlana looked at his son, nestled at the hands of John, he looked at the main face of his friend and was amazed - so much tenderness and love was a smile playing on his lips Shepard. For him, as Streltsov felt, he was the son of the purpose, was the highest value, was the star of the first magnitude in his personal space. No less a target for John was, and daughter, the value and importance of which were absolute for him.

  Svetlana came to the crib, Mary took on the hands, waited until Shepard will reach the far wall chamber and begin to rotate to close the circle.

  John looked up and saw a new cots Svetlana - with a child in her arms, she looked simply divine. In her eyes, on her husband's aspiration it was so much important, profound and valuable that Shepard stopped enjoying the vision become a reality.

  A few minutes - and John is doing to meet the wife of the first step. She smil
es and takes a step toward him. They met in the middle of the House, John leaned over and kissed her on the lips. She kissed hot, a few seconds they filled them both a sense of happiness and contentment.

  Without saying a word, they turned to sitting in a chair kiborgesse - for none of them was no longer a secret that Alix sees everything and wrote everything. And now the time has come for the first official family photo. Kiborgessa single conjoint movement rises, her eyes repeatedly flashing focusing rays of illumination, and finally on the big screen there is a "fan" of a few dozen pictures - Alix gave John and Svetlana right to choose the best of them.

  - This John. - Svetlana pointed look at one of the photos.

  - I agree. - Shepard said. - She is the best. You are beautiful, as well as our children.

  - Thanks, John. - Svetlana turned to Alix. - Switched to a common server that the company officer, please. The rest is held until the end of the quarantine.

  - Good. - Kiborgessa barely perceptible nod, smile pretty. - Made. The first requests for viewing. - She lit screen one of his wrist instrumentronov. - Rapidly increasing number. It seems that this photograph waited.

  - Waited. - Svetlana said with conviction, watching the growing number of views in the window of the small screen instrumentrona Alix. - Waited. As it is nice, John.

  - Our children are welcome not only for us with you, the Light. But for otryadovtsev. - Shepard said, and Svetlana nodded, silently agreeing with the opinion of the other.

  They carefully laid the child in the crib, arms around each other a few minutes stood and looked at them. Alix silently returned to his chair, sat down in it, stopped, as usual returning to work on information flows.

  - Come on, John. - Svetlana took Shepard's arm and pulled him toward the big bed. - I want you!

  - Sveta. - More dumbfounded Shepard said, allowing himself a girlfriend result box. - And you...

  - For you - you can, John. For you. Only for you. - Svetlana easy push John knocked on his back on the bed and jumped on him. - You - my, John, only mine. And I want you to once again convinced in it!

  - I'm ready. - Shepard said quietly.

  Svetlana quite smiled, unbuttoning on John clamps and Velcro. Finally the lips of people united in a passionate hot and long kiss. Svetlana turned over on his back, allowing John to go to the side. She was happy. Shepard kissed and hugged her gently and carefully, for it was the openness Svetlana award and he was not going to pass the border of what is permitted and necessary. Strel'tsova John liked to feel his hand on my head - soft, strong, powerful, and, of course, loving. Yes, Alix continues to record video, and Svetlana and John assured and confident - this record will not go anywhere with the squadron. It is very important for the two of them. And over time, it will become an important, and for their children.

  Carefully raise and feeling on the lips kiss the sweetness of John, Svetlana sits in bed and feel the hands of John, hugging her half-naked body around the waist. The one waist, which she wanted to recover quickly recover after childbirth. And she will restore it. In the meantime, she feels gratitude emanating from John. Silent and a clear appreciation that the lips are closed with Svetlana John lips and again they are alone together. For the first time in many decades and months Svetlana with particular force and clarity again feels that John is interesting, valuable, important as a woman. Yes, he is careful, very cautious, he limited himself to hugging and kissing, but in which he has invested so many feelings, so many wonderful emotions that Svetlana was very grateful to him for this moment of happiness multifaceted.

  How many minutes they kissed and cuddled - none of them could remember - no one needs to watch the time in such succinct and important moment for both of them. Alix, who was sitting in his chair, was remarkably invisible and imperceptible. They both knew of her presence, but she was not a hindrance to them - they loved each other sincerely and openly.

  - You know, John, I dream of the time when you take me in his arms. - Svetlana said in a whisper, basking in the Shepard's eyes and enjoying his attention. - As soon as Alla permit - so soon. I am sure - you will feel this moment itself, my knight. - It is playful and mischievous grin as he saw John retaliatory smiling - always a serious, focused and even a bit harsh for those who do not know this, John Shepard.

  - I'll try, my love. - Hears the whispers and Svetlana back in bliss prizhmurivaet eyes, unable to cope with the wave of tenderness emanating from the main other. - Absolutely. Once Alla permit - will carry you around the cruiser on the hands. Accompanied by Alix and sobachatami. I promise.

  - I believe. - Svetlana whispers and hugs John's shoulders. - You're mine, John, only mine. And I - all yours.

  - All my, Light. All - mine. - Repeats Shepard and Svetlana again in bliss prizhmurivaetsya. Yes, probably, will be wrinkles, but then, much later, but for now John will see her young and beautiful. This way it will be for him alone.

  - I love you, John. - Svetlana whispers. - Love. I Love. I Love. - She repeats, capturing the face of Shepard's more and more light kisses. - Love. - She repeats softly.

  Shepard hears her voice, enjoying the tone, depth, clarity, all multicolored and multi-valued spectrum subtext - not the text, namely connotation, because Svetlana could for him in ordinary words to cram so capacious subtext that most writers will paint in his powerlessness in seconds .. . Listens to and understands - Svetlana develops its novelty, novelty is not just married women, but also women - mothers. Mastered now, in those seconds and minutes and will learn a few more weeks. She, Svetlana it is very different. At any time, it - special. I do not like the way it was a second ago, and it also happens that it is very constant. So constant that John is surprised, amazed and quite frankly did not understand where his girlfriend, the main girlfriend takes strength to such a degree of constancy.

  The commander's cabin on one of the screens, wallboards have a memory card. And there's a picture of Svetlana. The white ball gown, with a white parasol Svetlana slightly bending and crouching, frees edge of the skirt, to cling to the stalk. Around - a forest glade, the sun had passed its zenith.

  Svetlana showed this photograph to John only once. Explaining thus, she was captured when her then-Lieutenant Streltsov, was invited to appear in a historical film. Just shoot, not starring. No, she's not made the slightest furore, she just honestly fulfilled the terms of the contract with the studio. I received written thanks and a round sum as fees. Her name was included in the caption under "in the episodes". None of the audience did not know that filming, Svetlana did not come off by video engineers, operators, directors and directors. This amateur studies and made it possible to organize a video-Svetlana first and second concerts at quite a professional level - if Streltsov and undertook to do something, it is trying to do well.

  As Svetlana read his thoughts, Shepard did not understand:

  - And yet, John, I dream of the time when my daughter will be able to wear the same dress in which I captured on the known your photos. Maybe it is also invited to any role in any historical film and the dress she then very useful. - Streltsov smiled. - Just imagine, our Masha - Russian star of the screen. And not only Russia, but also in Britain and many other countries! It will be simply irresistible in this beautiful dress, I'm sure!

  - I too am sure. And she, too, like you, will not be limited to the set of role fulfillment scenario requirements. - Shepard smiled, hugging her friend. - Yes, at her feet, while the British are stacks of folded! A British women - sizzle and come dissatisfaction and indignation. How, she takes their fiancés and even of men under their very nose.

  - She is a hiss and dissatisfaction are indifferent and totally harmless, because we'll give her such training that she would a thick immunity against such attempts! - Svetlana whispered, answering the main arms of his friend's hot kisses.

  How much time they kissed like that - it is unlikely they could identify. Feeling tense, Svetlana, Shepard knew - the night came to an end.

  - Do not get up, light. Do not. Have a rest. - XO rose, stepped
quickly into sankomnatu, came back dressed in full form and suit. - I will definitely be back. As soon as I can.

  Svetlana nods silently. It hurts to let go after Shepard's so important for them both nights. It is painful and more ... scary for him. He neuёmen in its desire to work, neuёmen in his quest to protect otryadovtsev ... He would take risks, will fight to defend. Yes, ahead of the formal - ways of the week to the first point of the route, but who can know what really happens as soon as the frigate, as befits a small ship, the first leaves the outer road main station habitable part of the Galaxy. It happened - namely the landing, it will be the first landing party risk. So, would risk pushing colleagues behind him, her John ...

  As she found the strength to remain lying on the bed, on this big bed, where it many times over the last few hours was very happy, she knew, probably only herself. And John ... He went to the chamber door, left and Svetlana knew - he remembered it so ... silent, calm and waiting. Waiting for his return.

  Greg Shepard met on the threshold of the shuttle cabin. He saluted the captain, the driver smiled, handing XO reader with the latest documents that require review:

  - On board the frigate everything ready for departure. Titov reported on the "Volga" ready to take off, but the "Normandie", as always, leaving the outer harbor first. - Greg traced to Shepard sat in a chair and strapped. - Captain Anderson ordered that upon arrival you will immediately went to the Star Map. Before departure have less than twenty minutes. - Said the driver entering the cab.

  - Welcome. Flew, Greg.


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