Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 265

by Theodore Daniels

  Shepard watched shuttles his group slowly glide over the surface of the ship's hull rachni and occasionally glancing at screens broadcast the image rahniyskogo ship from the planet's surface - a place of temporary accommodation camps landing party. Immobilized the ship could not take off, propulsion explosion or debris, preserved as a scan showed the main part of the ship's hull are not expected, however, a temporary camp, it was decided to place at a sufficient distance from the vehicle rachni and now the paratroopers involved rocket packs and gravityagu.

  - We - I and Lexie - will go into the body first. - Zara turned to get up to Shepard, already made a sign to the driver, so he put the canoe to drift over one of the holes. - Let us collect preliminary information.

  - Good. - Thinking exec said. - Permission granted. - Here it was not about science or any other priority. The body had to be otsmotret detail and therefore were not fundamentally important that anyone - people or Synthetic xenos will be on board the ship rahniyskogo first.

  Zara nodded gratefully opened the salon door and jumped off the hook, planned on gravityage, in the mouth of the holes. Following gracefully jumped Lexie. After a few seconds on the screens of the group instrumentronov Shepard - and the one that was left in a temporary camp, and the one that performs the task of familiarization with the innards of the ship, received the first data.

  Zara and Bar fulfilled their task brilliantly - the completeness of data was overwhelming. Highlighting the key metrics Shepard checked the table of standards and gave a command to the main landing of the landing party. Soon, in the hallway, the ceiling of which was almost entirely razvorochen a hole, we gathered all the paratroopers. Rays of lights and portable spotlights zasharili walls.

  - Yeah, to bugs here expanse. - Said one of the troopers. - Corridor - a subway tunnel.

  - Such corridors here, according to the scheme, - answered the other paratrooper - hundreds. Otsmotret at least part of - and that is a great achievement.

  - Not only otsmotret corridors. - Looking at instrumentron said Jenkins. - We need to otsmotret premises, which here, too, lacks all or almost all of them are huge. Everything, I guess, calculated that the queen, whose growth is fifteen meters, unless, of course, it does not stand on completely straightened legs, could easily move to any part of the ship.

  - Yeah. - Alenka, looking at the screen, also agreed with the statements counterparts. - A truly royal ship level. That's just my gnawing doubt whether he really so unarmed. There are several points here ...

  - Let us in turn. - Interrupting the lieutenant Shepard said, getting to his instrumentron updated outline map formed kiborgessami together with Mark and Olivia. - We explain why the remains of troops remained active Reapers destroying these residues, leaving one of them in the rear. This - our first task. And the first point of concentration of these residues - a hundred and fifty meters away. Moving.

  The corridors are really the most conform to the enlarged several times metrotonneley might seem unprepared reasonable endless, but, having a goal and able to move, the exec team combed the room quickly and efficiently. Zara and Lexie walked ahead of the group, holding assault rifles at the ready. Each of kiborgess held two rifles and none of otryadovtsev no doubt - they will be able to use them fully in the event of the slightest need.

  - They are there hundreds of ... - Jenkins reported by looking at instrumentron when the place zhnetsovskogo airborne concentrations of residues were a few tens of meters.

  - Prepare the weapons. Kill everyone. Control - optional. - Softly he ordered Shepard.

  The hall in which the exit portals of several corridors, tunnels were filled with lying, sitting and standing haskolyudami almost completely. Number Reapers servants here was simply overwhelming.

  - Do not waste charges. Use beam weapons. - I ordered the XO.

  Apparently, the emergence of newcomers has led the remnants of the landing Reapers activated to the limit. On all sides piled otryadovtsev haskolyudy, desperately trying to strike arrived at least some damage. Weapons from the Reapers servants, usable, apparently no longer exists, so they nasedaya on aliens more calculated to crush their weight and apply a purely physical damage almost into the melee. Zara and Lexie, standing back to back, replaced by the assault rifle designed specifically for them, and began to consistently luchemёty continuously and steadily cut the squirming, wiggling and settle a lot of body, arms, legs, oskalёnnyh snouts. A few minutes otryadovtsy tried to hold back the onslaught haskolyudov, knowing that only the complete destruction of most of the paratroopers Reapers gathered here will allow to go further.

  Finally, in the living there was none of haskolyudov who managed to somehow become compressed into the hall. Zara and Lexie cut through his luchemёtami corridor through which the landing of members of the group went to the portal leading to the next corridor.

  - In an ambush does not. - Concluded Jenkins, trying to clean off the slime and cutting pipes with parts of synthetic armor with his suit. - Maybe they just left here, so as not to bother with the evacuation. Apparently, in a hurry to take away captive queen rachni.

  - Maybe. - Shepard agreed, watching as going ahead kiborgessy carefully look around the walls of the corridor-tunnel. The fact that they are practically continuously and on multiple channels to communicate with Mark and Olivia, at the XO there was no doubt.

  Otsmatrivaya and checking the premises, the entrances to which are sometimes, but into the wall of the tunnel, Shepard strengthened the opinion that it is necessary as soon as possible to go on utukku. Somehow, it seemed to him that the Reapers still managed to make the queen rachni spawn multiple beetles rachni. These beetles Reapers and their accomplices likely on the same utukku transformed into their obedient servants. Therefore, in addition to net haskolyudov husks and other Reapers group Troop landing on utukku waiting and modified beetles rachni.

  - Ahead - pool. Fine, just half a meter, but will have to go through it. - Zara, reported by passing on instrumentrony otryadovtsev pictures with their locators. - I suppose that it is - one of the pools, which housed the beetles eggs until hatching. Now all the data pool - empty. Liquid for spacesuits - safe.

  Looking around the pool, Shepard agreed with the conclusions kiborgessoy. Capacity was empty. Perhaps the Queen held it in reserve, perhaps, simply did not have time to fill the clutches ... Much remains unclear. Built in a column of three, overcame otryadovtsy pool, trying not particularly balamutit slightly viscous liquid. When there were again the usual wall-tunnel corridor, Shepard looked back, thinking that such pools on the ship can be dozens.

  After going through several halls filled with the remnants of haskolyudov paratroopers, breaking the three swimming pools, two of which have been drained, and one filled with the remains of masonry, otryadovtsy closer to the portal of the hall marked on the permanent subdivision scheme rachni ship like room with a gun mounts.

  - It turns out, only one installation. - Kaidan said. - But what! In practice, it alone is able to cover the entire upper hemisphere of this part of the "horseshoe" of the ship, and the scheme it appears that such units at this level body - the whole five! - Lieutenant stopped a few steps away from the portal, not daring to approach the structure, which occupies the center of the rounded hall. - Look up, there is most likely - a translucent dome. Installation can shoot through it, remaining invisible and imperceptible for the attackers.

  - The installation arrangements, - was heard in speakers members of the landing party voice Lexie - deactivated. I suppose that rachni not shot for no destroyer, amphibious assault ship for no accomplices Reapers. Power settings allow the destroyer to destroy several times.

  - I wonder why they did not shoot? - I asked, to anyone not particularly appealing, Richard Jenkins. - They could easily destroy the destroyer, and the accompanying assault ships. I have no reason to doubt the findings of our colleagues. - Said the corporal. - Why did not they shoot?

  - Maybe they made a different choice, the reasons which remain unclear to us, or at least, un
acceptable to us, I think, decisive and perceiving the world and the changes occurring in it, quite differently. - Said Alenko. - Commander?

  - Examine and study setting, and then return to the camp. - Shepard said. - There's our colleagues have already completed a detailed scan of the ship. Special group of troops destroyed the remnants of the landing haskolyudov. Staying on the planet no longer make sense.

  A little more than forty minutes it took satellites Exec to with the utmost care to study this new weapon. More precisely - to collect on it full information.

  - Captain. - Shepard, stopped at the turntable frame guns, came Grigoriev. - We provided information about the found a ship - the most common - the headquarters. It was decided to send a military research here squadron and a squadron fleet cover. It is possible that we will be able to take this ship to our base for more detailed study. So far, the decision that it should be possible to fully explore here on this planet. - Said the captain-paratrooper.

  - Welcome. - Shepard looked at the gun barrel. - And yet, why they did not shoot at the Reapers?

  - I guess they did not want to increase the number Reaper ships in the area, Captain. - Said Grigoriev. - Just can not say. Too many answers that have at least some reasonable sense.

  - You're right. - Shepard prolistnul on average instrumentrona screen shots of gun systems, scanners captured ships Troop get accurate targeting of temporary camps landing party. - We return to the camp.

  In the camp reigned business revival. Gryunt with its paratroopers already found buried krogan scouts. Commander "Arallaha" looked a little depressed, but soothing.

  - They fought to the end and were killed by these krogan. We do not give up and did not receded. - He said, when Shepard came to a number of gravestones hills. - Now their family will know where they are buried and be proud of them.

  After standing for a few minutes at the final resting place of the missing scouts, Shepard returned to the camp.

  - I can not help thinking, commander - came Richard - somewhere I've already seen this interior. I mean the interior of the ship rachni.

  - Quite possible. - Shepard said, looking at the screen of the average instrumentrona novopostupivshie files. - But maybe you, Richard, had not seen the exact same interior and like?

  - May be. - I agreed to the corporal.

  - I could indicate a direct correlation. - In speaker PHONES Shepard emerged voice Lexie. - Or?

  - Do not. - Shepard.- said this is not necessary.

  - I think he himself get to the truth. - Lexie agreed by switching channels.

  A few hours later shuttles took on board all its members the landing party. Ahead was utukku. It was necessary to free the queen rachni from captivity.

  Upon returning to the "Volga" board, Shepard took part in the discussion of the results of carried out work, agreed with Titov and Svetlana details engagement of an unknown planet crew and command of the squadron of ships of the fleet of the Empire and Research Squadron cover Navy. In working with the ship we were supposed to use as transport workers, whose task evacuation of a ship rachni included, unless, of course, in this evacuation be necessary.

  The arrival of the squadron on utukku. The operation to free the Queen rachni

  Several days Troop get from an unknown planet to utukku. Many otryadovtsy able to fully realize the severity and complexity of the situation that they are facing on this planet only when the squadron headed for utukku.

  Sitting next to Svetlana, dozing on the big bed, Shepard remembered the incident on an unknown planet, trying not to miss the smallest detail. Part of the missing-krogan scouts really lost on this planet, trying to figure out the situation precisely. Most of the intelligence unit was able to, it is likely to leave for utukku. How they managed to pull it off - was to find out more.

  reconnaissance detachment commander turned grated roll, a true professional. He donated several krogan reconnaissance, but the main squad saved from almost inevitable defeat, preferring to follow the reapers to utukku. Rather otryadovtsy arrived in Mulla Zul will find the entire squad kroganskoy Intelligence dead. There was, of course, a certain hope that someone from the krogan scouts survive and hold out until the arrival of a detachment of ships and landing on utukku, but ... it's the Reapers, not first-year apprentices, so that the probability of finding a survivor conventional army scout extremely small. Yes, it is, but it is very small. We should not forget how many servants living otryadovtsam Reapers had to be destroyed on an unknown planet. There were hundreds ...

  The queen was taken to an unknown planet. It was possible to establish precisely. As well as it was found that she had a fierce resistance to captivity. Chakwas Selezneva and clearly proved that the Reapers were able to capture it in a semi-conscious state, caused severe injury, can be - not even one. How Shepard was able to understand the rest of the lengthy explanations otryadovtsy medical Reapers are not accustomed to do without the absolute power of indoctrination and physical resistance to the queen they had an unpleasant surprise. All beetles, which managed to rise to the queen, until landing ship rachni on an unknown planet, have died defending it. And the soldiers and officers, and all the workers fought with tenacity rachni doomed. cruiser Experts found the place very fierce battles and were able to count the number of Reapers polёgshih accomplices - there were several thousand. The exact number of installed did not, specifying the number bothering Queen tribesmen - were identified as several thousand. And all had a fierce resistance Reapers.

  - At least one destroyer, John. - Svetlana said, waking up. - Plus a few landing craft. - It briefly, on a diagonal again read the files received to her instrumentron. - On an unknown planet it was a battle, but another fight, now I do not doubt it, was between the Reapers and krogan reconnaissance on utukku. I have a strong feeling, call it what you like, but all krogan scouts, one and all - dead. And they did all that was in their power. But to help the Queen escape, get away with utukku - failed. Most likely, we are waiting for it itself is quite active, I can not say that the living - it is unnatural, but it is active - absolutely claim thousands of new supporters Reapers. If there is still Destroyer Reaper - will all have fun. We'll have to take the fight to the orbit. Unless, of course, not a destroyer landed on utukku. Somehow, it seems to me that probably were landing ships Reapers just on the surface, not a destroyer. And, at least - one ship-processor. Although I do not rule out the possibility that the Reapers used subordination field systems. Maybe - the same modified needle-pins. Or something like that. I'm not sure we understand exactly how they doprogrammirovali beetles rachni if not see it with my own eyes. And it will have to see. There we do not linger for a few hours - at least for a few days. I'm not sure we understand exactly how they doprogrammirovali beetles rachni if not see it with my own eyes. And it will have to see. There we do not linger for a few hours - at least for a few days. I'm not sure we understand exactly how they doprogrammirovali beetles rachni if not see it with my own eyes. And it will have to see. There we do not linger for a few hours - at least for a few days.

  - We found a few scouts here and buried. - Shepard recalled, although he did not want to sound like that. - At least they will not remain in the memory of his race missing.

  Svetlana nodded. She felt the reluctance of the main friend to talk to her about such things aloud, understand his reluctance, but even more she wanted to get back to the execution of duties of commander in full as soon as possible. The war continued, and she could not afford to dally in the rear.

  Yes, without a doubt, what she saw, even on huge screens cruising Hall rapid response to this unknown planet, impressed. The huge ship, especially as it turned out, intended for comfortable placement of the Queen with many servants and soldiers as well as to place a significant number of eggs to acceptable terms to guarantee the survival of the offspring. Not too friendly controls, motors, led Troop engineers in the state of strong thought because of its apparent strangeness basic, and not only the basic principles, known to most living in the galaxy
of organic and Synthetic reasonable. It was hard even to list all the unknown and incomprehensible, we have had to face otryadovtsam surveyed the dilapidated ship.

  The picture was now otryadovtsam happened more or less clear. Ship rachni caught, damaged and forced to land. And there - a standard operation to seize the ship and crew captivity. Fortunately, the crew proved to be composed of a dozen of organic nerobkogo because the Reapers were forced to travel for at least a few hours of fierce resistance.

  The most difficult to capture polumashin became queen, because she was on the order of Harbinger, and that such an order was given and there was no doubt Streltsov is now a second had to be captured alive and relatively healthy and whole. Because, faced with the reluctance of the Queen voluntarily surrender and to stop resisting, the Reapers quickly convinced that their favorite weapon - indoctrination - is not working. It's not working. And it is understood otryadovtsy very difficult task set in front of this division of the Reapers and their accomplices.

  Abandoning attempts to paralyze the Queen rachni, Reapers were forced to apply a physical effect. But here, the queen is shown conducting the investigation on the spot otryadovtsy, proved to be persistent and professional fighter. If she were a man, it could be argued that she had lost a lot of blood, and only so weak, she was forced to weaken resistance. In fact, she was captured and seriously injured in a semi-conscious state in otryadovtsev no longer any doubt remains, as well as that of her swaddled too securely, preventing any attempt to resist.


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