Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 268

by Theodore Daniels

  - Good. - Proteanin looked transferred kiborgessami plans and schemes of the way to the surface. - Go. Your help would be superfluous. - He looked at kivnuvshego Alenko. - Zamkomandira group do not mind. Go.

  Is not it easier, both kiborgessy slid down, trying to catch up as quickly as possible krogan volgovtsev and father. Yavik comfortably grabbed an assault rifle and began to catch up with the group Queen rearguard protection.

  - It should be faster? - The queen asked, when Yavik caught up with her.

  - No. We have time. - Proteanin did not look at the queen, realizing that this view it can be interpreted as an expression of distrust of its capabilities. - Retains the same pace.

  - This is the first ... Synthetic that I liked .... - Pause, the queen said. - They are ... children of Captain Shepard?

  - Yes. - Yavik nodded.

  Meanwhile, Zara and Lexie have chosen, with whom will reflect the attack pursuers. Agreeing with one another, kiborgessy slid in different passages. Zara has decided to help his father and Lexie - hedge Nihlus. Both kiborgessy knew no Gryunt nor Saren their help will not - it really turian and Croghan were set up and now there was no need to forcibly break this setting.

  - Zara, how are you here?

  - Everything is fine. Kaidan allowed, Yavik - too. - Kiborgessa lay face down, taking sniper. - Ready to fire.

  - And ... - Shepard looked at the screen instrumentrona. - Do Nihlus?

  - It is necessary only to hedge. - Zara clarified. - He'll be fine. Lexi herself had chosen him. I did not insist not on anyone's candidacy. - Kiborgessa clung to the sight. - They enter the accommodation area.

  - Wait until completely draws in. - Shepard through the scope of his assault rifle, said the situation of enemies. - Avalanche ...

  - They are angry and determined, if it is possible to "attach" to the polumashinam. - Said one of the troopers-volgovtsev.

  Pursuer was really a lot. Shepard imagined that this avalanche of lossless pulled to the surface ... But the queen ship in a shipping container - this thing is not even fast ... So, as always said earthlings any nationality: it is necessary to fight to the death.

  - John. - In the speaker's voice cut through Alix. - All dropships accomplices Reapers, all four - at gunpoint guns cruiser. Destroyed in a moment. The Queen has on the surface, we get down on the shuttle transport container.

  - The scheme is similar noverrianskoy, John. - Wedged Olivia. - Frigate hanging over the entrance of the cave. Cruiser holds the sights all ships accomplices Reapers. Losses among the support forces there, John. They very much want to come back and help you, but ...

  - Let the queen will cover. I do not believe that these ... - Shepard restrained, yet Olivia Alix and he perceived as women and did not consider it possible to express strong, if he knew that they were close - no aces up its sleeve. Explain it Yaviku and Alenko. Let retain all on the surface. Avalanche comes into the area, we are ready to attempt to reflect the persecution.

  - Okay, John. - Paused for a second, Olivia said. - Alix already explained Titov situation, Anderson and Svetlana. Conservancy District organized pickup.

  - Welcome. We begin. - Shepard clung to the sight, became convinced that the rearguard avalanche pursuers crossed the border area of detonation. - Attention! Undermining!

  Notably pulled. Gremevshego one after the other with minimal intervals explosions plowed space area, immobilizing and destroying more than half of his pursuers.

  - Divide the goal! First destroy the immobile! - Ordered by enabling conferencing to audio channel Shepard. - Fire!

  Husky and haskolyudy, spoilers, roeviki not had returned to life as proved by the dense shelling. It seemed that victory is almost guaranteed, but not opposed otryadovtsam organic and polumashiny. For them, there was no concept of "failure to comply with the order." Turians people, krogan seen as creeping, mutilated Huskies continue to shoot, continue to strive to approach the screener to try to strike is no longer charges, and the hands, feet, all that is possible.

  - Loading completed, John. - Cut through the roar of the shots the voice of Olivia. - Queen impressed. She thanks for the salvation and wants to see all of you as soon as possible. Yavik Alenko and kicking against the proposals immediately come to your aid. The container with the queen rachni raised and is on its way to the "Volga".

  - Welcome. - Shepard killed him crawling obeznozhennogo haskolyuda, reloaded store and caught a glimpse of how Zara shoots. That's for sure: every shot - in goal. A rate of fire - just an over-limit for any organics. In the cacophony of shots stood out two more "lines", the authorship of which is clearly belonged Gryunt and Lexie. Gryunt used his favorite weapon - a shotgun. Lexie shot from a sniper rifle and an assault rifle at the same time.

  - John. - The relationship with Shepard went Svetlana. - I have received the consent of Staff to attract the protection of Utukkku two squadrons of the Imperial Navy cover. Order of the squadrons has been announced. Ships in transit. The system will be taken under heavy guard. Squadron Commander - my good friends, they volunteered and supported eskadrovtsy their commanders. They impressed Suenovskoy operation and very much hope that here, in the house utukku queen will gain rather than prison. I've seen the queen and told her. One. Yavik explained to me that those who were present at the conclusion of the contract with the race now have the opportunity to engage in direct dialogue with the queens. The Queen is not against the return to Suan and choose a place to nest. She understands that her evacuation to the cruiser was needed.

  - Well, Svetlana. We will see. - Shepard shot to the running line of defense haskolyuda, convinced that he will not rise again, reloaded the rifle. - Give the refined image depth scanners. Now we can. We need to know all the details.

  - Peredayu.- Streltsov and ordered the captain to instrumentron files began to arrive. The biggest loaded on the screen, developed a detailed picture.

  - I Took. - Shepard handed picture colleagues covering force. - We see Nedobitko. Getting control. - He carefully changed the position and destroyed three more husks and one destroyer, who decided that the threat has passed and move. - Getting sweep colleagues. - He said, including conferencing.

  Krogan rose from the shelter first. Shots were heard volleys of shotguns - lizards did not miss a single head, no body. More than twenty minutes lasted the final liquidation of the servants of the Reapers in the conduct which was attended by all who stayed in the screener. Zara and Lexie were slightly behind Shepard and all perceive their presence as a matter of course - everyone has now very good idea of the combat capabilities of XO daughters "Normandy".

  - Hurry to return to the Queen utukku will not. - Shepard said. - We'll wait for the arrival of squadrons. In the meantime, we need to decide what to do with these landing ships. Rachni they unnecessarily. And we need to bury all the scouts who died on utukku. There will be time - we will be back on an unknown planet and how to bury the scouts who were killed there. These are two questions we need to decide here and now, while we have the time and opportunity.

  Discussion of possible options took no more than half an hour. It was agreed that the landing ships will be destroyed by the Reapers orbital bombardment, which are made and the "Volga" and "Normandy". For the crews of ships and command it will be a great workout. Areas landing ships known Troop Command, problems with the implementation of the guidance and the impact will not fire. In the meantime, the command squadron determines the organization of the shelling hostile ships, landing a group to bury the dead on utukku krogan scouts.

  all the dead soldiers bodies were found by kiborgess. They were on their hands and on improvised stretchers were evacuated to the surface, collected all their weapons - as the light, and heavy. Gryunt with his Marines dug graves in the most suitable area for the burial and soon over the hills fresh volleys sounded funereal salute.

  - The second salute will destroy amphibious ships servants Reapers. - Shepard came up Gryunt said. Croghan nodded, expressing satisfaction that made and planned. - A Unknown planet wil
l acquire a name that will be agreed with the race and the race rachni krogan. This will be fair.

  Gryunt nodded and departed to his Special Forces, the captain told them the decision. Those met the news pleased porykivaniem.

  - Targeting obtained. - Said Zara. - Frigate out for the position. - Clarified kiborgessa. - Before the salvo - minute.

  Thunder orbital bombardment, whistling crumbling from heaven charges, fountains, rocks and soil at places where parking staged landing ships accomplices Reapers, gnashing of metal structures collapsing. A quarter of an hour the firing continued, turned the body in the ruins beyond repair. The members of the landing party watched the course of the bombing on their instrumentronov screens - the picture came from sensors "Normandy". "Volga" went from utukku to control the star system and meet ships arriving two squadrons.

  The end of the bombing of the members of the landing party has notified Lexie. She also briefly reported on the results. More than successful - Reapers almost lost a few new and very spacious ships. A trifle, of course, for polumashin, but the weakening of the enemy forces is always a pleasure, even if it is very small.

  - We must get out of the cave. - Gryunt found Shepard sitting on a stone and who was staring at the sunset. - Colder. As we approach with squadrons cover?

  - Alix said a few minutes ago - they overcome the last repeater tunnel. We had time to go into the hall before the reconnaissance Reapers.

  - It's good. - I growled the commander "Arallaha". - Still have to get out of the cave, John.

  - Come on. - Shepard jumped from boulder caved and followed krogan striding toward throat cave. Soon the entrance portal remained far behind. Sitting by the fire, Shepard looked around. Krogan-riot police did not try to meet a tight group, on the contrary, they tried to be among the paratroopers-volgovtsev now actively discussing what happened in the last few hours. In conversation took part and both turian Spectrum. Lexi took position at the entrance to the hall, and Zara on the contrary, tried to sit closer to the fire.

  Staring at the dancing flames, Shepard disconnected from reality. From the contemplative mood brought his message Alix on the approach to the planet first of two squadrons of the Navy cover. Projectors instrumentronov brought the live image from the squadron approach to utukku two squadrons in the liberated from the most significant irregularities lime wall of the hall. Thermostats and climate control spacesuits while coping with the load, but the planet has already shown its complex nature, going from almost tropical heat to arctic cold over. Looking at the indicator vneskafandrovoy temperature, Shepard thought that this planet is suitable rachni, who used to live in the worlds, inaccessible for the majority of today's races. So the queen could easily find a place to nest and give birth very soon.

  - John. - To sitting by the fire approached Shepard Lexie. - Zara decided podezhurit entrance. And I'll sit next to you. You need to sleep, Dad. - Kiborgessa threw on Exec soft look. - Around okay. Six hours on both the squadron distributed star system, protect the grid, the system will be under the protection and defense. Our involvement in all of this is not required. According to the latest information, mother and grandmother with the full support and volgovtsev normandovtsev today agree with the queen places suitable for the resettlement housing. Just this morning the Queen is scheduled to return utukku. And here she comes back to the entrance to the cave. And until that time, you need to sleep.

  - Well, Lex. - Shepard sat back, closed his eyes and in a moment was fast asleep without dreaming.

  Standing at the entrance to the hall Zara noted that krogan-commandos also gradually arranged for the night, and the paratroopers, people fell asleep, holding two sentries and arranging them replaced at regular intervals. The war demanded such a safety net.

  Waking up in the morning, Shepard found ourselves already unpacked and heated rations. Sitting next to Zara whisper explained that krogan and turians already bite their rations and paratroopers-volgovtsy decided to eat on his return to the cruiser. The fact that they will soon go up on board his ship as kiborgessa said, none of them doubted. Prior to the arrival on the planet of Queen rachni that night had thorough treat, have less than forty minutes, and two squadrons of ships of two hours ago, took the star system under full control.

  After eating, Shepard got up, walked around the room, make sure that teammate and partners really satisfied and do not feel any need anything. After rising to the surface, the XO sat down on a boulder and waited. Exactly half an hour later, when the five points on the surface came krogan people and kiborgessy with turians in the sky.

  Four shuttle gently lowered to the surface of the container of the planet, after a moment opened the sash and Queen rachni, as befits a royal person, stepped majestically on utukku, securing his decision to stay on this planet is no longer a prisoner, but the mistress. Approaching members of the landing party, affectional she bowed to them, he took retaliatory bows.

  - I am grateful to all of you for your help. - She murmured. - Now I can talk to you in a language you understand. - This night is spent on board your big ship, it gave me a lot. Helpful, pleasant and necessary. I chose a place to nest. It has five kilometers to the south. I know that the star system, which is the planet, taken your combat warships under protection. Over time, when I will have a lot of helpers, I will be able to assist your soldiers to protect the system from your enemies, which you call the Reapers and their accomplices. - It farewell bow, turned and headed south.

  - John, a cruiser and a frigate sent shuttles. They'll be here in twenty-five minutes. - Zara said. Lexie standing pootdal just something focused on gaining instrumentrone. - We go back to the Citadel. The operation to rescue the second Queen rachni completed, Dad.

  Shepard nodded, watching the departure of the queen. Now she is here alone - her children are deprived of their right to free development and turned into servants of the reapers in the puppets, all died. Now she is busy nest arrangement and will soon give rise to a considerable number of subjects. Free from the influence of the Reapers. Willing to work for their own benefit and for the benefit of their instructor for. Ready, if necessary, to fight. All this will be very soon, but for now have chosen the Queen goes to her place. Exit one.

  Loading on shuttles and return to the squadron passed normally. Upon entering the room, John firmly and gently put his arm around Svetlana, holding her in his arms for a few minutes. Then the two of them came to the crib and Shepard picked up the daughter and son looked at them for a long time and felt like Svetlana calms, relaxes. She was worried, nervous, worried. And now, when he's around, she was happy again. Fully hopefully happy.

  - Come to bed, John. In utukku your schedule, and we have - his own. - Streltsov said, helping the main friend put the children in cots. - Let's sleep. The rest will take care of others, and we will have a few days to go to the Citadel. And I feel that the way back will not be easy and short.

  The lights went out in the House, Shepard undressed and dived under the covers, her friend was delighted that he is now - very close and hold with her the next few hours.

  The ships left from the planet, which gained mistress. Titov and Anderson agreed with the Staff of the Resistance Forces of the question of the disposal of dead krogan-scouts, who gained eternal rest on an unknown planet. Kiborgessy do filtering information flows. Arallahovtsy were pleased by the news that krogansky ship will take them to one of mezhretranslyatornyh spans. They calmly received the news that their leader will fly first to the Citadel, and then by all means return to Tuchanka, which will receive at least ten days of well-deserved vacation. Several tens of minutes - and the squadron took repeater corridor. The first of several.

  Deathbed message krogan with utukku to Asari-lover

  Shepard stood in front of a showcase small store "Sporting Goods Nose-Astra" and did not dare to take a step to the front door. Look for the captain slipped over the exposed glass poises, exercise bikes, balls, sports suit and could not stop.

  Citadel lived an ordinary life. On sidewalks s
currying passers-by on the road passing a few cars. The Citadel of the sky on the highway swept flyers. Past the store passed a patrol Defence Force Station. His staff certainly knew the captain, but did not submit - Alix transferred to the headquarters of the Defense Forces special request Troop Command not to focus on the presence of the captain of the here and now.

  A few hours ago, the squadron arrived at the Citadel, again embarked on the outer roads. Svetlana wordlessly understood the desire to Shepard and let him go out of the room. However, Shepard sat in the shuttle Gryunt, Zara and Lexie. Now Croghan kiborgessy and sat on a bench at the bus stop passbusov.

  For minutes that Shepard spent at the window, a few customers were in the store. Now XO is not particularly interested in whether they bought anything or just went to look and ask the price. He waited for the right moment to enter and execute a difficult mission for him. Reader zhёg side captain. And in the minds of many times manifested line dying message that Charr wrote, weakening with each passing minute.

  Yes, the current inhabitants of the galaxy accustomed to the fact that the krogan are strong, powerful and invincible. Almost invulnerable. It turned out that no invulnerable of organic. The old truth has once again confirmed. Brutally confirmed. Charr has fulfilled his task, he returned fire from the enemy for a few hours. And even being seriously wounded, he left the position. Do not went back to the other scouts did not refuse to obey an order - to deliver heavy weapons as close as possible to the place where the queen held.

  Charr wrote these lines, believing that Erebus remembers him. Yes, I remember. Let a little funny, a little intrusive, a little awkward, shy krogan that just as well could be - and not only - read her own poems in public. What else in the galaxy may so definitely prove that he can so definitely show the strength and sincerity of feelings? Little. Very little. A Charr, young by the standards of kroganskim, read poetry aloud Erebus. Yes, his voice can be, and was not as professionally delivered. But he is not paying any attention. He just wanted to Erebus believed him. He did not insist, he just wanted to give her to see, to feel, to feel its best. He just made her an offer. Yes, awkward, yes, no protocol, but quite frankly, it's expensive and worth it.


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