Switching Gears: Coyote Bluff Series Book 3

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Switching Gears: Coyote Bluff Series Book 3 Page 4

by Lea Barrymire

  “Fuck. I really overstepped the bounds. I’m sorry.” She blinked quickly, trying to hold back tears. “I will of course accept the pack’s demands. Is there more?”

  Skip watched her for a moment before continuing. “You will be allowed outside contact via cell phones and your laptop, but you are not to ask for aid from anyone. You will work together to resolve whatever issues arise. There are enough provisions to last months, so you won’t go hungry. If there is an emergency, call me and I will be here as fast as my four feet will carry me.”

  “May we run the woods?” She swallowed her fear. “I don’t do well in closed in places. My cat is going to go crazy if we’re inside for more than a few days.”

  His look of concern was overshadowed by determination. She knew the answer before her Alpha even spoke. “You will remain inside. Zeke can leave the cabin, but part of the punishment is for you to remain inside. The moment you step foot outside the door, or window, you will be expected to have a signed agreement in hand. If you do so without the paper you will be considered an enemy of the pack. I’m sorry, Amie, but you’ve left us no choice. You’ve done nothing but antagonize Zeke for months. We all assumed it would stop, but it has escalated to dangerous levels. You are the party at fault, therefore you are going to be held accountable for the actions taken.”

  She understood. It terrified her, but she understood. A pack was only as strong as their leadership and commitment to each other. By pitting the boys against their teacher and an upstanding member of the pack, she’d placed them all in the same boat as her. “The boys aren’t being punished, right? They didn’t really know what they were doing.”

  Skip smiled for the first time since she’d woken up. “They are being given duties fitting their part. As we speak they are digging up every single plant they find with three leaves that remotely resembles poison ivy. Then they will be required to rake and reseed the areas they dig up. A little manual labor will remind them that playing tricks on others can be a bad idea.”

  Zeke choked on a laugh. “Nice.”

  Amie wanted to smile along, but she was still mulling over everything else. “Let me rephrase all of this so I know what is expected. I’m tending Zeke until he is cleared by the doc, or Margie. Once he’s healed we will come to a mutual agreement to either mate or not, write it down, sign it and we’re done? If I don’t do these things I’ll be run from town. Banished.”

  Zeke growled, drawing her gaze to his. He was glowering at Skip, snarling quietly with teeth bared. She reached out and touched a piece of skin that looked almost back to normal on his arm. When he finally turned his stare from Skip to her, she smiled. “They aren’t asking anything horrible. Don’t get in trouble for me. I did go too far. I know that now. I don’t want to leave this pack, this town. I’ll make it up to everyone.”

  He searched her face and she wanted to squirm under his gaze. Did he not trust her, or believe her? What did he really know about her? She’d done nothing but push him away for months.

  “Oh, and when this is all over you will apologize to each and every family you’ve harmed. Publicly. I’m making the boys do that once they are done as well,” Skip added, but she couldn’t tear her gaze from Zeke’s. After a few silent moments, Skip stood. “Well, I’m out of here. Someone will swing by to check on Zeke’s progress every day. Be good, kids, and learn to get along.”

  Panic struck hard and fast, stealing Amie’s breath. “Wait.” She scrambled to her feet as well. “Wait, can I just step outside for a moment, just one? Please?”

  The pity in Skip’s gaze would have normally caused her to lash out, but this time? No, this time she needed it; she needed his compassion, because already the memories were battering against her mind, and her cat was agitated.

  “I’m sorry, but no.” He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. “If I’d known that piece of the agreement would cause such discomfort I would have changed it, but it’s set. You aren’t to leave until a decision is made. Period.”

  She nodded and wrapped her arms around her chest. They could do this. She’d be fine. Zeke was there with her. He’d help. The tears burned and before they could flow down her cheeks she wandered to a window and peered out. The woods beckoned, but she could be strong enough. Maybe.

  The sound of Skip opening the door helped bring her back to the present and away from the memories. She turned to find him studying her. “Talk to Zeke. Open up to him. Even if you both agree to not be mated he is a good male. Trust him enough to be friends. Okay?”

  She nodded, knowing her voice would be thick and rough. Skip gave them both one last look and shut the door. The sound was too loud as it echoed through her mind. Trapped. Again. Panic rose, clamping her throat closed, swamping her senses. She tried to breathe through it, tried to tell herself that she was safe, but it didn’t work. The walls closed in on her, warping her vision. Smells from the past merged with the cabin’s. She needed someplace to hide, to cover her head, hide from the single room she couldn’t leave.

  A thump tore her from her thoughts.

  “Fuck, that hurt.” Zeke was on the floor, breathing heavily and groaning. “Can you help me? I have to take a piss and I think I need meds.”

  Right. She had a job to do. Rushing the few steps that separated them gave her a few extra moments to get her hands to stop shaking before she reached down. “I don’t even know where to touch you.”

  He glanced sideways at her from his prone position. “It’s okay, just grab my arm and lift.”

  She hesitated for an instant and then did as he asked. They worked together to get him on his feet. He hobbled toward the tiny bathroom in the corner of the cabin, wincing the entire way. The smell of his pain tore through her self-absorbed concerns. She needed to get him medicine and food, then settled as comfortably as she could. She owed him so much more, but the least she could do was take the pain away for a while.

  “Are you going to be okay in there by yourself?” She eyed the confined space. “There isn’t much room, but if I stand in the shower I can be there in case you fall or something.”

  Zeke chuckled. “I should be fine. I think I can handle it.”

  She wasn’t so sure, but Amie nodded anyway. “I’m going to grab your pain pills and see what else was left for you, okay? When you’re done I’ll come help get you back to the bed or couch.”

  Amie waited until he’d shut the door, grimacing at the grunts of pain he tried to hide. With a quick couple of steps she found his medicines and the instructions, written out in Margie’s loopy handwriting. They seemed fairly straightforward, but she grabbed a notebook just in case. A couple of notes and a messy list later she had everything set. It took her a second to figure out the only clock in the place was an old battery operated one above the stove. Instead of trusting that she checked her cell phone, glad it was on and had a great signal. Jotting the time and date on her paper made her feel better. Lists always made her feel more in control.

  “Okay. I’ve had enough fun for a while.” Zeke’s huffed words had her racing to his side.

  “Where do you want to go? Bed or couch?” She lightly wrapped an arm around his waist.

  “Ha. That’s a question I’ve been waiting to hear on your lips for months, but I didn’t expect it to come with so much pain.”

  He joked, but he was right. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know—”

  “Nope. Stop saying you’re sorry. Water under the bridge and all that. I’m not mad so let it go. How about the bed again? I’m not sure I’m going to want to move anytime soon.”

  Amie bit the inside of her cheek to keep from apologizing again when he groaned with each step. At least they only had to cover a few feet before she helped lower him to the mattress.

  “Don’t lie down yet. I want to get your shirt off, and the pants too, so I can apply the lotion.”

  Someone must have dressed Zeke. He’d been shirtless and pants-less in the exam room and she was fairly sure he wouldn’t have wasted the time to do
n clothes. He wore light blue scrubs, the color nearly matching his eyes. At least they were simple things to remove and hopefully wouldn’t cause him too much discomfort. The skin on his arms and face looked so much better than it had when she first had caught a glimpse. But it all was still red and splotchy with blistery sores everywhere.

  “Again, words I’ve wanted to hear. If you tell me you like to swallow I’m going to cry.”

  Zeke’s whine and pout were so damn cute. She grinned. “I won’t tell you that one yet because I really don’t think I could take seeing you cry right now.”

  He groaned but not with pain this time. A flash of heat scorched her as his gaze caught hers. “Hmm. Good thing I’m patient.” He grunted a little when he pulled the shirt over his head. The mischievous glint in his eyes had a rush of heat pooling in her belly. “And good at teasing too.”

  She’d expected boxers or tighty-whities under the pants. To her unexpected pleasure he was naked. The only thing he wore after letting the cotton pool around his ankles was a wicked smile and tan lines. She grimaced at the painful-looking sores and red skin, but it was the full erect cock pointing at her that pulled a gasp from her lips. “Doesn’t that hurt?”

  “Only if I don’t get you wet first.”

  Heat rushed to her cheeks as she stumbled over her own words. “That’s not… you’re… That’s not what I meant.”


  Amie’s cheeks flushed red. He loved making her flustered, and adored the blush that made her freckles pop along her cheeks. She ducked her head and tried to hide behind her hair but he could still see the way she smiled. Even with the pain and itch and being completely uncomfortable, Zeke was enjoying himself. This was the longest amount of time he’d ever been able to get alone with her.

  He was still pissed at Skip for allowing something so important, well two things really, be determined by the pack and this asinine punishment. But, then again, he was promised at least three days alone with his mate. Time he’d use to get to know her, and woo her. He was a funny guy, everyone said so. The two of them would work really well together if she’d just give them a chance instead of running away.

  His thoughts were cut short when a feminine hand ended up in front of his face. Two large pills nestled on the pink skin. He leaned down and plucked the medicine from her palm with his lips, giving it a tickling lick for good measure. He grinned when she yanked her arm back and huffed.

  “Cut that out. Be a good boy and take your medicine.” A glass of water ended up in his view as well.

  Zeke righted himself and took the water, drinking it and the pills down in long gulps. He arched his neck a little more than normal to show off the ink he’d recently had done, as well as his collarbone, where he hoped he’d have a permanent set of teeth marks soon. He didn’t have to play fair, and he definitely didn’t plan on doing it either.

  When he brought the glass down and hummed his appreciation, he caught a hint of arousal on the air. He tried not to smirk, but he must have because the scowl on her face deepened. “What did I do?”

  Look innocent. Don’t laugh.

  “You know what you’re doing and so do I. Just stop it, okay? You’re hurt, I’m freaking out, and right now I need to cook us something because you’re not supposed to take that medicine on an empty stomach. So, lie down and try not to get in trouble.”

  He stuck his lip out, even as the skin burned from the stretch on swollen tissues and the split. “You said you were going to lotion me.”

  She’d turned from him to head to the kitchenette but stopped mid step with the reminder. “Shit. Right. Lotion.” Spinning on one foot brought her back around to face him. “You. Sit. Or better yet, lie face down. I’ll do your backside and have you roll over. No funny business.”

  Her attempt at being business-like was cute, and irritating. She needed to be drooling over his nakedness. As slowly and as seductively as he could, he gritted his teeth and lowered himself, face–down, onto the cool sheet-covered mattress. It felt heavenly against his hot skin. At least the itch wasn’t too bad. Or maybe the pain overshadowed it. Either way he was getting Amie’s hands on him. That was a win in his book.

  “This might sting a little, that’s what the information from Margie said.” Amie’s voice was low. “Ready?”

  “Go for it.” He clamped his teeth together just in case, waiting for anything. What he felt was better than the sheet, better than the glass of water. It was pure bliss.

  A soft hand slowly and gently spread soothing liquid on the bottom of his left foot. An ache he didn’t even know he had eased, quelled by the lotion his mate applied. He groaned in appreciation.

  “What? Does it hurt? I’m sorry.”

  He shook his head slightly. “No, it feels so fucking good.”


  The touch was back, as she applied relief to the bottom of his other foot and slowly worked up his calf. Closing his eyes allowed him to float on the beginnings of the pain pill’s effects and the soothing touch of his mate. Amie tenderly administered to his blisters without another word, although she kept making noises in the back of her throat a moment before she’d move to another area. The quiet of the cabin flowed over him, pulling him drowsily toward sleep.

  “Hey. Before you pass out turn over so I can coat your front.” Amie’s whispered words pulled a smile from him, even as he tried to comply.

  “You just want to touch my winky.” He groused with a mock growl.

  “Winky? What are you, four? Roll over you big baby.”

  Rolling to his back wasn’t as horrible as he’d expected. Either the pills were working or the magic lotion were sapping the pain from his body. With a sigh he settled his head on a pillow and closed his eyes again. “I feel drunk, but the sleepy kind of drunk you get on wine. Like my arms and legs weigh a million pounds.”

  Amie’s chuckle sounded so great. “Looks like Winky isn’t sleepy.”

  He cracked an eye open. “Aren’t you the dirty minded one? I was talking about my belly button. But if you want to touch my cock I’ll let you.”

  Once again a blush crept up her neck and cheeks. “You were not talking about your belly button, you jerk, and you know it.” Zeke watched her scan his body. “Oh, it’s so much worse on this side. Your poor skin.”

  He hadn’t really spent a lot of time looking at the damage, too afraid to see nasty puss or something. But after her comment he glanced down and what little of his abs he could see had him quickly closing his eyes. “I can’t look at that stuff or I’ll throw up.”

  “What? You, Mr. Zeke? Mr. Big Bad Coyote, have a weak stomach? How is that possible? Don’t you eat in your coyote form?”

  “Of course I do, but that’s usually a rabbit or something, and you know when we’re in animal form those kinds of things don’t bother us as much.”

  She snickered under her breath but didn’t say anything else. Instead she started smoothing lotion over the tops of his feet. It smelled weird but it seemed to be working so well. By the time she’d reach his thighs he was once again floating in that space just before you fall asleep. The gentle movements of her hands reminded him of waves, washing the pain and discomfort away. He could almost hear the whoosh of water over sand as she moved along his body. They’d have to go to a beach together at some point. Her body would look great wet and sand-covered.

  Chapter Five

  “Yeah, I’m doing fine.” Amie figured if she kept saying it, then eventually it would be true.

  “Good. I feel horrible about your sentence, but you did sort of go a little overboard this time.”

  “I know. I got a little scared, and well, you know how it goes. An idea forms and all thought to it being sane or legal sort of goes to the wayside.”

  “So what are you doing with your forced vacation time?”

  Amie grinned as she stirred the pot of pasta-filled water. “Actually, I’m cooking. Someone, I’m assuming you, my friend, brought me a couple of amazing cookbooks. I’m trying a n
ew recipe. We’re going to have garlic chicken and pasta nests.”

  “Sounds interesting.”

  “Mmhmm… And it’s going to be really yummy.”

  Zeke stirred on the bed and grumbled under his breath. He’d slept fitfully for a couple of hours while she’d snooped around the cabin. After digging through cupboards and peeking through every drawer, she’d gotten bored. When her stomach started to growl in protest she’d opened one of the duffle bags sitting near the door and found a treasure trove of goodies. It was one of her secrets that few knew about, but she loved cooking. Measuring, cutting, tasting, they all helped calm her nerves. With a sigh of contentment she’d sat on the couch and flipped through recipes until she’d found something that made her mouth water.

  Amie had hoped to get the meal completed before her ward awoke. “Margie hang on, I think he’s waking up.”

  Tiptoeing toward the bed brought a rush of want when she noted the massive expanse of his chest. When he arched a little to stretch, she nearly moaned. Damned if she’d admit to her voice sounding gravelly with lust when she spoke. “How you doing?”

  “M’kay. What smells so good?”

  She grinned. “It’s dinner. Bet you didn’t know I can cook, did ya?”

  “Hey, before you guys get all lovey dovey why don’t we end our chat, Ames.”

  Margie’s words had Amie blushing again. Good lord, she hadn’t felt so much heat so often in her cheeks in years. Turning to hide her face from Zeke she answered her friend. “Fine. Go be with your mate, and stop shooting people. It’s not right.”

  Laughter ended their call, leaving Amie alone again with her mate. A shiver of apprehension shook her insides. The quick glance she’d had of his skin showed some improvement, but not as much as she’d hoped for. She couldn’t survive for days inside. Not cooped up in a place not her own. Cooking would only keep her sane for so long, then what? Could she actually fight the need to be out and run?


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