Switching Gears: Coyote Bluff Series Book 3

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Switching Gears: Coyote Bluff Series Book 3 Page 10

by Lea Barrymire

  “So, what made you pick up automotive work?”

  They’d spent an hour eating and cleaning up and now were lounging together on the couch. She’d tried to sit next to him, but Zeke wanted her in his lap. Where he could keep a hand, or two, on her.

  The pledge she’d given to him still echoed in his mind. She was opening up and finally willing to accept the connection between them. It had taken every ounce of willpower he’d had not to write the agreement up right then, on a paper towel, in crayon if he had to. But he’d watched her face while she’d spoken, saw the surprise on her face as she’d said those things and actually had meant them. Pushing her into signing something at that moment would have been a bad idea, so, instead, he’d pulled her into his arms, let the emotions wash through him so he could lighten the mood.

  Now with the TV on and Amie in his lap, he was glad he’d not done something foolish. She rested against his chest, running her fingers over his arms, tracing his tattoos and leaning into him. This Amie, the soft and relaxed one? This was the side of his mate he’d wanted so desperately to see.

  “Going to answer or are you absorbed in watching whatever this crap is about sasquatches?”

  Her snarky question drew him from his thoughts. And he gave her ass a pinch. “I loved anything that had lots of parts and worked together, even as a kid. I took my bike apart a million times. Even things like old fashioned clocks with all the gears inside. I loved those. When I got my first motorcycle and it needed a new carburetor I took it to the guy in town and he taught me how to take it apart. I fell in love with vehicles after that. I worked there as a teen and sort of apprenticed with him. When Pete decided he wanted to buy the shop and have us work together there, it was a dream come true. My turn. How did you learn to pick locks?”

  Zeke felt the shudder, even with how slight it was against his chest, and gave a sympathetic squeeze. He wondered if there would ever be a topic they could touch on that wasn’t shadowed by her horrifying past. But even as he opened his mouth to stop her from answering, to save her from rehashing another painful memory, Amie started talking.

  “Honestly, it was out of boredom. I’d been locked in the closet for so long that the dark and fear no longer bothered me. I was bored. A teen with nothing to do. Right? One of the few things my father allowed me were books. Even though he blamed me for my brother’s death he felt it important that I read.” She scoffed. “What good an education did me was beyond my reasoning at the time, but either way I was allowed two hours a day with the light on and a book. He’d give me paperclips and tattered bookmarks so I didn’t damage the corners of the pages.”

  Holding his breath in hopes she’d keep talking became uncomfortable and he nearly exploded with a gush of pent up air when she continued her story. Even then he had to force himself to let his lungful of air out slowly instead of like a popped balloon.

  “One of the paper clips caught on a floorboard and straightened slightly. It took me a while to figure out why it kept drawing my attention, but then I remembered watching a TV show. They’d picked a lock with a couple of paperclips.” Her fingers paused in their continued tracing of his ink and then started back up as she laughed. “I had no idea if you really could do that. I mean, I was probably seventeen at the time but what else did I have going on? So I took that stupid piece of metal and broke it in half. I spent hours and hours over weeks working those two wires into the lock hole. Eventually I found that I could hear the tumblers moving if I pushed on them just right. It didn’t take me long after that. And once I had the knack, it became a game. How fast. How often. How quiet.”

  She leaned back away from his chest with a grin on her face. “Your house? I broke into in about twenty-two seconds.”

  Flexing his fingers was so easy as he tickled her. The fact that she wiggled so deliciously against his cock in the process was just a bonus. Her laughter, so much freer that it’d been even a few hours earlier made his heart sing. Which he, of course, translated into a singsong statement, “I’m stronger than you are, and you can’t stop me.”

  “Zeke!” Amie shrieked and wildly tried to avoid his fingers. He kept the tickling light, and when she tried to escape he changed up the game, wrapping an arm around her and cupping a breast. He loved how her body responded, melting against him, and she gasped. “Oh.”


  “Mmmhmmm.” She hummed in the back of her throat, as she pressed her body against his, dropping her head to his shoulder in complete surrender.

  “Are you letting me seduce you, Ms. Dorner?” Zeke squeezed a taut nipple between his fingers and rolled it lightly. He skimmed his other hand down over her stomach and slid it between her thighs, the heat of her mound nearly burning him as he pressed against her. The moan that vibrated through her was enough to send every drop of blood in his body to the aching cock between his legs.

  “Sure, seduce me.” She rolled her hips against his lap. “As long as you keep doing that to me.”

  A fantasy popped into his head. Leaned forward he licked the outer shell of her ear and whispered, “Ever come just from someone playing with your tits?”


  Hot words tickled her ear and sent pleasant moisture to her pussy. Amie’s insides melted into a pool of warmth. The feel of Zeke’s hot hand holding her breast and slowly rolling her nipple sent heat flowing south, where it met his hand pressed so deliciously against her.

  “No, but I think I can.” She bucked her hips when he pinched a little more. “Fuck, Zeke, that is…” She groaned. “So good.”

  She’d been a traditional sex girl. Oral, missionary, cowgirl positions were all good enough to get her and her partners off. But with him, damned if she didn’t want to try it all, see it all, taste it all. Anything Zeke wanted to do to her was fine with her. Her mind fed her images of such debauchery that she felt another flood of slick between her lips.

  A wet, warm tongue licked her neck, flicking out and tasting her, and she tilted her head to give him more access. Her hands came up and fluttered uselessly, wanting to grab something to keep her body grounded or to play with a body part. She didn’t even care if it was her own breast or his body. Heat was blooming too fast, building the tension between her thighs too quickly. A moan tore from her as he pinched hard, drawing her breast away from her body, the pain making her eyes pop open. The moment she would have smacked him or said that it was hurting, he let go, rubbing and giving her abused nipple a flick. The pain morphed so quickly into something else, so much more decadent and wicked, that her breath whooshed from her.

  “You like that, don’t you? You are so fucking sexy. Your cunt is dripping wet, soaking my hand through your pants. I can smell you with every breath I take. I want to strip you right now and ram my cock into your sex, Amie, but I’m not going to. I’m going to see if I can’t drag an orgasm from you while you’re completely dressed. Prove to you that your body is mine. Make you come so hard without even touching your clit or sliding my fingers through your sopping wet folds. Then I’m going to flip you over on this couch…” He bit the rim of her ear lightly, a shuddering breath fluttering over her skin. He continued in a raspy whisper, “And I’m going to lick every drop of moisture from your pussy. All that sweet cream is mine.”

  With his hand between her thighs grinding lightly against her mound and those words, Gods those words, she was ready to come. His voice held just enough animalistic growl to turn her into a pile of mush. Her mind tried to concentrate on something. But the hand massaging her tit, slowly pinching and rolling her nipple, the hand on her pussy and those wicked words were splintering her concentration.

  Her body heated, ached, squirmed. She needed more pressure on her clit to fall over the edge, but the burn deep in her core built with every flick of a finger across her nipples. When he switched to torture the other breast, electricity fizzled down her spine. It felt so good, but not enough. She tried to push her pelvis down to grind against the hard cock under her ass, but he didn’t let her move. T
he slow movement and push of the heel of his hand against her cunt wasn’t enough, but it almost was.

  “Oh, baby. You want it so much. You want to come for me. I can taste it on your skin.” Teeth dug into the sensitive skin beneath her ear and the pain was soothed immediately by a flick of his tongue. “Let me give you what you want, let your body show you it’s mine.”

  She whimpered. How could she not? Her next breath was dependent on her coming. Everything reached for it. Her breasts were tender from his fingers. They’d grown sensitive to everything, the slightest brush of her shirt against them brought a shiver. Her pussy was wet, wanting, clenching. She needed something inside her, something to fill her and take the empty feeling away.

  “Spread your legs for me.” His rough whisper dragged a moan from her lips. She obeyed immediately, sliding her knees apart. “Oh, there’s my good girl. You are so wet for me.”


  “Mmm. Let go, I’ve got you. Close your eyes and just feel me. Let me bring you over.” He nipped her neck again, growling against her skin. “Come for me.”

  With her knees spread, the pressure of his palm and those maddening circles he was making on her pussy finally gave her clit some attention. At the same time he flicked a fingertip against her nipple. The sensation shot to her core, bowing her back. A shiver rushed down her spine. He did it all again, pressed the heel of his hand against her core and flicked the other nipple. But the moment she would have begged there was a sharp nip on her neck, the slide of a wet tongue on her skin. Another gush of moisture met his hand.

  Amie panted, squirming for more, but was even more turned on when she couldn’t make him give it to her.

  Zeke laid her back until her shoulders met the arm of the couch. He used the talented hand, which had been torturing her tits, to push her chest toward his mouth. She knew what was coming, could feel the heat of his breath on her breasts through her shirt. Her body responded as if he’d been licking her nipples for hours, clenching on nothing, throbbing with need. Tremors started in her pussy before his lips wrapped around one bud, her orgasm starting at the soles of her feet and shaking her legs.

  His mouth was hot, so hot, as he wrapped lips around her nipple. She exploded with the first flick of his tongue on the flesh. Her body bowed, muscles contracting and holding her in captive for a single moment before the pleasure blasted from her core. It flooded her cells, sending her mind into outer space as she gasped with the impact of it.

  When the first shivers started to still, Zeke changed the angle of his hand and his fingers pressed lightly against her clit at the same time as his teeth bit down on her breast. The growl of his animal sent her into a smaller orgasm, wringing her body of more shuddering breaths and spasms. Her gasping breaths sawed in and out of her dry mouth, as she tried to climb down from the stratosphere. He kept her body jerking with every tiny flick, lick or movement he made. Pleasure so intense it nearly hurt ricocheted through her body.

  Words, soft and loving, filtered through the pounding of her blood in her ears and the white haze of a great orgasm. Zeke curled her back up onto his lap and wrapped both arms around her, holding her and stroking the skin he could reach. They remained like that for a few minutes, Zeke holding her and whispering beautiful words to her, as Amie gasped for breath, trying to resupply her blood with needed oxygen, mentally still on vacation. An orgasm vacation.

  Chapter Twelve

  Amie watched the muscles bunch and smooth as Zeke worked through his billionth pushup. The man was a machine when it came to doing exercises and she wasn’t even going to attempt to not watch. As a light sheen of sweat covered his body and he exhaled through each exertion, she thought about his refusal to take her after she’d come. Instead he’d kissed her gently, set her on the couch and started exercising. If she didn’t know right down to her bones that he loved and wanted her she’d think there was something wrong.

  At least he’d taken off his shirt. She loved staring at his tattoos and so far hadn’t had enough time, or been really able to check out the ink. Zeke’s collection seemed to be family oriented, with praying hands for his mother, and a set of coyote pups playing along his back that had to be him and his brother. She wanted to trace every single line, ask him to tell her about the stories they represented, to know why those moments were important enough to permanently etch into his skin.

  More importantly she wanted to know why he was being so chivalrous. She’d been completely ready to get naked with him and finally feel that cock of his thrusting inside until she came undone around his flesh.

  He wasn’t a virgin, nor was she. They’d bathed together. She’s held that lovely piece of manly artwork in her palm. Even it had been only to wash him.

  “Are you wooing me?” she asked, the idea pulling a surprised chuckle from her.

  “What?” He grunted.

  “Well, I’m trying to figure out why you didn’t take me. Why we aren’t naked right now, bumping uglies.” She grinned when he scoffed. “I mean, I’m still wet, I want you.”

  Zeke stopped midway to the floor and turned beautiful eyes on her. She squirmed a little under the scrutiny, but she didn’t want there to be something between them that she hadn’t picked up on yet. He shook his head after a moment and laughed. “Uglies? Oh baby there is nothing ugly about that pussy of yours.”

  She rolled her eyes and dropped to the floor next to him. “So?”

  He huffed before flopping onto his side, wrapping his arms around her hips and burying his face in her side. “I want you happy, addicted, so enamored with me that you can’t imagine leaving me.”

  “I’m already there.” And she was, there was no turning back for her or her kitty. They were already fully on board for this mating.

  Groaning into her ribs he shook his head. “Not yet, but you will be. I’ll give you so many spectacular orgasms, have you come so many times that you need me.”

  She turned fast, falling on him and making him roll to his back. She wiggled down until she was perched on his stomach and grinned down at him. “No reason to say those things, I’m not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me like… like Super Glue in your hair. I want you inside me. I’m done playing. If you won’t take me, then I’ll do the taking.”

  “Wait, Amie. Wha—?”

  She didn’t give him a chance to finish the question. Instead she took the opportunity to kiss him, to invade his mouth with her tongue and to swallow his moan as he let her take what she wanted. It was a need to taste him, see if his lips were really as wonderful as she’d remembered, to see if their chemistry was as strong as she’d already come to see. For a moment they battled for who would do the kissing, but the awkwardness of the embrace changed immediately to both licking, sucking and tasting each other.

  Between kisses she stated her case with a purr. “I want you. Now.”

  She didn’t want to give him the time to flip her. Even as he started talking she bent over and licked a path around a nipple and up his chest, and hummed against his skin.

  “I wasn’t going to tell you… whoa.” He groaned.

  Smiling, even as she bit lightly into the place where his head met his neck, Amie continued her assault. She wanted to feel him, have him inside her, and there was no way she was letting him get away this time.

  “Geezus, you’re going to have me coming in my jeans again.” He growled, while he tilted his head to give her more access. “But don’t stop, damn it.”

  “I’m not going to.” His skin was slick with sweat and so warm. Her palms tingled. “I want you. Now. I’m going to get up, you’re going to shuck the pants and we’re going to get on that bed.”

  A cheeky grin crossed his face before he frowned, laughter still alight in his eyes. “And what if I don’t, Miss Bossy? Hmm?”

  She stood and climbed over him until she stood close but not within grabbing distance, slowly drawing her T-shirt over her head. Then slid her thumbs into the waist of her jeans. He watched with hunger in his gaze. “If yo
u don’t.” She turned around and bent over while pulling her pants down her legs. The inhale she heard behind her pulled a devilish grin to her lips. “Then you don’t get this to know what this feels like.”

  Deep growling erupted from her tortured mate, who still lay on the floor. But instead of helping him up, she emphasized her need by stepping out of her jeans, leaving them a pile next to him, and straddled his head with her feet. If she’d wanted, she could have walked her hands down his body and been face-to-dick but, instead, she went a step further in her teasing. She grabbed the side of her panties and pulled them down, knowing full well they’d been wet and her sex was glistening. The strip tease was turning her on and the lust pouring off Zeke’s straining body had the hair on her body standing up. When the cloth got to her knees she squatted slightly, cool air whispering over her pussy, but, more importantly, warm hands wrapped around her hips and tried to pull her to his mouth.

  “Oh, no. None of that. I want your cock deep inside me this time. I’m aching for it. Don’t you see how much I need you? Aren’t I dripping with it?” She felt the blush rise along her chest and cheeks, but even saying the dirty words didn’t stop her from bouncing a little on the balls of her feet, knowing she was spreading her lips and showing off her opening on every down movement.

  With movements only a cat, or a kitty shifter, could manage, she leapt over his body, landing lightly next to his feet. She closed her legs and let her panties fall the rest of the way off before sauntering, hips swaying, to the bed. It wasn’t far, but it felt like a runway at a show. Every step was a waiting game. Had she pushed Zeke far enough to spring at her? Or was she sashaying one more step?

  Making it to the bed was almost a disappointment, but the instant one of her knees was firmly on the mattress and her hands were down, the air around her moved. She found herself on her stomach, flattened by a large, heavy, aroused Zeke. The noises coming from the man should have terrified her but they only ramped up her lust for him. His coyote let his voice be heard in a few growls of need and appreciation.


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