Gabriel and the Devil

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Gabriel and the Devil Page 8

by Robert P. Rowe

  SOMEHOW, WE made it up to the table and our Thanksgiving feast. Along the way, I’d introduced Marcello to my nieces, who’d been playing in one of the back bedrooms, and my nephew, Trevor. Trevor was twelve, but he never joined the other boys for sports in the street. And I was his favorite uncle, so he made sure he sat between Marcello and me.

  Dad said grace—nothing special, just the traditional Catholic one—and then the food started being passed around. There was small talk all around the table, and everything seemed to be going well. And then it happened.

  “Thanks, Angel.”

  It was just two little words mixed along with a cacophony of other conversations, but the entire table got quiet and looked at Marcello and me. All I’d done was pass him the mashed potatoes. I was speechless. Marcello was not. He laughed.

  “That’s a little nickname for our angel, Gabriel. He was such a good little altar boy when I met him. I’ve been working on loosening him up. I even introduced him to the evils of beer. But you must know him better than I do. He can still be such an angel.”

  Bernie was the first to reply. “That’s our baby brother. The little angel who always got everything he wanted.”

  Mary butted in, “You’re just jealous since he took over the baby-of-the-family position. We all know how you milked it, and trust me, you were no angel.”

  That started a round of embarrassing growing-up stories. I was left out of most of them since I was so much younger. The other four were only separated by a year each. They did practically everything together. Matt was nearly fourteen by the time I was born. He was in high school by the time I could talk. Still, they managed to find plenty of embarrassing stories to share about me too. The stories that involved me were mostly about one of the others having to babysit me. They even asked Marcello if he had any to share.

  “Sorry. I think that sharing the nickname was bad enough,” he conceded. “But if you’ve got more, I’m more than happy to listen.”

  We hadn’t even finished eating when Luke and his family had to leave. Mom and Dad walked them out while the rest of us finished eating. I wasn’t surprised that Matt’s wife, Amanda, found an excuse to leave right after dinner too. She was an only child, and our family gatherings always made her nervous.

  Trevor talked me into a game of checkers. I tried to get out of it. I wanted to keep an eye on Marcello, but he’d promised to watch—until Dad pulled him aside and asked to see his channel.

  I was a wreck the whole time they were gone. Dad had turned Matt and Luke’s old room into his office. That’s where his computer was, and it was far from the living room where Trevor and I played. Trevor was winning like a champ because I couldn’t stay focused. He didn’t seem to notice. He just thought he’d finally gotten better at the game.

  From where we were playing, I could see through the courtyard windows when Marcello and my dad were done. They were laughing together when they came out, and both stopped in the kitchen to talk to Mom and my sisters.

  They were too far away for me to hear anything, especially with my brothers-in-law both watching another football game right next to Trevor and me. Fortunately the remaining nieces and nephews came out ready to start a checkers marathon. That gave me my chance to escape and find out what was going on with Marcello. But just then Marcello came out of the kitchen alone.

  “Hey, Gabe.” He used the family nickname, probably to annoy me. “I haven’t really seen the view yet. Can we check out the backyard?”


  Once we were outside I had twenty questions for Marcello, but he started first.

  “Thanks so much for inviting me—Angel. Your family is really nice. And I don’t know about the rest, but your dad got a laugh out of my nickname for you. He’s glad that I’m working on loosening you up. He said that he’d been afraid you’d become a priest.”

  “A priest!” I did my best to sound incredulous, but the truth was I’d thought about it more than a few times. Church was a place where I always felt I belonged.

  We were both staring out to the sunset with our backs to the living room windows. A few lights were starting to appear in the city below.

  Marcello went on, “I’d like to reach out and hold you in my arms while we take in this view. You don’t know how lucky you are to have such great family and come from such a wonderful home.”

  “I guess my dad did okay. You have to with five kids.”

  “Software technology—yeah, I’d say he did all right.” I gave Marcello a warning look, but he just shook his head before telling me, “We talked okay. Your dad offered to tell me what he did. He’s a great guy.”

  That made me smile. I had a good relationship with my dad, even if I wasn’t as into sports as my brothers. We talked a lot and had philosophical conversations. Maybe that’s why he thought I wanted to be a priest?

  I glanced behind me. With all of the lights blazing in the house, I could easily see where everybody was. I made some extreme gestures pointing out where Mom’s garden was off to the side of the house just in case anyone was looking at us out on the patio.

  “Let me show you my mom’s garden,” I said loudly. “It’s over this way.”

  Marcello raised an eyebrow at my antics, but he followed me until we were blocked from the view of any window in a house made almost entirely of glass.

  “Ahh, I see why you brought me—”

  I didn’t let him finish. My lips were on his in an instant, and his hungry mouth wasn’t complaining. We kissed as long as I dared, and then I broke it off.

  “We’d better get back inside before they miss us,” I told him.

  “Just a bit longer,” he said, while adjusting himself.

  I wanted to adjust him myself, but I knew we’d take way too long if I did that.

  By the time we got back inside, the game was over and the adults were gathering around in the living room while the kids sat up to the table. Pumpkin pie was served along with coffee.

  Conversation started off with the safe topics of the weather, people’s health, and Christmas plans. But somehow it drifted to religion. That was generally a safe topic for me in a Catholic household. Everyone knew that I held the strongest views in favor of the Church, and nobody gave me too much of a challenge.

  Well, everyone but Marcello knew how it was supposed to work. Marcello started in on the same views he’d shared the night we met.

  “Reincarnation?” Dad asked. “That’s not exactly a view held by the Catholic Church. I thought that you told me you were Catholic, Marcello.”

  “Yes, sir. I was baptized as a Catholic, and I go to Saint Francis with Gabriel sometimes. But my own views are what’s called New Age. There is no official church or set of rituals. It’s—”

  “It’s a pretty eclectic mix of philosophies. What sort do you subscribe to, Marcello?”

  “I don’t exactly see how we can be judged for all of eternity based upon one finite lifetime. It takes countless lifetimes to learn all of the lessons this world has to offer. And we choose our own lives and our own journeys.”

  I doubted that Dad would let that statement stand.

  “If we choose our own lives, then why are so many people on this planet poor and starving?”

  “Money doesn’t really buy happiness. It’s the people and the relationships that help us to learn the lessons that we choose. Lessons learned through adversity are much more powerful than lessons learned by endless successes, sir.”

  “And if there is no success to be had from the adversity?” Dad asked.

  “There is always success in one form or another.” And that’s when Marcello said it: “Evil brings out the best in good people.”

  I thought Mary was going to choke to death on her pie. Mom was quick to pat her on the back, and her husband, Alex, gave her his water to drink.

  Marcello grinned his devilish grin.

  “Just like that, sir. As soon as Mary was in trouble, all of the good people around her rallied to her support. No one i
n the room would have let any harm come to her. We all would have worked together to ensure she was safe.”

  Dad just smiled.

  Mom and Dad walked us out to the car when it arrived. Dad was talking to Marcello while Mom hugged and kissed me goodbye.

  “Marcello is an interesting character, dear. Bring him along anytime. I think everyone liked him.” Then she brushed at my face. “What have you got here anyway, some sort of a rash? Did you rub up against something out in the garden?”

  “No, Mom. I promise I didn’t.”

  I noticed Dad give Marcello a quick hug and pat on the back. Mom noticed too before she moved away and went over to give Marcello her own hug.

  “Marcello is fine young man, Gabriel,” Dad acknowledged. “I imagine he gives you lots to think about. You don’t have to agree with everything he says, but you really ought to think about it before you dismiss it. Be sure to bring him back, okay, son?”

  As Dad hugged me goodbye, I promised I would.

  Chapter Eight

  THE CAR ride home was quiet. Marcello and I held hands in the dark back seat. Again, I felt like he had something he wanted to tell me, but maybe the chance that the driver would overhear stopped him.

  Once in the bedroom, Marcello kissed me while he slowly unbuttoned my shirt. The kiss was soft and tender.

  Between kisses he whispered, “I really liked your family.” He finished with the buttons and kissed me again. “They’re great.” He slid my shirt off my shoulders and let it fall to the floor. “And they all love you.”

  “I think they liked you too. Mom and Dad both said so.” I reached out for his shirt, but he stopped me.

  “Let me take care of you tonight, okay?” He unfastened my belt. “I want to take care of you forever.” He pulled my zipper down and dropped to his knees.

  I steadied myself on his shoulders as he carefully removed each shoe and sock and then pulled my pants completely off. I was totally hard, wearing only my boxer briefs. He looked up at me and gave me a subtle smile. This wasn’t his devilish grin—it was softer, gentler. He grabbed both sides of my waistband and slowly pulled my briefs down until my cock was free to spring to attention.

  “You are so beautiful—everything about is beautiful. From your golden hair, to your soulful blue eyes set wisely in your handsome face, you are the picture of an angel. Your flawless white skin defines your muscles, interrupted only by your perfect pink nipples.” He looked directly at my erection and went on, “And this divine rod of yours is not only gorgeous, it undeniably points to how you feel about me. It can’t tell a lie. You can’t tell a lie.”

  I blushed with embarrassment at his words and my feelings of exposure and vulnerability.

  He smiled. “And that pink glow along with your shy charm only makes you more heavenly.”

  Still fully clothed he took me in his arms and kissed me passionately while slowly backing me up to the bed.

  I started to sit, but he dropped one arm behind me and scooped me up. I knew he was strong, but I never thought that he could lift me so easily. We both were the same height and build. He gently laid me in the center of the bed, and then he busied himself. He pulled out a box from his closet and started placing his LED votive candles around the room. When he was satisfied, he turned out the lights. The low light seemed to erase the harsh light of reality. It turned the room into a romantic fantasy. Only then did Marcello begin his own slow striptease. He started by moving my shoes to the closet and removing his own to place beside mine. He tossed my dirty clothes into the hamper and added his socks. Ever so slowly he began to unbutton his shirt until he was bare-chested. He carefully hung my pants up and then slowly removed his to hang as well. He kept his back to me until he finished tidying up. When he turned around, I couldn’t miss the huge bulge in his red boxer briefs, even in the low light.

  I’d only gotten harder watching his show, and he clearly was enjoying watching me and teasing me. He hooked his thumbs into his waistband and slowly pulled at it, slipping the back down past his round butt, while keeping his cock barely covered with only a dark patch of pubic hair exposed. He stroked along his length, never taking his eyes off me, and then he turned his back to remove his briefs and toss them into the hamper.

  He came to me in the bed and crawled up between my legs until he was lying on top of me. His kisses stayed slow and passionate. Every time I tried to hurry things along and get more aggressive, he slowed me and whispered, “There’s no rush, Angel. We have all of eternity.”

  He slid his lips down my neck, placing soft kisses all along the way. It was the same for my chest, where he kissed and licked. He teased each nipple with his tongue and little nips before sliding his tongue down to my navel. I giggled and shuddered. He gently grabbed my wrist and stopped me from touching him.

  By the time he got to my cock, I was soaked in my own precum. He took me in his mouth, and I felt ready to explode before he’d even begun his work. As I started to writhe, he gripped my wrists tighter and freed me from his mouth.

  “Not yet, Angel. We have a long way to go tonight. I’ve only just begun.”

  He climbed back up my body and hugged me tight while he kissed me. Then he reached into the nightstand drawer and pulled out a couple of things—a condom and a plastic bottle.

  I tensed up. “I’m not sure that I’m ready for that.” My voice was uneasy.

  “I’m not sure you’re ready for what you might be thinking either. Please trust me, Angel. I’d never do anything to hurt you.”

  I nodded and took a deep breath.

  He knelt between my legs and tore open the condom and then, much to my surprise, he rolled it expertly down my cock.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Just getting you ready.”

  He opened the plastic bottle and squeezed clear gel all over my condom-covered cock. It was cold at first, but he stroked my cock, covering it completely with the gel and warming it at the same time. He kept adding more and stroking me until I thought that he was just going to jerk me off into the condom. I was nearing the edge, my breathing was ragged, and I closed my eyes expecting the inevitable.

  “Whoa! We’re just getting started. You’ve got to warn me when you’re getting close.”

  My breathing eased off once he took his slick hand away. He’d moved his hand behind him, and he was clearly working to make sure he was as slick as I was. Then he leaned forward to kiss my lips. He pulled an inch away, and his hot breath blew over my mouth as he whispered, “I’m taking my angel to heaven.”

  Again, he kissed his way back down my body until he was kneeling between my legs. He gave my cock a few more strokes and then held it tightly. He maneuvered his knees to the outside of my legs and positioned himself over me.

  From my vantage point, I could see his deep-brown eyes twinkling in the soft light and his smiling lips framed by his tightly groomed goatee. His broad, olive-colored, lightly hairy chest looked more like it belonged to a god than a devil. He held my cock with his hand behind his back. His cock stood straight and tall, reaching well past his navel and hiding the treasure trail I’d traveled so many times. Then he began to lower himself. I could feel my knob pushing against him, but I felt no opening. It was blunt against a barrier. Marcello rose up on his knees and took a deep cleansing breath as he clearly tried to relax. Then he came down again, maneuvering my cock to his hole, and this time I found it. But it was too small. I’d never fit inside. But Marcello was determined. He used his body weight to force my entry.

  Only the barest tip of my cock was pressed tight against his unrelenting hole, but I could feel the warmth radiating from inside of him. Then he began to give way, slowly widening while remaining determinedly tight. It was a bit painful for my sensitive cockhead. I could only imagine how painful it must have been for Marcello. His eyes were shut tight, his jaw was clenched, and his brow was furrowed. Even though his face looked pained, I could see past his pain to the expression he wore just moments before he’d orgasm.
If evil brings out the good in people, this pain was sure to bring him pleasure.

  Unexpectedly I felt a slight pop, and a smile crept up onto his face. My whole tip, just past the ridge, had passed his tight sphincter—I was in. Marcello was taking deep breaths through his mouth, but I couldn’t miss a hint of satisfaction that crossed his face.

  Instinctively I started to push, but he put a hand on my belly and urged, “Give me a second, Angel. It’s been a while since I’ve done this.”

  I didn’t want to think of him doing this with anyone else, but at the same time I was glad he knew what he was doing. I tried to restrain my desire and give him the time he needed. I guess I needed the time too because I’d never felt such a strong grip on the head of my penis.

  Ever so slowly he began to lower himself. He started off taking only about a quarter of an inch at a time before stopping to get used to me. But soon his butt was resting on his fist that was wrapped tightly around my cock. He took another deep breath through his mouth and then removed his hand. By this time all my senses were overwhelmed. The tightness around my cock was incredible, and the heat that radiated from his body was intense. The smell of his cologne was now mixed with the intoxicating scent of our sweat. But it was the sights that overloaded my mind. His muscular body was just partly impaled on my cock while his, standing tantalizingly before me, was too much to take in. We were connected, but there was still space between us. I wanted to preserve this picture in my mind forever.

  “Just a little more,” he groaned. “Don’t push until I say you can, okay?”

  I could only nod. His eyes had been closed so he had to look at me for acknowledgment, but at the sight of my face he beamed a smile of pure ecstasy. Then he began to lower himself farther.

  “Oh fuck!”

  I was the one who said it. My eyes must have rolled to the back of my head. The heat and pressure were incredible and he wasn’t even all the way down. I felt him continue down my shaft until he was sitting on my hips with his balls resting on my belly.


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