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Witness to Hope Page 184

by George Weigel

Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People

  Pontifical Gregorian University

  Pontifical Lateran University

  Pontifical Urban University

  Pontius Pilate

  Poor Clare community

  “Pope Holds Out, The,”


  Popiełuszko, Jerzy

  murder of

  “Popular Church,”

  Population and Development, World Conference on, see World Conference on Population and Development

  Populorum Progressio (The Development of Peoples) (Paul VI)

  Populorum Progressio Foundation for Latin America

  Portillo, Alvaro del


  pro-abortion law rejected in

  Posadas Ocampo, Juan Jesús


  Potemkin, Vladimir

  Potocka, Countess

  Potocki, Andrzej

  Potsdam Conference (1945)

  Poupard, Paul


  Power and the Glory, The (Greene)

  Prague Spring

  Precht, Christian

  Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See

  PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party), Mexican


  call to

  celibacy and

  as form of paternity

  global crisis in

  Holy Thursday letters and

  Jesus and

  John Paul’s 50th Anniversary celebration and

  John Paul’s “Letter” to

  John Paul’s memoirs on

  John Paul’s personal impact on

  laity and

  liberation theme and

  modern life and

  and ordination of married men

  and ordination of women

  Pastores Dabo Vobis and nature of

  reform of

  and reform of seminaries

  and spousal image of Church

  theology and

  Vatican II and

  as vocation

  World Youth Day 1993 and

  Priests for Equality

  Principia Mathematica (Newton)

  Prom Miguel

  Prochownik, Leonard

  prodigal son, parable of

  “Program to Combat Racism” (WCC)

  Promethidion (Norwid)

  Protestants, Protestantism

  Joint Declaration and

  in St. Peter’s basilica prayer service

  Sarkander canonization and

  see also ecumenism, ecumenical movement; Lutherans; Reformation

  Provisional Polish Revolutionary Committee

  Psalms, Book of

  Public Against Violence

  Puebla address (1979)

  Puerto Rico

  Pulaski, Kazimierz

  Puljié, Vinko

  Puzyna, Jan


  Quadragesimo Anno (Pius XI)

  Quail, The (Zeromski)

  Quarracino, Antonio

  Quinn, Gail

  Quo Vadis (Sienkiewicz)

  Rabin, Yitzhak

  Radiation of Fatherhood (Wojtyła)

  Radio Catolica

  Radio Free Europe

  Radio Maria

  Radio Veritas Asia

  Radziszewski, Idzi

  Rahner, Karl

  Raiser, Konrad

  Ramos, Fidel

  Rasoamanarivo, Victoria

  Ratisbonne Institute

  Ratti, Achille

  Ratzinger, Joseph

  appointed Prefect of CDF

  Boff and

  Extraordinary Synod and

  Lefebvre schism and

  U.S. bishops and

  at Vatican II

  Ratzinger Report, The (Ratzinger)

  Ravensbrück concentration camp

  Reagan, Ronald

  Reagan administration

  reason, faith and

  Reconciliatio et Paenitentia (Reconciliation and Penance) (John Paul II)

  “Reconciliation Today” (pastoral letter)

  Red Brigades

  Red Cross, Polish

  Redemptionis Anno (In the Year of the Redemption) (John Paul II)

  Redemptor Hominis (The Redeemer of Man) (John Paul II)

  Redemptoris Mater (Mother of the Redeemer) (John Paul II)

  Redemptoris Missio (The Mission of the Redeemer) (John Paul II)

  Centesimus Annus contrasted with

  as countercultural

  see also Protestants, Protestantism


  “Reflections on Fatherhood” (Wojtyła)

  Reflections on Humanae Vitae (John Paul II)

  “Reflections on the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000” (John Paul II)


  see also Protestants, Protestantism

  Reinach, Adolf

  religious freedom

  Catholic-Islamic dialogue and

  in Czechoslovakia

  family life and

  religious freedom: (cont.)

  in Fundamental Agreement

  Gorbachev-Vatican meeting and

  Gromyko-John Paul meeting and

  as human right

  in Jewish-Catholic relations

  and partition of Palestine

  Polish tradition of

  priority of

  in UN address of 1995

  Vatican II debate on

  Rerum Novarum (Leo XIII)

  Resolution UN

  Response of the Catholic Church to the Joint Declaration of the Catholic Church and the Lutheran World Federation on the Doctrine of Justification



  Resurrectionist Fathers

  Réunion, La

  Revelation, Book of

  Revolution of 1989

  democracy and

  John Paul on

  Rhapsodic Theater


  Ribbentrop, Joachim von

  Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact

  Ricci, Matteo

  Ricoeur, Paul

  “Rights of the Family,”

  Ríos Montt, Efrain

  Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

  Rivera Carrera, Norberto

  Rivera Damas, Arturo

  Roach, John

  Robespierre, Maximilien de

  Rodriguéz, Andrés


  Rodziński, Stanisław

  Roe Tae Woo

  Roe v. Wade

  “Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World, The” (Synod of Bishops)

  Rolón, Archbishop

  Roman Catholic Church:

  Anglican Church and, see Anglican Church

  Christian unity and

  collegiality of bishops in

  as communio

  consecrated life and

  divorce-remarriage issue in

  economics in social doctrine of

  ecumenical outreach of, see ecumenism, ecumenical movement

  encyclical tradition of

  European spiritual unity and

  Galileo case and

  Great Jubilee preparation of

  “Hartford Appeal” and

  Holy Land policy of

  human sexuality and

  Israel’s relation with

  in Italy

  just-war tradition of

  in Latin America

  Lefebvre schism in

  liberation theology and, see liberation theology

  in Mexico

  mission of

  mission of women in

  modernity and

  in Morocco

  and ordination of married men

  and ordination of women

  Orthodox Church and, see Orthodox Church and specific Eastern Churches

  Ostpolitik policy of, see Ostpolitik policy

  pacifism tradition of

  pilgrimage tradition of

  in Poland, see Polis
h Catholic Church

  politics and

  in post-Vatican II era

  relations between Jews and

  renewal movements and

  role of laity in

  sexual ethics and

  Society of Jesus and

  solidarity in

  Soviet relationship with, see Soviet Union

  tradition’s role in

  Trinity Doctrine of

  unions in social doctrine of

  U.S. bishops’ war and peace letter and

  Virgin Mary as Mother of

  work and labor in social doctrine of

  world affairs and

  see also papacy; Polish Catholic Church; Vatican; Vatican II; specific topics

  Roman Curia

  John Paul as perceived by

  John Paul’s address on Christian unity to

  John Paul’s reforms of

  in meeting on ecumenism

  reorganization of

  Sollicitudo encyclical and

  U.S. bishops and


  Greek Catholic Church in

  Romanian Orthodox Church

  Romans, Letter to

  Romero, Oscar Arnulfo

  Rome Tourist Council

  Roncalli, Angelo, see John XXIII, Pope

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.

  “Roots of Anti-Semitism in Christianity, The” (symposium)

  Rosen, David

  Rosenthal, A. M.

  Rosenzweig, Franz

  Rose of Lima

  Rosmini, Antonio

  Rostworowski, Piotr

  Rousseau, Jean Bernard

  Rousseau, Jean Jacques

  Rozwadowski, Józef

  Rózycki, Ignacy

  Rubin, Władysław

  Ruini, Camillo

  Ruiz, Lorenzo

  Runcie, Robert

  Rural Solidarity

  Russian Federation

  Russian Orthodox Church

  apostolic administrations issue and

  Greek Catholic Church and

  Vatican delegation to millennial celebration of

  Rutilans Agmen (John Paul II)


  Rybicka, Danuta Skrabianka

  Rybicki, Stanisław

  Rybicki, Stanisław Jr.

  Rychterówna, Kazimiera

  Rydz-Śmiały, Edward

  Rydzyk, Tadeusz

  Ryłko, Stanisław

  Sabbah, Michel

  Sacerdotalis Coelibatus (Paul VI)

  Sachsenhausen concentration camp

  Sacrae Disciplinae Leges (Laws of Its Sacred Discipline)

  Sacsahuamán address

  Saddam Hussein

  Sadik, Nafis

  Sáenz Lacalle, Fernando

  Safieh, Afif E.

  Sai, Fred

  Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de

  St. Florian’s Church (Kraków)

  St. Francis Preparatory School

  St. George’s Cathedral (Istanbul)

  St. Michael’s Church (Skałka)

  “St. Patrick’s Breastplate,”

  St. Peter’s Basilica

  Catholic-Protestant prayer service in

  Orthodox-Roman bilateral service in

  saints, saint making

  God and

  revised procedure for

  St. Teresa’s Church (Przemyśl, Poland)

  St. Vincent de Paul Society

  Sakharov, Andrei

  Sala Stampa (Holy See Press Office)

  Saldarini, Giovanni

  Salesian Fathers

  Salvadoran Bishops’ Conference

  salvation history

  Salvifici Doloris (Salvific Suffering) (John Paul II)

  Samorè, Antonio

  Sánchez, José

  Sandino, César Augusto

  Santa Maria sopra Minerva

  Sant ’Egidio Community

  Santiago de Compostela (shrine)

  Santiapichi, Severino

  Sapieha, Adam Stefan

  background of

  cross of

  death of

  as model for Wojtyła

  underground seminary of

  Wojtyła ordained as priest by

  Sapientia Christiana (Christian Wisdom) (John Paul II)

  Saraiva Martins, José

  Sarkander, Jan

  Sarkissian, Karekin see Karekin I Sarkissian

  Sartre, Jean-Paul

  Sawicki, Stefan

  Scalfero, Oscar Luigi

  Scandinavia, papal pilgrimage of 1989 to

  Scheler, Max

  Schema XIII, see Gaudium et Spes

  Schindler, Oskar

  “Schindler’s list,”

  Schmidt, Helmut

  Schönborn, Christoph

  Schotte, Jan

  Schutz, Roger


  Church and

  new theological dialogue with

  Science of the Cross, The (Stein)

  Scola, Angelo


  Screwtape Letters (Lewis)

  II Corps, Polish

  Second Council of Nicaea

  Second European Ecumenical Assembly (1997)

  Second Indochina War

  Second Polish Republic

  Second Vatican Council, see Vatican II

  Secretariat for Non-Christians

  Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity, see Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity

  Secretariat of State

  apostolic administrations affair and

  Jewish-Catholic relations and

  Section for Relations with States

  Sejm (Polish parliament)

  self-gift, concept of

  celibacy and

  God and

  human sexuality and

  in marriage

  and relationship of women to Jesus

  sin and

  see also Law of the Gift

  Senate, Polish

  September Papacy


  Serbian Orthodox Church

  Sermon on the Mount


  and adultery in the heart

  birth control and

  Catholic Church and

  as celebrated in Michelangelo’s art

  chastity and

  Curran affair and

  family life and

  freedom and

  general audience address on

  God and

  as icon of God

  John Paul’s views on

  love and

  morality and

  self-giving and

  youth and

  see also Theology of the Body


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