Overcoming Fear (Growing Pains #2)

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Overcoming Fear (Growing Pains #2) Page 29

by K. F. Breene

  When she looked up to his eyes, he was looking down at her goods. He then looked up and saw her watching him.


  Krista smiled bashfully. Sean gave her a boyish grin and shrugged. Krista nodded her head to the right, indicating a meet up. He nodded, and they both moved out of the swarm of neighborhood kids and toward each other.

  It might have been in slow motion as Sean stepped out and walked toward her, his shimmering, wet muscles in play, the power in his stride making all the young girls behind him swoon and stare. He was magical. The glide of his body, the anticipation of the meeting, the thrill of what might happen next. His eyes were serious, delving into her as though he were thinking the same thing.

  As he neared, Krista’s heart was hammering. She could barely get enough air. She could make out the hunger in his eyes. The hum of his body. She knew what that look meant. She knew what he was thinking. She’d seen that look often enough; usually right before some part of his body found its way to hers. A fantastic climax always followed.

  The memories made her intensely horny and intensely sad at the same time.

  She spoke first, their eyes locked together, “I’m heading out. I can’t take it anymore.”

  “Can’t take what? The young guys looking at your breasts, or the old ones?” His eyes were hooded as they looked down on her.

  “All of the above,” she murmured.

  “How are you getting back?” He took a step closer.

  Her legs nearly gave out. “I’ll walk out a ways, and then call a cab. I don’t want to get a cab from here. It would be embarrassing.”

  “I’ll drive you.”

  Her heart and groin both jumped at the suggestion. “Did you want to swim at my hotel? I plan on getting in a few more hours without being pestered.” Part of her asked as friends. But only part. She knew it. She hoped he didn’t.


  Without further ado they got their stuff—Krista heard the protests of the girls from the other side of the pool—and walked away from the neighborhood kids. Sean quickly pulled her into the cluster of trees with the drinks.

  Confused, she said, “We can get drinks at the hotel if you want?”

  “I just thought you might want to put on your wrap. It’s getting cold.”

  She laughed because it was so cute. “You didn’t want all the old men checking me out, or you figured I didn’t?”

  “Both. You’re beautiful—they’ll look.”

  His eyes were so green as they looked down on her. They caught the light of the afternoon and matched the lush trees around them. She loved hearing those compliments from his lips. She loved that he thought them—also that he was worried about showing her off. It meant his attraction, dare she say love, for her was from a good place. A wholesome place.

  “Well,” she said, shrugging, “I don’t want to get shown up by Blondie, after all.”

  “Caught me—that’s what I was really thinking. I was just looking out for your ego in the end.”

  Her wrap was from Hawaii and could fit over her in a number of ways. Because she definitely didn’t want to get checked out, and because Sean was worried about it, too, she did a tie up around her neck so it loosely draped over the rest of her body. Boob size was evident, but cleavage and all other skin down to her mid-thigh was covered and non-descript.

  “Had practice covering up?” Sean asked as he threw on a Hurley T-shirt.

  “I love pools, beaches, and all things sunny. I learned the ropes during my summer in Hawaii.”

  “And yet you live in San Francisco in the foggiest part of the city…”

  “I never said I was smart about my life choices, did I?”

  “You did not, no. Silly of me to assume.”

  They found Tory right away—he was the only guy in a Hawaiian shirt after all, and said their thanks and goodbyes.

  “Not so fast, Miss Marshall,” Tory said as he stepped away from his conversation. “I wouldn’t dare let you leave without giving you something to aspire to.” He smiled mischievously and half glanced at Sean, who’d taken a small step closer.

  “The swords, that’s right! Lead the way,” Krista remembered excitedly.

  “Mr. McAdams, would you care to join us?” Tory was being the model host, but a part of her wondered if he wasn’t poking Sean as he moonlighted her.

  “Of course,” Sean said, stepping marginally closer again.

  On second thought, she was sure Tory was rubbing it in. Sean’s nervousness was transparent.

  Thankfully Tory didn’t extend the invitation any further than them, even though the businessman behind him would’ve clearly liked to go.

  They walked through the house the way Fake Jeeves had led the party goers, but instead of going straight through the hallway to the entryway, they curved to the right, went up another grand flight of stairs, took a left, and then to the first door on the right. Krista was afraid to ask how many rooms there were in the place; she might get asked to get the candlestick from Fake Jeeves in the library and never make it out.

  As they entered the room, Krista was struck speechless. Without thought, she grabbed Sean’s hand to share the spectacle. She didn’t even notice his lack of resistance, and barely felt the electrical current--she was that awestruck with what she saw in front of her.

  The large room was like a museum. The walls were covered with various types, sizes, and ages of swords. Some looked hundreds of years old. Some looked used, as in, on people! And some gleamed as if they’d never been out of their display case.

  In the back of the room was a suit of armor, slightly tarnished, which meant it probably saw some action at one time or another. A section of the wall next to the armor had some other types of weapons within the sword realm, like a wicked-looking ax, a pronged thing that looked like it would hurt, and a spiked ball that had a cameo in Braveheart. All the rest were swords.

  In the middle of the floor were two rows of display cases, housing even more weapons, which were probably more exceptional than those she could see on the walls! He easily had more than a hundred. Easily.

  “What do you think?” Tory asked.

  Krista squeezed Sean’s hand, and then leaned into him when he stepped closer. “I’m in awe. I’m not even jealous. I couldn’t be jealous. This is…unbelievable. Seriously unbelievable. How did you get so many? And some look old. Are they originals?”

  Tory was delighted, “Here, I’ll give you a tour.”

  They hit the display cases first, and learned that this room could legitimately be a museum. In fact, sometimes Tory loaned out some of the swords for special shows or occasions. He had one or two from all the prominent historical periods. He even had one from King Arthur’s era! Spoiler alert: It wasn’t Excalibur.

  He had most of the Lord of the Rings swords, which were in the back of the room, irritatingly. He had a sword that still had blood on it! Krista was revolted. And fascinated.

  Sean was just fascinated.

  All through the tour Sean kept Krista’s hand. If he was embarrassed, he didn’t show it. Nor did he care when Tory noticed. When they paused to look at a sword that particularly interested Krista, Sean would press close, his body either touching hers or mere inches away.

  Krista was in heaven. The swords, the man—heaven. She never wanted it to end.

  But sadly, she knew that when they walked up to the gleaming Samurai sword, it would be the last one.

  “And finally, your Holy Grail. This is a true samurai sword. Never used, but hand crafted, expertly balanced, and razor sharp. It is a one of a kind.”

  Krista leaned forward and stared. Unlike its cheap counterparts, this sword was visibly a work of art; the hand stitching on the handle, the leather case, the artful curve. It was magnificent.

  “I want one,” she breathed.

  Tory laughed. “It wasn’t easy to come by. I worked closely with a Japanese firm for some months. We did them a service. Their president was so grateful he bestowed this gift u
pon me. A great gift. It more than made up for the risk we took with his company—which, by the way, was a purely business risk. The Japanese, though, are as generous as they are loyal. I am still in touch with him, but I haven’t been able to match such an exquisite gift.”

  “Not in your eyes, no. But in his, you probably outdid him with your retribution gift. You two are probably playing the one-upper game,” Krista said.

  Tory threw his head back and laughed. “Yes, you’re exactly right. Such an insightful woman. You are exactly right. But it still stands, this is a rare treasure. Not easy to come by.”

  “Lucky man,” Krista said, bumping up against Sean’s shoulder.

  “Yes. Speaking of, I notice John sent a spy with you. I imagine negotiations are out of the question.”

  Sean smiled, and for the first time since he entered the room, spoke. “I couldn’t possibly make it easy to steal her. You know me better than that.”

  Tory laughed again, leading them out of the room. “Yes, I do. Pity. But since we are working together, there is always tomorrow. Or the next day. I am not a man to give up easily. I think you know me better than that.”

  Sean smiled.

  “Until next time,” Tory said by way of goodbye, leaving them at the front door. Fake Jeeves was there, holding it open.

  As they exited they heard, “And Krista?”

  She turned.

  Tory fixed her with a level stare. “Get their offer. Don’t dally. Then call me. I’ll beat it. Oh, and Emily wanted me to remind you about her advice—whatever it was. Although, I warn you, she is liable to get you into trouble as often as she helps.” That stare turned to Sean and he winked before walking back into the great maw of his house.

  “I’ve been warned,” Sean said, dropping Krista’s hand.

  Her palm was cold in the absence. Her heart dropped painfully.

  When they were in the car sitting on towels, Sean asked, “What advice?”

  “Girl talk.”

  “In other words, mind my own business?”


  “Cassie says ‘hi,’ by the way.”

  “What? Oh Cassie. How is she? Well, I guess it has only been a week, but did she get over her hangover?”

  “She did. She is excited to come back out to live. She likes it here.”

  “Good. I like it, too. I’ve never lived in Arizona, though.”

  “It is great in the winter, but the summer is rough. And land locked. Without trees.”

  “Doesn’t sound awesome.”

  “No. Not awesome,” Sean laughed at her.

  When they got to the hotel, Krista led the way to her room.

  “Jeez Krissy, this is a nice hotel,” Sean said, looking around.

  Krista thrilled at the new nickname. She saw his eyes linger on the bed, and then flit away. She followed his gaze, remembering his rippled muscles working over her as his weight crushed her to the mattress.

  When she looked back at him, he was watching her with a covered expression.

  “Busted,” she said with a shrug.

  He smiled a little, his eyes stayed trained on her. They were darkened somewhat, with desire kindled and slowly burning. She felt her skin get hot as she met his gaze.

  “Anywho, let’s do this before we lose the warm sun,” Krista said, tearing her eyes away from Sean’s unwavering gaze. “Stop staring. It’s creepy.”

  “Busted,” Sean muttered as he looked away and followed her out of the room.

  The pool was fabulous. Not as nice as Tory’s perhaps, but without all the cheerleaders and spirit squad. She said as much to Sean.

  “What was with those kids?” Sean said in exasperation. “They seemed about our age, well, your age, but then they started talking and sounded twelve years old.”

  “I know! Some guy only wanted to talk about video games. Really? Video games? That’s it? That’s all you do in life?”

  She did a perfect flip into a dive. When she surfaced she saw Sean dive in after her.

  “What’s with all the fancy dives?” he asked when he surfaced. He was about three feet from her. Planned entrance, obviously.

  Briefly Krista wondered if he thought watching her squirm in sexual frustration was funny. She moved away somewhat, not giving him the pleasure.

  She told him about her parents.

  “That’s random,” he said, moving closer again. She moved away.

  “Yeah. It was fun for a while, but c’mon, diving school? I had to give it up. Kids were making fun of me.”

  “I bet they don’t now when they see you dive, though, huh?”


  “Show me.”

  She smiled and got out of the pool. She liked showing off her diving ability. It was such a rare thing that it made her unique at pool parties. And more interesting. You couldn’t beat that.

  She went through her gambit, even doing the two she wasn’t great at. Sean watched every movement, watching her body as she moved and arched.

  When she was done, Sean clapped.

  “Wonderful work, Marshall.”


  They swam around each other for a while, exchanging a few words, but mostly just enjoying the water and each other’s company. It was back to being easy again. They didn’t have to talk if they didn’t want to. But if they did, and there was never any lack of something to say.

  When Krista’s fingers got as wrinkled as an old man’s balls, she had to face the music. If she didn’t get out soon she might develop some weird kind of soggy finger fungus.

  When she righted herself out of her stalling float, filled with regret and sadness to say goodbye, Sean was treading water, looking at her. His eyes were absorbed.

  “Krista,” he said when their eyes met. “Did you mean everything you said last night?”

  “I said a bunch of stuff, but yes, everything I said was true. And I meant it.”

  He swam closer. “You love me?” He said it quietly, almost to himself. It was as if he didn’t believe it.

  Krista got a tingling in her groin. Not from arousal, this time, but from uncertainty, bordering on fear. She really, really didn’t want him to use that as a platform to tell her how wrong he was for her. Or how wrong she was to love him. But she wouldn’t sell herself short. She was in this far, so she would go the distance.

  “Yes.” She matched his quiet tone.

  He swam closer. “I love you, too. It scares me shitless. I’m scared I might hurt you. Or I might freak out. I’m scared of what it means, or where we might go, but I love you. And this last week has been torture. Seeing you hurting has been worse than torture. Can you forgive me? Can you give me another chance?”

  He was right next to her now. She swam to the edge of the pool and he followed. She let him get about a foot away before she answered. “What if you have a bad episode and push me away again? Or what if you have a bad episode and we have sex and you feel guilty or something? I can’t do the on-again-off-again thing with you, Sean.”

  “You said pushing you away was protecting myself, and you’re right for the most part. I know that I won’t physically hurt you. Ever. But sometimes I might be in a place where I need alone time to work it out. Sometimes I need to push everyone away.”

  “But will you let me back in when you’re done?”


  “What if I freak out?” she whispered, tears coming quickly to her eyes. “What if I wake up in a tangle of your arms and sheets and think you--and remember bad things. What if I need some alone time? Or I need you to hold me?”

  He gently pulled her toward him and kissed her tears. “Then I’ll do whatever you need. I’m not all that breakable, either, Krista. Except when you aren’t around, then I’m glass.”

  They were quiet for a moment, their bodies pressed together, he giving her soft kisses that made her heart flutter.

  “Marcus told me what you said to him and Judy,” Krista said quietly, enjoying his strong arms wrapped around her a
nd his hard length pressed up against her hip, heavy and insistent.

  Sean backed away slightly so he could look her in the eyes. His eyes were so deep they could be portals into another galaxy. “Busted. And yet, here you are.”

  “That was a pretty ballsy thing to say to your team members. To the biggest gossips in the company, no less.”

  “Yes, but it was me that they would gossip about, not you. I’m no stranger to gossip. I didn’t want that for you.”

  “Oh, there is plenty of gossip about me; it just isn’t in the emotional arena.”

  Sean’s eyes crinkled as he smiled. “We need to talk about that. And other work-related things. But first, we need to get out of the water. I am turning into a prune.”

  Krista kissed him then, slow and deep. Her tongue entered his mouth and stroked and tasted. She let her hand trail down his hard body, then dip into his swim trunks. She found his erection and stroked it firmly, thankful no one else was in the pool area.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  “Should...get out.” Sean breathed into her ear with a rush of passion. His hands were squeezing her butt cheeks to him, anxious to get inside of her suit, but facing the hotel pool entrance so they didn’t advertise too overtly what they were up to.

  Krista softly chuckled and drifted back from the wall away from him. “If you say so.”

  He swam at her slowly, his body at home in the water. After Krista got out she wrapped a towel around herself, she watched him climb from the pool with eyes on fire. She wanted him to rip her towel and suit off and take her, but something told her he would make it slow and torturous.

  She had a feeling it would be just as beneficial.

  As he stood from the edge of the pool, water making rivulets down his mouth watering abs, Krista took two steps, and melted into his body. She found his mouth again. His erection pressed against her, and he bent and angled so it hit exactly the right place. She moaned and arched, letting him kiss her neck and run a large, calloused hand over her breast, his thumb tracing her hard nipple.

  “We should go upstairs,” she said and Sean’s hands slipped into her bathing suit to get closer acquainted with her breast.

  “You are so beautiful it makes my mouth water. I couldn’t keep my eyes off you at that pool party today. It was pissing off my groupies. And yours.”


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