Overcoming Fear (Growing Pains #2)

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Overcoming Fear (Growing Pains #2) Page 35

by K. F. Breene

  Krista let Ben rub the weird-smelling liquid on her throat, then her arm, then hand it to Sean for the upper thigh. Sean, shirtless and looking like a cast aside piñata after the kids had been through, finished up.

  “Wow,” Ben said, eyeing Sean’s lateral muscles. “It’s a good thing you’re so heavily muscled. Some of those bruises look deep. If it was me he would have broken a rib on each side.”

  “If it was you we would have run together,” Krista stated.

  Ben administered the salve to Sean, then gave him some ice. Sean took it, argued when they made him sit on the couch with the ice for a while, and finally begged to head to bed—Krista’s bed.

  Once there, he picked her up like a baby and laid her down. He got in beside her immediately. They cuddled for a quiet second before he whispered, “Foolish girl! What were you doing with a man like that?”

  “I don’t know. I was a foolish girl. A stupid one, actually. He was tall, dark and handsome, like all the story books say. When I met him he was extremely charming.”

  “He is extremely dangerous.”

  “That was another attraction. Dangerous to a young girl means exciting.”

  “Then young girls are stupid,” Sean said in a whisper with a kiss.

  “Oh really? And where did you learn to fight like that?”


  “But really, where did you learn to fight like that? Not many people can hold their own with Jim.”

  “Yeah. That guy is huge. Trust you to have giant ex-boyfriends.”

  Krista waited for a second, thinking he was contemplating an answer. Instead, he just cuddled closer.

  “That didn’t answer my question,” she prodded.

  Sean sighed and rolled on his back. Krista shimmied over to put her head on his chest, careful not to touch any sore parts.

  “I had a troubled youth,” Sean said quietly. “Hell, I was troubled youth. Sometimes I stuck up for kids getting bullied so I could fight the biggest and the strongest. Sometimes I was the bully daring anyone to stand up to me. Getting pummeled felt better than dealing with my parents. Fights after school, and then detention because…”

  “How long did that last?” she asked.

  He laughed bitterly, “The real fighting lasted through high school, but I didn’t shy away from it in college—I just tempered it with…other things. I finally started to put the aggression into acting until I kind of worked through it.”

  Sean started drawing patterns with his fingertips on her back. “What was the cop saying to you? Are they going to put him away?”

  “They should have enough to do it, yeah.”

  “So you are safe?”

  She didn’t want to tell Sean that she would never be safe in this house anymore. She didn’t want to tell him that she would have to move again. She still didn’t know if she was actually going to. If Jim went back to jail, she would be safe for a while at least. Maybe she wouldn’t have to move for a year or more.

  But then, wasn’t that just putting off the inevitable? Was it fair to get even more attached, and then leave? Sean’s life was in San Francisco. He had a home, a great job, and his sister was supposed to move out here soon. He was established, his roots were deep.

  For this conversation, Krista decided that the less said the better. When in doubt, just get naked.

  Making love to him was exactly that: making love. It was the most tender experience she had had, yet. He treated her with velvet gloves, kissing her, stroking her, even entering her with reverence. His kisses were slow, soft and deep. He whispered he loved her and other sweet nothings as he entered and retreated. In turn she was soft and gentle with him, letting the passion build slowly. Each stroke feathering it higher. Each kiss blowing the spark to life.

  And the spark did ignite. It built and built, they both climbed higher in each other’s arms, taking their time with great effort and slow caresses. The result was an explosion of feeling that lit sparks behind their eyes, both in body and in the heart.

  It also brought tears to Krista’s eyes. She was thinking about walking away from this. From him. From Sean.

  As Sean held her after, she kept the sobs quiet and her tears confined. She still needed to think this through. She still thought there might be another way, if only she could think of it.

  She fell into a listless sleep.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  The next morning they were both oddly quiet on the way to work. It felt too good waking up next to him. It felt right getting ready in the same house. It felt wrong that she was thinking about moving on without him. If things were different she would actually contemplate marriage with this man. Quite the change from when she first met him.

  As she lowered herself into her desk, she realized she didn’t have one deadline for the day. She had stuff to do, and things to tie off in order to start getting ready for Tory’s campaign, but nothing was dire. So she just kind of sat for a minute, staring at the walls.

  Then she looked at her email.

  One was from John. He wanted to meet at eleven. One from Sean, asking her to stop by before John’s meeting when she had a chance.

  “Couldn’t get enough of me?” Krista said to herself in her British accent.

  Hopping up, she decided she’d go hang with Kate and Jasmine for a minute before she barged in on her love.

  An hour and a lot of gossip later, Krista wandered into Sean’s office cool and relaxed. She’d forgotten what a normal workload was like.

  Sean had changed into a pinstriped, tailored suit once he got to the office. The natural light was streaming in the windows and spilling over his head and shoulders, casting him in an unearthly aura, making his green eyes luminescent. He, unfortunately, had a black eye and a wicked bruise on his jaw. Ben’s doctoring helped, but you wouldn’t know it from looking at him. You would know it from looking at Jim, though.

  Krista stopped at the door at the magnificent sight of him. Instead of lust, though, she was struck by the feeling of love so powerful it stopped her breath. It was at that moment Sean glanced her way, doing a double-take upon seeing her, then locked eyes. He knew what she was thinking. The concern on his face from the phone call melted into a little boy looking at his first love. Her heart swelled so big it took over her whole chest.

  “Yeah, gotta go. I’ll talk to you at one...bye,” Sean finished. He turned to Krista and gestured for her to take a seat, trying to be all business.

  She wasn’t, “Good morning handsome. I love you lots.”

  He smirked at her, his eyes flashing. “Krista, I wanted to talk business with you. Also…” He cleared his throat. His face turned red and he reached for his mouse. “Love you, too,” he looked at his computer in embarrassment.

  “Uh huh. Oh, before that, though, you should know that I told Jasmine and Kate about the weekend.”

  Sean leaned back and took on a serious look. There was also sadness there. He nodded.

  “About the party and getting you naked. Nothing else,” she finished.

  Sean blinked a couple times. “Oh... okay. They know to keep it to themselves? About us?”


  “And you didn’t want to tell them about...”

  “The giant ex-boyfriend tracking me down and getting in a fist fight with my current...uh...lover-guy?”

  “Current boyfriend and yes. Also that he was attempting to kidnap you,” Sean looked both extremely angry and also a little sick.

  “Details. And no, I don’t want them to know. I want him to remain a closed book, like he was. He can haunt my past, but that is where I want him to stay.”

  “Except that he is currently haunting your future,” Sean flinched and shook his head. “Sorry, I meant present.” He shook his head again and looked out the window. His body was still but his brain was churning.

  “He’s in jail. He isn’t haunting anything. Now, what did you want to talk to me about?” She was matter-of-fact. She didn’t know what he was thinking
and she certainly didn’t want to have this conversation.

  Sean sighed, still looking out the window, “Your meeting with John.”

  “Oh. Are you going to be in it?”

  “No.” Sean turned back to her. There was that focused work look, but the sadness from a moment before wasn’t completely gone. “John wants to meet with just you. I thought I would prep you for it. You are still too...naive when it comes to John’s manipulations.”

  “I don’t even know what he wants to meet with me about. And thanks for the vote of confidence.”

  “He knows Tory is looking to moonlight you into his company. Remember I told you that when Tory is interested in something, he learns all he can about it?”

  “I remember something to that effect, yeah.”

  “Well, Tory knows what everyone in our team makes. He knows what we’ll probably get as a bonus. He knows what cut the company is keeping for itself. He knows our benefit scheme, and he knows what this company can offer each of us that he is interested in.”

  “How the hell does he know all that? What, did he hire someone to break in and look at our paychecks?”

  “It seems he has already convinced Marcus to work for him. It wouldn’t take much--Marcus makes a fraction of what he should.”

  “Except, Marcus needs someone like Ben to translate.”

  “Well…” Sean looked uncomfortable.

  Krista eyed him severely.

  “Ben has been contacted. He’s already had his meeting with John.”

  Krista sat still a moment. “Do Kate and Jasmine know?”

  Sean’s brow puzzled. “What—why would—I don’t know—I don’t understand the question…”

  “Well, Ben doesn’t talk business all that well. At all actually. He shouldn’t be left on his own.”

  Sean relaxed, “I am a better resource than Kate or Jasmine, if you’ll forgive me saying so, and I talked to Ben.”


  “Ben knew what he was…”

  “Well?” she interrupted.

  “John isn’t artistic and Ben hasn’t been here long enough for people to know what he is capable of. I made him a hated man by pushing him past Judy… he shouldn’t stay in this company, Krista.”

  “What happened? Why didn’t Ben tell me?”

  Sean looked uncomfortable. “Ben isn’t willing to make a decision yet. He was offered full time at a higher salary, which isn’t remotely what he is worth. But John hates dealing with him, so this company isn’t the place for a guy like him.”

  “What do you mean, John hates him?”

  “Ben knows what he is about, but he isn’t confident. He is a nerd. A brilliant nerd, yes. But he’s outside John’s version of normal. And I’ll admit, as I told you, I only gave him a chance to get close to you. He is your find, Krista. I have seen his genius first hand, but John is still in the dark. John gave him a ridiculous deal based off of Judy saying he is inexperienced and not all that useful…”

  Krista’s face got red in indignation.

  Sean held up a hand to forestall her complaint. “We both know that’s not true. And more, Tory knows it. Two people blew Tory away in the meeting. One was you. You vastly exceeded his expectations, as you did mine. The other was Ben. Ben’s work is… I just can’t describe it. I am man enough to admit I am not that smart. But Tory is—well, he thinks he is. He knows that Ben’s caliber of work is worth a lot of money, and he is making… probably a fifth of what he is worth after his raise.”

  “So what did Ben say to John?”

  Sean laughed and explained that basically, Ben had walked in, taken his seat, and waited for John to speak. John, after a period of time, started his salesman routine. He railed and railed, hoping to get a reaction from Ben to determine which way the sales tactic should go. Apparently he never got one. Ben just sat patiently, looking on, waiting for John’s spiel to come to a close. When it finally did, Ben gave him his thanks, got up, and walked out. John was obviously disconcerted about the whole thing.

  Apparently Tory wasn’t. Tory had had a meeting, too, and it went much differently. Instead of trying to find an angle by talking at Ben, he opened a dialogue in order to talk with Ben. They chatted about art and science and other things smart people discuss, and then Tory slowly worked in the business opportunity. Like Sean not long before him, Tory had been thinking about it.

  “Why hasn’t Ben said anything?” Krista asked, dumbstruck.

  Sean was quiet behind his steeped fingers. Krista waited him out. Finally he said, “Ben is thinking about his offers. He isn’t concerned with money. He is concerned with happiness…” Sean shook his head. “I swear, I have never met anyone like him. Most people say that, but when push comes to shove, money talks. Ben doesn’t care. He just wants what will stimulate him the most. He isn’t sure yet what he wants.”

  “Well—“ Krista was frustrated and a little jealous. “Why hasn’t he mentioned it to me? Why are you the springboard all of a sudden? Why are you the best friend?”

  “Krista…” Sean was smiling. “Ben didn’t tell me, either. Relax. Ben is being secretive about all of this. I’m not sure what Tory has offered him—I heard from Tory about their meeting, not from Ben. I heard from John, not from Ben. Ben is being Ben in all of this.”

  Krista shook her head. No, he wasn’t. Ben talked it out. Ben asked her about these things. He spring boarded business things with her. But then, recently he was frazzled. That could explain it.

  “Okay, fine,” Krista said, switching gears. “I told Tory I would wait for your offer. So…?”

  “Mr. Montgomery won’t be fired,” Sean said matter-of-factly. “He also won’t lose his position to you because you are largely inexperienced. He is easier to sell to prospective clients. Likewise, Larry will remain the assistant. I think the bosses like men in the lead.”

  Krista stared dumbly, roused herself, and then said, “Aside from that last comment, which would greatly piss me off if it were true, Mr. Montgomery is crap. But I don’t have to work with him.”

  “Do you remember when you first agreed to work with me? I said I would return you after we were done with the client?”

  Krista nodded mutely. She didn’t like where this was going.

  “Well, you are nearly ready to be returned. Jasmine and Kate with you. You are no longer the lowest on the totem pole, with Jasmine and Kate, but you aren’t any higher up, either. That is, until John offers you a promotion.”

  “Well, that’s good news. That’s what I would be asking for. But I thought you said something about restructuring before...”

  Sean leaned back and sighed, “The execs don’t want to mess with anything just yet. We have this big client. Right on the cusp of failing with Dell. They don’t want to damage that with inner-company turmoil.”

  “Okay, but I’ll still get a promotion.”

  “But Krista, you will be working for Mr. Montgomery. Larry will be your superior. They will try to bury you. Plus, I seriously doubt either of them are going anywhere, which means you will never climb any ladders at this company.”

  “What about money?”

  “You will get a bump there, too. But you have only one account under you, and Mr. Montgomery will make sure you don’t get any others. Which means your résumé will show you nearly as inexperienced as when you got here. Money means nothing when you are looking elsewhere.”

  “But…” Krista was dumbfounded. That was all logical. Also, true. But she’d worked so hard. She’d done so many great things. To be returned to a crappy existence…

  “Krista,” Sean’s voice softened, “I am just trying to give you a harsh, realistic look of what you are facing. John is going to try and spin it the other way, but you are too bright to be closeted in this company for half of what you are worth.”

  “Okay, so what are my options?”

  “Take in what John tells you. Then see what Tory is offering. Keep an open mind both ways and see how it turns out. Be smart about it. If you
like one of them, take it. If you don’t like either, then look elsewhere.”

  “But...I won’t be working with you if I go with Tory. Or move on.”

  Sean half-smiled, “Most people don’t work with their significant others. Plus, we are in separate departments. We won’t be working together for much longer anyway.”

  “What about Kate and Jasmine?”

  “I’ve already talked with them. It is in their best interest to work here for at least a year, and then move elsewhere with their experience. They’re happy enough to be working together regardless of what you end up doing. I am sure they don’t want to see you fall from grace, either.”

  He was laying it on a bit thick, but with the truth. It was what she had to look forward to.

  She nodded, got up silently and left.

  An hour later she was sitting in front of John, after having waited with his assistant for the first time.

  “Krista,” John said as he looked up. He had shed all forms of distraction. “I wanted to discuss your employment with us.”

  “Okay,” she said calmly.

  “When we first brought you onto our team, it was under the understanding that when your services were no longer needed you would be returned to the Research Department.”

  She nodded. Old news.

  “As the leader of the team in which you were employed, it is up to me to make that transition as easy as possible. Now, you have had some problems with James. You have enlisted help of other staff, as well. However, James remains the manager of that department, and as such, he is still, and will remain, your boss.”

  Krista waited in silence for John to continue.

  If he was taken aback with her lack of response he didn’t show it. “I realize this might be a sore spot for you, knowing how you feel about James. For that reason, I want to offer you a package to keep you in good faith with our company.” John slid a package across the desk. “Go ahead and open it.”


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