Boots and Leather: Ugly Stick Saloon, Book 2

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Boots and Leather: Ugly Stick Saloon, Book 2 Page 7

by Myla Jackson

For two years, she’d been moving from town to town, never staying more than a few months, just long enough to make a few bucks to pay for gas to get her to the next town. But something about the Ugly Stick Saloon and Audrey had appealed to her, making her want to stay a little longer than usual. Audrey had a way of collecting strays. Not that Libby considered herself a stray. She hadn’t been looking for a home, just a temporary stop on her journey across the country.

  “Can I see the inside of the house first?” she asked as she stared through the huge windows.

  Luke led the way, room to room. From a gleaming stainless steel kitchen to the living room that took up all of one side of the house, she had a view through floor-to-ceiling windows.

  Even the bedrooms had glass windows with a view as stunning as the opposite side of the house.

  Besides the living room, Libby counted four spacious rooms that could be bedrooms and a study with two desks. “You two are really planning to live here together?”

  Mark nodded. “We’d considered building two houses, but why waste space? We’re together all the time.”

  She stared at the twins. “Don’t you get tired of each other?”

  Mark and Luke looked at each other and shook their heads.

  “No,” Luke answered. “We know how the other thinks and what sets each other off. You could say we’re pretty much in sync.”

  “What about curtains for the bedrooms?” She nodded toward the windows.

  Mark grinned. “We’ll have shades that can be drawn when the sun is too hot coming through. But frankly, we’re in no hurry. Since there are no neighbors close enough to peek in, it isn’t an issue.”

  Luke stared out at the horizon. “We like how open it is.”

  Libby nodded and whispered, “Me, too.”

  “It’ll be like making love in the open air,” Mark stated. “There’s nothing sexier.”

  A flush of heat washed over Libby’s body at the memory of making love with these men under the Texas sky filled with a millions of sparkling stars. The surge of desire was proof, yet again, that her family hadn’t totally killed the exhibitionist inside of her. Her belly tightened and a rush of moisture pooled between her legs. Oy vey, the twins were making her hotter than she’d ever imagined possible. She shouldn’t have waited two years to act on her sexual desires. Come to think of it, she hadn’t been tempted in those two years until she’d seen Luke and Mark on the dance floor of the Ugly Stick Saloon. And she probably wouldn’t have acted on those desires had she decided to stay. Sex complicated things.

  “You’ll have to come sometime when a storm rolls in.” Mark broke into her steamy thoughts. “It’s incredible.”

  Libby pulled her mind out of the bedroom and let out a shaky breath. “I bet.”

  The house was different from the high-rise apartment she’d lived in most of her life in Manhattan, surrounded by concrete, steel, a billion people and her father’s bodyguards and security system. In comparison, this place was truly a slice of heaven. She could love living here, if her life was her own. But it wasn’t until she was truly free and she’d never be truly free from her father’s notoriety and the paparazzi.

  Her shoulders straightened. “You said you have food?”

  Mark laughed. “We do, come on.” He hurried out of the house.

  Libby hesitated, enjoying the light coming through the windows and the way the clouds looked close enough to touch.

  Luke stood beside her. “He planned this whole picnic just for you.”

  Through the window, Libby could see Mark shaking the blanket out on the deck and removing items from the saddlebags, laying them out one at a time. The blanket’s corners flipped up in the breeze.

  “Why me?” she asked.

  “Seriously?” Luke took her arms and stared down into her eyes. “You’re beautiful, you love to ride and could probably kick our asses if you took a mind to.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Mark and I have wanted you for a very long time.”

  Her brows dipped. “Yeah? And dancing with every girl in the bar is your way of showing me that?”

  Luke shrugged. “We love music and dancing. What can I say? It makes us happy. But after the other night…we can’t imagine anyone else in our lives but you.”

  Libby stared up at him for a moment, the light in his dark eyes making her sway closer, drawing her to him like a snake to a charmer.

  “You two coming?” Mark leaned in the doorway, his brows furrowing as he spotted them.

  Heat rushed up her throat into her cheeks and Libby pushed away from Luke. “I’m coming.”

  “Good. I’d hate for the two of you to start without me.” Mark held the door for her. As she passed through, he swatted her on the fanny.

  “Hey! What was that for?” Libby rubbed where he’d touched her, the image of lying with the twins under the stars returning in full force. Between Luke’s deep, serious looks and Mark’s playful pats, she was well on her way to being all hot and bothered again by these men. Perhaps being alone with them hadn’t been such a good idea.

  Then why was she anticipating their next move, hoping to recreate the magic of a starry Texas night?

  Mark laid the saddlebags on the corners of the blanket to hold them down and set a bottle of wine in the middle, complete with three plastic wineglasses, which he promptly filled.

  He handed one to Libby, one to Luke and took the third for himself. “Here’s to getting to know all about you.”

  Libby hesitated, her hand trembling for a second before she steadied it. “You know how I am about questions. How about toasting to freedom?”

  “Fair enough.” Mark threw back his head, swallowing the wine in his glass in one gulp. “But Luke and I do want to get to know you better.”

  “Maybe after lunch.” Libby reached for a sandwich wrapped in cellophane. “I’m starving.”

  From the corner of her eye, she could see Luke frowning at his brother, giving him a slight shake of his head, using their silent twin communication.

  They sat on the blanket, their long legs stretching out on both sides of her, broad shoulders filling the space around her. If not for the open sky and the view from the hilltop, she might have felt hemmed in, trapped. But the setting couldn’t have been more perfect.

  When they’d finished the sandwiches, Mark moved the glasses, bottle and wrappers to the side, unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged it off. He tossed it to the side, then laid back on the blanket.

  Libby’s heart sputtered as she stared at Mark’s smooth chest, her core clenching at all the lovely naked, dark skin covering thick, well-defined muscles she’d seen only in the moonlight. “What are you doing?”

  Mark blinked. “I’m sorry, I should have asked. Luke and I always take off our shirts when we’re out here. Especially when it gets warm like it is today.” He reached for his shirt. “I can put it back on if you like.”

  “No, no, that’s fine.” Heat filled her cheeks and parts farther south. “Only seems natural out here.”

  “In that case…” Luke stripped his shirt and tossed it to the side, lying back on the blanket just like his brother. “Mark and I like to come out here after dark. Just like the place we took you to the other night, there are so few lights around, you can see all the stars in the sky.”

  Libby lay on the blanket between them, her pulse beating faster than it should for someone in a resting position, unless that someone was being made love to.

  The thought slipped in before Libby could block it and her core bloomed with warmth. What would it hurt to make love to these men one more time? She was free, wasn’t she? Capable of making her own decisions, not accountable to anyone but herself.

  Why was she holding back, when all she wanted was to toss off her clothes and go at it like a rabbit in heat? She moaned.

  “Are you all right?” Luke propped up on an elbow, his brows furrowing.

  Mark did the same. “Did lunch not agree with you?”

  “No, I’m fine,” she lied. Fine by who
se standards? Except for the night before last, the only sex she’d had for the past two years had been with her trusty vibrator. “What is it you two treated Audrey to that she saw fit to tease me about without telling?”

  Mark smiled. “She was the one who treated the three of us.”

  Libby’s brows rose. “I didn’t get that impression.”

  Luke traced a finger along her side. “Did she tell you that she danced for all three of us?”

  “Yeah. And she was hot in those red boots and the chaps.” Mark whistled. “Jackson’s one lucky son of a gun.”

  Libby’s brows furrowed, her gut tightening with a touch of jealousy. “Is that what it takes to turn you guys on, boots and chaps?”

  Mark’s brows rose into the dark black hair hanging down into his eyes. “You know better than that. Didn’t the night before last prove it?”

  “Oh, sweetheart.” Luke chuckled, the sound spreading over Libby like melted chocolate. “It only takes a smile to turn on my brother.”

  “What about you?” Libby asked Luke.

  His smile straightened. “A smart woman, a little skin and encouragement.”

  “Is that all?” Her insides flamed at the way Luke’s gaze ran down her fully clothed length. Her heart galloping in her chest, Libby made up her mind. With a deep breath, she sat up, pulled her T-shirt over her head and tossed it aside with Mark and Luke’s shirts and lay down with a smile, closing her eyes to the brightness of the sun. She waited for her invitation to be accepted.

  And waited…and waited.

  Finally she opened her eyes and stared up at Mark and Luke. They were grinning down at her.

  Luke spoke first. “Why did you come out here today, Libby?”

  Libby frowned, her face burning. “Sorry, I thought you two were interested in sex. My mistake.” She sat up and leaned across Mark, reaching for her shirt.

  As her bare skin connected with his, her pussy creamed and she fought to drag air into her lungs. How embarrassing to be so brazen with these two men and them not want any part of her.

  Mark’s arms wrapped around her, dragging her up his body to face him. “I don’t make it a habit to pounce on a woman, unless I know for certain that’s what she wants. Up until the point you took off your shirt, I wasn’t hedging my bets.”

  “And he wanted to pounce.” Luke laughed. “My brother isn’t known for his willpower when it comes to a beautiful woman.”

  Still stinging from their lack of response, Libby pushed against Mark’s chest, her fingers meeting with the hard muscles. “I took off my shirt. Good grief, what did you think I meant?”

  “After the other night, we’re not sure what you want, but we know what we want. We want you.” Luke shook his head, a smile lifting the corners of his lips. “Still, considering your decision to leave town after what we’d shared the other night, we weren’t going to risk making any assumptions. If you want to make love with us, say so.”

  Oh, man, she wanted to really bad, her entire body tensed with frustration. “That’s what I wanted.” She stretched her arm farther, her fingers grasping for the shirt she hoped to hide behind. “Now, I’m just embarrassed.”

  Luke moved closer, his hand smoothing across her back, scraping over her bra. “Just so you know, ever since we made this arrangement, I for one, haven’t been able to stop thinking about you and what you might look like beneath the biker-chick outfit in broad daylight.”

  Libby’s breath caught and her struggle to grab her shirt ceased. “And?”

  “And I like the leather and attitude, and I like making love in the starlight, but I like this better.” Luke’s fingers spread wide across her lower back, smoothing over her black jeans and pulling at the straps to loosen her black leather chaps. “You are beautiful.”

  “Now I can see the sunlight on your hair and the deep green of your eyes.” Mark dug his hands into her hair, pulling her closer to press his lips to hers.

  While Luke slipped her chaps out from between her and Mark, Mark plunged his tongue between Libby’s teeth, stroking the length of hers in long, lazy thrusts.

  Libby’s fingers dug into Mark’s chest, her legs parting over his hips.

  The handsome Kiowa pressed the swell of his cock against her pussy through his jeans, inspiring all kinds of crazy, kinky thoughts to go flitting through her head.

  Lying in the open air, with nothing nearby but sky and miles of open country, far away from prying eyes, her breathing grew ragged.

  Luke slid his fingers along her spine, up to where her bra pressed against her ribs. “I’d personally like to see a little more.”

  Breaking free of Mark’s soul-stealing kiss, Libby sat up, grinding her cunt against the ridge of his fly. “Look, guys. I’m here for the sex. Nothing else. No tomorrows, no commitment. Got that?”

  Mark held his hands up in surrender, his face strained, his cock swelling beneath her. “Got it. For now. Could you shift just a little to the left?”

  Luke frowned. “What if we want to see you tomorrow?”

  Her belly clenched. She didn’t have tomorrows she could give to anyone. Knowing she’d stayed too long already made her more determined to grab a little joy out of the moment. With a sigh, she answered, “No guarantees. I may not be around. This offer is only good for today. And it expires in one minute. The time it’ll take me to change my mind.”

  Mark moaned. “I’m in.”

  “I’m not so sure I am.” Luke bent and pressed a kiss to the tip of one breast. “I can’t imagine this being the last time with you.”

  “It might be all I have to give,” she said.

  “Then let’s make it good, so she’ll want to come back.” Mark’s face had reddened and his hands clamped on Libby’s hips, rubbing her against him. “For crissakes, Luke, don’t analyze everything to death. She wants uncommitted sex. Let’s give the lady what she wants.”

  Libby’s shoulders pushed back, her breasts bobbing free. The expression on Luke’s face, those intense brown eyes, nearly had her begging.

  Finally, he nodded. “Okay. No strings. No tomorrows. But I plan on making today last as long as possible.”

  She held out her hand and shook his. Where he gripped her fingers, they tingled, sending little electric shocks straight south to that wet, pulsing place that needed them now. “Deal.”

  Mark pushed her to a standing position and leaped out from under her, popping the top button on his jeans.

  Luke frowned. “Geez, Mark, have a little couth.”

  His brother groaned and jerked the other three buttons of his jeans loose in one movement. His cock sprang free, hard and straight, fully engorged. Mark sagged in relief. “Next time you decide to have a conversation with her, do it when her pussy isn’t rubbing my dick.”

  Libby glanced at Mark’s cock, her tongue sweeping across suddenly dry lips. “Oh my, in the light of day, I see what Audrey was talking about.”

  “You haven’t seen anything yet,” Luke promised.

  Mark laughed. “Quit braggin’ and show her whatcha got, bro.”

  “First things first.” On his knees on the blanket, Luke reached for the button on Libby’s jeans, flicking the rivet through the hole. As he slid the zipper down, his fingers followed, sliding beneath her black, lace panties.

  Mark kicked off his boots and shucked his jeans, flinging them off the deck entirely, standing naked and magnificent in all his Native American glory. Naturally tanned skin stretched taut over his entire body. His smooth, hairless, muscular chest rippled with every movement.

  Libby couldn’t drag her gaze away from where his waist narrowed to tight hips and that enormous cock jutted fiercely in front of him. Oh, my.

  Then Luke’s hands pushed her jeans down over her thighs, his fingers blazing a trail across her skin. He lifted one of her feet, untied the black biker boot and pulled it free, taking the jean leg with it.

  Mark stepped up in front of Libby to steady her as Luke stripped her body of every stitch, leaving the black lac
e panties for last.

  Standing in the warm sun, her fair skin tingling, Libby reached for the elastic waistband of her panties, anxious now to be completely free of all constrictions.

  Luke’s hand covered hers, stopping her from removing the last barrier. “Wait. I want to be as naked as you two before we move on.”

  Libby turned to face Luke.

  He stood, reaching for his waistband.

  She pushed his hands to the side and slipped her fingers beneath the waistband of his jeans, fingering the top button. “You take entirely too long. Let me.”

  Mark groaned behind her, pressing his cock against her bottom. “I tried to tell him that, but he insists on taking it slowly with you.”

  “Do you take it slowly with your other women?” she asked.

  “As far as I’m concerned, there are no other women.” Luke’s hands dropped to his sides, allowing her to take charge.

  Libby snorted. “Right.” She glanced over her shoulder. “Mark?”

  “No. We get right down to business.”

  Luke glared at his brother. “I told you…Libby is different.”

  “And she wants sex. Don’t stand in the way of her getting what she wants. Ol’ Pleaze can tell you that’s not a good idea.”

  Libby shook her head, her hands still resting on the top button of Luke’s jeans. “I promise not to hurt either one of you.”

  “I doubt you’ll keep that promise,” Luke said softly.

  Her brows furrowed. “I keep my promises.”

  “Okay, okay.” Luke’s hands rose to cup her arms, urging her to continue undressing him. “Then let Mark and I remind you what it’s like with two men.”

  “About time.” She flicked the first button loose and yanked the remaining buttons free of their holes. His cock jutted forward into her palm.

  “You two are physically identical in every way.” Her eyes rounded and her breathing grew ragged as her pussy creamed, pulsing in anticipation of having both of them inside her. “I never knew how good it could be, two men at once. I believe I’m ruined for anything else,” she whispered, her hand gliding over Luke’s length. She reached back to capture Mark’s dick in her hand, holding both, lingering over the velvety smooth skin stretched over steel rods.


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