Amish Sanctuary

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Amish Sanctuary Page 17

by Katy Lee

  Slowly, Naomi moved her head so she could see out her left eye. “Sawyer.”

  “I’m right beside you.”

  “He’s been here the whole time,” Bishop Bontrager said from the end of the bed. His white beard bobbed with a joyful grin. The doctor and a nurse stood on either side of him with smiles. “Never stopped believing,” the bishop said.

  Sawyer frowned. “I learned my lesson from eight years ago. I won’t ever doubt you again.”

  Naomi thought this whole scene had to be a dream. She was the one who needed to repent. She looked around the room, first at her parents, then at the bishop. When they knew the truth of her assault, they would leave for certain sure, as they would say in their Amish way of speaking. The thought that they already knew caused her heart to jump a few beats. She turned her head back to Sawyer but caught Anna and Esau by the door. The couple stood together, but Anna’s straight face proved that this wasn’t a dream. All these people were really here, and Anna didn’t hide her rejection like the rest did.

  If they all knew, then they were being kind for the moment.

  “Sawyer,” she whispered and pulled his hand close.

  “What is it, liebe?” He leaned down and turned an ear to her lips.

  “Did you tell them? Do they know?” Her questions were barely a whisper, only for his ear to hear.

  He shook his head against her and whispered back, “I would never think of doing such a thing.” He straightened back up and said louder, “But every person in this room respects your reason for leaving, with no questions asked.”

  Naomi couldn’t fathom such a statement. She knew they could require a penance from her. “How?” she rasped.

  Bishop Bontrager smiled warmly. “Sometimes, we don’t need to know the details. Sometimes, we just need to celebrate that one of our own has returned home, where she always belonged.”

  Tears sprang to Naomi’s eyes and blurred her already compromised vision. “Why can’t I see?”

  “Oh, that will come with time,” Bishop Bontrager said. “We just want you to get your strength back and come back to us when you’re ready. But if you ever do want to share, please know you can. I will listen with no judgment. Just listen.”

  Naomi’s heart swelled at this man’s leadership. The rest of the community would follow his lead. Hope for returning to the Amish took solid root. “Thank you, Bishop. I am so thankful.” She swallowed and cringed at the pain in her throat. She looked to Sawyer and said, “But I was asking why can’t I see with my eyes? Something’s blocking me.”

  Dead silence ensued.

  Then Bishop Bontrager let out a robust laugh. She didn’t think she had ever seen him so relaxed. His eyes actually twinkled. “You’re wearing a bandage over your eye, dear. Your eye was injured. But regardless, my answer remains the same. I’m here to listen anytime.” He looked around and said, “Why don’t we give Naomi some time to rest?”

  Slowly, people turned to leave the room, and both Mamm and Sawyer released her hands to join them.

  “Not you, son,” Bishop Bontrager. “I think you might have something to ask Naomi, ya?”

  Sawyer’s eyes widened and his face flushed. He looked to Naomi and back to the bishop. “Ya, if it’s possible. I would really like to do that, Bishop.”

  Bishop Bontrager looked pleased. He nodded and said, “I’ll leave you two to your...discussion.” He winked and exited with the rest of the people milling about on the other side of the glass wall.

  Sawyer sat on the edge of the bed with his back to the glass. He didn’t say anything at first, and Naomi waited expectantly for whatever he needed to ask her.

  “They’re all watching, aren’t they?” he asked.

  Naomi looked behind him and saw a cluster of people peering in at them. They quickly glanced to the ceiling and pretended to be busy. Naomi bit back a smile and nodded to Sawyer, whose flushed face was redder than before.

  “Are you well?” she asked.

  “I will be in a moment. I hope so anyway. I hope all will be well.” He retook her hand and held her gently. He swallowed so hard, she heard him gulp. “First, I need you to know that I loved Liza.”

  Naomi inhaled sharply. She wasn’t expecting him to say that but realized how appropriate it was. “I know,” she said.

  “I’m sorry if that upsets you, but—”

  “Not at all. I loved Liza too. She will always have a place in my heart.”

  Sawyer smiled on a sigh. “Me too.” He cleared his throat. “Having said that, I also want you to know losing you was so painful. I didn’t know how to go on. I wanted to be near Liza just so I could be close to you. Both of us found healing being friends, and after three years of friendship, I asked her to marry me.”

  “Sawyer, you don’t need to tell me this,” Naomi whispered.

  “I want nothing to come between us this time.”

  “This time?”

  “It’s my hope that you’ll return to the Amish,” Sawyer blurted out. He chewed on his lower lip as his nerves took over.

  “Oh,” she said, a little let down that that was what he wanted to say. “If I am able, I would like that very much. Thank you.”

  “That’s not all I wanted to say. You see, the truth is... The truth is...”

  “The truth is hard,” she said. “Sometimes knowing it means you stand alone,” she repeated her words to him from before. “But sometimes knowing it can also mean you find the people you are supposed to stand with.”

  His shoulders dropped into a relaxed pose. “The truth is I’ve always loved you, Naomi. I’ve never stopped, and I would like you to finally give me your answer to my proposal. I’d like to be your mann forever. If you’ll have me.”

  Tears sprang to her eyes, and she wanted to rip the bandage off so she could see him clearly. Instead, she reached for his cheek and brought him closer. “Leaving you was the hardest thing I ever did. It never stopped hurting, and I never stopped loving you either. My answer was going to be yes.”

  “And is it still a yes? I will be your mann?”

  “Ya, and I will be your fraa.”

  They simultaneously whispered “Forever” as Sawyer leaned in to place a sweet kiss on her lips. She reached for his face to hold on, never wanting to be apart from Sawyer Zook again.

  In the next moment, they heard claps and cheers from the other side of the window. Everyone seemed happy about a wedding coming up soon, a wedding they had expected eight years ago. Now it was finally coming to pass.

  Sawyer pulled back slightly, meeting her gaze with bright, happy eyes. “I think they approve.”

  “Is it weird that I wish Liza was here?” Naomi said in all seriousness.

  His smile fell, but for only a moment. He shook his head and laughed. Tears filled his eyes as he said, “Not at all. She would have loved this. She loved you so much. She loved us both with her whole heart.”

  Naomi met his teary gaze with her own wet eyes. “She was always good about following her heart. Something I am trying to do more of. Like right now.” She leaned up and kissed Sawyer quickly on the lips.

  A knock came on the opened door, and Sawyer stood up so they could see who was entering.

  The sheriff walked in with Chloe in her arms. “Look who’s up, Chloe,” Cassie said in a sweet tone. “It’s your mama.”

  Chloe smiled bright, the recent events seeming to leave her untouched.

  Naomi reached a hand to the baby, then realized what Cassie just said. “I haven’t let her know me as that. I’ve only referred to myself as Naomi with her.”

  Cassie brought the baby to the bedside. “I understand. But here’s the thing. Chloe doesn’t have a mother. She also doesn’t have any next of kin. Debby was in the foster system and was never adopted. So, you’re the closest thing Chloe has to a mom, and I would like to know before the state finds her
a foster home if you would like to be considered. And by considered, I mean chosen.” Cassie waggled her eyebrows at Naomi. “What do you say?”

  Naomi was sure she had stopped breathing. She glanced out the glass partition at her parents, then up at Sawyer. No one gave her any kind of signal or direction.

  “I know what I want to do,” she said. “But, Sawyer, if we’re going to be married, you should have a say in this. What do you think?”

  “Well, I know what my head says.”

  “What’s that?” she asked.

  “That I already think she’s my child.” He smiled and scooped Chloe up in his arms from Cassie’s.

  “And your heart?” Naomi asked.

  “My heart already loves her.” He kissed Chloe’s cheek.

  Naomi beamed at the sight. “And Gott? What does He say?”

  A voice cleared from the doorway that pulled their attention to the door and ceased the conversation.

  Anna stood on the threshold. Her clothes were perfectly pressed and proper, and her face was still void of a smile. “I know what Gott says,” she said.

  Naomi warily asked, “What’s that, Anna?”

  “He says that children are a heritage from Him. Chloe would be blessed to have you both as parents.”

  Naomi looked up at Sawyer to find him beaming at his sister. “Thank you, Anna, for saying such a kind thing.”

  Anna nodded and looked at Naomi. “My brudder loves you very much. I only wanted to protect his heart from breaking again.”

  Naomi reached for Sawyer’s hand. “Because I know the pain, you can be certain sure I won’t break it again.”

  Anna’s eyes closed, and when she opened them again, a smile cracked her lips. A smile for Naomi alone. She backed out of the room quickly, leaving Cassie to discuss the next steps to adoption. It would be a long road with all the legalities, but no matter what hurdles they had to face, it would be worth it. Chloe would be worth it.

  Suddenly, Naomi, Sawyer and Chloe found themselves alone as people gave the soon-to-be family some time to celebrate the next journey of their lives.

  “I never thought coming home would be like this. I never would have dared to dream it could be this wonderful,” Naomi said, cuddling with Chloe on the bed.

  “It’s beyond my imagination too,” Sawyer said, leaning down to brush the baby’s auburn curls, which were growing fast. “We will do Debby proud.”

  Naomi smiled. “I will make sure Chloe will always know she had a wonderful mother who gave her a chance at life.” She kissed Chloe’s forehead, then reached for Sawyer’s hand to connect their little family. “And how Gott gave us all a second chance together.”

  * * *

  If you enjoyed this story, look for Amish Country Undercover by Katy Lee from Love Inspired Suspense.

  Keep reading for an excerpt from Guarded by the Soldier by Laura Scott.

  Dear Reader,

  I am so thrilled to be able to tell you another Rogues Ridge, Kentucky, story. Naomi and Sawyer faced a lot of hurdles before their paths brought them back together for the purpose of protecting an innocent life. Little Chloe was a joy to write, and I hope you fell in love with this beautiful family.

  Adoption is a beautiful thing, and it is near to my heart. My husband and I had the blessing of fostering and adopting, so I know firsthand how someone can bring hope to an innocent child in need of a loving home and family. Naomi and Sawyer gave Chloe a chance at life, and that showed through in their selfless choices to do everything they could to keep her safe. They will have a wonderful home, filled with love and contagious laughter.

  Thank you all for reading! I love to connect with readers. You can find me on Facebook and Instagram. Or contact me through my website,


  Katy Lee


  Courage. Danger. Faith.

  Find strength and determination in stories of faith and love in the face of danger.


  Guarded by the Soldier

  by Laura Scott


  Olivia Habush closed and locked the office door, then shouldered her large zebra-striped bag before heading out the back door of the church. The early June evening was warm, and she resisted the urge to fan herself. Early summer in the quaint town of Harrisburg, Illinois, was much warmer than what she was used to when she’d lived in Madison, Wisconsin.

  The edges of her oversize blouse flapped around her large pregnant belly as she made her way across the street. Mrs. Willa Bentley was watching over Olivia’s three-year-old son Aaron while Liv did her weekly Thursday-night bookkeeping job for the We Are One Church. As an accountant, she enjoyed working with numbers and it was the least she could do for the nice people who’d welcomed her with open arms.

  Upon turning the corner, the hairs on the back of her neck rose in alarm. For the second time this week she had the distinct feeling she was being watched.

  The Blake-Moore Group.

  Was it possible the organization her late husband worked for had found her again, after all this time? Having overheard details about what the former soldiers belonging to the Blake-Moore Group had gotten involved in, she knew they were not to be trusted.

  Resisting the urge to glance over her shoulder, she began to run, her movements awkward and clumsy because of her pregnant belly. Her oversize purse/diaper bag banged against her hip as she moved. The run didn’t last long, and she slowed to a fast walk while frantically looking for someone nearby.

  But there wasn’t anyone around. For whatever reason, the streets of the Garden Ridge neighborhood were unusually vacant and quiet.

  Liv pulled her phone from the front pocket of her bag, intending to call 911 despite her determination to avoid the police, but before she could push a button, large, strong hands roughly grabbed her from behind.

  “No! Let me go!” She managed to get most of the words out mere seconds before a firm, calloused hand clamped hard over her mouth. Her phone fell uselessly to the ground with a loud clatter.

  She couldn’t breathe!

  Panic flared, paralyzing her with fear. They’d found her. After all this time, the men employed by the Blake-Moore Group, the men who’d turned her husband into a monster, had found her!

  Dear Lord, help me!

  Desperate to save herself and her unborn baby, she lashed out against her attacker with all her strength, kicking backward with her feet and scratching at every exposed inch of skin on his face and hands.

  “Knock it off,” her attacker growled, his voice low and rough in her ear as his arm tightened painfully around her. “Or I’ll kill you right here and now.”

  Kill her? No! This couldn’t be happening! She thought about her son, Aaron, and her unborn baby. Her eyes burned with helpless tears as her attacker easily subdued her feeble struggles and began to pull her backward, away from the streetlights and deeper into the shadows.

  She stopped struggling, in an attempt to preserve her strength while reminding herself that she’d escaped once before and could do so again. Granted, that was six months ago, when she’d only just discovered she was six weeks pregnant instead of thirty-four.

  How had they found her?

  “Oomph.” The man holding her in his iron grasp abruptly let go. Still off-balance, Liv felt herself falling backward, even as she flailed her arms in an attempt to stay upright.

  A pair of strong hands caught her before she could hit the ground, gently pushing her upright so that she was back on her own two feet. Her bag was somehow still on her shoulder and she hitched it higher, feeling relieved for a brief moment before realizing this could be another guy from the Blake-Moore Group.

  “Let me go!” She shouted as loudly as she could, but the words came out like a weak croak. “Help! Po
lice! Help me!”

  “Olivia, please be quiet. We need to get out of here and pick up your son before this guy regains consciousness.”

  The stranger’s use of her first name pulled her up short. She twisted out of his grasp and stared at his face, but he didn’t look familiar. She noted he was dressed from head to toe in black, making it easy for him to blend into the night. Then her gaze dropped to the body of a man lying on the ground, also dressed in black, apparently unconscious. The silver glint of a knife blade lying on the asphalt beside him caught her eye, making her swallow hard.

  What was going on? Who were these men?

  “Olivia, I’m not with the Blake-Moore Group,” the stranger continued in a tone she was sure he meant to be reassuring. “I’m here to keep you and your son safe.”

  He knew about the Blake-Moore Group? And her son? Had he known her late husband, too? Questions flashed through her mind like laser beams, but she managed to pull out of his grasp, hitching her bag more securely over her shoulder then clutching the edges of her long blouse together like a shield over her belly.

  She tucked a chin-length strand of dark hair behind her ear and bravely faced him. “I don’t know who you are, but I’m fine on my own.”

  “You were fine on your own, until now,” the stranger agreed. The fact that he didn’t try to strong-arm her was confusing. She rubbed her hand over her belly, hoping he wouldn’t notice her nervous gesture. “But there are likely others on the way. We need to leave immediately. We’re running out of time.”

  She instinctively shook her head, not wanting to go, yet deep down she knew he was right. She and Aaron couldn’t stay in Harrisburg any longer. Oddly enough, while they’d only been here for a little over two months, it already had begun to feel like home. Regret swelled in the back of her throat and it was all she could do to keep from bursting into tears.


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