
Home > Romance > Inevitable > Page 8
Inevitable Page 8

by Angela Graham

  “I’ve been great. They just opened a new comic book store one town over so I’ve been stocking up on my favorites for the winter. Have you been there yet?”

  Finishing off my glass of wine in one final gulp, I raised my glass at a passing waiter letting him know I’d need a refill.

  “Uh, no,” I said, my chest rumbled from my stifled chuckle. He looked so serious. “I’ve never really read any comics before.”

  His eyes grew a little wider, as if intrigued. “Really! Well I could take you sometime. They have all the best there.” His hands worked animatedly in front of him. “The classics and some really great new ones you should…” His voice faded in with the soft melody of music playing in the background.

  Subtly scanning the area, I rolled my eyes. Hilary was sitting at the bar; her stool facing Caleb’s, her legs situated between his. She was giggling, Caleb’s face buried in her hair, whispering to her. As much as I was happy for her, I still wanted to kill her for dragging me out tonight. Shifting in my seat Robert continued on about the latest video game he’d recently purchased.

  It took everything in me not to look at the timer. It felt like the five minutes should have been up ages ago. He talked faster than anyone I ever met which wasn’t helping.

  Nodding along, I allowed my gaze to drift farther across the room toward Logan. He sat with his chair backed away from the table, glass of liquor in hand watching the woman talk. Whatever the woman was saying, he appeared entertained. He looked good tonight.

  Too good. That man should not be allowed near another suit. At least not around women.

  Heat rushed up from my toes, prickling at my scalp. Where the hell did that come from? Logan’s gaze swayed from the woman to his drink and then landed on me. I quickly turned my head and attention back to Robert, taking a drink as I listened to him rambling. He looked nervous, poor guy.

  “So yeah, my mom doesn’t mind. Plus it’s the whole basement to myself!” Robert wiped the back of his hand across his forehead removing the beads of sweat and wiping it on his pants leg. “What more could I ask for. Right?”

  Slightly sickened, I realized I had no clue what he’d just said and he was staring at me expectantly with a wide grin. “Huh, oh, that’s nice.” I smiled, giving a small nod hoping there was no question in his current rambling.

  I couldn’t help glancing over at Logan when Robert began going on about his favorite movies, but as I stole a quick peek over the rim of my glass, I found Logan staring directly at me.

  My eyes locked with his. I wouldn’t be the first one to look away this time. Challenging him, my brows rose followed by his doing the same, mimicking me with an amused smirk.

  A smile tugged at my lips as his expression sharpened into an impish grin. The moment he glanced at Robert, scrunching his nose I lost my resolve. Damn him. Smiling, I slowly shook my head.

  The mellow music flowed into a new song and I watched as his eyes flickered from mine to the dance floor. I followed his gaze, biting my bottom lip to control the grin aching to break across my face. Logan nudged his head to the dance floor beckoning me with his eyes to join him there.

  With one faint shake of my head, I mouthed, “Not happening.”

  He cocked an eyebrow and glanced back at the woman in front of him. She must have said something to him. He answered her in what appeared to be one word and then his gaze instantly returned on me.

  Logan nudged his head back to the dance floor and mouthed, “Dance with me.” The heat of his stare warmed something deep inside me, something I’d never felt before.

  Subtly shaking my head once, a smile playing on my lips, the woman sitting across from him whipped her head around glaring at me. I burst out laughing, and my hand flew to my mouth in hopes to cover the fit of giggles that hit me out of nowhere. She was pissed. If looks could kill I’d be in trouble.

  Clearing my throat, I looked back at Robert who stopped talking. “Sorry, I just saw someone that was…wearing a crazy outfit,” I lied quickly.

  He turned in his seat to see but my hands reached out covering his. Robert’s eyes flew to my hands on his and then up to me, a smile brightening his face.

  “They just left. So what were you saying?” I asked, slowly removing my hand.

  The bell rang and I smile, hurriedly saying good-bye, hoping Robert would have noticed I wasn’t interested in more time with him. Luckily, he got the message and moved to the next table.

  Logan moved as well, sitting down at the booth with an older woman. I recognized her from the meat counter at the grocery store; she was in her late forties with three grown children. There were five more tables separating Logan from mine. The idea of being trapped with him so close to me warmed my cheeks as well as other areas in my body. What would he have to say to me after that night in his pool?

  “Joe.” The man now sitting in front of me said, pulling my attention to him.

  “Hi, I’m Cassandra.” I smiled softly, giving him my full attention. He reached out and shook my hand. I cringed at the clamminess of his and quickly noticed his hard expression and shifty eyes. “So have you ever done anything like this before?” I asked.

  He was much cuter than the other guys here tonight but still nothing compared to Logan. I winced, hating myself the moment I thought it; Logan seemed to be everywhere tonight, even in my thoughts.

  “No, my wife and I separated a few weeks ago and my buddies said I should go out and try to meet new people,” he explained, finishing his drink in one gulp and slamming it down on the table.

  I flinched. He reeked of alcohol. “That’s nice of them. Trying to give you a little push.”

  “I guess. I think they just want me out of the picture so they can fuck my wife!” His tone was cold and filled with irritation.

  I sat there, stunned for a moment, unsure what I could say to that. He reached across the table, grabbing my glass of wine and finishing it off as well. My internal self-preservation alarm blared in my ears and my feet scooted my chair back away from the table. The one cute guy in here and he was a nut job.

  “I doubt that’s true,” my voice cracked. “Breakups are tough and—”

  “Really!” he interjected. “I caught my best friend spying on my wife sunbathing last week…topless!” Joe’s nostrils flared as he sat up farther in his seat. His knee bounced up and down wildly. “You know you remind me of her a little. Blond hair, blue eyes.” His face contorted with anger that was seething off him. “I bet you’re a cheating little bitch too!”

  “Look, asshole! You have no idea—” I leaned into the table. His remark and the frustration from being talked into enduring the night finally coming to a head.

  Joe stood abruptly, jumping to his feet, his chair crashed to the floor behind him. I flinched back. “You women are all the same!”

  “Hey, buddy,” Caleb said smoothly, walking over with his hands in the air. His stern expression and my memories of him as a teenager told me he could kick this drunk’s ass blindfolded. “I think you need some fresh air.”

  The man brushed Caleb off, bumping into his shoulder as he stomped out of the bar. Caleb turned back to face me. “You all right, Cassie?”

  I nodded, my body coming down from the surge of adrenaline. “I could use a margarita though.”

  Caleb chuckled. “On the house.” He walked to the bar where Hilary was standing with wide eyes full of concern.

  “You okay?” she mouthed silently.

  I shrugged and looked down at the table. I just wanted to forget the bipolar jerk but I realized the bar was eerily silent. Looking back up at the other tables I sighed, people were staring directly at me, whispering.

  Logan however was staring at the door the bastard just exited through. My eyes were drawn to his clenched jaw and rigid posture, taking me by surprise. Leaning into my table, I noticed his clenched muscles leading down to his tight grip on his glass, ready to implode.

  He turned his head slowly to face me, as if he could feel me staring at him. His
shoulders deflated and his body noticeably relaxing, his eyes softer.

  “Margarita?” a waitress asked, holding my drink.

  Looking up at her, I smiled. “Thanks.”

  “Come on, let’s not pretend it’s the first time you guys have seen a drunken guy?” Caleb called out chuckling.

  The room erupted in chitchat and laughter falling back into the motions of the event, but my mind was still on Logan.

  What was going on in Logan’s head? He looked about ready to follow the guy outside and tear him apart. The thought that he may care was too much to process tonight. As I took a sip of my drink, I saw Logan tip his head toward Caleb who walked straight over to him.

  The noise in the bar was too loud and his seat too far down for me to overhear. Between the look on Logan’s face and his head nod at the door followed by Caleb’s eyes glancing over me, I had a feeling it had to do with the drunk. Was he planning on doing something? I hoped not. The guy just needed to go home and sleep it off.

  Hilary rang the bell a moment later and I heaved a heavy sigh as the next man approached.

  The following three guys that sat across from me were nothing to write home about. Only one was decent looking but came off as a workaholic with a drinking problem. Not to mention his constant vulgar compliments and eyes glued to my chest left little to be desired.

  Logan on the other hand appeared to be having a much better time. On multiple occasions I caught him staring, and most of those times he seemed to be laughing…at me. Was it that obvious that these men were boring the hell out of me?

  The bell rang and Logan took a seat at the table next to mine, he was a mere five feet away and facing my direction. The woman at his table was pretty and about my age. I’d never seen her around town before, but sitting so close to her all night I quickly learned she was both flirty and touchy with most the men that sat with her.

  “Hi, I’m Vanessa,” the woman told him, her smile all teeth as she looked him over. I tried to not pay attention, but Mr. Gifford the town barber was now seated across from me ordering a drink.

  “Logan, it’s a pleasure,” Logan replied and I suddenly felt awkward eavesdropping. Mr. Gifford cleared his throat pulling my attention back to him.

  “So, Cassandra. You look delectable this evening.” The old man slowly licked his lips, his eyes taking me all in.

  Swallowing the repulsion rising in my throat, I gave a painful tight smile. “Thanks, Mr. Gifford,” I said politely. Why was he even here? He was old enough to be my great-grandfather for Christ’s sake.

  “Please, call me Sal, honey,” he said, leaning in to place his hand over mine. Instantly, I pulled it away shooting him an assertive scowl.

  “So tell me about yourself, Logan,” Vanessa asked, her voice eager for information. My ears perked up waiting to hear his answer as well. “Rumor has it you have a little boy. How old is your son?”

  Logan sat quietly for a brief moment appearing unaffected, drink swirling in his hand before tilting his head and catching my gaze from the corner of his eye. I straightened in my chair, pretending to not notice. “I’d rather talk about you, Vanessa, what do you do for a living?” Logan’s reply came out cold and clipped. Something I’d never heard before.

  He didn’t seem to want to talk about Oliver, and I found myself curious but the sound of Vanessa’s voice as she began spouting out about how she was a chef at restaurant a few towns over left me bored. Logan twisted his neck to the side just enough to smirk at me. I rolled my eyes right back at him. He chuckled at my impassive move and Vanessa abruptly stopped talking. Damn why couldn’t I stop staring? It wasn’t like me…at all.

  “What’s so funny?” She giggled.

  Looking back at Mr. Gifford, I didn’t listen for his reply. Sal was drinking a bottle of imported beer, painting a disturbing picture I’d forever have engraved into my brain, as his tongue lingered around the tip. Damn him.

  “So Sal, what brings you out so late?” I asked deciding to make the most of the final few minutes with him.

  “I may be a bit older than you, honey, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know how to have fun,” he slurred, his eyes dark and clouded as they traveled to my cleavage.

  Choking down the bile that was itching to spew from my mouth I closed my eyes, hoping to make him disappear. I took a giant gulp of my drink, working hard to swallow it against the pressure of revulsion. For the first time that night I found myself wishing Logan was in front of me. Anyone would be better than Sal.

  “I’ve been waiting to get over to this table, you know,” Sal said, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

  I made a face, not sure how to take his comment. “Hmm, really. That’s…” I had no clue how I felt about his confession. I gave an uncomfortable, tight-lipped chuckle and took another long drink hoping to dull his image with alcohol.

  “Why don’t we get out of here and go on back to my place. I’ll have you screaming my name by the time the sun comes up.”

  My mouth full of margarita spat across the table. “What!”

  I struggled to control my harsh coughing, as I set down my glass and reached for the napkin in front of me to wipe my mouth.

  Did he really just say that? His wife died not even a year ago not to mention this was the same guy that used to give me a quarter when I was a kid.

  Sal seemed unfazed yet the sounds from the table beside me left me reeling. Turning in my seat, I grimaced. Logan’s head was hung back, shoulders jumping up and down, laughing hysterically. I shot him a threatening glare, but he was too busy trying to compose himself to notice as Vanessa sat there confused and disgusted by the mess covering my table.

  “Come on, baby, let me show you how a real man treats a lady,” Sal said, oblivious to my apparent revulsion and the liquid in front of him. He shamelessly reached his hand under the table, placing it on my knee. I froze, my body painfully still and eyes wide as his wrinkled, calloused hand slipped quickly up my bare leg. Before I could react, Logan was out of his chair, standing behind Sal with his hands on the old man’s shoulders.

  “All right, Sal, I think you’ve had enough fun with Cassandra tonight.”

  Sal stood up throwing me a quick wink and walked toward the bar.

  “Thanks,” I mumbled.

  Logan said nothing, his face lit with hilarity and I could see him fighting off a smile before he sat back down with Vanessa.

  Grabbing a few napkins from the dispenser on a nearby table, I sat there trying to wipe up the drink that was dripping from the table’s edge. The bell went off and I sighed. When would this night be over? Shaking my head, I placed the soaked napkins to the side of the table just as Logan sat down in front of me.


  I needed more time to prepare for this. Taking a deep breath, I sat up farther in my seat pulling at my dress to cover any cleavage. He’s already had enough of a show from me in that department.

  “Hello, Cassandra,” Logan said, his voice rough and sexy.

  “Logan.” I replied coldly titling my head for added emphasis. I was in no mood for games tonight and if he kept talking like that, with that look in his eyes, I’d only embarrass myself. Flagging down the waitress I ordered another drink.

  “I have to admit, I was happily surprised to see you here tonight, sweetheart. A woman as lovely as yourself surely must have men lined up around the block for a date.”

  The waitress stepped to our table and we both ordered another round of drinks. I ordered water, earning me a dubious look from Logan. Ignoring him, I watched the waitress bat her eyes and giggle as he asked for a scotch, neat.

  “Water?” He asked, brows furrowed.

  “Scotch?” I replied with equal disdain. Truth was I needed a clear head to deal with him. My body was far too attracted to him and with the amount of alcohol already consumed tonight, my brain was slowly forgetting why he was off limits.

  He chuckled to himself. “You never answered my question?”

  “I’m only here as a favor to
Caleb,” I replied.

  “Of course, I’ve been told you’re very…considerate.” He appeared to want to say something else but looked away, sipping his drink.

  Been told? Had he asked about me or was he referring to my striptease in his pool? We sat for what felt like more than five minutes alone just staring at each other. I flushed and tried to avert my gaze to look around the room but it only seemed to add to his amusement.

  The waitress reappeared and I couldn’t have been happier. Sipping my water, I asked, “So, what’s Oliver up to tonight?”

  “Home. Sleeping I would presume at this hour.” He set his drink on the table. “So tell me, how long have you been a teacher, Cassandra?”

  How the hell did he know I was a teacher? He was definitely talking to someone about me.

  “This will be my first year,” I replied, before quickly adding. “Oliver seems like a great kid. I bet you guys have a lot of fun hanging out.”

  Logan squirmed in his chair his expression unreadable. I wasn’t used to seeing him uncomfortable and considering it was about his own son I wasn’t sure what to make of it. Was he being overprotective of Oliver or truly didn’t enjoy talking about him? I had yet to even see him with his son. I was left unsettled with my thoughts when he spoke.

  “Yes, we do.” His voice strained and distant. “Now tell me, sweetheart, how long have you lived in this small town?”

  “Why don’t you like to talk about your son?” I asked, looking him straight in the eyes. Frustrated by my evening thus far, I didn’t care about overstepping. The alcohol in my system fueled my courage.

  Logan took a slow, deep breath as he downed the rest of his drink and looked up at me. “I’m sitting in a bar on a Saturday night with a stunning woman. I’d rather not talk about my son right now.” His lips pursed, telling me the subject was off limits.

  As I opened my mouth to speak, the bell went off. It was for the best. I took a drink and waited for him to stand up and move to the next table. “Have a good night, Logan.”

  He continued staring at me with an impish smirk and I couldn’t help but notice, he was not getting up. The man at Vanessa’s table went around him and everyone began at their new spots. “I think I would like another five minutes.”


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