
Home > Romance > Inevitable > Page 13
Inevitable Page 13

by Angela Graham

  I really needed to stop thinking about Logan. It would never work and based on the reputation Logan had built in the short time he’d lived here, it was painfully obvious he wasn’t capable of having a meaningful relationship. There would never be anything between us, not the way I would need it. I’d only end up with a broken heart. I wouldn’t do that to myself.

  Here I was with a handsome, mysterious man sitting in front of me, giving me compliment after compliment throughout the night; I needed to focus on him. I could tell Kurt was attracted to me, he made it obvious and I had no doubt he would come home with me and show me everything I’d been missing sexually if I gave him the go ahead. It could be an enjoyable night, I reasoned, lifting my glass and taking another large sip to dull my screaming conscience. I was going to need a lot more to drink before this night was over.

  By the time dessert was resting in front of me, I was feeling free as a bird flying high in the clouds. Nothing mattered, and for the first time in weeks, Logan was out of my head. Kurt was full of ridiculously silly jokes that kept me giggling as I downed drink after drink of wine. In all my life I never experienced more than a mild buzz from drinking, always the responsible one. But tonight I could see the appeal of alcohol.

  Kurt seemed nice, and the longer we sat there chatting about frivolous nonsense, the more I was fighting with myself as to why this was a bad idea. I deserved it after everything that had happened with Mark. I spent so much of my life dedicated to him only to be let down. Everyone around me easily let go of their inhibitions the second an attractive person entered the room. Why not give it a try for once in my life? Time to live a little.

  With another sip of wine to settle any remaining nerves, I reached across the table, and boldly placed my hand over his, running my thumb across knuckles. His face instantly lit up, smiling, and he responded by brushing his fingers against my palm and gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

  “Can I give you a ride home?” he asked after the waitress collected our plates. I had told him earlier a friend brought me due to car trouble, which was not entirely true but made it easier. At least that’s how Hilary explained it when she dropped me off. Tonight I was a different person. Taking a new Cassandra out for a test drive and hoping I didn’t crash and burn.

  “Yeah, that would be nice.”

  He released my hand to pull out his wallet, placing some cash next to the bill while I finished off my fourth glass of wine.


  My jaw went slack, all air spilled from my lungs as the familiar husky voice hummed through me.

  “Logan.” Kurt twisted in his seat, noticeably irritated. “How are you doing?”

  Logan’s gaze burned into me from above but I kept my head down, eyes focused on my empty glass twirling in my fingers.

  “Hello, Cassandra. How are you tonight, sweetheart?”

  Closing my eyes, I inhaled a deep silent breath and put on the best smile I could muster before looking up. My breath caught at the intensity in his hazy-blue eyes.

  “Hey, what are you doing here tonight?” I narrowed my eyes, not wanting to be interrupted by him of all people while on a date. Grabbing the bottle, I attempted to pour myself another glass of wine with shaky hands. I was officially drunk and slowly feeling the effects.

  Kurt quickly took the nearly empty bottle and poured the remainder into my glass. Both men watched expectantly as I wasted no time tipping it back in one large gulp.

  Kurt cleared his throat. “Logan is here most nights,” Kurt snickered, “good for business Caleb says. You should see all the women that flock to this guy. They can’t seem to get enough of him.”

  “I’m sure,” I mumbled, gazing back up at Logan, his eyes still holding me in their sight. “Well, don’t let us keep you. I’m sure there’s some pretty little tramp hanging around here waiting for you to take her home tonight.” Turns out, I wasn’t a friendly drunk. I rolled my eyes, swallowing down the repulsion I felt thinking about Logan taking home one of the town’s barflies.

  Logan’s searing gaze held steady, ignoring my remark. “So you had a nice dinner?” His tone was soft despite my insult.

  Why was he still here? His voice was smooth and void of any emotion, confusing me. But for some reason I just felt angry. He had no right to stare at me like that. Was he judging me? Ha, he’s hardly one to pass judgment.

  “Yes, it was great. I was just about to take Cassandra home,” Kurt said as he stood from the booth. “We’ll see you around.”

  “I see, well then, have a good night.” Logan finally tore his eyes away, staring down at the tile floor, giving nothing away to what was going through his mind. It only added to my irritation. I ran my hands through my hair as he turned, walking back the way he came.

  “You ready?” Kurt asked, offering a crooked smile.

  I smiled, biting my bottom lip nervously. This was it. I was officially going to step out of my comfort zone and live on the outside for a night. He really was cute and his lips were devilishly plump.

  “Yeah,” I murmured, placing my empty glass on the table. He reached out and took my hand, helping me up. Kurt was sweet and the perfect gentleman.

  “Oh, I almost forgot,” Logan called out, turning back to face us. His darkened eyes stared down at my hand intertwined with Kurt’s, but he held his unaffected composure as he spoke. “Caleb is in the back.” He nudged his head toward the double metal doors beside the bar, looking straight at Kurt. “He needs to speak with you before you leave.”

  “I’ll be right back,” Kurt told me after a moment’s pause. He placed a small kiss upon my knuckles before releasing my hand. The icy stare he shot at Logan when he shouldered past him was impossible to miss.

  I waited until Kurt disappeared into the backroom then crossed my arms over my chest. “Why are you here?” I asked, glaring at Logan.

  “Are you going home with him?” His voice was strong and demanding. Something I’d never seen in him before. His jaw worked hard under the skin, impatiently waiting for my answer.

  How long had he been in the bar? Had he been watching me? I grimaced. How had I not noticed him? Usually I could just sense when he was around. It had to be the alcohol in my system.

  “He’s driving me home, yes and whatever happens after that has nothing to do with you.”

  I reached down to the table to grab my purse but stumbled backward, groaning when Logan swept in and caught me around the waist before I fell.

  “You’re drunk, Cassandra.” He sighed, holding me in his arms. His masculine scent filled my head and I found myself unconsciously leaning into him further. His hand ran up my back and I jolted back to reality. It would be a long time until I drank this much again.

  I pushed against his chest, pulling out of his grasp and fighting to straighten myself upright. “Seriously? This is none of your business!”

  He grabbed my hand, steadying me. “Shall I remind you, you’re a teacher in this town and someone my son holds in high regard? I’m sure you don’t want to start rumors about the company you keep, or how you act out at the local bar. Getting wasted doesn’t seem much like you, sweetheart.”

  “Again, None .Of. Your. Business.” I hissed, snatching my hand out of his. “Whether I want to take him home or not is up to me, it has nothing to do with you. I don’t tell you who you should sleep with.”

  Logan froze. “Don’t.” His voice was suddenly full of more emotions than I could process in my inebriated state. His expression was hard—almost painfully so. He lowered his eyebrows and reached his hand out to touch me, but hesitantly dropped it back to his side. I watched his internal battle over his next move.

  “What?” I sighed completely annoyed, my brows scrunching in confusion.

  “Please, Cassandra. You can’t trust him,” he pleaded. He sounded so genuine I almost thought it was a different man in front of me. Not the narcissistic playboy I was used to dealing with.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Did he tell you w
here he lived before moving here?”

  “No, why?” I looked up and noticed Kurt heading straight back over to us, frowning.

  Logan leaned into my ear and whispered, “Don’t leave with him, please.” His hot breath sent shivers down my spine when his lips brushed past my cheek. I could taste the bourbon that he had been drinking.

  “Caleb said he didn’t need anything,” Kurt hissed through gritted teeth, glared at Logan, and snatched my hand. I winced at his tight grip.

  “I guess he changed his mind.” Logan’s jaw clenched, his eyes glued to my hand wrapped once again in Kurt’s.

  “Right, you ready, Cassandra?” Kurt asked, running his free hand through his long dark hair.

  I looked to Logan, his eyes pleading with me. I sighed, too drunk to think properly. It was all too much drama for me at this point. The thrill was gone. “I…um…I’m sorry but something came up. I need to go. Another time maybe.” I pulled my hand away and without a glance at either of the men, I grabbed my purse and rushed for the door.

  I gasped the moment I stepped outside, the cool air hitting me like a much needed breath. It felt good as I stood there trying to process what had just happened.

  “Cassandra!” Logan’s voice rang out behind me.

  I took off walking, heading down the dark sidewalk focused on crashing at my mother’s house. She lived down the block and worked nights. I figured I could have Hilary pick me up in the morning and my mother would be none the wiser. Logan followed me, his footsteps heavy against the cement. I had no idea why I listened to him tonight. I should have ignored him and gone home with Kurt as planned. The only thing I knew for sure was that I had way too much to drink and needed to sleep it off.

  “Cassandra, wait!”

  I turned around, stomping my foot. “Why are you doing this to me?” I yelled, throwing my hands in the air, the effects of the alcohol dominating my actions. “What could be so wrong with him? Huh? Answer me, damn it!”

  Logan stood motionless, stunned by my outburst. He opened his mouth, but shut it with a look of apprehension covering his face.

  I narrowed my eyes, and puffed out a breath of air as realization set in. “Right, so if you can’t screw me, no one can?” I shook my head in disgust and turned on my heel continuing down the sidewalk.

  “Cassandra, it’s not like that.” He ran to catch up with me. “The reason Kurt’s not right for you is…” he sighed stopping in front of me, “is because he just got out of prison.”

  I stepped back, with a sharp cynical look. “You’re lying.”

  I stalked past him, bumping into his shoulder. A loud irritated sigh came from behind me, as did the stomping of his feet. I quickened my pace but was pulled up abruptly when strong arms snaked around my waist.

  “Why would I lie to you about that? You can ask Caleb.”

  I grunted, smacking his arms, attempting to free myself. “You expect me to believe Caleb gave a job, at his coveted bar, to an ex-con?” I hissed tugging at his hands, but his grip was tighter than my drunken strength.

  “Believe whatever you like, sweetheart, I’ll make sure Caleb explains it to you once you’ve sobered up.” Logan twisted me around to face him, hands still gripping my hips.

  “Why was he in prison?” I asked, my energy fading.

  “Attempted murder. A fight over his girlfriend at the time or something like that. I don’t know all the details, but you understand why I couldn’t sit back and let you go home with him, especially after I watched you drink yourself into a stupor.”

  “Excuse me!” I yelled. How dare he? I began thrashing in his arms, his insult spurring on the strength I needed and hit him hard against the chest. “I am not drunk! Now let me go!”

  His hands flew to my forearm, pulling me closer. “Let me drive you home, Cassandra. That’s all I’m asking. I just need to make sure you get inside safely.”

  My shoulders slumped, body exhausted as adrenaline evaporated into my system. “Logan, I just want to go to my mother’s and—”

  “Let her go!” A voice boomed from behind us.

  Seconds later Logan’s hands were ripped from my body and he was thrown back into a small shrub with a loud thud as he crashed down over it.

  “Logan!” My hands flew to my mouth. I tried to run to help him, but Kurt stood in front of me blocking the path.

  “You all right?” Kurt asked, his voice full of anger more than concern.

  I groaned. My hands moved from my mouth to my forehead. I regretted drinking so much and suddenly felt the urge to heave with each wobbly step I took. “Yeah, he wasn’t hurting me.”

  His face tightened in anger, sharpening his features. I stood there, frightened when he leaned into me. “So what is this then? You agree to go to dinner with me, but you’re screwing him on the side?”

  I flinched at his harsh words. I stepped back, and tried to look over his shoulder when I heard Logan curse. I wanted to go to him. The thought of him in pain was nearly unbearable.

  “I just want to go home. Logan and I weren’t doing anything,” I muttered, unsure what else to say.

  Logan stood up, brushing himself off as he approached us. “I was just going to take her home,” Logan said calmly, trying to diffuse the situation, but his voice only upset Kurt further, escalating things.

  Kurt turned, staring at Logan. “Right, I’ve seen what you do to the women you take home.” He snickered, and looked back at me as if I were nothing but trash. “Although, I’m surprised you weren’t planning on fucking her in the alley behind the bar. She must be real special.” Kurt narrowed his eyes at me.

  “Look, you have everything all wrong, but to be honest, I’m too tired to deal with this. I’m going home, alone!”

  “Cassa—” Logan began but what followed was an earth-pounding thump. I turned in a panic. Logan was stumbling forward, his hand holding the back of his head. I watched in horror as Kurt charged at him again.

  “No!” I lurched forward. “Stop this!” The moment I stepped in between them, I caught Kurt’s fist, straight in the face. My head flew back and I lost my balance, sending me hard against the sidewalk. Pain radiated through my lip, blood filled my mouth. Tears sprung from my eyes and my hands covered my injury as I sat there shell-shocked.

  “Son of a bitch!” Logan roared, his voice raw and unhinged and in a flash he tackled Kurt to the ground. His fists crashed into the man’s face over and over until the sounds of police sirens and Caleb’s voice rang out.

  Chapter Twelve


  Logan fell back at Caleb’s feet as the officers jumped out of their squad car and raced to the scene. I sat on the grass watching, my head buried in my knees, my back against a tiny tree.

  “You’re under arrest!” the officer barked, pulling Logan to his feet and yanking his hands behind his back.

  “Wait, this was all Kurt. Logan was only protecting Cassandra,” Caleb explained, still catching his breath from running over.

  “Cassandra?” The officer looked to me expectantly.

  “Yeah, it’s true,” I replied, wincing at the pain when my lips moved. I ached everywhere, but cringed at the realization I’d be sporting a nasty bruise the next day.

  “We knew it was only a matter of time before this one lost his temper again,” the other officer said, standing over Kurt’s unconscious body. “Two previous assault arrests on his record before his last stint in prison, for attempted murder.”

  I exhaled, and glanced up at Logan. He had been telling the truth, just trying to look out for me and I got him hurt, ruined his night. All I wanted was a night as an average twenty-two year old, but had I taken Kurt back to my house, hidden in the woods where we’d been practically alone, who knows how that would have ended. He was a ticking time bomb. I recoiled imaging the terrifying possibilities. This was the exact reason I never drank. So much for lowering my inhibitions for a night.

  “Holy shit!” Caleb muttered looking down at me. “I swear to God, Cassandra, I had no
clue. I knew him from a friend. We hung out back in the day and he told me he was in jail, but that it was all a misunderstanding.” Caleb ran both his hands through his hair and rested them on top of his head. “He said some guy was sleeping with his fiancée and attacked him when he confronted him. Kurt told me he messed the guy up pretty bad, but that he didn’t start it.” Caleb sighed, and dropped his hands and head. “Damn, I should have had him checked out.”

  I shook my head in disbelief. He walked closer, leaning down in front of me.

  “I messed up, but I swear I never thought he was capable of hurting you. You have to believe me.” His hooded eyes filled with concern and regret.

  “The officer needs a statement,” Logan said, tapping Caleb on the shoulder.

  Caleb let out a deep sigh and turned away, shoulders deflated, to talk to the officer.

  Logan crouched down in front of me, and gently pulled my chin up to examine my face. “The medics need to check you out. Make sure nothing’s broken,” he said lightly brushing his finger down my nose and over my top lip.

  I hissed through the pain.

  “I wanted to fucking kill him,” Logan murmured, more to himself. “I shouldn’t have let you get between us. You should have left. Went back to the bar and got Caleb or something.” His voice grew louder, angrier. “Why the hell did you step in—”

  “What’s this?” The officer snickered, gaining our attention. He bent down pulling a vial peeking out from Kurt’s pocket. “Cocaine. Looks like he’s violated parole in more ways than one tonight.”

  An ambulance pulled up and paramedics appeared moments later, lifting Kurt onto a gurney.

  “Will you be pressing charges, Mr. West?”

  Logan turned to look at me, his jaw working hard as he took in my appearance. I shook my head once causing his frown to deepen.

  “No,” he answered, looking away. “The coke should be enough to lock his ass back up.”


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