
Home > Romance > Inevitable > Page 15
Inevitable Page 15

by Angela Graham

  “Seriously? Dan and Blair? Ugh!” I scowled, fast-forwarding through their scenes on screen together.

  Hilary popped an Oreo in her mouth, giggling at the look of loathing covering my face.

  “I agree Chuck and Blair all the way. Although, he really needs to stop sleeping with everything in heels.” Hilary giggled before taking a giant swig of milk and maneuvering to face me. “Speaking of rich playboys, what is going on with you and Logan, anyway? I thought you were completely done with him after interrupting his night.”

  “I was, I mean…I am,” I didn’t know how I felt anymore so instead of dwelling on it, I snatched the bag of Oreos from Hilary’s lap. I shot her a fierce look when I realized the bag was empty. “Okay, you are so going jogging every morning this week.”

  “Don’t try to change the subject,” Hilary scolded. “I think its sweet he was looking out for you. From what Caleb tells me, the guy really isn’t so bad.”

  “Logan showing up last night was anything but a romantic gesture,” I scowled. “But if he hadn’t, I hate to think of what might have happened. I drank way too much to help me relax, but a part of me wonders if I really would have been able to go through with anything if Kurt and I were alone. It’s not like hooking up with guy on a first date is something I’ve experienced before. And if I tried to stop things with Kurt once we were back here…” I stopped myself, closing my eyes, trying not to think the worst.

  “I never should have pushed you to go out,” Hilary muttered, her voice full of shame.

  “Looking back on last night, I’m grateful Logan was there,” I said, a small smile tugging at my lips. “I saw a side to him that was so different than what he lets everyone else see. He’s a good guy, it’s just hidden under many, many layers of head games and irresponsible behavior. He helped clean me up and even refused to leave until I was tucked into my bed.” I chuckled, remembering how stubborn he could be.

  “That doesn’t sound like the Logan Caleb normally talks about,” Hilary said, raising her brows.

  “I know, completely caught me off guard that he may actually have a heart buried in that chest of his.”

  “His gorgeous, perfectly chiseled chest, you mean to say,” Hilary teased in a sing-song voice.

  “Yeah, he definitely has the sexy part down, but we decided to be friends. Start over and try out a real friendship.” After the texts this morning, I was painfully aware of how hard being friends with him was going to be. My body craved his. It was strange and unnerving and I just hoped my brain was able to outweigh the natural urges I felt around him.

  “Can you do that? I mean you said you’ve had how many naughty dreams about the guy?” Hilary giggled when I cocked my head to the side, narrowing my eyes at her.

  I chucked a pillow across the couch at her, laughing. “I know,” I blew out a breath, “but it’s complicated. Between not wanting to hurt Oliver, and Logan’s reputation for sleeping with most single women in town, a friendship is all it will ever be.”

  “Well, I think he likes you, so if starting over as friends is what you guys want to call it, then I’ll support you. Just be careful,” Hilary said, before turning the volume back up on the television.

  I awoke to loud banging on my front door. I peeled open my eyes and looked over to see Hilary passed out on the other end of the couch. The television sang the theme song from Gossip Girl.

  With a soft yawn, I threw back the blankets, and sauntered sleepily over to the door, my hands rubbing my eyes. I glanced over at the clock on the wall, shocked to see it was after eight in the evening.

  I knew who it was so I didn’t bother with the peephole. The moment I opened the door, my mother brushed furiously in past me.

  “What the hell is the matter with you?” she yelled. “I have been trying to call you all day!”

  Hilary sat up, her eyes groggy and quickly slipped on her shoes, shooting me a sympathetic smile. “I should go. I’ll see you at school in the morning.” She walked quickly to the door.

  I nodded, turning my gaze back at my fuming mother. Her tense expression caused me to step back. She looked livid, and it took a moment to realize she was staring not at me, but at my lip.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t answer my cell or call, but I just needed to unwind today,” I explained hoping to draw her attention away.

  It didn’t work. She reached out and gently cupped my cheeks, inspecting my injuries.

  “That piece of shit,” she mumbled and dropped her hands. I could see the pain crossing her face.

  I shifted my weight and then headed back to the living room and began picking up the empty food wrappers. After flicking the television off, I asked, “Shouldn’t you be at work?”

  My mother always worked nights, so I was surprised to see her at this hour.

  “I’ve been working double shifts for the past week. I just left the station, but have to be back in four hours.” She sighed heavily, leaning against the wall. “Don’t avoid the subject, Cassie. What happened?”

  “I’m sure you already read the police report,” I muttered.

  “Damn right, I did! What the hell were you be thinking going out with that man?” She pushed off the wall and began pacing the room.

  “Mom, I know you worry about me, but I’m fine, all right.” I left the room, throwing the last of the empty water bottles in the trash and came back out waiting for her rant to continue.

  Watching me, her eyes softened. “Why don’t you come home for a few days? You can sleep in your old bed.”

  “And have my mommy in the next room with a pistol waiting to protect me?” I laughed folding the blankets on the couch.

  “Exactly.” She grinned, falling into the small chair across from me. “I know you’re all grown up, but I’m still your mother. It’s my job to protect you.”

  “I know, now go home, and get some sleep. You look exhausted.”

  “Of course I am. I spent my entire shift trying to get a hold of you.”

  “Well, as you can see, I survived and will live another day to keep you on your toes.” I smiled.

  She sighed, accepting defeat on the subject. “Fine, but keep ice on that lip and don’t forget you still need to come down and give your full statement. Don’t think I’m letting that son of a bitch get away with hurting my baby girl! Logan West was there earlier.”

  I stilled, surprised to hear that since he said he wasn’t pressing charges.

  “By the way, that Kurt guy was just released from the hospital. They’re transporting him back to prison as we speak.”

  “I just want to forget it ever happened.”

  “I know, honey.” She hugged me. “I love you.”

  I squeezed her tightly. She was always the best at giving hugs that melted away my problems.

  “I love you too, Mom.”

  I opened the door and watched her reluctantly walk out to the squad car parked in my driveway.

  Closing the door behind me, I walked over to the bathroom to get ready for bed. I had work in the morning and the more I thought about it, the more against going in I felt. What would the kids think if they saw me like this? I looked absolutely frightening. There was no possible way to cover it up.

  I snatched my phone from my bedside table and sent an email to the principal letting him know I would need a substitute for the next day. For some reason I also sent a text message to Logan.

  Hope your day was as relaxing as mine.

  I hit send to Logan and he replied less than a minute later.

  Spent it with Oliver and my mother. He talked us into taking him to the zoo.

  I smiled.

  Where did u find that much energy after last night?

  Not much of a choice with a 4-yr-old. For the record, my energy level has never been an issue ;)

  I rolled my eyes, but chose to ignore that last part of his text.

  Hope u had fun. I’m guessing u did all that after stopping at sheriff’s?

  Your mother got a hold of u I take it?
She was a wreck trying to call u when I went in. And yes, I’m pressing charges.

  Why go through all the trouble. They got him for violating parole. That alone will lock him back up.

  One thing you’ll quickly learn about me, sweetheart, is that I don’t allow people I consider a close friend to get hurt. I’ll do everything in my power to make him suffer for hitting u.

  I sat there, gnawing on my bottom lip as I typed. Now we were close friends? We’d only been anything other than neighbors for less than a day.

  Well, his fist was meant for u not me.

  He could have stopped it if he had any self-control. I’ve never hit a woman nor have I ever come close, even during bar fights.

  Bar fights? Okay, so there was a lot about him I didn’t know. Definitely not close friends. I rolled from my back to my side and began typing.

  U been involved in many bar fights? Let me guess, u screwed either someone’s wife or their daughter?

  After hitting send, I typed another quick message, chuckling.

  Or u offended other patrons by wearing a ten thousand dollar suit in their bar.

  I chuckled softly, but the image of Logan beating on Kurt, leaving him unconscious and bloodied, reminded me of the glimpse of rage I saw in him. A shudder ripped through me.

  I opened his text the moment it dinged.

  Let’s be clear, I’ve never slept with a married woman, as far as I’m aware, and never would. Marriage is not something I would ever disregard so easily. As far as daughters, well, if they’re consenting adults, I don’t have an issue. But no, never fought over a woman. U were the first ;)

  I grinned, feeling giddy and quickly tried to squash it. Friends, nothing more, I reminded myself.

  I’m honored. So I take it your suits were the issue then?

  Men can get quite jealous of an impeccably tailored suit, sweetheart ;)

  I laughed but as I did, a yawn spilled out.

  Uh-huh. Perhaps someday you’ll share some of your sordid past. For now, I’m sleepy.

  Perhaps. Goodnight, Cassandra. Sleep well.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Open Door Policy

  I woke early the next day, before sunrise, and started the day with a long bath. After I climbed out, relaxed and ready to take on the world, I slipped into my favorite light wash jeans with the knees worn out, and pulled a yellow tank top over my head. After popping some extra strength Tylenol, I decided to spend the entire day locked inside cleaning, hoping to take my mind off everything. I threw my hair up into a loose bun as I strolled out of my bedroom and cranked up the music on my stereo.

  Within an hour, I was lost to the beats of Maroon 5 and dancing around my living room as I dusted each and every corner of the massive built-in bookshelf. I sang along like a mad woman—the meds covering the sting in my lip—occasionally gripping the duster like a microphone. Kurt be damned, I felt good. Pleased with myself after finishing the bottom shelf, I stepped back to admire the perfectly polished shelves.

  “Looks good.”

  I jumped, startled, chest heaving, and saw Logan standing on the other side of my screen door watching me. He oozed with sex appeal in a perfectly tailored black suit and grey tie. I caught myself staring before stalking across the room to turn down the blaring music.

  Still panting, I turned around, giving a pointed look to the man now entering my house as if he lived here. One night’s help hardly gave him free reign of the place.

  “Ever heard of knocking,” I snapped, my breath heavy from the singing. I instantly regretted my tone when I watched the sweet smile waver on his face.

  “You weren’t at school when I dropped Oliver off. I was worried, thought I would come check on you. That is what friends do after all, sweetheart.” He smirked. But it slowly melted into a frown when I stepped forward and his gaze dropped to my injured lip.

  I knew he blamed himself for me getting hurt. It was obvious that night. I’d never forget the look on his face when Caleb pulled him off Kurt’s limp body. He was acting on adrenaline and pure rage.

  I smiled, releasing the tie in my hair and letting it fall down around my face creating a curtain to that side of my mouth as I turned my head. “Right, well, thank you, but as you can see I am doing fine. Just catching up on some housework.”

  “So, can I come in then?”

  It was a ridiculous request considering he was already standing in my foyer, but I nodded, with a wider smile. How could I deny him when he looked at me like it’d physically hurt him if I said no.

  “Um, sure,” I answered, chuckling under my breath. “Can I get you something to drink? Glass of orange juice, water, anything?”

  “No, thanks.”

  He looked around the room he had stood in just the other night. It was strange seeing him here in the light of day. He felt out of place in the tiny living room. I’d bet his suit cost more than my furniture.

  “So, what are you up to today?” I asked, walking into the kitchen and pulling out a chair to sit. I gestured for him to do the same. “A day of boring meetings at the paper, I assume?”

  As he took a seat across from me, he smiled. “Not today. I’m on my way to meet my realtor.”

  “Are you moving?” A twinge of grief shot through me.

  “No,” he chuckled once, looking away. “Just looking to buy a small home for Julia. Next year she can live off campus.”

  “So you’re…buying her a house?” I asked slowly, dumbfounded, my face twisted in confusion.

  He chuckled again, placing one hand on the table in front of him, and looked up at me. His tongue darted out, slowly moistening his lips. “I consider it an investment. She can live there for free with a few roommates who pay rent to cover some of the expenses. She’s a good kid, and I know she doesn’t want to live in the dorm next year. I love my sister but I’m not exactly fond of her living in my home. Good for Oliver, but annoying for me.”

  I opened my mouth to speak but was stopped by a dry lump that had formed the second he licked those damn lips. I stood, and walked to the sink for a glass of water “Yeah, I can understand that.” I managed to get out before taking a sip. “Especially after witnessing your little ménage à trois party the other night.”

  He cleared his throat, and when I walked back to the table I noticed his posture had stiffened.

  “It was unfortunate that you stopped by when you did.”

  “Yes, it definitely was.” I shook off the disgusting image of him under those women. “Although I was relieved to hear Oliver wasn’t home.” I scoffed.

  “One thing you should know about me, Cassandra. I love my son. He is my first priority.” Logan leaned in further against the table, eyes locking with mine. “I may not have the best track record with women, but I treat them with respect and give them exactly what I can offer.”

  “Which is?”

  His tongue darted out once again, and a flutter of nerves sent a chill through my body.

  “Anything they could ask for…in the bedroom.” His voice was slow, rough, and enticing.

  I dropped my head, breaking eye contact, heat creeping up my cheeks. God, what I bet he could do in the bedroom. Heat pooled in places I’d never felt before. I cringed at my body’s response.

  Looking back across at him, I gave a tight smile. “So, you have any other sisters or brothers?” I asked quickly changing the subject.

  He nodded, his eyes lit with amusement.

  “Care to expand?” I nudged.

  “Not really.” He shrugged, still watching me with a slight smirk, as if he could read my mind. “Julia’s my only sister, and I have two brothers. Not much more to say.”

  “Sibling issues?” I laughed. “I wouldn’t know anything about that.”

  “You’re an only child, I take it?”

  I nodded, resting my elbow on the table and titling my cheek into my palm. “So you bought the newspaper to give Julia for a graduation gift, and now a house. Kind of wish I had a brother.”

  He c
huckled once. There was something in the way he laughed that soothed me. As if it could heal me from the outside in.

  “Well, she is my only sister. Plus, my brothers are not really around much to help her.”

  “What about your parents?”

  “They live in the city. My mother is oblivious to anything financial, and my father prefers us to earn our own money. He refused to pay for Julia’s schooling when she failed to achieve a scholarship.” His jaw ticked but smoothed a second later replaced with a hint of a forced smile pulled at his lips.

  “I’m not good at understanding fathers.” I shifted in my seat and ran my fingers over the grains in the wood of the table.

  “I heard about your father. Caleb told me he left when you were young.”

  “It was a long time ago,” I grumbled, uncomfortable talking about it. “So what do your brothers do? They live in the city with your parents?”

  “My older brother Lawrence is happily married and yes, he lives in the city. He has a son a year younger than Oliver.” He smiled to himself. “And Jax is…exploring life, having fun”

  “Having fun?” I snickered, cocking an eyebrow.

  “Yes.” His tone spoke volumes. Jax must have been the wild one in the family.

  “Well, you’re lucky to have them.”

  “Sometimes.” he grinned, teasingly.

  A comfortable silence settled between us as we sat there. It was nice, Logan West was surprisingly a normal guy. Well, besides his deviant sexual behavior. Although in another life, I could see myself enjoying that side of him as well. But that wasn’t the case; we were night and day different in this one.

  “Thanks again for checking on me, but you better getting going. I would hate to be the reason you left your realtor waiting.” I stood from my chair. It had been a pleasant conversation and I didn’t want to ruin it with heated stares and unnerving sexual tension.

  “Of course, sweetheart. I’m glad you’re all right.” With a strained look in his eyes, he stood, and walked toward the door.

  I followed, smiling as he turned back to face me. His hands were shoved deep in his pockets. He wasn’t ready to leave just yet; I could see it written all over his expression.


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