The Real Italian Alphas

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The Real Italian Alphas Page 3

by Bonnie Burrows

  “We could—we could take off our clothes and just see where it goes.” he suggested with his most winning smile ever.

  Betsy smiled and rolled her eyes. “Oh, that was so smooth, Gabriel.” she scoffed. “I know exactly what will happen if we take off our clothes.”

  “I will be gentle, ma bella.” he said, grinning some more.

  “We can take off our tops for now.” she decided, making him chuckle.

  “Including your bra?” he teased her. Betsy nodded, and they started to kiss again. Their breathing became ragged, and then Gabriel sat up and pulled his dress shirt off right over his head, making Betsy laugh at his impatience. The t-shirt he’d worn underneath followed soon afterwards. Then he unzipped the back of her dress slowly, sliding his fingers down her back. He unhooked her bra when he reached it, and then he slid down her sleeves and the straps all at the same time.

  Betsy’s cheeks flamed as he leaned back for a moment to look her over. He seemed pleased with what he saw, a perception that was soon proven when his mouth came down to close around her nipple as his hands slid up to knead her breasts. She moaned at the feel of it, and slid her fingers up to play with his ponytail.

  Grinning, Gabriel reached up and pulled out the tie so she could play with his hair. The dark length fell forward and into his eyes, and she brushed it back for him, tangling her fingers into it. “Soft,” she whispered as she brought her hands up to her lips and slid his hair back and forth across her lower lip in a manner similar to his other teasing with his thumb and his tongue.

  Gabriel kissed a trail down to her belly button, which he laved with tender care, making Betsy giggle at the sensation. He looked up at her face, and his eyes flashed golden for a brief moment, making Betsy wonder yet again how he did it.

  “Betsy, can we not take off the other clothes?” he teased her as he nipped at the skin just above her underwear. She gasped and her fingers involuntarily tightened in his hair, just a little. “Please?”

  One of his hands slid the dress upwards on her thighs, so that she may as well have been wearing only her underwear for all the good the cover was doing. Then his hand ghosted over her, making her moan softly as she pulled her hands free of his hair and gripped the blanket instead. Seeing this, Gabriel smiled more wickedly than ever and began to play with the elastic just above the place he wanted to explore.

  He moved back up to kiss her, but his hand lingered where he’d placed it, tantalizing her with its presence. “Say yes, mi amore.” Gabriel whispered, and one finger slipped into her panties, learning the texture of her soft curls.

  Betsy gasped louder than ever when he did that, and she tore at his pants to touch his cock yet again. He groaned into her mouth, and the finger slipped lower still, touching the wetness he had caused. Then he explored a bit, looking for her clit, and she writhed a bit when he found it, groaning softly.

  They were gasping for air and kissing all at the same time, and Gabriel sat up to pull his cock free of the pants, then moved over top on her yet again. They rubbed together with nothing separating them but her thin underwear, which wasn’t much of a deterrent. Somehow, things got a lot hotter then as they both began moaning more than ever.

  “Betsy!” he whispered hotly against her mouth. Somehow her underwear had worked itself off to the side, so that his cock was sliding against the slick, wet slit she’d been trying to keep covered. Betsy completely lost control at that point, moving against him with a wild need she’d never have guessed she could possess.

  Before she knew what he was doing, Gabriel moved ever so slightly, and slid about half way inside her. She yelped and surged upward, and the movement finished what he’d started. Even though it ached somewhat, Betsy couldn’t seem to stop moving with him, and their pace became more frenzied. Thrust after thrust they shared, their moaning becoming louder. Betsy climaxed at least three times before Gabriel joined her in bliss.

  Eventually, they were both so exhausted that they moved apart and curled against each other, drifting off into a deep sleep.

  The next morning Betsy woke alone, and found a note on the pillow beside her. “Ma Bella Betsy, last night was exquisite, but I was forced to return to my duties before you awakened. I pray you will want to see me again soon. There is a car waiting to return you to your hotel when you are ready. I’ve taken the liberty of obtaining your address from the roster there. I wonder, if I sent a car for you now, if you would come to me again?”

  Smiling, Betsy pulled on her clothes. She could just see her mother’s face if he did that. It might be worth it just to rile the woman up, she thought as she located her shoes and her purse. She took her cell phone out and texted Maria, who immediately called her back.

  “Where are you?” she wanted to know. “You never came back last night. Is everything okay?”

  “Everything is wonderful, Maria.” she said on a sigh. “But I suppose it’s time we headed home.”

  “What about your new boyfriend?”

  “l’ll tell you all about that when I get back to the hotel.” she promised. “I know this is going to sound crazy, but I think I’d like to see him again.”


  “Maria tells me you met someone while you were at the casino.” Betsy’s mother said in her heavy Italian accent. “Elizabetsa, why haven’t you mentioned him? I would be pleased to meet a man in your life.”

  “Damn her, she wasn’t supposed to mention him.” Betsy grumbled.

  “Why not?” asked her mother, becoming suspicious now. “Is he married or something?”

  “No, of course not,” she said. “He—he is a bit older than me, I suppose. And I’m not sure you would like the line of work he’s in.”

  “Older, you say?” she repeated shrewdly. “Just how much older is he?”

  “I didn’t really ask him, but probably at least ten years.”

  “So you did not ask him his age, and you feel his job is not one that I would like, and yet still you gave him the time of day?” she complained, ready to go into one of her legendary tirades. “I hope you did not let him dishonor you as well?”

  Betsy’s face must have betrayed her because her mother’s became angrier than ever. Hands on her hips, the woman reared her head up and puffed out her cheeks as she glared her daughter down. Before she could say another word, however, there was a knock on the door, and Betsy’s phone rang at the same time.

  “Will you come see me, Betsy?” Gabriel asked in a teasing voice. “I sent one of my cars for you. Rico could be there any time now.”

  “I suspect he may be here already.” she said as she glanced at the set of her mother’s shoulders. “If you don’t want to hear the explosion you may want to hang up now because my mother is not the most understanding of souls.”

  “Neither is Rico.” he chuckled. “Let them lock horns and tell me how you managed without me for the last five days.”

  Betsy chuckled. “Oh, my life has been a living hell without you. I hardly made it through the days we’ve been apart.”

  “Ah, so you feel it as strongly as I?” he teased. “Come be with me, then.”

  “My mother is going to reach through the phone and tear out your heart if she figures out who you are.” she mentioned. “She doesn’t even want me to talk to the mailman.”

  “Do you want to see me again, Betsy?” he asked seriously. “Because if you do, just tell her you’ll be gone a couple days, and go get into the car. She may be your mother, but you’re old enough to make up your own mind.”

  Betsy sighed. “You don’t know my mother.”

  “Elizabetsa Jolene, not only do you fail to tell me you have met a man, but then you do not even tell me he’s sent for you?” her mother complained. “Who is this man, that he has the money to send such a car for you?”

  “What car did you send?” asked Betsy as she glanced out the window. “Oh no, Gabriel, nothing like advertising, right? She’s mad enough about me coming home with the car I just bought.”

never told me about his job, child.” she said. “Is that him on the phone? Give me that!”

  Betsy cringed as her mother took her cell out of her hand.

  “Hello?” she shouted. “Listen, Mister, whoever you are, my daughter may not care to ask you what you do or how old you are, but I’m not worried about upsetting the apple cart just because she is. What legal business could you be doing, owning a car like that?”

  “You may talk to your daughter like that, but I guarantee I won’t be browbeaten by you.” said Gabriel firmly. “You don’t really want or need to know what my business is. You’re better off without knowing. All you need to know is that I will treat Betsy with respect, always, and she will be loved and cared for. These are the most important things. Now, hand your daughter back her phone.”

  “How rude!” she gasped. “If my son spoke to me in such a way, I’d take a razor strap to him in a heartbeat. Did your mother not teach you any respect?”

  “I do not wish to disrespect you, Mama.” he said then. “But neither will I allow you to abuse me. Please give your daughter back her phone.”

  “All right, I will.” she grumbled, and held the cell out for Betsy to take.

  “What did you say?” she asked.

  “Nothing of importance, ma bella,” he answered. “Will you come to me?”

  “I will.” she agreed, and nodded toward Rico with a smile.

  “Very good, miss.” he said with a slight bow of his head. “Is there anything you’d like to bring along?”

  “Probably my tooth brush,” she answered, and Gabriel chuckled. “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing,” he said. “I was just imagining you putting it next to mine. I like the thought.”

  “I’ll be there soon.” she told him.

  “Good,” he said. “You don’t know how happy I am that you will. I really have missed you.”

  Betsy’s mother was still standing nearby, and the scowl on her face deepened as her daughter stepped over to kiss her cheek. “I’ll see you soon, Mama.” she told her, and then she walked out the door.

  “Oh, my phone is cutting out,” she complained once she was inside the car. “I guess I’ll have to let you go now, Gabriel.”

  “Don’t ever do that,” he told her, but then the line went dead.

  “Are you sure your mother will even let you back in?” the driver asked with a smirk.

  “Of course she will,” scoffed Betsy. “She’s probably going to try to save my immortal soul. I feel sorry for Maria while I’m gone. She’s going to be pumping her for information before we even reach the freeway.”

  “This does not surprise me.” Rico told her.

  They continued to talk off and on over the next couple of hours. Rico told Betsy that they were actually headed south of Las Vegas to a large vineyard just west of the California border. “This vineyard has been in Gabriel’s family for many years, and now everyone on his crew thinks of it as their home, too.”

  “That’s wonderful,” Betsy said. “I never would have thought that a mobster would be so kind.”

  “Do not mistake me, Don Gabriel does have a cruel side. But he is cruel with a purpose.” Rico explained. “It is only a means to an end for him.”

  “Yes, I understand,’ Betsy said with a smile. Then they lapsed into silence for a time, each of them lost in their own thoughts as they watched the scenery go by.

  Betsy had dozed off for a time, but she woke as the car passed through the fields of grapes and fruit trees that lined either side of the road. The sun was shining as they reached the large, white houses that housed the farm workers she could see out working in the fields. She felt anticipation begin to well up inside her as she thought of the man who awaited her in the huge house just over the rise. Would Gabriel be feeling the same way about her right then? She hoped so.

  As she stepped out of the car, her cell phone started to go crazy as the texts it didn’t receive began to flow in all at once. Sure enough, Maria had ratted her out and told her mother that Gabriel was a mob boss. The endless tirade of texts that followed could probably have formed the pages of a novel, but Betsy did not bother to read them. She had a better idea of how to spend the next few hours.

  Gabriel met her at the door to the house, skirting around the butler with a huge smile on his handsome face. “There’s a sight for sore eyes.” he said as he took her into his arms.


  “I wondered if you would want to see me again.” Betsy told Gabriel with a smile as the two of them curled up together on the big, cream-colored sofa in his living room.

  “You knew I would.” he chided her. “Especially after such a stressful week. I don’t know what it is about the coming full moon that gets the men so riled up, but they just seem to go wild on those days.”

  “Maybe they’re a pack of wolves.” Betsy chuckled, and she felt Gabriel cringe. “What did I say?”

  “Nothing,” he answered as he pulled her closer than ever. “I was just thinking how much I missed you.”

  Betsy raised an eyebrow at him, making him laugh. “What’s so funny?”

  “I’m a mob boss, woman.” he teased her. “And you think you will intimidate me with an eyebrow?”

  Grinning she replied, “What was I thinking? This is a much better threat than that.”

  “Betsy!” he gasped as she cupped his balls and raised her eyebrow even further. “Don’t start what you don’t intend to finish, ma bella.”

  “Very well, Don Gabriel,” she grinned. Her fingers worked at the button of his fly, and after it was open they unzipped it and snuck inside. Still grinning, she lifted up her face to his, waiting for him to kiss her, keeping her lips just a hair’s breadth from his own. She was certain he would be unable to resist, and though he tried, in the end, she was right.

  “Perhaps we are in the wrong room.” Gabriel said then. With one deft movement he got to his feet and lifted Betsy into his arms, heading for the stairs and taking them three at a time in his haste to take her to a more useful room.

  Betsy giggled as they entered. “This is not a bedroom!” she told him as she spotted the rows of bookshelves.

  “Bedroom, library, what’s the difference?” he chuckled as he set her on his desk, knocking everything on it out of the way as he spread open her legs and stood between them. He rubbed against her suggestively at this point, making Betsy grab him by the ponytail to bring his face down to hers.

  “Ah!” he gasped, then leaned into her as he took the kiss she offered. His tongue swept willingly into her mouth, tangling with hers until they both became breathless with need. “Woman, you’re making me so hot I can’t stand all these clothes!”

  “Then get rid of them,” Betsy suggested with a lascivious grin, and she watched appreciatively as he did so. Then he slowly unbuttoned her blouse, kissing each inch of flesh as it was revealed. Betsy moaned when he kissed her bellybutton, inciting him to speed up on the last two buttons before he slid the garment off her shoulders and arms.

  He didn’t bother to unfasten her bra, just tugged it over her head instead, making her smile as she pulled him in to kiss him deeper than ever. “Impatient, aren’t you?” she teased.

  “Yes,” he admitted easily, as he slid his hands up her thighs and beneath her skirt, sliding her underwear aside instead of pulling them off as well. Betsy growled softly and bit at his lips as he pulled out his cock and moved it eagerly against her bared flesh.

  “Then put him in there, mob man.” she challenged hotly. Gabriel did not hesitate to do just that.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes, just like that!” Betsy encouraged him.

  “Did you miss me?” he asked then, hesitating as he waited for her reply.

  “God, yes!” she responded, yanking him forward and swatting his ass. “Don’t stop!”

  “I won’t.” he told her wickedly. “I’m going to fuck you into next week.”

  Betsy laughed joyfully at this idea, and she laid the rest of the way back onto the desk, lifting her
butt slightly so that he went into her deeper than ever. This, of course, made her cry out again and again as Gabriel continued to thrust. By the time they were finished, the whole household must have been well aware where they were and what they were doing.

  Betsy laughed as she sat up again and found her sweat had made her stick to the mahogany top. Gabriel laughed with her when he heard the sound of her skin peeling off of it.

  “Come on, let’s go find the bedroom,” he offered. “You’re far less likely to stick to anything in there.”

  “Well, not the furniture anyway.” she chuckled.

  They righted their clothes somewhat, and this time Gabriel led Betsy along beside him as the two held hands. Once they’d crossed the long hallway and entered another door. His big bedroom met her eyes, making her do a double-take.

  He laughed. “This used to be three bedrooms,” he admitted. “I had to do a little renovating.”

  “This room is the size of my mother’s house.” Betsy told him with an incredulous shake of her head. Then her mouth dropped open when Gabriel flipped a switch on the wall and the floor began to move near an open area by a huge window. Underneath was a hot tub that was at least the size of medium pool. “Are you serious?”

  “Just a little dip? We don’t even need suits for this pool.”

  Betsy laughed at him. “You’ve got to be kidding.”

  “It’s nice and warm,” he added temptingly. “And I can turn up the bubbles.”

  She giggled and slapped at his hands as he moved to unbutton her blouse again.

  “I think we left your bra in the library, by the way.” he snickered. “That ought to make the maid blush.”

  “You’re terrible, you know that?” she admonished him.

  “I have a good idea that this is so.” he admitted with a smirk. He’d started undressing as he spoke, and now he stood there in all his naked glory, grinning at her. By the look of his exposed anatomy, Betsy was fairly certain it wasn’t swimming in the water he was thinking of.

  She reached down and ran her fingers along the smooth head of his cock, tracing her fingers over and around it until they closed together around him. Then she moved closer, stroking him several times. Gabriel’s lips crushed hers before his tongue took total possession of her willing mouth. He had Betsy’s clothes off of her within a few seconds, and then the pair of them stepped across the room and got into the water.


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