A Shifting Alliance (Galaxy Ascendant Book 3)

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A Shifting Alliance (Galaxy Ascendant Book 3) Page 37

by Yakov Merkin

  Felikhan: Lit. Warrior of the Omnipresent. Felinari word for warrior (as opposed to soldier.) Historically, generally used in more religious contexts.

  Felikhar ad-melkhan: Lit: Felinar fights on. Felinaris battle cry.

  Felikharis: Lit. People of the Omnipresent. Felinari word for Felinaris.

  Felinar System/Felinar: The home system and homeworld of the Felinaris. Felinar is the only world in the system inhabited enough to be considered an Alliance world, but there are numerous small colonies on several other worlds and moons. The Felinaris maintain one of the largest and advanced fleets in Alliance space, having refused to place their safety in Alliance hands, due to their regular conflicts with the similarly armed Darvians.

  Felinar (warship): The flagship of the Royal Felinaris Navy, first Felinar-class battleship. Personal ship of Grand Admiral Nayasar Khariah.

  Felinaris: A bipedal, feline-like species. The Felinaris are furred, with colors ranging from black to brown to gold, and most are on the smaller side in stature. The Felinaris, despite having very much entered the galactic arena, remain a more insular society than most, preferring their own kind and customs, and very few live outside of their home system. As a result, they have received admiration from some critical of the blurring of peoples and cultures that the Alliance has fostered, while others see them as outsiders, loyal only to their own kind.

  Felinite: A rare metal, only found on Felinar, its moons, and the other worlds in the system, felinite is the strongest and most resilient metal currently known to science, with a thin armor capable of providing the same amount of protection as far bulkier armor made of other materials. Ship-class armor made of pure felinite is nearly indestructible, though due to the limited amounts of the metal available, alloys are more commonly used. The Felinaris had exported only extremely limited amounts of felinite, and this has led to disputes with other systems and the Alliance itself

  Felishua: Lit: Thunder of the Omnipresent. Name of the Royal Felinaris Navy’s shock trooper battalion.

  Felivas: Lit. Chosen of the Omnipresent.

  Feli ammil: Felinari for “Omnipresent be with us.”

  Feli ezziril: Felinari for “Omnipresent help us.”

  Final Awakening: A mysterious superweapon being developed in secret by the Empire, that is allegedly meant to be as effective at defeating entire fleets while also having the ability to render a planet instantly unfit for life.

  Firebloom Station: A large, heavily armed battlestation operated by the Imperial Revittan Navy, it is located at a strategic point, at a location where several major hyperspace routes intersect, and is equipped with interdiction technology. In peacetime, it serves primarily a policing role, monitoring and protecting shipping from nefarious elements in addition to occasionally stopping and searching suspected smuggling vessels. During wartime, it serves to protect these key routes and the important systems they lead to. It is capable of fending off a small fleet on its own, and equipped with powerful transmitters so as to send warning to the rest of the Empire should the need arise.

  First Contact War: The name the Felinaris use to refer to their war with the then Darvian Empire, their first contact with a species beyond their home system. The Felinaris were initially outmatched by their more advances foes, and much of Felinaris space was captured or ravaged by the Darvians, including part of Felinar. However, by this time the Felinaris had developed and constructed new ships and weapons, and managed to hold back the Darvians as they also made contact with the Snevans, who, seeking to limit regional Darvian influence, threw their support behind the Felinaris, eventually forcing the Darvians to sue for peace.

  Flame, the: The Daeris name for their ability to produce a chemical-based fire from their bodies; in Daeris mythology, the Flame is in a sense considered a spiritual force that calls on the Daeris to use it, and often used in swears and other expletives.

  Fortraun System/Portestan/Tythian: The Fortraun system is unique among the Alliance in that it has no inhabited planets, all of its worlds either being too harsh for even an artificial colony or stormy gas giants. However, Tythian, a moon of the gas giant Portestan, houses the Scionate, the headquarters of the Scions. The nature of the system does lend itself to other small, non-official presences, but if there are any other pockets of inhabited space, they are not known at this time.

  Free Peoples’ Alliance: Popular rebellion against the Revittan Empire, made up primarily, but not entirely, of non-Revittans. For several years at this point, they have been conducting small scale raids and sabotage operations against Imperial positions, launched from any number of hidden bases

  Galactic Alliance: An interstellar alliance of 30 inhabited systems, with a total of 79 inhabited member worlds. Each system maintains its own independent government, but much is run through and regulated by the centralized Alliance government, the Assembly, located on Dorandor. There is a common currency, and general trade and travel laws are regulated by the Alliance central government. The Alliance’s motto is, “May our bonds of Alliance never falter!”

  Gizal: Felinari word for infiltration or sneaking, formerly used as the word for thief.

  Gretham System/Hallenon, Victuris: The Gretham system, another Alliance core system, is one of the largest in the Alliance, with six heavily inhabited planets, and it part of the Talvostan Union. There are, however, significant Darvian, Tehlman, Eletran, and Irhani populations on some of these worlds, including Hallenon and Victuris, and numerous joint military installations with those powers as well as with the Legion Navy.

  Gurshen: Unique among the known species of the galaxy, the Gurshen are a completely synthetic species, and have a form of collective consciousness. However, individual Gurshen, when not directly linked in to the Collective, have a sense of individuality, and can make their own decisions based on personal desire—though the form of that is markedly different from how organics might view personal desires. Originally created as a near-sentient workforce, the Gurshen, after gaining self-awareness, rose up, and succeeded in stalemating the Empire, leading to the signing of the Pact, and becoming a part of the Empire with allegedly equal standing to other organics. Due in large part to the Pact, the Gurshen are considered by most in the Empire as completely harmless, and by Revittans, as only slightly above non-sentient robots. They are generally considered to not have many individual drives, and no sense of curiosity. Additionally, each Gurshen regularly broadcasts a powerful but simple signal, known as their life signal, that informs the Collective that they are still functional. This was introduced to prevent opportunists from attempting to destroy Gurshen for their advanced cybernetics. As one might expect, the species is extremely adept in the area of technology, and can interface with any computer system either wirelessly or through a cable that can be extended from their wrist and shaped to fit the connection points. Gurshen are also quite capable of self-modification, either via altering their physical components or through downloading specialized programs that they believe will be beneficial, such as face-reading. Such programs are subject to Imperial approval, of course, so as to ensure no weaponizable programs are secretly distributed. Gurshen also possess a small remote unit that rests and charges on the shoulder, and can be detached and dispatched on a number of tasks, all while, in essence, serving as an extension of the host Gurshen.

  Gurshen Collective: A massive complex, built around the entirety of what was once a barren planet, the Collective is where the Gurshen congregate to confer, and where new Gurshen and associated technology are developed, in private, away from the eyes of organics. The massive Collective complex is capable of holding all Gurshen in existence, but at any given time, it is rare for more than sixty percent of Gurshen are directly linked in.

  Harbinger: Felinaris infiltration and insertion ship, first in the Night’s Grasp-class.

  Hermav: Felinari word meaning kill, also the name of a now disbanded black ops assassination unit.

  Hudecar: Flagship of the Tyrannodon Armada, personal ship of Exe
cutor Darkclaw. The Hudecar was created by the High Lord himself, using his power.

  Icali: One of the three Nihluran deities, and most often associated with fertility and family.

  Icefall: The Daeris version of hell, envisioned as a frozen, icy place where the unworthy are believed to be held for punishment after death. Used in speech as an expletive, e.x. “to the Icefall with it!”

  Ienmier: Lit: Clawless. Felinaris insult.

  Ilvaness: The capital of the Revittan Empire, Ilvaness also holds the distinction of being the Revittan homeworld. Today, the planet is home to not only Revittans, but members of most Imperial species. Despite having been very heavily developed and industrialized over time, much care has been taken to preserve the planet’s flora, for both aesthetic reasons and out of an acknowledgement of the connection early Revittans had to the natural world. Beyond the floral aspect, great effort has been taken to maintain the world’s famous beauty, from its richest to poorest areas—though this focus often does lead to drawing funds away from other causes that are arguably more important.

  Imicry: The energy manipulation abilities wielded by the Scions of Justice. The Scions gain access to this ability by way of a specialized implant they are given upon acceptance to the order, and they are able to replenish their imicric energy by drinking water, though even the Scions themselves do not know exactly why this is the case. Imicry allows the Scions to create energy constructs that can act like physical objects, including weapons, grasping implements, and means of propelling themselves in a given direction. They use up their energy reserves far slower if they retract the constructs into themselves when their use is finished as opposed to letting it disconnect from them. E.X. firing blasts of imicric energy will deplete a Scion’s reserves faster than lashing out with whip-like constructs. Additionally, using a great deal of imicry over an extended period hastens dehydration.

  Imperial Command Megacomplex: A massive, opulent, and elaborate government complex in the center of Sindellar, the capital city on the Imperial capital of Ilvaness, the Megacomplex is the Imperial seat of power, housing offices and various other facilities of every section of the government and each branch of the military. At the center of the complex, along with higher level meeting rooms, sits the personal residence of the Emperor himself. While the extreme level of security around the complex is well known, there is also speculation that there are extensive subterranean facilities at the location as well, including a hangar with ships for key officials to escape on if the need arose.

  Imperial Military Intelligence Service (IMIS): The Imperial Revittan Military’s intelligence arm. The bureau’s primary assignment is to gather information on potential external threats to the Empire during peacetime, and during wartime, to gather all possible information on the enemy, from sending in agents to gather internal information to monitoring fleet movements.

  Imperial Revittan Security Service (IRSS): The branch of the Imperial Revittan military tasked with overseeing internal security within the Empire. While technically part of the military, the IRSS operates as a separate, parallel entity the vast majority of the time, and, due to the nature of its operations, is arguably the most powerful branch of Imperial authority apart from the Emperor himself.

  InfoNet: The public information network in Imperial Revittans space, roughly equivalent to the Galactic Alliance’s commNet. However, in contrast to the commNet, the InfoNet is very tightly controlled, with Imperial institutions, such as the IRSS, closely monitoring and overseeing information sharing.

  Irhani: The Irhani are a bipedal, hairless species with generally gray, leathery skin. On the lower half of their faces they have numerous sensory tendrils that enable them to have an awareness of their surrounding beyond the basic senses. Males tend to have more of these tendrils than females, and twitching tendrils can indicate nervousness. Irhani fingers are made of a unique substance similar to cartilage, allowing a very high level of flexibility while not serving as a detriment when performing everyday tasks.

  Irhani System/Irhan: While the Irhani system is not considered one of the core systems of the Galactic Alliance, it is significant in that it, with its significant though not particularly large defense fleet, has long been considered a bulwark against potential invaders seeking to push into the Alliance. Its only world inhabited enough to be considered an official Alliance member, Irhan, is among the most heavily industrialized in the Alliance.

  Irovis III: A cold, harsh world on the outskirts of the Revittan Empire. It contains formal settlement, but, it is home to one of the largest mining facilities in the Empire, and, more recently, the world and its numerous moons have become a major manufacturing location, with many common ship parts used in both civilian and military craft constructed there. As such, there is a settlement, of sorts, which houses the facilities’ workers and their families, along with a number of entrepreneurs who service those living on the planet.

  Izval: Felinari expletive, roughly equivalent to the English "shit." E.X. "Izval!"

  Jorrakine: The “capital” of the Dullok criminal enterprises, the arid, dry Jorrakine is more accurately described as the cartels’ seat of power, where the most powerful crime lords have their bases of operations. Considered by many to be the sleaziest, and most dangerous place in the galaxy.

  Kademah, Felikhai: Lit: forward, soldiers. Felinaris battle cry, combat command.

  Kaf: A common caffeinated drink made from plants native to the Praesidium system, introduced to the Galactic Alliance at large by the Talvostans.

  Kanor: The Kanor are a small, furred species that generally takes a background role in Alliance activities, but while they are not generally seen as important from a political perspective, they are extremely technological-minded, and have contributed greatly to recent technological advances, and are even believed to be on the verge of creating the first true artificial intelligences in the Alliance.

  Kanor System: The Kanor system is a small one, with only one inhabited world, but is an innovation center, and as such has become quite well-off since joining the Alliance after a long period of remaining independent but having friendly relations.

  Kareben: The Kareben are fairly Tehlmanlike in appearance, only notably shorter in stature, and in place of an eye crest they have a pair of knoblike protrusions on their foreheads. The Kareben are also unique in that they have a significantly longer than average natural lifespan, and have limited empathic capabilities, which have long been put to use in official capacities to detect lies.

  Kavalans: The Kavalans are somewhat unique of the species in the Revittan Empire in that very few have seen a Kavalan face in a physical setting. This is due both to the species’ tendency toward remaining among their own kind, and a general preference for privacy, along with the fact that they must wear an environmental suit in all public settings not designed specifically for Kavalans, due to their intolerance to oxygen. Kavalans cannot breathe oxygenated air without extensive filtration to remove the molecule, and, thus, their private environments are without it, and thus intolerable for most other species. Additionally, oxygenated air will rapidly irritate and potentially burn the skin, and can irreparably damage their eyes. The only way by which a Kavalan could endure an oxygenated environment would be after having ingested a plant that was endemic to their homeworld, and allowed their bodies to tolerate it. However, due to a massive nuclear war on their world some centuries ago, it is and will remain for many more years completely uninhabitable, and only small uncontaminated supplies of the plant, which is extremely hard to cultivate off-world, exist, and, unsurprisingly, the tiny amount that is ever offered for sale is extremely expensive. It is in part due to this that the species tends to stay clustered on its small settlements, which are in face the very ships they used to evacuate their world, permanently landed on various worlds and moons, but maintained and kept ready to launch at any given moment. Only there, or in specially prepared and sealed rooms, can a member of the species survive outside their suits. Due to their p
rivacy, and suited nature, they are often looked upon with suspicion by other species, a reality that only reinforces their desire to remain withdrawn, though they are still seen on most major worlds within the Empire, often working in creative fields, and nearly all Kavalans living away from the settlements send a portion of their earnings back home to support their maintenance.

  Kethan Shipyard: A large, top secret Imperial shipyard, located near the edge of Imperial space. Home to a number of top-secret research and development projects, in addition to special ship construction. While it is one of the most heavily guarded locations in the Empire, rebels still managed to steal a top secret experimental vessel, though it was later recovered.

  Khadohs Kingdom of Felinar: The name of the government of the Felinar system. The Khadohs Kingdom of Felinar is nominally a monarchy and the king or queen holds significant power individually, though in practice the sitting monarch shares power with two elected parliamentary houses, and generally, at least in recent times, has had an amicable relationship with the civilian administrators. The current ruler is King Feliar Khariah. They had been ousted from the Galactic Alliance following a chiefly economic conflict, but after siding with the Tyrannodons during their invasion, have rejoined the Alliance—though the Kingdom, and the Felinaris themselves, are still not well-liked by many Alliance members.


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