The Dagda's Cauldron (The Faeling Sisters Book 1)

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The Dagda's Cauldron (The Faeling Sisters Book 1) Page 15

by M. C. Cairns

  "If I’m not here when they wake up," Mayrianne indicated the comatose faeries, "they’ll know you have the cauldron and will come after you. If I stay, I can throw them off and buy you time to get it back safely."

  Mack flew down from the tree limb, transforming on the way down. "She's right. It's safer to leave her behind." He turned to Mayrianne. "But there are already Unseelie warriors on their way to the falls. It won't be easy to get past them."

  "I have a lot of allies throughout the kingdom. I’ll talk to the tree nymphs here and they can get word out that you need help. You’ll have warriors of your own," Mayrianne promised.

  "Thank you." Mack bowed his head in gratitude, then addressed the girls. "We need to get going. They could wake up anytime. Maybe, if we get there fast enough, we’ll beat the warriors there. If we get the cauldron in place before they reach the falls then the protective barriers will keep them from coming in."

  "I thought they were already here?" Brianne said.

  Mayrianne stepped forward and placed her hands on Brianne's shoulders. "You're right, Bree. They are. But when the protective field is restored, they will be drawn from our kingdom and sent back to their own."

  "Wait!" Alayna was so excited she flew a few feet off the ground. "If we get the cauldron back before they take you out of our kingdom, then they will be banished, but you will stay! Right?"

  Brianne whirled around and waited for her mother to answer.

  "Yes. But you’d have to get the cauldron in place before they took me out of the kingdom," Mayrianne answered.

  "That's all I need to hear." Brianne gave her a quick squeeze. "When they wake up, stall them as long as you can." Turning to Alayna, she asked, "How hard was holding the cauldron in the bubble?"

  Alayna made a face. "It wasn't easy. But it should be easier when it's in the water."

  "Okay. Mack, fly ahead and get some intel. We need to know if the stream is a clear path or if there are rocks in the way. And watch for those warriors." Brianne dismissed him with her hand and he flew away above the trees. "Where is the cauldron now?" she asked Alayna.

  "Right beside them." She pointed at the knocked-out faeries. "I almost lost control of it after I dropped it on them, so I set it down there."

  "All right. Let's get it moved to the stream. Mom, don't forget to talk to the nymphs. We need all the help we can get." Brianne walked toward the tree and bumped into the invisible treasure. Turning back to her mother, she asked, "Is there any way for us to remove the glamour spell so we can see it?"

  Mayrianne walked over to the cauldron, placed her hands on it, and murmured a few words. The gigantic pot shimmered into view.

  "How did you do that without your magic?" Alayna asked.

  "Glamours are less magical spells and more perception. Just like your wings, the cauldron simply needed to be called into view," Mayrianne explained.

  Alayna shook her head. "I'm going to have to learn that one. There are tons of times I have wanted to be invisible."

  "Mack's back," Brianne announced. "Time to go. Bye, mom."

  Alayna hugged her mother tight. "We will see you soon. I promise."

  "Girls, be careful. Remember, you are stronger together than you will ever be apart." Mayrianne blew them a kiss and took a few steps back.

  Alayna wrapped the cauldron in a protection bubble and lifted it a couple of feet off the ground. She flew above and in front of it, leading it to the water at a snail's pace. "I've got an idea," she called to Brianne who was flying circles above her. Reaching out with her other hand, she created a small strip of water that led from the cauldron to the stream. Lowering the cauldron to the newly created water track, she could transport it at a much quicker pace, reaching the stream in less than a minute. The rushing water grabbed hold of the bubble and pulled it away from her. Alayna adjusted her magical grip on the cauldron and sped up her flying to keep up with it.

  Mack warned them of some rocks that may get in the way up ahead before changing into his dragon form. He flew well above the girls to watch for any danger ahead. The airborne trio rounded the bend in the stream and flew out of sight of the meadow as the three faeries under the tree began to stir.


  The Troops


  HE JOURNEY FROM THE MEADOW to the falls was eerily uneventful. Mack continued to fly ahead and scout the area, often making sweeping circles to investigate beside and behind them as well. Not a single creature was in sight. Other than a few intruding rocks, they traveled undisturbed.

  When the falls came into view, Mack landed on the bank and motioned for the girls to join him. Once they were all together and Alayna set the cauldron on a bed of ferns, Mack led them to a small cave. "Something's not right." He wasn't looking at them because his eyes were flickering in every direction, watching for any movement.

  "It’s been unusually quiet," Brianne agreed.

  Mack continued to scan the area. "That's an understatement. We haven't heard anything other than the babbling of the stream and our own breathing since we left the meadow. We should’ve at least seen a few birds or coindras along the way."

  "Maybe mom talked to the tree nymphs and they warned all the creatures to get to safety." Alayna pulled water from the ground and slurped it down in a matter of seconds. She produced a second orb and handed it to her sister.

  Brianne took the water and drank some then passed it to Mack. "How would they have gotten the word out that fast?" Brianne asked.

  "It's possible," Mack said. "The nymphs speak to each other telepathically, like you two. They could have told the entire kingdom at once. But this doesn't feel right. I can't quite figure out what it is, but something’s not adding up."

  They sat and stared out at the forest. From the cave, they could see the bridge Mack and Brianne used to rescue Alayna, the top of the natural staircase, and the top of the falls. The only thing moving was the water. Even the air was thick and stagnant.

  "So, what do we do? We don't have a lot of time if we want to save mom. Plus, it’s going to be dark soon and that won’t help at all." Brianne leaned out to check the area to the right of them.

  "Stay here. I'm going to go check it out." Mack transformed into his emerald bird form.

  "I think you should use something different, Mack," Alayna said before he could fly away. "They know that one. You need a better disguise."

  Mack shifted into a smaller, gray and brown bird that blended in with the scenery. He did a quick loop in front of them and disappeared over the falls.

  Alayna sat down and leaned against the rock wall. With her elbows on her knees, she dropped her head forward between her clasped hands. "Do you think we have a chance?"

  Brianne opened her mouth to speak then closed it, furrowed her brow, and opened it again. "A chance? Yes. There is always a chance things will work out for the best. Do I think we have a great chance? Not really."

  "Do you think we are going to die?" Alayna whispered.

  "No. Maybe. But, no. I can't afford to think that way. We can't afford to think that way. Allie, look at me." Brianne crawled over to where Alayna was sitting. She slid her finger under her sister's chin and tilted it up, looking Alayna straight in the eye. "We have each other now. How many times have mom and grandmother told us we are stronger together? We are soul sisters, remember? I came into this thinking I could protect you and our sisters all by myself, but I have learned that I can't do it all on my own. To truly protect you, I have to trust you, and work together to defeat our enemies." She batted her eyes and nuzzled her head on Alayna's shoulder. "Besides, you complete me."

  They both started laughing and Alayna wrapped her arms around Brianne's neck. "Oh, I've missed you and I didn't even know it."

  A rustling sound echoed through the cave, causing the girls to pull apart and turn toward the opening. A few heart-stopping moments later, Mack appeared at the mouth of the cave and both girls let out their held breath.

  "What'd you find out?" Brianne stood up and dusted
off her pants.

  "It's not good." Mack paced and continued to scan the woods around them.

  "How bad?" Alayna stood up next to Brianne.

  "I didn't actually see anyone, but I talked to the nymphs. Your mother told them we were coming and asked for their help. The good news is they are on our side a hundred percent." Mack paused and took an exasperated breath.

  "Okay. So, what's the bad news?" Brianne crossed her arms over her chest and stood up straighter, bracing herself.

  "The Unseelie warriors are already in the woods. They are hiding and waiting to ambush us when we come into the clearing. The nymphs can help with that, but they won't take on Carman, and she is with the warriors, along with the Dullahan and Puca." Mack's shoulders sagged. "We can't take them all by ourselves."

  "Remember that tiny chance you thought we had?" Alayna fluttered her fingers like a butterfly flying away.

  Brianne stared at each of them in turn. "Are you two seriously giving up? Oh, no. No, no, no." She walked away wagging her finger at them. "I didn't sign up to work with pansies who quit at the first sign of danger. We have been through too much to get here to walk away now. Besides," she turned to Alayna, "we have to save our mom. You don't give up on family. So somebody better come up with something. It doesn't even have to be good as long as you are trying to figure this out." She stood in the opening to the cave with a look that dared them to argue with her.

  Mack and Alayna agreed and began pacing the length of the small cave, crossing paths with each pass, while Brianne stood watch. On the fourth pass, the two inside were torn from their thoughts by the sound of Brianne's voice.


  "What?" asked Mack.

  Brianne's voice got louder. "Trolls."

  "What about trolls?" Alayna asked.

  "Trolls! Right there! The trolls are here!" Brianne pointed down the path leading to the bridge, where at least ten trolls were heading toward the falls. "I bet they will help us with the witch. She wasn't exactly nice to them last time." She hurried to intercept them and led them back to the hiding spot. Not all the trolls could fit in the cave, so Ekon and Yetu entered the cave while the others stood watch.

  Mack made quick introductions between the trolls and Alayna.

  "Nice to meet you." Alayna shook both of their fingers. "And thank you for coming to help us."

  Both trolls bent at the waist. "It is our pleasure, your highness. Like we told your sister, we like living in this kingdom. It is a peaceful place for our families." Ekon gestured to the trolls outside the cave.

  Alayna's eyes widened and she looked out at the trolls keeping watch. "This is your family?"

  "Yes. Yetu is my brother and those are our wives and children." Ekon's face softened for a moment as he watched his family, but his jaw set back in place when he turned back to them. "After the witch bound us and left us for dead, our families swore to get revenge. They would not allow us to come to your aid without them."

  "We truly appreciate your help and we understand the sacrifices being made by you both and your families. The kingdom is in your debt." Brianne shot Alayna a quizzical glance and thought, Did I do that right?

  I think so. It sounded good anyway. Alayna shrugged her shoulders.

  "We need a plan," Mack said and knelt in the middle of the group. He used a twig to draw a rough map of the Maiden's Mist. "From what the nymphs told me, the warriors are spread out in a circle around the cauldron's resting grounds." He drew x's to indicate possible areas, then circled an area beside the water pool. "Carman, the Dullahan, and the puca are hiding in the cave Alayna was held hostage in. The nymphs are going to take care of the warriors. We will have to figure out how to take out the other three."

  Yetu looked up from the makeshift map. "We have to draw them out of the cave. Ekon and me can make a scene so they come out to fight."

  "Thank you, but I don't think that will be enough." Mack looked up at the trolls. "The Dullahan can only hurt Brianne and Alayna, so they cannot ever be in his direct line of sight. They’re the only ones with human blood, and if he can make eye contact and call their full names, then, well, just don't let it happen."

  Brianne crouched down next to Mack. "What if we find a way to seal them in the cave? Cut them all off at once?"

  "If we could do that, then we could get the cauldron to its home and they would be banished from our kingdom," Alayna agreed.

  "That could work. Do you know of any spells that --" Mack was interrupted by a shriek from outside the cave.

  The group scrambled out to investigate the sound. "Look!" One of the trolls in the woods pointed toward the falls. Smoke was billowing over the water and flames were climbing the trees along the natural staircase.

  Mack's dragon was flying toward the fire before anyone caught their breath. He dipped over the edge and back up again, circled twice, then returned. He hit the ground in faerie form, eyes wide. "Carman set fire to the woods. She must’ve realized the nymphs were going to help us and attacked them first. We have to help them! Come on!" He ran a few feet and jumped in the air becoming a dragon again before the rest of the group could catch their breath.


  The Battle


  RIANNE WAS IN THE AIR FIRST, her gold wings spread out behind her. "Ekon, Yetu, you and your families go help the nymphs. Get them away from the fire and to safe woods. Alayna and I will try to contain the fire so as little as possible is lost. Be careful. The warriors are still out there."

  Alayna and Brianne made it to the top of the staircase before the smoke was too thick to see through. "How are they going to get to the nymphs if they can't see them? And all that smoke will make it impossible to breathe." Alayna searched for alternate routes.

  Brianne hovered on the edge of the forest. “Go to the edge of the fire and wet it all down. But be quick. Mack needs your help.”

  Alayna flew into the acrid smoke, disappearing almost instantly. The trolls had finally caught up with them and were trying to descend the stairs, but between the smoke and the rising heat, they were unable to make it more than halfway down.

  Brianne flew past them into the smoke and flames. "Wait right there. I'll make a path." She held her palms out to the trolls, telling them to stop, then flew deeper into the fire. When she reached a point where the flames engulfed the trees and roared so loud in her ears that she couldn't think of anything else, she landed in the middle of it. She reached out with her palms facing the sky and breathed in deeply. The fiery tongues gathered around her and licked at any skin left uncovered. When the sea of flames receded deeper into the now-black woods, Brianne chased it, absorbing the suffocating heat and blistering flames. She could feel the wild power of the fire within her, almost more than she could handle. She extinguished the last rogue flames in the woods and fell to her knees. She looked up at the falls and saw Alayna and Mack dodging bolts of electricity flying from Carman's hands.

  The trolls made their way to the trees and gathered nymphs on their shoulders, backs, in their hands, and anywhere else they could cling. Yetu tucked a finger under her arm and helped her to her feet. "Are you okay?"

  Brianne continued to stare at the fight atop the falls. "Um, yeah. Something's not right." She pointed at Carman. "Does it look like she’s just keeping them busy to you?"

  Yetu turned his attention to the falls and nodded his head. "Yeah. She's not actually trying to hurt them."

  Brianne searched the cliffs, trying to figure out their plan. Below the largest section of the waterfall, she caught a glimmer. It winked at her and then disappeared. Squinting to get a better look, she started to walk toward the water. As she got closer she could see the outline of a horse. Then she saw what had shined at her earlier. The iron chain. The puca was mid-swing, throwing the chains over his head. Her wings extended and she flew directly at the puca with her hands engulfed in flames.

  Alayna! Move! Get out of there! The puca is right below you!

  Alayna flew straight up. “Mack!” The
dragon shot up beside her. She looked down and saw Brianne flying toward the falls, tossing fireballs as fast as she could. Circling away from the witch, she dove into the pool of water below Brianne. Keep him busy, Bree. Try to keep him under the water.

  Brianne zigzagged, avoiding the chains and corralling the horse with her flamethrower, shooting first to one side and then the other and repeating. When he was directly behind the waterfall, the water reached back and swirled around him, spinning faster and picking up more water, eventually surrounding him in a swirling sphere. His gravelly spirit voice seeped through the water. "You may have me contained for now, but the witch showed me what you did! You will pay for the destruction of such a beautiful land, Brianne Nicole!"

  "What are you talking about?" Brianne called out over the rushing water.

  "These woods. They are hallowed ground to your kingdom and yet you used your magical fire to destroy them. I saw you in the midst of the destruction. All nature is precious to my kind, whether it is in our kingdom or not, and we will exact revenge in the name of the earth mother!" The puca's eyes glowed and flashed at her.

  Alayna flew out of the water and watched the spirit try to escape the prison she created for him. "You seriously think we would destroy our own kingdom?"

  Brianne flew closer to the sphere and screamed, "I absorbed that entire wildfire! I took it into my soul so the nymphs wouldn't completely lose their home! Your ally, that horrid witch, is the one who started the fire!"

  "No. No. She showed you to me. You were...standing there with your hands out...and the flames...they were...oh, that witch! She lied to me and made me see what she wanted me to see!" The puca stomped at the watery ground beneath his hooves. "If you let me go, I will tell you her plan, for, without that knowledge, no chance do you stand."

  "Are you seriously spouting a riddle at us right now?" Brianne flew around him. "We don't have time for this." She could hear the trolls and warriors clashing in the woods. The thud of punches landing and the crack of bones breaking traveled through the air repeatedly. She darted out from under the falls and to the edge of the woods. She could see the trolls swiping at the warriors quicker than the dark faeries could fight back. Ekon had snapped a limb from one of the smoldering trees and was using it like a baseball bat. Turning back to the falls, she saw Mack flying up and down and around in circles, dodging a constant barrage of electrical snakes snapping at him. I’m going up top to help Mack. See if you can get anything out of the puca.


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