dress, 159, 209
flags, 162, 163
marksmanship, 154, 155, 213, 420
historians on, 408
mobilization drills, 154
pay and fines, 152
philanthropy for, 159
resupply, 251
salutes, 154
training days, 153
training fields, 154, 213
weapons given to poor, 159
PERFORMANCE IN COMBAT: erratic record in French wars, 154
contempt of Regulars for, 154
stands against Regulars in close order: North Bridge, 211
Ripley Ridge, 215, 216
Meriam’s Corner, 219
Brooks Hill, 222
stands against regulars in fixed positions: Bloody Curve, 224
Hartwell Farms, 227
Granite Field, 228
Parker’s Revenge, 229
The Bluff, 229
Fiske’s Hill, 229
Concord Hill, 231
break Regulars: North Bridge, 214
Fiske Hill, 230, 231
pursue Regulars in close formation to Lexington, 242
battle tactics: morning, 249, 250
afternoon, 247, 249, 250, 254
REGIMENTS: Barrett’s, 152, 246, 250
Bridge’s, 246
Fry’s, 250
Gardner’s, 393, 395
Green’s, 246
Johnson’s, 246
Middlesex, 152
Pierce’s, 246
Pickering’s, 157, 246, 260
Prescott’s, 246
Robinson’s, 246
Suffolk, 152
UNIT TYPES: alarm companies, 152
minutemen, 152, 165
cavalry units (Sudbury, Groton, Ipswich), 414
mounted infantry, 254, 413
Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 247
frontier guards, 152
snowshoe men, 152
Miller, James, 320
Milliken, Thomas, 305
Mills, Amos, 321
Mills, Elisha, 321
Milton, Mass., 331
Minden, battle, 236, 239
Minot, Capt. George, 205, 320
Minot, Mary, 287
Minuteman National Historical Park, 312, 404, 408, 423
Minuteman Rock, Lincoln, Mass., 410
Minutemen: Concord, 203, 319
Lexington, none in, 153, 395
Roxbury, 395
Mitchell, Maj. Edward, 89, 91, 133, 135, 184, 185, 194, 314, 324, 385, 399, 402
Molineux, William, 305, 376
Moncrieffe, Capt. Thomas, 233, 308
Money, Massachusetts “Old Tenor.” 82
Monmouth, battle of, 286
Monroe, Pres. James, 300
Monroe, Timothy, 320
Montagu, Adm. John, 41, 42, 377
Montague, Capt. George, 310
Montague, Capt. James, 310
Monti, Laura, 423
Montreal, 35
Montresor, Capt. John, 308
Montserrat, 36
Moody, Samuel, 305
Moon, and Revere’s ride, 104, 312
Moore, Thomas, 305
More, Helen, 337
Morgan, Edmund S., xx, 327
Morison, Samuel E., 342
Morse, Anthony, 305
Morton, Mrs. Perez, 14
Morton, Perez, 305
Moseley, David, 297
Moss, Mrs. William H., 423
Mountford, Joseph, 305
Mowat, Lt. Henry, 310
Mudryk, Andrew, 424
Mulliken, Jonathan, 377
Mulliken, Lydia, 129, 287
Mulliken, Nathaniel, 287
Munroe, Ebenezer, 195, 197, 319
Munroe, Ebenezer Jr., 320
Munroe, Edmund, 286
Munroe, George, 286
Munroe, Jedidiah, 229, 320
Munroe, John, 195, 197, 319
Munroe, Nathan, 402
Munroe, Rebecca Harrington, 167
Munroe, Robert, 158, 197, 319, 320
Munroe, Sgt. Wm., 90, 91, 109, 110, 142, 198, 241, 242, 286, 319, 330, 399, 402
Munroe Tavern, 90, 242, 255
Murder Act, 72
Murdock, Harold, 336, 418
Murray, Daniel, 127, 184
Music, 70, 71, 204, 211, 240
inspired by Paul Revere’s ride, 334, 335
Muster: SYSTEM: overview, 149–64
development, 150–52
preparations, 152–55
operation, 155–65
consultations, 203
role, 158
prayers, 158
numbers, 246
volunteers, 158
Muster: TOWNS: Acton, 155, 166
An-dover, 156
Bedford, 158
Billerica, 145, 156
Brookline, 157, 159
Carlisle, 145
Chelmsford, 156–58
Concord, 156, 203
Danvers, 163
Dedham, 147, 156, 158
East Sudbury, 154
Framingham, 147
Groton, 157
Hollis, 157
Lexington (1st), 149–51, 156, 158, 186, 187
Lexington (2nd), 181, 182
Lincoln, 161
Littleton, 158, 159
Lynn, 157, 161
Medfield, 157
Natick, 147
Newton, 159
Pepperell, 157
Prescott, 157
Roxbury, 152
Salem, 157
Sudbury, 147, 155
Waltham, 142, 393
Woburn, 158
Muzzey, Amos, 199
Muzzey, Isaac, 320
Muzzey family (Lexington), 320
Myrdal, Gunnar, 5
Mystic, see Medford
Myths, about Concord and Lexington: not a spontaneous rising, 151
not a leaderless fight by individual farmers, 202
no Lexington minutemen, 153, 329, 395
no clear evidence of who fired first at Lexington, 194
militia not armed with rifles, 159–61
militia marksmanship not incompetent, 420
militia do not hide behind stone walls next to road, 221–60
Minuteman Rock, 410
ballad of Chevy Chase, 412
Pamela Brown Fiske and Francis Brown, 419
Sam Adams as “mastermind of Revolution.” 338
Myths, about Paul Revere: innocent victim of British tyranny, 327
lone rider of Revolution, 333
military leader, 334; “simple artizan.” 338
capitalist, 339
democrat, 339
evil American, 340
does not row himself across Charles River, 332
does not receive lantern signals, 332
is not drunk on ride, 341
is not paid for midnight ride, 415
does not ride plough horse, 337
does not say “British are coming.” 109
does not reach Concord, 332
does not betray colleagues, 341
does not have an affair with Mother Goose, 343
myth of Ebenezer Dorr, 388
inflation of Dawes’s role, 337
myths of debunkers, 336
myths of iconclasts, 340, 341, 342
Namur, battle of, 239
Nansemond, Va., 325
Nantasket Road, 57
Narrative, xx, 374
Natick, Mass., 147
Needham, Mass., 147, 253, 321
Nelson, George A., 301
Nelson, Josiah, 91, 92, 392
Nelson, Tabitha, 228
Nelson, Thomas Sr., 392
Nelson farms, 130
Nesbitt, Lt. Col. William, 308
New Bern, N.C., 271, 325
New Brick Church, 8, 16
New Haven, Conn., 271, 325
New London, Conn., 57, 271, 324
New York City, 271, 325
Newbury, Mass., 172
Newburyport, Mass., 74, 324
Newburyport Essex Journal, 74
Newcastle, Del., 325
Newell, Eliphelet, 305
Newell’s Tavern, 90
Newman, Robert, 99–101, 103, 114, 288, 388
Newman, Sir Thomas, 99
Newman House, illus., 101
Newport, R.I., 57, 311
Newton, Mass., 147, 159, 321
Nicholls, 305
Nichols, James, 208, 209
Nichols, John, 320
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 332
Nixon, Capt. John, 222
Nixon, Capt. Thomas, 222
North, Lord Frederick, 41, 73, 74, 237, 244, 275
North Bridge, Concord: fight at, 202, 217, 343
Concord militia retreats across, 206
women and children, 404
British troops guard, 207
British units present, 404
American strength, 209
British strength, 212, 404
American orders to advance, 210
American “Indian file”
formation, 212
British “street firing”
formation, 212
first shot, 212, 329, 404, 405
fight at, 343
Regulars broken, 214
American atrocity, 406, 407
casualties, 212, 214, 218, 406
chronology, 405
map, 217
illus., 213, 330
North Caucus, 20, 302, 378
North Chelsea, Mass., takes name of Revere, Mass., 331
North End, see Boston North End mob, 377
North Reading, Mass., 140
North Square, Boston, 18, 103, 300, 375
North Writing School, 9
Northumberland, Dukes of, 235
Norwich, Conn., 271, 324
Norwich, Eng., 99
Novels, inspired by Lexington and Concord, 407
Noyces, Nat., 305
Nunn, Lt. Joseph, 275, 310, 416
O’Brien, Tim, 342
O’Neill, Thomas P. Jr., 339
Obear, Capt. Israel, 305
Ohio Valley, 271
Old Granary Burying Ground, 15
Old Manse, Concord, 213
Old North Church, 9, 11, 12, 13, 99, 114,
282, 327, 332, 334, 388
historians, 308
illus., 102
Old North Meetinghouse, 388
Old South Meetinghouse, 69
Oliver, Andrew, 41
Oliver, Andrew, Jr., 14
Oliver, Peter, 182
Oliver, Thomas, 47
Olsen, Ed, 423
Olson, Donald W., 312, 313
Oneida County, N.Y., 36
Onslow, N.C., 325
Orne, Azor, 90, 125, 248
Orne’s Point, 60
Osier, Sir William, 298
Otis, Harrison Gray, 234
Otis, James, 20, 38, 305, 342, 376
Otis, Karen, 424
Oudenarde, battle of, 239
Page, Nathaniel, 143
Paine, Thomas, 342
and news of Lexington, 279
Palfrey, William, 305
Palmer, Joseph, 248
Palmer, Joseph P., 305
Palms, Richard, 305
Panzer, Robert, 424
Parker, Abel, 157
Parker, Capt. John, 149–51, 158, 160, 180, 167, 182, 188, 191, 193, 197, 201, 203, 210, 228, 229, 285, 289, 319, 395
motives at Lexington Common, 400, 401
Parker, Jonas, 197, 320
Parker, Jonathan, 305, 321
Parker, Theodore, 150, 285, 289
Parker’s Revenge, fight at, 219, 229, 410
Parkman, Elias, 306
Parsons, Capt. Lawrence, 225, 229, 323, 404
Patridge, Sam, 306
Patriots’ Day, holiday in Mass. and Me., 294, 343
Pattishall family, 298
Paul Revere House, 343, 344, 423
Paul Revere Insurance Co., 339
Paul Revere Memorial Assn., 334, 343, 344, 423
Paull, E.T., 334, 335
Payson, Joseph, 306
Payson, Rev., 412
Peace initiatives, 265
Pearce, Isaac, 306
Pearce, Isaac Jr., 306
Peck, Samuel, 306
Peck, Thomas H., 306
Pedrick, Maj. John, 60
Pelham, Henry, 23, 24, 377
Penobscot expedition, 335, 344
Penryn, Eng., disorder in, 76
Pepperell, Mass., 157, 170, 171
Percy, Lord Hugh, 31, 57, 65, 96, 121, 126, 202, 232–34, 237, 258, 261, 262, 264, 283, 308
biog., 235
illus., 236
Percy’s Brigade, 234
ammunition shortage, 242, 243, 412
march of, 238
route to Lexington, 240
strength, 245, 412
Percy’s retreat, begins, 251
chronology, 315
formations, 413
tactics, 245
escapes pursuers at Kent Lane, 259, 414
ends at Charlestown, 260
casualties, 251
time, distance, speed, 246, 317, 414
historians, 315
map, 252
Perry, Mrs. Marsden, 339
Peters, John, 306
Petersen, Nancy, 424
Pettigrew, Lt. James, 323
Philadelphia, Pa., 271, 325
Phillips, Capt. John, 306
Phillips, Samuel, 306, 376
Phillips, William, 306
Phips, David, 45, 47
Phips farm, 314
Phrygian caps, 72
Pickering, Col. Timothy, 157, 260
Pierce, Abijah, 161
Pierce, Capt. Abraham, 394
Pierce, Benjamin, 321
Pierce, Solomon, 320
Pierce, William, 306
Pierpont, Robert, 306
Pigeon, John, 159
Pigot, Brig. Robert, 308
Pine Hill, see Parker’s Revenge
Piper’s Tavern, 124
Pitcairn, Maj. John, 67, 69, 121, 127, 154, 187, 188, 189, 190, 193, 194, 206, 207, 229, 230, 231, 234, 239, 242, 260, 282, 308, 322, 381, 402
illus., 191
Pitcairn, Lt. William, 324
Pitts, John, 306
Pitts, Lendall, 306
Pitts, Samuel, 306
Plummer, Louis, 423
Plympton, Thomas, 394
Poe, Edgar Allan, 289
Pollard’s Tavern, 145
Polly, William, 414
Pomfret, Conn., 324
Pope, Alexander, 32
Pope, Richard, 399
Porter, Asahel, 127, 197, 321
Porter, Jane, 424
Porter, Thomas, 306
Portsmouth, N.H., 52, 324
Portsmouth Alarm, 54, 78, 185, 381
map, 56
Potter, Edward, 306
Poverty, in Mass., 244
Powder Alarm, Mass., 44, 81, 289, map, 49
Powder horns, 162, 396
see also Militia,
arms and equipment Powell, William, 306
Prentiss Capt. Henry, 306
Presbyterian churches, 375
Prescott, Abel Jr., 287, 320
Prescott. Mass., 157
Prescott, Dr. Samuel, 129, 130, 131, 156, 203, 287, 332
Press, and American Revolution, 73
Press, and news of Lexington, 273
Press gangs, 76
Preston, Capt. Levi, 163, 397
Price, George, 424
Prince, Job, 306
Prince, Dr. John, 306
Prince, Salem, 282
Princeton, N.J., 325
Pritchard, Peggy, 424
Proctor, Edward, 306
Proctor, Jonathan, 141
Prospect Hill, 259
Prostitution, in Boston, 70, 94
Providence, R.I., 57, 324
Province House, Boston, 58, 79, 84
Public opinion: idea of, 275
early use
of phrase, 415
contest for, after Lexington and Concord, 269–80, 416
Pulling, Capt. John, 99, 100, 101, 103, 114, 287, 306, 376, 388
Pulling, Richard, 306
Punkatasset Hill, 206, 208, 408
Puritans, 4, 8, 28, 51, 175
see also Revere, Paul, English Puritan heritage of
Civil war, English Purkitt, Henry, 306
Putnam, Henry, 321
Putnam, Nathan, 320
Putnam, Perley, 320
Quakers, 60, 172, 375
Quarry Hill, 45
Quebec, 35, 67, 150, 161, 238
Quebec Act, 73
Quero (schooner), 275
Quincy, Dorothy, 108–10, 176–78, 182, 286, 398
illus., 178
Quincy, Josiah, 306, 376
Quincy, Mass., 331
Ramillies, battle, 239
Ramsdell, Abednego, 320
Rand, Elizabeth, 124
Randall, John, 306
Randolph, Peyton, 380
Rangers, 34, 150, 154
Rawdon, Lord, 284
Raymond, John, 320
Reading, Mass., 64, 140, 219, 224, 225, 256, 288
Reed family (Lexington), 320
Reed, Asahael, 321
Reed, George, 321
Relativism, 374
Religion, see Anglican Church
Baptist Churches
Calvinist Churches
Roman Catholic Church
Congregational Churches
Remick, Christian, 24
Bowl, 21, 22, 339
Revere, Paul EARLY LIFE: French Huguenot heritage, 4–9
English Puritan heritage, 4–5, 175
father changes name, 6
birth and baptism, 8
education, 9
gold- and silversmith, 3, 4, 15, 375
social rank, 5, 17, 376
religion, 15
marriages and family, 15
houses, 10, 18
horse and stable, 26
civic activities, 376
serves in French and Indian War, 19
Boston politics, 20, 376
mechanics associations, 51, 59
freemasonry, 19
bookplate, 17
children, 376
temperament, 5
appearance, 3, 4
speech, 4, 5
portraits, 2–4, 292
VALUES AND BELIEFS: overview, 5, 175
artisan and gentleman, 17, 376
moralism and hedonism, 5
optimistic fatalism, 5
violence and rule of law, 5
venturous conservatism, 5
New England folkways and folkrights, 28
covenant, 12
doctrine of two callings, 12
ordered freedom, xix, 28
equality of status and worth, 28
AND COMING OF REVOLUTION: Stamp Act, 20–21, 377
Townshend duties, 21–22
Boston Massacre, 23–24, 377
Seider affair, 25
Boston Tea Party, 25–26, 377
Intolerable Acts, 26
Suffolk Resolves, 26
Powder Alarm, 48
Portsmouth Alarm, 52
Salem Alarm, 58, 382
political engravings, 24, 72
illus., 162
Paul Revere's Ride Page 59