Renegade (Bad Blooded Rebel Series)

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Renegade (Bad Blooded Rebel Series) Page 7

by George, Mellie

  Once we were finished with our little shopping adventure, we finally caved to Danni’s playful whining and made our way to The Rock Steady to crash Ryder’s boys’ night. As soon as John stopped the SUV, Danni hopped out first. After she fluffed her hair and smoothed her shirt under her coat she turned to me and said, “Let’s do this!”

  Jessie and I just rolled our eyes and snickered at her as we were led to the door of the bar by John. We paid our cover and quickly ducked inside.

  The sound of hard rock music quickly filled my ears as my eyes scanned the bar for Ryder and Kris. The place was crowded with all different kinds of rock fans ranging from men that looked like bikers to Emo college kids to slutty groupies looking to be invited into one of the rocker’s beds. I shivered at the thought, knowing that it had once been Ryder that women lined up to sleep with. Hell, for all I knew they probably still did but one thing I knew for certain was that although they may want him, I was the girl he came home to.

  “Do you see them anywhere?” I asked, trying not to cough from the thick layer of smoke in the air. It smelled like a mixture of smoke from cigarettes and pyrotechnics of the band on stage.

  “No but if I know Kris he’s probably at the pool table in the back,” Jessie said and she tugged on mine and Danni’s arms. “Let’s go.”

  I followed closely behind her and Danni was right on my heels as we walked past a group of college guys who looked like they belonged to a fraternity. One of them looked at me and I made eye contact, not meaning to. He had a look on his face that said “I want to devour you” and I picked up my speed. I was always uncomfortable when men looked at me that way but ever since Scott tried to assault me that feeling intensified times fifty.

  I felt like all eyes were on me and I was about to bail on the evening and ask John to take me home but I heard Jessie say, “See? I told you,” and she pointed toward a large pool table in the back of the bar. My eyes roamed for a moment before they settled on Kris, who was leaning over the table and lining up his shot, Jake, who was sitting on a stool by the wall, and Ryder standing next to him. He was holding his pool cue upright in one hand and taking a drink of his beer in the other. Seeing him relaxed, laughing, and having a good time with his friends made me feel happy. It also made me a little sad…ever since he met me he had devoted almost every waking moment to me and suddenly I felt guilty that he’d been missing out on ‘boy time’ with his friends.

  Looking up from the game, Ryder’s eyes locked with mine and he winked. “Hey gorgeous!” he shouted over the music. “Get your sexy ass over here and be my good luck charm.”

  I smiled and walked over to the pool table As soon as I reached him he pulled me close, bent me backwards, and planted a deep kiss on my lips. Once we were upright again, I giggled and said, “Hi there rock star.”

  “Hey Evie,” he answered, kissing me quickly one more time. “Did you have fun with your girls today?”

  “I did,” I answered. I turned my head toward Jake and said, “Hi Jake. It’s nice to see you again.”

  “You too, Everleigh. How’s your tat healing?”

  “It’s okay. It stings a little but I’ve been applying my A&D ointment regularly, I promise.”

  He smiled and his lip ring caught the light. “Awesome.” His eyes roamed around and when they landed on Danni, his mouth split into a wide, seductive grin. “Who’s the cute blonde?”

  I felt myself tensing as I watched him undress Danni with his eyes. He was exactly the kind of trouble she was on the lookout for…the kind I needed to keep her away from. “That’s my best friend,” I answered in a warning tone.

  Ryder barked out a laugh. “Dude, are you really going to try to get into her pants a day after you were checking out my girlfriend’s tits while you were doing her tattoo?”

  Jake’s eyes widened and a look of mock innocence crept across his handsome face. “What? I know I don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell with Everleigh because she’s taken so why not go for her hot as hell single friend?”

  My eyes narrowed at him. “What makes you think she’s single?”

  “The way she’s looking around the room like she’s looking for trouble,” Jake answered.

  Before I could reply, Danni came walking over to us. “Hey, Ryder,” she said smiling at him. Her eyes landed on Jake and she smiled even wider. “Who’s your friend?”

  “Danni,” I protested.

  Jake stood up off his stool and towered over Danni’s tiny frame. He held out his hand and said, “Jake Riggins. What’s your name, beautiful?”

  Danni placed her hand in his and said, “Danni Sharpe. Nice to meet you.”

  “Nice to meet you too.”

  “So, are you the ‘Jake’ that did Ev’s tattoo last night?” she asked, slightly cocking her hip and twirling the end of her hair.

  “Guilty as charged,” he said, winking at her.

  “She showed it to me today. It’s beautiful, you are very talented. Maybe you can tattoo me sometime.”

  “Absolutely,” he said, taking a step closer to her. “Guys, play on without me.” I started to move toward them but Ryder held onto me as Jake continued talking to Danni. “Do you want to come with me and check out the band?”

  “Sure, I love Eternal Down,” she said. He placed his large hand on the small of her back, leading her toward the stage.

  When they were gone I turned to Ryder and poked him in the chest. “Ryder, why the hell did you do that? I thought we were on the same team here!”

  “We are, Evie, but Danni is a grown woman and can take care of herself. Besides, I don’t think she’s the kind of girl that will sleep with a guy the first night she meets him.”

  “You don’t understand. She was on a mission tonight to find a random guy so she could try to get past her feelings for Beau. I was trying to stop her and you pretty much just shoved her into Jake’s arms!”

  Ryder pulled me into his arms and kissed the top of my head. “I’m sorry. I want things to work out for Danni and Beau just as much as you do but there’s a real chance that this isn’t going to end well for them. Who knows? Maybe if Beau finds out that she was flirting with Jake it might awaken some jealous feelings in him and he’ll fight for her.”

  I shrugged my shoulders and said, “I hope so.”

  “Listen, the band sounds like they are winding down their set, so why don’t you sit down on this stool and watch me kick Kris’s ass in pool? Jagger and the guys will probably come chill once they are finished and I can finally show you off,” he said with a grin and I smiled.

  I took his beer from his hand and downed almost the whole bottle before I sat down. “All right, fine,” I said. He leaned in and kissed me passionately for a few moments before he returned to the game.

  I sat on the stool and Jessie leaned against the wall next to me for the next thirty minutes while the guys played pool. Before I knew it I heard loud laughing and a group of tattooed men came into the back of the bar followed closely by Jake, who had his arm draped around Danni. I frowned and wanted to say something to her, but before I could I felt Ryder’s arm snake around my waist and lift me up against him. I squealed as he twirled me around and pulled me into a hot steamy kiss.

  “What was that for?” I asked him.

  “Do I need a reason to kiss those beautiful lips of yours?” he asked.

  “Not at all. In fact, I demand you do it as often as you want to,” I answered, leaning into his lips again.

  Before we could really get into the kiss I heard someone say, “Jesus, Matthews, we all know you have a steady chic now but can you not make babies with her right near the pool table?”

  My cheeks flushed red and I heard Jake say, “Oh this is nothing, Jag. I thought they were going to make one last night in my tattoo chair.”

  I was getting more and more embarrassed by the minute but before I could pull away and hide in a corner Ryder laughed, “Whatever, you asshat. You’re just jealous because you can’t get a girl as hot as mine and yo
u’ve only had your hand to keep you warm on that tour bus.”

  The guy that Ryder was talking to smiled and laughed along with him. Ryder let go of me for just a moment so he could embrace him. “What’s up, Jagger? How have you been, man?”

  “I’ve been good. You know, still rockin’,” he said. Now that he was closer he looked a lot like Jake…this guy was obviously his cousin. He had the standard rocker boy Mohawk, gauges in both ears, two full sleeves of tattoos, and surprisingly no piercings in his face. I never really liked when a guy would had piercings in his face until I met Ryder. I couldn’t imagine kissing him without that little bite from his lip ring.

  As Ryder and his friend were talking they were flanked by the three other guys. The guy named Jagger looked at me and smiled. “So, are you going to introduce me to your girl?” Ryder pulled me into his tall hard frame, smiling with pride as he began to introduce me to his friends.

  Chapter 7


  As I pulled Everleigh into my side, I kissed the top of her head quickly before I said, “Jagger, this is Everleigh Stone, the love of my life. Evie, this is Jagger Riggins, the lead singer of Eternal Down.”

  Jagger held his hand out to Everleigh and shook it gently. “It’s nice to finally meet you Everleigh. To say it’s a surprise to see Ryder settling down with someone is a huge understatement.”

  “Um, I don’t know if that’s a compliment but thanks, I think,” Everleigh said, smiling at him.

  Jagger grinned and laughed. “It’s a compliment, sweetie, trust me.”

  I nudged him with my hand and pointed to the other guys in the group. “Evie, the rest of the crew here is Cash Raines, Logan Davidson, and Zayne Wesley.” They all nodded and took turns shaking Everleigh’s hand.

  “So, what do you all play in the band?” she asked them graciously.

  Cash said, “I’m the lead guitarist, Logan plays the drums, and Zayne is our bass player.” All of them had the typical rocker look. Cash had dark eyes and dirty blonde spiky hair. Logan kept his hair buzzed short on the sides and over long on the top, combing it sharply to one side. The contrast of the haircut made his pale green eyes stand out. Zayne kept his hair buzzed down just enough to cover his head and he had a pretty well groomed beard. It was just long enough to give him stubble so he had that “I don’t care what I look like and you still want to fuck me” look about him that drove their fans crazy.

  “Well, I’m sorry to say I missed most of the show but from what I heard back here you guys are pretty good,” Everleigh said politely. “I do have to apologize though, I’ve never really been much of a rock fan.”

  Jagger snickered at her and said, “So, what are you then? A Bieber fan or some shit like that?”

  Everleigh rolled her eyes. “Oh hell no,” she said, and the guys laughed. “I listen to mostly country and classic rock.”

  “Classic rock? Like what kind?” Cash asked, his interest clearly peaked. Cash was practically a classic rock historian.

  “Like Credence Clearwater Revival, Lynard Skynard, AC/DC, KISS, The Eagles, Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, the list is endless. You name it, I love it.”

  Cash cocked his eyebrow and said to me, “That’s impressive. Your girl’s got taste, Ryder.” Turning back to her, he said, “You don’t look like the type of girl who’d be into classic rock.”

  Everleigh smiled at him. “Well, I was lucky enough to be raised by a pretty bad ass rock fan and he had great taste in music,” she said, and I gave her a gentle squeeze.

  I held her tight against me and kissed her forehead as Zayne said, “Right, we heard about your old man on the news. That sucks, I’m sorry,” he said, for once actually sounding sincere. Considering that Zayne was about ninety percent asshole most of the time, the fact that he was already being nice to Everleigh spoke volumes about her. She was just such an endearingly sweet girl that it was impossible not to fall for her innocence and charm right away.

  “Thank you. It’s been really hard but I’m lucky that I’ve had Ryder to help me through it all,” she said, snuggling into me.

  Jagger chuckled and clapped me on the back. “I never thought I’d see the day when a slut like you would ever settle down,” he said, grinning and I elbowed him in the ribs.

  “Dude, my girl’s right here,” I said.

  “I’m just busting your balls, man. I’m happy for you. Seriously,” he said sincerely.

  “Thanks, man,” I answered. At that moment I heard commotion coming from the entrance to the pool room again. I looked over and saw Jude and Beau walking in and giving man hugs and handshakes to Jagger, Cash, Logan and Zayne.

  After he said hello to the guys, Beau’s eyes did a quick scan of the room and when they landed on Danni tucked underneath Jake’s arm, they narrowed and he looked angry. I felt Everleigh tense beside me as Beau glared at the two of them. I could feel Everleigh’s nervousness and anxiety over the situation radiating off her. I decided that right then I needed to distract her.

  As Logan and Cash were talking about starting up another pool game with Kris and Jude, I leaned in and nibbled on Everleigh’s ear before gently grazing it with my tongue. I felt her shiver and I heard Jagger laugh. “Dude, get a room,” he teased.

  I looked up at him and winked. “I was thinking the same thing, bro,” I said, and I took Everleigh’s hand and led her off toward the bathrooms before she could protest. Once we were in the men’s room I locked the door behind us and turned to face her. She had a surprised expression on her face and a blush in her cheeks. I pulled her body into mine and kissed her nose. “Hi,” I said.

  “Hi yourself,” she replied.

  “You look so sexy tonight, gorgeous,” I said, my eyes doing a quick scan of her body. She was wearing skin tight jeans, a pair of calf high suede boots, and a hot pink sleeveless top that hugged her breasts.

  “You look hot too, rock star,” she said, toying with my belt. “I like these jeans.”

  “Yeah?” I asked, my breath catching when her fingers dipped into my pants and grazed my stomach right above my dick which was almost rock solid. She looked into my eyes seductively for a split second before she backed me against the wall, fell to her knees, and started to unbuckle my belt. As my hands found her hair I asked, “What are you doing?”

  “What you never let me do. I am taking over this time, Ryder, and I want to taste all of you,” she said, unzipping my pants and roughly pulling them down to my knees. My dick bobbed up and down in front of her before she took my length in both of her hands. I growled as she stroked me up and down and not another word was spoken between us before she lowered her mouth down and took me in.

  “Oh fuck!” I shouted as she slowly took more of my cock into her mouth until she couldn’t take any more. She gagged slightly as the head of my dick hit the back of her throat and it took all my strength to not come right then. This was what she wanted, for me to completely let go inside her mouth. I would let her have what she wanted this time just like I promised.

  I felt pre come start to seep out the top of my dick. She moaned at the flavor of me as she moved my length in and out of her mouth. She licked the tip and swirled her sinful tongue around it before pulling me back inside. One of her hands was stroking me up and down while the other one was cupping and teasing my balls. The sensation felt incredible and I loved that she knew just what to do and exactly how I liked it.

  Everleigh increased her speed with her hand and my dick started to thicken in her mouth. I was really close… “Shit, Evie, I’m going to come,” I croaked, the sensation of my cock deep inside her mouth felt so good to the point where it was almost unbearable. “L-last…chan-ce…” I warned.

  Everleigh shook her head, and I moved her hair away from her face so I could look at her when she finally got what she wanted from me. As soon as her whiskey colored eyes met mine I completely lost control and the first spurt of my release hit the back of her throat.

  Her eyes rolled back in her head and she made a gentle humming s
ound as she kept sucking and stroking, draining me of all I had to give. I couldn’t find my voice from the sheer pleasure she was giving me. When I was finally spent, my knees gave out and I had to stop myself from falling to the floor.

  Everleigh let me go and giggled, licking her lips. “So, did I do that right?”

  I fought the urge to roll my eyes and sank down on the floor, meeting her at eye level. “There was no way you could have done that wrong, Evie. Jesus, that was fucking incredible,” I said, pulling her into a kiss and not giving a fuck that I could taste myself on her tongue.

  “That was so hot,” she said, moving from her knees to straddling my lap. Grinding herself against my dick she said, “I am soaking wet right now…I want you so bad, Ryder.”

  That sentence alone had me going from semi flaccid to ready to go again in no time. “Well, I’m never one to disappoint my girl,” I said, as I pushed up with my legs and once we were standing I turned her around and this time I backed her against the wall.

  Her jeans were practically painted on and with her boots I could see that sex against the wall was going to be impossible without removing everything she was wearing from the waist down. She must have had the same thought because she shoved me back a little bit and pulled her pants down quickly. She kissed me quickly before purring into my ear, “I want you to fuck me from behind.”

  I growled at her words. She was finally relaxed enough to tell me exactly what she wanted me to do. I spun her around and she leaned over with one hand gripping the edge of the sink and the other reaching for me. I moved closer and I took my dick into my hand and positioned it right at her entrance. Without warning I entered her roughly and she screamed out in pleasure.

  “Too hard?” I grunted through my teeth. She was dripping wet and felt amazing.

  Everleigh shook her head and moaned, “No, feels so good. Harder, please.”

  I gripped her hips with my hands and said, “Hold on,” and she cried out in ecstasy as I drove into her. I went as hard and fast as she wanted before I felt her start to arch her back and her inner walls clenching around my dick.


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