Gifted Connections 01

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Gifted Connections 01 Page 31

by S M Olivier

  I went to go answer the door as everyone else was getting changed out of their swimsuits, and into their pajamas for the night. This is what I missed when I was at school last week. Sure, I had seen Drake, Jax, Remy, and Noah, but it wasn’t the same as being with them all together. This sense of family felt comforting. It was something I never had growing up.

  Ella hurled her little body into my legs the moment I opened the door. I giggled. “Well hi there, sweetie.” I looked up behind her and was slightly intimidated at the sight of the three adults behind her. The man was flanked by two women and the girl stood hesitantly in front of her father.

  “Hi, you must be Nadia,” I said sweetly as I looked down at the pretty little blond girl. She looked strikingly similar to Ella, with her long blond hair, small stature, and bright blue eyes.

  She smiled shyly and nodded.

  “Hi, I’m Blake,” I said to the women and man. “Ella’s sister. Would you like to come in?”

  “Hi, I’m Steven and these are my connections, Cora and Beth,” he indicated the women on both of his sides as they stepped into the foyer.

  Steven had dark hair and eyes, but both of his connections were very similar in appearance with their blond hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. It was hard for me to determine who Nadia’s mother was.

  The shorter of two (Cora?) smiled as if she knew where my thoughts were and given the ability of our gifts, I wouldn’t be surprised if she did. I blushed.

  “I heard someone was challenging Zach Young today, was that you?” the other blond(Beth?) asked.

  I tried to keep a blank face. “Probably so.” I stated.

  “Beth, stop teasing the girl,” Will said as he came down the stairs.

  His face lit up as Ella ran across the room to give him a large embrace. He swung her up into his arms, and she smacked a kiss on his cheek. “I missed you,” she stated emphatically.

  He chuckled and squeezed her close. “I saw you this morning, little lamb.”

  She giggled. “I know.”

  “Zack Young is a pretentious, arrogant, ass,” Beth told me, drawing my attention back to her.

  I let out a surprised laugh.

  “Beth,” Steven said with a gentle warning, but his eyes were dancing with laughter.

  “Children are present,” Cora rolled her eyes. I had a feeling this was a daily occurrence between the three of them.

  “Well, it’s true,” Beth stated crossing her arms.

  “Now I know where his daughters get it from,” I winked at Beth. “Although, there’s still hope for Mei Linn.”

  “Not likely,” Cora snorted. “Their mothers are just as bad and encourage the behavior.”

  I frowned. “Well hopefully she can rise above her environment,” I stated.

  “I heard you made Tamara prance around in her underwear,” Beth stepped closer to me and grabbed my hands. I could tell she was a handful for her connections. She was Jemmy times three. “Show me!”

  “Beth, really,” Cora snapped. “As a gifted, you should realize we’re not circus monkeys to perform at someone else’s whim.”

  “Says who?” Beth asked innocently and I watched as her hair change from blond, to purple, to pink, to blue, and back to blond. Then her eyes changed in the same kaleidoscope of colors.

  I giggled. “Maybe some other time,” I promised. “I think I pushed my limits for the day.” I told her truthfully. I was feeling tired and hungry from my demonstrations in the kitchen earlier and I didn’t want to push myself to the point of straining again.

  Beth gave me a pretty pout. “Boo, some other time then.”

  “Well girls, I think Drake has some cookies ready for you to decorate,” I said clapping my hands.

  They both squealed and headed to the kitchen. I laughed as I followed them.

  “Would you like a glass of wine or beer, and some cookies?” Will asked as I was leaving.

  “Yes please,” Cora said quickly.

  “She’ll be fine,” Beth scoffed.

  “This is the first time our baby is spending the night anywhere; can you be a little more concerned. Or pretend to be.” Cora snapped back.

  “You forget who gave birth to her,” Beth snapped. Then said softer, “I’m sorry Cora, she is ours, and I am anxious, but worrying will do Nadia no favors. We decided she needed to gain confidence and this is a step in the right direction. Who better to stay with than Will, he’ll make sure our girl is taken care of.”

  I went into the kitchen, done with eavesdropping.

  I wondered if my life would be even more complicated if I decided to bear a child. It wasn’t as simple as their situation. It was clear Steven had an intimate relationship with both women, but when they chose to add to the family, it was clear who the mother was, even if they shared maternal responsibilities. If I ever chose to have a family, how would I choose the father? And if the choice was taken out of my hands would it be clear who the child’s father was without tests being done? Would the guys raise him or her as their own?

  We decided to let the girls watch a new animated film. I was surprised to see the guys getting into it as much as the girls. We had popped popcorn and put it in bowls throughout the room. We let the girls drink some soda, which was a rare treat for both of them, and munched on the cookies Drake had made us.

  I was laying on Jace while Remy had my feet in his lap rubbing them. Drake was sitting in front of me and I was running my fingers through his hair. I was feeling warm and tired, but it wasn’t even eight o’clock yet and I didn’t want to fall asleep. Jax was sitting on the other sofa and Jemmy and Rachel were on either side of him with their heads in his lap.

  Will was on his oversized recliner, one girl on each leg; further proving my theory that he was a changed man. I wish my dad was still around so he could see this. See that it was never too late to change your ways.

  Noah and Stacey had slipped away a while ago, so it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out where they went off too. Stacey was like a cat in heat and was basically undressing him before they had even left the room.

  Drake had grabbed my hand and kissed it as they left the room. He must have noticed my discomfort, and wanted to soothe me. He was so sweet.

  At one point, Jax got up yelping. From the way Rachel and Jemmy were grinning conspiratorially, I had a feeling they did something to him that may have made him feel uncomfortable, because he moved to sit beside Drake. When the girls motioned for him to sit by him, he shook his head vigorously. I was torn between feeling annoyed and amused. Jax was my connected. Jemmy knew that. I understood she liked pushing limits, but sometimes some boundaries needed to be respected.

  I made a mental note to talk to her later. Jax was tolerant, outgoing, and a flirt, so if something had made him feel uncomfortable, it couldn’t have been good.

  The girls didn’t even make it through the whole movie. Jace volunteered to help me carry them up to the room. I told myself to make sure they brushed their teeth in the morning. I wasn’t going to wake them to brush their teeth now. I was glad I had the forethought to have them put on their pajamas before we started the movie.

  I made sure to tuck them in before I left the room.

  When I turned to close their door softly, Jace was leaning against the wall waiting for me. Before I knew it, I was pushed up against the wall and his lips were hungry on mine. I didn’t hesitate as I pulled him closer, opening my mouth so I could taste him.

  “Want to come back to my room?” I whispered thickly.

  “I thought you would never ask,” he replied huskily as he lifted me, and I wrapped my legs around his waist, feeling his desire near my core.

  We didn’t have sex that night, but we explored each other until I was exhausted with satisfaction. He was a selfless, thorough lover and I was glad he got over his reservations about us.

  Chapter 25

  I woke up refreshed. No nightmares had haunted me the night before and Jace had stayed by my side the whole night. He had wrapped
his large body around me all night and I felt so protected and cared for.

  I heard his cell phone vibrating and knew it was what must have woken me up. I gently shook his shoulder and dropped a kiss on his neck, lingering on the spot I had found last night.

  “Your phone’s ringing,” I whispered softly when I felt him stir.

  “Mmm kay,” he mumbled sleepily before pulling me on top of him. “I can’t get enough of you. I want more.”

  He had such sexy bedroom eyes and I wanted to strip for him right then and there and tell him to take me. Instead, I rubbed my core against his hard heat and smiled in satisfaction when he moaned, tensing beneath me. I continued to rub against him, the silk of his boxers against the soft fabric of my underwear causing a delicious friction.

  “I feel like a horny teenager around you,” he took control of my hips, moving my core faster against his heat.

  It didn’t take long for my body to start trembling and that heat from within to build to a raging inferno.

  “Ahh,” I moaned throwing my head back.

  “Let go, sweetie, let go,” his voice was thick, and I knew he was as close as I was.

  I rubbed harder against him and finally let go. It was such a wondrous feeling and I finally understood why people enjoyed the act so much. I could get use to this feeling of floating and languidness.

  We were getting dressed after another shower when his phone went off once more. He reluctantly went to go answer it and I had to stop and watch him as he casually leaned over my bed, wearing nothing but his towel. He was an amazing specimen to behold.

  “Hello,” he answered. “Yeah, I was a little busy,” he winked at me. It surprised me because he really wasn’t a winker. “No man. I told you the last time, I didn’t want to do it anymore. I know. I know. Okay, but seriously this is the last time.”

  He hung up his phone with a frown. “I have a job to do.” He said quietly.

  I frowned. “I understand, but that kind of sucks. My first gig is tonight, and we got a sitter for Ella so everyone could come.” I sank down on the side of the bed.

  He came around to my side of the bed and knelt in front of me. “I know, sweetie. I really wanted to be there to see it in person and not through a video.” He leaned in and gave me a passionate kiss.

  I ran my hands through his damp hair. “It’s fine. It’s your job. I know you guys need to go when duty calls.”

  He kissed me once more. “Thank you for being so understanding.”

  Jace left shortly afterwards and I dressed in my yoga pants, a sports bra, and a tank top. I wasn’t sure who was going running with me, but I knew they would probably be waiting by now. I checked on the girls and got them dressed in their swimsuits. They were excited to get in the pool, but I told them they had to wait until they ate breakfast first.

  I was feeling bummed, knowing I wouldn’t see Jace until next weekend and after the closeness of last night, I was going to miss him.

  I came downstairs and saw that only Drake, Will, and Remy were up. Drake was manning the griddle, making chocolate chip pancakes. Will was making coffee and Remy was cutting up some fresh fruit.

  “Oooh chocolate chip pancakes!” Ella skipped into the room. “Drake makes the best pancakes!” Ella gushed to Nadia.

  The girls scrambled up to the island and I poured them each a glass of milk.

  “Eat light,” Remy warned me with a teasing smile. “You can eat when we get back from our run.”

  I groaned good naturedly, trying to snap out of my funk. “Sure, sick the drill sergeant on me.”

  Drake laughed, “He’s our best runner and he knows the best trails to go on.”

  I looked at Remy dubiously. Sure, he was fit, but he was built as tall and as wide as a brick house. I would never think running was his forte.

  Remy saw my look and chuckled. “Big boys can run too!”

  I playfully punched him in the arm. “I never said you were a big boy, more like a…Mack truck.”

  “A Mack truck, huh?” he started to advance towards me with menacing steps.

  “Stop!” I giggled backing up, my hands extended to ward him off.

  It didn’t stop him, and he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

  “Remy!” I squealed. “I didn’t mean it. I promise. Isn’t taking me running on a Saturday, torture enough?!”

  He chuckled. “It will be,” he wagged his eyebrows at me menacingly.

  I liked this playful side of him.

  I groaned. “I should have shut my big mouth.”

  I grabbed a banana as I helped the girls put butter and syrup on their pancakes. “Can you save me some pancakes,” I smiled sweetly up at Drake.

  He smiled down at me. “I can save some batter and make them when you get back.”

  I shook my head, “No, I can nuke them, thanks though.”

  He reached out and tugged my pony tail. “If you’re sure.”

  “I am,” I smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek.

  “Let’s go,” Remy clapped his hands with an evil smile. “The sooner we leave, the sooner we get back.”

  “Slave driver,” I muttered as we left the house.

  I don’t know when running became less torturous and more enjoyable. Maybe it was because of the trail Remy chose to take us on. We never even left the property as we ran out past the lake and up into the trees onto a trail that went up the mountains. My breathing was still slightly labored, especially up the inclines, but I was too busy looking at the beautiful fall foliage and nature around me to notice too much.

  Of course, Remy wasn’t even out of breath as he jogged beside me. Somehow, I knew he was holding back to accommodate for me, but he didn’t seem to mind. He was even able to hold a conversation with me as he pointed out different things along the trail. We even passed a dilapidated building that he said had been their attempt at building a tree house when they first got there.

  He talked more than I ever heard him talk. He regaled me with stories about them as they grew up. It didn’t sound like they had changed much in all their years together. Jace had always been the leader. The voice of reason. Remy had always been the protective one. He was the one willing to beat up any guys that dared picked on the younger members of their ‘family’. Troy had always been the Casanova bringing girls by the house trying to impress them, by any means. Drake had always been the one trying to see the best in others and had been quiet and reserved. Noah was the follower. Anything Troy did, he wanted to do, especially if it involved girls. I found out they had dated quite a few of the same girls; which didn’t surprise me at all. Jaxson was the class clown of the group. Always wanting to be the peace keeper and make people laugh.

  Before I knew it, we were at the top of a mountain look out and Remy stopped. I gasped in awe at the beauty surrounding us. I twirled around amazed and I felt so small in this vast world. In the distance, I could see the lake by the mansion and on the opposite side another lake surrounded by more trees.

  Remy handed me his camel back and I gratefully took a deep drink from it. I was trying to catch my breath as I braced my hands on my hips. “Holy crap, this is beautiful,” I breathed.

  Remy smiled one of his crooked smiles. “This is my spot. Sometimes I like to pack up a tent and sleeping bag and just come out here for a few days. Unplug, where I can’t be reached.” He sat down on a large rock that sat near the edge of the look out.

  I slipped up behind him and gently started to rub the back of his neck and shoulders. He was sweaty, but I didn’t mind. “Thank you, for sharing this with me,” I said softly as I felt him relax beneath my fingertips.

  He sighed, and I continued to find the knots in his shoulders, neck, and back and massaged them out. After a few minutes, he turned and embraced me. “Continue doing that and I will pass out. Can I get a rain check?”

  I smiled against his chest, “Of course.”

  “Plus, I wouldn’t want you to think you can butter me up so we didn’t have to run back.”
He chuckled at my mock gasp.

  “Yes, drill sergeant,” I said mockingly as he turned to head back down the path we just came up.

  At least most of the run home was downhill.

  Ben, Rick, Taylor, and Mark were waiting for me when we got back. I groaned once more. I just wanted to take a shower and maybe take a nap. Maybe even relax on the couch for a few hours, vegging in front of the television.

  “Ugh!” I slapped my forehead. “Is it already that time?”

  Ben grinned. “In five minutes,” he passed me pretending to take a large whiff. “After you take a shower. A quick shower,” he added quickly.

  “Blah, blah, blah,” I trudged out of the kitchen and made my way upstairs.

  I did end up taking a quick shower and then threw on Remy’s hoodie that I never gave back to him, and a pair of yoga pants. By the time I came back downstairs, Sue was bustling around the living room, vacuuming and dusting.

  “Hey, Sue,” I waved at her as I passed her.

  Jemmy, Rachel, Ben, Taylor, Mike, and Rick were sitting at the island eating pancakes.

  “Please say you left me some,” I begged as I went to look in the refrigerator.

  “Some what?” Jemmy said, her mouth full of pancakes.

  “Pancakes,” I groaned as I shifted through the contents of the fridge. “I just got done running like six miles and I’m starving.”

  “Boo hoo,” Rachel teased. “These pancakes are amazing by the way.”

  “Mm hmm,” Mike agreed as he shoved more food into his mouth. I liked him the least. He was so brash and tactless. I got along with him, but I knew I probably wouldn’t associate with him if it wasn’t for the other guys.

  “I made extra batter,” Drake said as he came into the kitchen.

  I threw myself into his arms. “You are such a life saver. I’m starving!”

  He chuckled. “Remy would have never forgiven me if the hyenas ate all of them. Plus, Noah and Jax haven’t graced us with their presence yet.”

  “I doubt Noah will be down anytime soon,” Rachel said off handedly. “If his room was beside mine last night, he was making Stacey sing almost all night long.”


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