A Dangerous Debut: A Sweet Regency Romance (Ladies of Mayfair Book 5)

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A Dangerous Debut: A Sweet Regency Romance (Ladies of Mayfair Book 5) Page 4

by Wendy May Andrews

  “Thank you, my dear Charlotte.” Daisy smiled before changing the subject. “Besides clothes, there is one other vital component in order for me to play the role of a lady.”

  “You will need a maid,” Charlotte surmised immediately.

  “Exactly! I was thinking about asking Kate from up the street. Do you think she would be willing and able?”

  Charlotte smiled her appreciation. “I think that is a wonderful idea. You are a dear, good girl for thinking of her. Even if things do not go as well as you planned with your viscount, the experience will be wonderful for Kate. Perhaps it will make it possible for her to be able to get a proper position and be able to help her family.”

  “It may not, though, Charlotte, and I would hate to get her hopes up on an empty promise. If this scheme does not work out as we hope, neither the viscount nor I will be in any position to give her a letter of reference.”

  “That’s true, and you should be sure to mention that to her when you’re discussing the plans with her, but regardless of how it turns out, it will be just the polish Kate needs.”

  Daisy wrinkled her nose. “Is she that unpolished, Charlotte? I do need someone who is going to be able to help me pull off this role. It needs to be believable that she is my maid. I do not want to draw any more attention to myself than necessary.”

  “I do not think you will have a lot of choice, for one thing. You can trust her to keep your secrets, which is more than you can say for some stranger that you might hire. And you would be no more sure with a stranger of their skills. I say, speak to her about it and decide for yourself if you think she can pull it off. You are fully aware of what is required. If your viscount will be footing the bills, if you think she will suit, hire her on the spot and get her to help us get you ready. That will show what skills she might have and give the both of you some experience together.”

  Daisy leaned over and kissed her old governess’ cheek. “You always had the best ideas, my dear. I shall go down the street and have a quiet word with her right away.” She glanced down at her skirt. “Since this is currently the best dress I own, perhaps I ought to change it for something else before I go traipsing about the street.”

  With a grin, she hurried from the room. Within a very short time she was knocking on the front door of a slightly shabby cottage up the street. A small girl answered the door.

  “Hello. Are you Gina? My name is Miss Pembroke. I am staying with Charlotte Johnston three doors down from you. Would your sister Kate be available to speak with me?”

  Little Gina’s eyes were round saucers of curiosity by the end of Daisy’s question, but without a word, she nodded her head and scampered off in search of her sister, leaving Daisy standing on the stoop. A boy of about ten years, who had witnessed the exchange, made a sound of disgust and strode forward to welcome their guest.

  “Gina can’t hold two thoughts in her head at the same time. Sorry she left you standing there, miss, please come in, if you don’t mind.”

  Daisy stepped into the dimly lit hallway and allowed the youngster to shut the door. “I’m Walter, miss. Kate won’t be a moment, I’m sure. Would you like to have a seat?”

  Smiling over the boy’s gallantry, Daisy accepted the proffered chair. Just as she perched gingerly on its edge, they heard the flurry of approaching footsteps. Suddenly the small hallway was filled with people as Gina and Kate entered, followed by several other youngsters of varying ages.

  Daisy stood to greet Kate, who didn’t bother introducing all her siblings.

  “Gina said you wished to speak with me, miss?” Kate made the statement sound like a question, as though she doubted her sister’s words.

  “I do hope I have not disturbed you. If you have a few moments, I would appreciate discussing a matter with you.”

  Kate blushed and bobbed a small curtsy. “It’s no bother at all, miss, thank you. But if it’s privacy you might be wanting, that is in short supply around here. We could maybe go step outside to talk, if that’s all right with you.”

  “That is a wonderful idea, thank you. It is a lovely day. Perhaps we could walk down to that small park at the end of the street. I believe there is a bench there where we could sit and talk for a few moments.” Turning to smile at Walter and Gina, Daisy continued speaking to Kate. “Your brother and sister made me quite welcome, but it is a matter of some delicacy that I would prefer to discuss just with you for the moment.”

  “Don’t worry about them, miss, they don’t mind.” Kate turned to her siblings with admonition. “You’d best have your chores done by the time I get back.” She quickly wrapped a shawl around herself and stepped out the door after Daisy.

  “Thank you for taking a few minutes to talk with me, Kate, I am sure with that many of you under one roof there is never a shortage of things to do.”

  “That’s very true, miss, which is why it’s a pleasure to be able to get away from it for a wee spell. There wasn’t anything that can’t wait for me to return.” Kate drew a deep breath and looked around. “You were right — it is a lovely day, and I’m right glad for the opportunity to get out and enjoy it for a few minutes.”

  They quickly reached the little park Daisy had mentioned and sat down on the bench. Daisy was glad to see that it was empty and was wondering how best to broach the subject when Kate eagerly demanded information.

  “So what did you want to ask me, miss? I have to tell you that I’m fair to perishing from the suspense.”

  This broke the ice nicely, as it made Daisy giggle. “I am not quite sure how to explain everything. I have a chance to go to a house party that a marchioness is hosting at a country estate for her wellborn guests. But in order to fit in with the crowd of people who will be there, I need to have a lady’s maid. I was wondering if you would possibly be able to play the role.”

  Daisy clearly saw the family resemblance as Kate’s eyes grew as round as Gina’s as she listened in silence to Daisy’s scant explanation. She didn’t respond immediately, merely gazing at Daisy with her mouth slightly agape.

  “Do you think you might be able to do it? It would require you to be away from your family for about two weeks.” When there was still silence, Daisy continued, “You would, of course, be paid.”

  Those final words must have been the last straw for Kate’s endurance. She clasped her hands to her chest and grinned at Daisy while tears slid down her cheeks. “Oh, Miss Pembroke, I would be right honored to be your maid. It’s exactly what I’ve been hoping for.”

  “I need you to realize that this position is only temporary. I will not be able to keep you on after the two weeks is up. Do you understand that?”

  “That’s all right, miss. My cousin, who is in service in Bath, might be able to get me a proper job after that. She has been telling me that she could if I only had some exposure. I wasn’t certain what exposure was, but now I’m thinking this might just be it. She needs me to be sure that I know what I’m doing.” Realizing this might not paint her in the most favorable light, Kate was quick to add. “That don’t mean that I don’t know what I’m doing, I can assure you, miss. I’ve been studying as much as I can, asking questions of everyone I know who is in service and, I promise you, I won’t let you down. I’m going to be the very best lady’s maid you could ever wish for. And I thank you deeply for the opportunity.”

  Daisy was unable to hold back her laughter over the girl’s enthusiastic words. “I am feeling very reassured, Kate, thank you for your ready acceptance. Will you be able to keep my secrets?” She threw that question out, wanting to get an unguarded response from her new maid.

  “I’m an excellent secret keeper, miss. The things I know, but will never tell, could curl your hair for you.”

  Daisy smiled once more over the girl’s choice of words. “And do you suppose you would be able to start right away?”

  “For sure I can. You did see how many of us were trying to squeeze into the hall at my house, didn’t you, miss? And that wasn’t even all of us. Th
ey’ll barely notice that I’m gone.”

  “That I find hard to believe, Kate, but thank you again for your ready acceptance. You see, I will also be playing a role. I do not usually mingle with the sort who will be at this party. In the next couple of days, before we depart for the country, I need to get ready. If you are available to start right away, you will be a big help with that.”

  “I can start immediately, miss. I don’t mean to brag, but I have a very steady hand with the needle. I could make you whatever you would like.”

  “Excellent. Thank you, Kate. We should be able to manage without making anything from scratch, but if you are able to help with alterations that will be very helpful. Your duties will begin on the morrow. Let us say nine o’clock. Please come to Charlotte’s house at that time and we will begin.”

  “I look forward to it, miss.”

  The two girls parted ways, and Daisy returned to discuss the latest development with Charlotte. That night, she doubted if she would sleep a wink but surprisingly sleep claimed her as soon as her head hit the pillow. It had been an eventful day.

  Chapter Four

  “Oh, Charlotte, it is lovely.” Daisy fingered the soft fabric of the elegant day gown, marvelling at the fine stitching and lovely colour. “How did you get it done so quickly? You must have worked all night!” She said this last with an almost angry tone. “My dear, I would not have asked such sacrifice from you.”

  “I know that, you silly widgeon. That is why I wanted to do it. You cannot go shopping for fancy new garb if you aren’t dressed the part. It will never do to have a modiste looking down her nose at you.”

  Daisy threw her arms around her oldest friend. “You are a dear. Thank you, it will do perfectly for the errands I have to do today, and for the party. No one will ever know that I am an imposter.”

  “You are not an imposter,” Charlotte declared, fiercely loyal. “You have as much right as anyone to be rubbing elbows with a marchioness, or even a roomful of dukes and duchesses.”

  “You know what I mean, Charlotte.” Daisy rolled her eyes, dismissing the topic. “I was trying to compliment you. You did a spectacular job with this gown, Charlotte. I really appreciate it. It will be that much less work for Kate and me later.”

  “Well, I have no intention of stopping now. You are going to need a ridiculous number of gowns and all the accoutrements that go with them. And it was actually rather enjoyable. When you return this afternoon we will get the rest figured out.”

  Daisy blew her a kiss as she glided from the room, on her way to meet Kate and the viscount.


  Daisy felt conspicuous standing on the viscount’s front step, waiting for the door to be opened. It was good they had agreed for her to arrive early. It would be terrible if she were seen and their plans ruined before they even got under way. Her nerves stretched taut, and she wondered if she would be able to pull this off. The servants would be in a better position to spot her pretense if she wasn’t able to pull off the deception. As the door opened, Daisy’s chin rose and her backbone stiffened into position. She was Miss Margaret Pembroke, and she had been invited to visit the Viscount of Hawthorn.

  As the butler ushered them into the front receiving room, Daisy was relieved she had a maid in tow, she was sure that was why the butler had accepted her so readily.

  “His lordship will be with you momentarily, miss. Please be seated.”

  Daisy avoided meeting Kate’s eyes, afraid they would both burst into a fit of nervous giggles. The ornate clock on the mantle ticked by blessedly few minutes while they waited in tense silence.

  “Miss Pembroke, I am glad you were able to make it,” Jasper greeted her in a loud voice. For her ears only, as he bent over her hand gallantly he continued, “I was not completely certain you would show up.”

  Daisy was torn between feeling offended that he thought she would not keep her word and delight over his warm greeting, reminding herself it was all part of their act. “Thank you for seeing us, my lord, I know you are a busy man,” she said politely, ignoring the flutters in her stomach when he pressed a kiss to the space on her wrist where her sleeve had ridden up above her glove.

  Pulling her hand from his grasp and pressing it to her waist to prevent it from trembling, Daisy turned to smile at Kate. “My lord, I have brought my maid with me, and we are ready to get to work.”

  Jasper blinked for a moment. He had been so absorbed in welcoming her, he had quite failed to notice anyone else was in the room. It was very unlike him. One could not dance on the edge of respectability as he did without being constantly aware of his surroundings. Even when he was in his cups, he never allowed his senses to be dulled. This realization caused him to grow wary of his association with this girl.

  “Very well, miss, let us proceed.”

  Daisy looked at him questioningly, but Jasper ignored her searching gaze. “Is aught amiss, my lord?” she asked.

  “Of course not, why do you ask?” he replied, his polite tone at odds with the warmth with which he had greeted her earlier.

  Daisy hesitated, wondering if voicing her thoughts might be considered inappropriate. “You have become all starchy all of a sudden,” she finally blurted.

  Jasper couldn’t help but laugh at her observation. “You are definitely an original, my dear girl. Now come along, we have plenty to do before we go for our ride.”

  Feeling uncertain and shy, Daisy hesitated for a moment before she noticed Kate’s anxious gaze upon her. She felt responsible for reassuring the other girl, and now she owed her the promised position as well. Bracing her shoulders, she smiled at Kate, lifted her chin to a proud angle, and strode after the viscount, climbing the stairs in his wake.

  They found themselves in a small room overflowing with fabrics of every colour and shade.

  “You will have to excuse the tight quarters. My housekeeper did not think it appropriate for me to be together with you in a bedchamber so she had all my sister’s gowns brought to this room.”

  “I am sorry that she had to go to so much trouble on my behalf.” Daisy began to apologize but Jasper interrupted her.

  “I am sure you will agree that since it is my idea to have you accompany me, it is really on my behalf, so you need not trouble yourself.”

  Daisy’s brows rose toward her hairline at his overbearing manner, but she was sidetracked by Kate’s delight before she could question the viscount further.

  “Oh, Miss Daisy, isn’t it marvelous? Have you ever, in all your days seen so many gowns?” The other girl was gazing about her with rapt attention.

  “I surely have not, Kate. It is a wonder indeed.” Turning to Jasper with a smile, she added, “I can see now why you can be certain your mother and sister will not notice the gowns being familiar. If she has this many to choose from, she certainly cannot miss a few.”

  “Let this be a lesson to you not to doubt my word in the future.” Jasper said that with a straight face but couldn’t contain his mirth when he saw the myriad emotions crossing Daisy’s face over his domineering tone.

  “Are you attempting to make me cry off from our arrangement, my lord?” she asked in a quiet voice.

  “No, my dear, I apologize for being a buffoon, please disregard my fidgets, I have not yet had sufficient tea this morning.” He nearly rolled his eyes at his weak excuse, but Daisy took him at his word.

  Jasper almost laughed at the look of relief that chased the concern from her face. “My father was the same way, my lord. He could barely face the day without at least three cups each morning. It used to drive my mother to distraction. Perhaps you should ring for a pot to be brought so we can get through the task at hand.”

  “I shall be fine for now,” he said, feeling warmth creep up his cheeks when he realized his housekeeper was gazing at him as though he had lost his mind. He was wondering if maybe he had.

  “Have you any idea what sorts of activities your mother has planned for the week? It might help us narrow down our search for app
ropriate things.”

  “I am not fully informed of all her plans, but I have been to enough of these events to be able to guide you, I am sure. You will need day dresses for each day, at least one riding habit, evening attire for supper, and there will probably be a ball at the end and perhaps even one in the middle, so be sure to bring two ball gowns.”

  “Gracious, my lord, how will we get all the necessary gowns packed and transported? And how many guests are your parents inviting, do you suppose? Will the house be able to contain that many fripperies?”

  Jasper laughed. “Have no fear, we shall manage. That is why we will be traveling by coach, not curricle, even though it is only a couple hours to Abernathy.”

  Daisy exchanged a glance with Kate, and then both girls plunged into the mass of colours. Jasper couldn’t help admiring Daisy’s managing ways. He was surprised how quickly she was able to assess the situation and make her selections. He had to reassure her a couple more times that there would be no trouble with her taking the gowns.

  When the housekeeper left to attend to some household matter, Daisy took the opportunity to voice a concern that had been niggling at her mind throughout the morning. “Are you sure word is not going to reach your family about this? With your housekeeper involved, does that not guarantee that your parents will be informed?”

  “No, Mrs. Marks has been devoted to me since I was a boy. She can be trusted implicitly. She thinks this is a great joke and is not troubled in the least to keep my secret.”

  Daisy cast Jasper a dubious look. He heaved a long suffering sigh and explained further. “It is in Mrs. Marks’ best interests to keep my secret. If she wants to maintain her position in this household even after I inherit, she needs to remain in my good books. Mrs. Marks is far from stupid.”

  His cynicism was unnerving for Daisy. “I preferred it when you said she was doing it as a favor to you, my lord.”


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