The Twelve-Month Marriage Deal

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The Twelve-Month Marriage Deal Page 5

by Margaret Mayo

  On the eve of their wedding Vidal turned up at Elena’s house and placed a package into her hand.

  ‘What is this?’ she asked, recognising the wrapping from the same jeweller where he had purchased their rings.

  ‘A present for you, mi amor.’

  Elena frowned. ‘But why?’

  ‘Because it needed to be done,’ he exclaimed impatiently. ‘What would people think if I didn’t shower you with gifts? Open it.’

  But Elena’s fingers were impossibly clumsy and in the end he pulled the wrapping off for her. The white satin box, fastened with gold cord, revealed an awesomely expensive diamond necklace. From the fine chain hung a pendant in the shape of two entwined circles each studded with flawless diamonds. And sitting beside it was a pair of matching earrings.

  ‘I can’t accept this,’ she said breathlessly. ‘Even though they are the most beautiful things I have ever seen.’

  ‘But you must,’ insisted Vidal. ‘A beautiful gift for a beautiful lady. The necklace will look sensational on your skin. Allow me to put it on so that you can see for yourself.’

  He positioned her in front of a mirror and Elena could see the concentration on his face as he fastened it around her throat. His fingers burned where they touched her skin, creating a whole host of unwanted emotions. It took all of her will power not to turn in his arms and kiss him. He looked so handsome, so utterly gorgeous, so incredibly sexy, that it was torture resisting him. Her whole body ached with a need so deep that it hurt.

  ‘There, don’t you agree?’ he asked gruffly when he had finished and stepped back so that she could study herself.

  ‘It’s perfect,’ she said huskily. ‘But you shouldn’t have spent so much money when—’

  He silenced her with the touch of his lips to hers. Not a lover’s kiss, but the sort one would give a child, or a parent. Nevertheless it sent a million tiny shivers down her spine, and a further host of explosive sensations through every one of her veins.

  She shivered. ‘Thank you, Vidal.’ Her tone was so soft that she wasn’t sure he had heard—until he smiled and nodded.

  ‘The pleasure is all mine.’

  That night Elena lay in bed with her eyes closed, but she was as far away from falling asleep as she was from the moon. All she could see in front of her mind’s eye was Vidal. Tall, handsome, charismatic, a devastatingly magnetic man. A man who could melt her with one glance.

  But a man she did not love!

  The only spark between them was a sexual one. And that had been suppressed since their first condemning kiss. Painfully so on her part at times. But since she was the one who had declared they must wait…

  Without a doubt Vidal would insist on her sharing his bed tomorrow night. He had made that very clear. In fact, she was surprised that he had held off for so long. She had thought he would ignore her request, persuade her to think differently, and indeed there had been occasions when she had willed him to do so.

  But no, Vidal had remained true to his word.

  There were over two hundred guests expected, show-business stars, business acquaintances, family he hadn’t seen in years. Some had already arrived and she’d been showered with congratulations and questions. It had been particularly difficult fending off queries as to where her sister was, but somehow she had got through the day.

  All she had to do now was get through tomorrow.

  Her wedding dress was a dream in layers of organza and silk. Her mother helped her and the bridesmaids get ready and she had tears in her eyes the whole time. Elena’s make-up had been professionally done, her hair too, but now it was just herself and her mother, her bridesmaids having skipped away to show off their dresses to anyone who cared to look.

  ‘You look beautiful, Elena,’ her parent said softly. ‘No one would ever guess that you’re not totally in love. Or have you fallen for Vidal? Some days I wonder.’

  ‘Oh, Mamá, of course I don’t love him,’ she answered promptly. ‘But it’s such a beautiful dress, and he gave me such magnificent jewellery—’ she touched the incredible necklace ‘—how can I not get carried away?’

  ‘I thought you’d be terrified. It’s a big thing that you’re doing. We really do appreciate it.’

  Elena hugged her mother. ‘I know, and if it makes you happy then it’s worth it.’

  Her three little bridesmaids—cousins of Vidal—wore deep pink fairy-tale dresses that matched the roses in the church and in her bridal bouquet. Everything had been co-ordinated right down to the last petal and Elena was rightly proud of what she had achieved.

  A celebrity magazine was covering the event for their thousands of readers, generating even more interest; television cameramen were there as well, and as Elena made her way into the church on her father’s arm she felt incredibly nervous. It seemed as if the whole world were watching.

  If they had any idea that it was all a sham she would die on the spot. She had to be strong and brave now and act as she had never acted before.

  Vidal looked devilishly handsome in his dark suit and he took her hand as she joined him at the altar. ‘You look stunning, Elena. I’m very proud of you.’

  His assurance helped, but it was not easy—she was trembling all over, especially when the time came to repeat her wedding vows. She could hear the nerves in her voice and was sure everyone else could too. How could she do this knowing that there was no love involved?

  She had always dreamed of her wedding day. Of the love that would radiate out from her and her husband-to-be. It would be the best day of her life, one that she would remember for ever.

  So how could she go through with this loveless marriage?

  She couldn’t!

  Everyone was waiting for her to continue. To vow unswerving love for the rest of her life.

  She couldn’t do it!

  She turned, taking a tiny step away from Vidal, and heard the communal gasp from the congregation.

  Then, standing out clearly from the rest of the congregation, she saw her mother’s pale and anxious face, her father with his arm about her shoulders, supporting her, and immediately Elena knew that she had to carry on regardless of what the future held. It wasn’t just that she was saving the bank, her mother’s life depended on it as well, and she loved her mother dearly. There was no way in this world that she could let her down.

  Vidal touched her arm and Elena turned back to him, her face pale but composed.

  Her wedding ring lay heavy on her finger and she felt uncomfortable as she finally finished repeating her vows, as they were pronounced man and wife, when Vidal kissed her.

  ‘You can tell me later what happened,’ he muttered as they both dutifully smiled while the photographs were being taken, adding swiftly, ‘It’s a stunning dress—did I tell you that? But I can’t wait to strip it off you and take you to bed.’

  Elena felt hot colour flood her cheeks. In truth, despite the fact that she had almost cut and run, it was what she hungered for too, but to hear Vidal say it made it sound wrong. ‘You shouldn’t be talking like this, especially not in front of our guests. Don’t forget, Vidal, that this isn’t a real marriage.’

  For just a second fierce darkness filled his eyes and his grip on her arms tightened. Then his face relaxed and he smiled, but his voice, low enough for no one to hear except herself, was like steel. ‘I don’t want to hear you speak like that again, Elena.’ He moved his mouth closer to her ear. ‘No more talk of our marriage not being real. Smile—it is what our guests expect.’

  The reception was held in the banqueting hall of one of Seville’s finest hotels and when Elena felt that she could take no more, when she could smile no more, when the pressure of the day had built up to such an extent that once again she felt like screaming and running, she excused herself and hurried away to the sanctity of the ladies’ room.

  It was empty and for a few peaceful minutes she was able to shut out everything that was going on around her. She ran cold water over her wrists and tried to pretend that t
he last few hours had never happened—except that she had an enormously expensive wedding ring on her finger. There was no denying the fact that she was stuck with Vidal for the next year whether she liked it or not.

  It took every ounce of determination not to run away—as far as she could, as quickly as she could. Tears trickled down her cheeks. Why, oh, why, was this happening to her?

  Out there she now had a husband whom she did not love. Someone whose bed she would have to share. Her face flamed at the thought. Because in all honesty that part of it would not be such a hard deal.

  Vidal had the power to turn her on simply by looking at her. Whether it was something he had perfected over the years to get his women she did not know. And it mattered not. The truth was those silver eyes were dangerously seductive. She had only to look into them to feel her defences melting.

  Which, she supposed, was a good thing, because marriage to a man whom she did not feel remotely attracted to would have been sheer hell. At least they had something going in their favour.

  Elena repaired her make-up, assured herself that she looked normal—or at least as normal as someone who had just got married for convenience could look—and made her way back out.

  Vidal must have been watching for her because he instantly appeared at her side, a faint frown creasing his brow. ‘You’ve been a long time. I was going to send someone in after you.’

  It was said in good humour, but Elena heard an undertone of criticism. ‘Isn’t a lady allowed a few minutes to herself?’ she asked sharply. ‘You have no idea what I’ve gone through today.’

  ‘Tell me,’ he suggested softly. ‘Does it have anything to do with the fact that you almost ran away at the church?’

  Elena closed her eyes briefly, letting out her breath on long, silent sigh. ‘How could I expect you to understand the enormity of it all? You’re right, I did want to run away, but—’

  She was totally unprepared for what happened next. Vidal dragged her up on to the stage where the band was playing and took over the microphone.

  ‘I know I’ve already thanked everyone for coming and making this day very special for my wife and I.’ He smiled at Elena, his eyes more tender than she had ever seen them. And he took her hand into his, squeezing it reassuringly.

  Elena wanted to cringe and run, but he was making very sure that she didn’t.

  ‘But now I’d like to take a few more moments of your time by saying how very proud I am of Elena. For those of you who don’t know, she is a professional wedding planner and I think you will agree that today’s events could not be surpassed.’

  Loud clapping and cheering followed and Elena felt herself blush from his praise.

  ‘I hadn’t seen Elena for many years,’ he continued. ‘And it was fate when she and I met again. It was meant to be. And it will be.’

  The whole room filled with applause. Vidal felt Elena trembling at his side and without conscious thought he pulled her against him and kissed her. It was the only thing he could think of to reassure her. It resulted in more cheers and more clapping.

  He felt her heart throbbing wildly against him, like a bird trapped in a cage.

  ‘Never mind, mi amor, it will soon be over,’ he murmured softly against her mouth. ‘You’ve done your parents proud today.’

  And tonight, in his bed, she would hopefully do him proud. It had been agony keeping his hands off her these last few weeks. It had stretched his limits. On more than one occasion he had felt that he would crack, that he wouldn’t be able to keep his promise.

  But finally the day was here when he could claim her body, when he could release the demons that had been driving him crazy. He had no intention of forcing himself on her. He was prepared to be patient, take things slowly, confident that Elena would melt in his arms before the night was out.

  He recalled the way she had responded to his kisses that day in the car, and his whole body ignited at the thought of her in his bed tonight. There was to be no honeymoon, he had told everyone they were postponing it because of business commitments. Instead they were spending their first night here in the hotel honeymoon suite, and then moving tomorrow to his house on the outskirts of the city.

  By the time their last guests had gone Elena had worked herself up into such a state that Vidal was worried. ‘Are you not feeling well? You look very pale. Has it all been too much for you?’

  ‘What do you think?’ Elena asked fiercely, feeling no need now to put on a front. ‘I can’t believe I’ve been foolish enough to let myself get sucked into such a charade.’ Or was it the fact that tonight she would be sharing Vidal’s bed? Was this what was shredding her nerves?

  She was pleased that she had helped her parents out, that went without saying, but at what cost? Until this moment she hadn’t properly realised the enormity of what she was doing. Marrying Vidal she could face. But sleeping with him? Pretending to the whole world that theirs was a normal marriage was way too much.

  By the time they eventually took the lift up to their suite Elena had made up her mind that she was not going to let him make love to her. No way! Not under any circumstances! It was too big an ask. He’d have to make do with her sharing his home, but not his bed.

  Until the bedroom door closed behind them!

  Chapter Five

  EVERY promise Elena had made to herself was forgotten. She was aware of nothing except Vidal’s hard, virile body against hers. The feel of him, the shape of him, the way his thighs touched hers sending tremors all the way down to her toes. The way his hips ground into her, the beat of his heart against her breasts. It was a solid thud compared to her own frantic rush of emotion.

  Then there was the scent of him, the faint lingering odour of the cologne he’d splashed on earlier in the day, the clean smell of his breath, the drugging male scent of his arousal.

  She pulled herself up short at that thought. Vidal was all male, that was for sure. And he had an indefinable something that made her aware of his hunger for her.

  Elena’s fingers sought and found the solid strength in his shoulders as his head bowed down to hers. He had already flung off his jacket and the fine cotton of his shirt hid none of the power packed into those muscles. She felt them flex as his arms tightened around her, as he imprisoned her in a circle from which there was no escape. And at this moment she did not want to be free. Every thought of denying herself the pleasure had gone.

  One touch was all it had taken to make her insanely aware of Vidal and all he could give her. From the moment they had been pronounced man and wife he had hardly left her side. They had laughed together and pretended together. Both sets of parents had stood proudly and watched and no one, but no one, had guessed that it wasn’t a love match.

  So did the throbbing of her heart tell her that she was already beginning to feel something more for Vidal? Or was it simply a case of raw sexual hunger? Something she had felt when they first met to discuss this bizarre situation. An instant flare of desire. It was alien and yet at the same time it felt so right. Even her body told her that it craved fulfilment.

  With the feel of Vidal’s lips on hers, and the treacherous hunger building up in her lower belly, Elena dared to look into his face. She had instinctively closed her eyes when his mouth claimed hers, allowing herself to forget everything except what he was doing, but now her lids flickered open—and shocked themselves wide when they met his steady silver ones!

  They were narrowed and intent and filled with something she couldn’t read, and she wondered how long he had been watching her. Had she laid bare all her feelings? Was that why he had made a move on her so quickly and so surely? Because he had been aware that she was having second thoughts?

  ‘You taste good enough to eat,’ he murmured against her mouth, his voice gruffer and deeper than she had ever heard it. Full of animal hunger.

  ‘Mmm,’ was all she could manage in response. She could taste brandy on his lips, but it reminded her of how little he had actually drunk. Clearly he had wanted to ke
ep himself alert for this very moment. He had known she wouldn’t want a drunken husband forcing himself on her.

  His kiss deepened, his tongue exploring inside her mouth now, an agony of fear and delight whistling through her mind. Her head fell back in silent submission, her tongue dancing with his, faint groans escaping the back of her throat. She was giving too much of herself away, but she couldn’t help it.

  Ever since she’d come back home and discovered this new excitingly sexy Vidal she had known that it was inevitable. It wasn’t a case of being in love with him. He was simply a man whose sexuality could not be ignored. She’d like to bet that each woman he encountered felt the same. There was something about him that awoke every female hormone in her body.

  It was a unique blend of hunger and fear and she did not wish to deny it. Not any longer. She had spent the last weeks trying to ignore the feelings that chased through her body every time they were together. Now she could contain them no longer.

  When his lips moved from her mouth to make an excruciatingly slow descent down the arch of her throat she heard herself cry out his name, ‘Vidal…’ And her legs suddenly felt as though they were no longer capable of holding her up.

  ‘Vidal, what?’

  She heard the smile in his voice as he slid one arm down to the small of her back so that she was bent slightly over it, while his other caressed the side of her face, touching her lips where his mouth had been, tracing her high cheekbones, the delicate lobes of her ears, and all the time his mouth moved ever lower.

  Elena felt her blood screaming through her veins, felt as though all her birthdays had come together. It was a whole and totally new experience. She’d had boyfriends in the past, yes, but none who had created this same storm inside her. She feared meltdown—and he hadn’t yet started!

  Earlier she had changed out of her wedding finery into a strapless emerald-green dress and without her knowing it Vidal’s knowing fingers had inched down the zip. The dress had built-in support, so when her naked breasts were suddenly exposed to his greedy eyes she gasped out loud.


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