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WiredinSin Page 9

by Lea Barrymire

  Chapter Twelve

  “You’re sure?” Gynger stood, wariness evident on her pixie face.

  “Definitely sure, at least until things change.” Victoria sat back against the couch, relaxed for the first time in years. Now that she’d made some decisions she felt more at peace.

  “Okay, if you’re sure then I’m obviously good with it. Have you told Tabatha yet?”

  Vic reached forward and picked up her teacup, pleasantly surprised that it still felt hot. The fine china that Gyn preferred felt light and fragile in her hands, but for once she enjoyed the seduction of something so simple. A cup of tea had never smelled so good or tickled her taste buds with such contentment. She used the time it took her to take a sip of the imported herbal brew to collect her thoughts. With a nod she answered her friend’s unspoken question. “Yes, and she’s in agreement. This won’t affect her workflow at all, really.”

  Gynger made an unladylike humph in the back of her throat then stared intently at Vic for a few moments. “This is good for you. You already seem better. I’m cool with whatever you decide, you know that, right? I want you happy and if this will do it then so be it.”

  Victoria glanced at her watch and stood quickly. “I’ve got a lot to get done before tonight.” She surprised herself and Gyn with a quick hug. “Thanks for pushing me. I’ve needed it and I’m glad that it came from you. You are a great friend. I’m sorry I’ve been so horrible.”

  “Stop. You haven’t been anything other than sad and lonely. Go. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  The trip to her office took only moments, but each step seemed to be defining her future. You’ve inherited a sense of drama from Gyn. She snorted and looked around to make sure no one caught her lack of decorum. Snorting, laughing, grinning…you’ve gone from miserable to off-the-deep-end happy. Things had definitely changed for her in the last couple of days. Now to see if that’s a good thing or a bad one.

  Once in her office she hummed a strange little song she’d heard Sedric croon sometimes. The thought of her little dragon had her smiling again. He was in good hands and hopefully Dominick would have more time to spend on the little critter than she ever had.

  Dominick. She shook her head. Dominick Danforth. Techno-wizard extraordinaire. One of the many men who had worked on her telephone system. The head of a large group of the most highly skilled techno-supers in the nation. Dominick, who’d been in the meeting at which she’d sensed her mate. She should have guessed when he’d told her his name and she’d connected him to Technix, but she her mind hadn’t been firing on all cylinders. Oh, she and Mr. Danworth were going to spend a little bit of time chatting over his glaring lack of information. Omissions like the fact that they were mates or that he’d not only met her but had worked for her for weeks. She had work to do and very little time to do it. First, research.

  She grinned. She had a mate and he’d spent time, energy and endless effort in getting to know her. When she’d walked back into her office from the park she’d searched their database for every known Dominick who had ever been involved with Sin. Finding him hadn’t taken long, but digesting the information had taken longer. She had wanted to be mad with him for the lies, but she’d been honest enough with herself that she’d made his behavior necessary.

  The Guild Guide, much like a high school yearbook, didn’t do much for him. She’d pulled the techno-wizard book from her shelf and flipped through it until she’d found him. The picture they had did showcase brilliant green eyes. They shone with intelligence even from the flat, faded page. His dirty blond hair had been pulled back into what she assumed was a ponytail. She wondered wistfully how long his hair was. Long enough to hang around them like curtains while he hovered above her? A rush of heat and the telltale dampening of her panties told her that she needed to switch to a new topic of thought.

  His face was masculine but in a rugged kind of way. He’d look good in a ball cap or flannel shirt. The shirt and tie he was sporting for the picture look uncomfortable. She would put money on him wearing polos and jeans to work every day. That seemed to fit his looks much better than the starchy white dress shirt. Would he be muscular under those clothes? She found it interesting that she didn’t care so much what he looked like. He’d already captured her mind with his.

  After perusing the guild’s book she decided to do some other digging and found that her paramour was a wealthy, educated and giving male. Charities seemed to benefit greatly from his coffers. She found it endearing that most of the organizations he donated to were for supernatural children or children affected by supernaturals’ interference. She too gave yearly to those, hoping to help others who had suffered at the hands of other supers. Atonement. That was what Gynger called it.

  Three hours. That was all she had left before her date with him. A flutter of nerves made her clasp her hands over her belly. It was flavored with just a touch of fear. She plopped into her desk chair and looked into the little terrarium. Her Etraza tree was in full summer. Tiny leaves waved in a magical breeze and the sounds of songbirds came quietly from the glass enclosure.

  There was nothing to fear from a date with a man who would give her something so priceless. He wanted to get to know her, so she’d show him her. She hoped in turn he’d finally give in and tell her about himself. And she’d have to do the same. At some point she’d have to let her other self out to play. All seven feet of wings, forked tongue and all. Would he run screaming from her? If she’d seen something like that when she’d been human, that was the exact response she would have given. A memory of that from her past tried to rise in her thoughts but she ignored it. No point in looking back at her turning. Nothing good would come of once again playing her attack through.

  The conversation she’d just finished with the Elder had helped to alleviate some of her worries. She’d have to believe that even her demon wouldn’t hurt her mate when they were together, in the flesh as it were. Elder Janis had explained, in grueling detail, how her demon would react and had promised that all would be well. A shiver skated down her back. If she never had to hear that old woman speak of sex again it would be too soon. There was nothing like having a grandmotherly person explain how penetration would feel while in her demon skin.

  She pushed the little intercom button on her desk and waited for Tabatha to respond. It didn’t take more than a heartbeat or two. “Yes, Victoria. Can I get you something?”

  “You have everything set and the paperwork filed?”

  “Yes, of course. Everything is set.” There was a slight pause. “You’re sure you want to do this?”

  Victoria sighed and caught herself rolling her eyes. “Yes, I’m sure. I’m a grown demon, I know what I’m doing.”

  “Very well. Do you need anything else, then?”

  “No. Thank you, Tab. Have a good night.”

  “You too, Vic. Have fun tonight on your date.”


  The click of the intercom signaled that her assistant had gone back to doing whatever it was she’d been doing before. She sat back in her chair and just rested for a few moments, letting her day settle around her shoulders. At least the stress was lighter now that she’d made some decisions, and she was excited enough for the evening that it helped to ease her mind.

  Now to finish up work and get ready. She turned to her computer and forced herself to concentrate.

  * * * * *

  Victoria stood outside Dominick’s apartment building and tried to collect herself. She knew that Tabatha would be transferring the call to her cell within moments. She needed to be off the street, away from the sounds of traffic before it rang. Part of the plan was for him to be surprised and he wouldn’t be if he caught an earful of his own doorman, street noise, or the elevator cutting her reception off.

  She pulled a bit at her demon to give her the courage she needed as she walked through the front door to the elevator. The wait felt like an eternity. She flipped her phone around in her hand over and over again, anticipat
ing the call in equal parts to the dread coursing through her body.

  When the door opened and an elderly couple exited the metal contraption, she walked sedately in and pushed the button that would take her to Dominick’s floor. The eleventh floor. Her mind wandered over her day. She’d come to many decisions since lunch. Were they rash? Perhaps, but she was ready for something new. Were they asinine, considering she was about to meet someone who was potentially her mate, or potentially a stalker? Maybe. But as Gynger had told her repeatedly, if she wasn’t going to let go of the past and do some living, what was the point of being an immortal?

  The metal doors opened on a silent hallway that looked very much like every hotel in America. Beige walls, cream carpet and fake flowers gracing a nondescript table welcomed her to his floor. Two steps down the corridor, her phone rang. She jumped, then laughed at her nervousness. Taking a deep, fortifying breath helped to clear her mind and with Dominick’s door in sight she answered the phone.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Dominick had never been as nervous as he was picking up the phone to call Victoria. His hand shook and he laughed at his anxiety. Even the sound of his voice was strained. This was it, though, and he knew it. This was his one shot at getting Victoria to see him and know that he saw her.

  The first ring made him jump. He’d been too lost in his own thoughts to realize that he’d finished dialing. He ran through the details one more time while taking a deep breath. He’d swallowed down the noxious fortifying brew moments before, he’d added a layer of protection around his aura to dampen it slightly, and their date location was firmly embedded in his mind. There wasn’t anything else to do other than wait for her to pick up the phone.

  The third ring had him breaking out in a sweat. What if she’d decided to cancel their date? Shit. Maybe he’d dialed the wrong number? Damn antiquated landline phones with no displays. He could hang up and dial again, but then if she was just reaching for the phone and he hung up on her she’d be pissed and—

  A quiet click ended his mind-racing panic. When a sigh flowed across the wires and caressed his ear, he was in bliss.

  “Hi, Dominick. Sorry it took me so long to get to the phone.” Her voice was just above a whisper, throaty with a slight hint of rasp. It tingled over his nerves and made his already hard cock twitch. He loved the sound of her voice, especially like this. Not the fake seductress routine but the real Victoria.

  “Hello, Victoria. How are you this evening?”

  “Oh, so formal. I’m fine. A little nervous, although I’m not sure why.” She still sounded too quiet.

  “Me too actually.” He stalled and cringed at the silence. Should he invite her into his head? Just let her flow there on her own? He hadn’t felt the pinch of the magic yet, so he knew she hadn’t started the spell. He cleared his throat and fell short of the cutesy flirtatious vibe he wanted when he stumbled over, “Um, so how was your day?”

  You are the lamest lamewad. He smacked himself in the forehead. Way to be smooth and sexy, ask about her day, dumbass. He stammered unintelligently for a second, trying to find a way to salvage his dignity. He was stopped by her breathy chuckle.

  “It was good, and enlightening. Did you know that there is this guy, who I’ve met a handful of times before, who might possibly be my mate? Isn’t that crazy?”

  Dominick stopped breathing. His heart seized in his chest and a blanket of thick anger coated his mind. He was her mate, not some other shithead. He growled low in his chest. “Who, Victoria? Who is this guy?”

  “Oh, you might know him. He’s a techno-wizard, works for some bigwig company downtown.”

  Her voice was still low but he could hear the amusement in it. How could she be laughing at this? They were supposed to be on a date and she was talking to him about another guy? Fuck no. But then there was the little voice in his head that reminded him that he hadn’t claimed her and he didn’t have any rights to her if she decided to choose another male. Defeat slammed through him, clenching his chest. Physical pain radiated from his wounded heart.

  “Have you met with him yet?” He couldn’t mask the pain in his voice and cringed at the sound of his weakness.

  “Not yet, but I will soon.” Her chipper attitude further drove a stake into his heart. “So, we have the whole night. What’s the plan?”

  Relief, cool and calming, flowed through his thoughts. She still wanted the date night. She was still going to spend the evening with him. She couldn’t want to meet with this other male too badly if she was still interested. Dominick tried to shake off the icy grip of pain still wrapped around his chest.

  “Well—” He cleared his throat and tried again. Geez, man, you’re falling apart like a fucking wuss. “I’d planned some different things. Virtual dinner in a little place in Italy, a fabulous replaying of the Stanley Cup Finals with imaginary perfect seating, and hopefully topping it all off with some mind-blowing sex. Are you ready?”

  “That does sound fun, but—” She sucked in a shaky breath that sent shivers of anxiety down his spine. He didn’t know how he’d react if she came out with a “let’s just go as friends” statement. “How about you come let me in and I’ll explain what I had in mind.”

  Those words didn’t make any sense. Come. Let. Me. In. Was that English she was speaking? Those four syllables would imply that she was there, outside his apartment. And he knew that couldn’t be right. She wouldn’t be there, not while talking to him on the phone.

  The doorbell ripped through his thoughts and left him momentarily blank. Then the denial set in even as his logical mind set to work.

  She can’t be here. It’s a coincidence that she said to let her in and then the bell rang.

  Of course it’s her, you dumbass.

  What the hell am I going to do if it is her?

  Go open the door for her. That would be the smart thing to do.

  But I’m dressed like a pauper’s third cousin.

  “Dominick?” He jerked, realizing that he was still holding the phone. “I can hear you mumbling. Come open the door. It really is me and I don’t care how you’re dressed.”

  Fuck. He’d said that all out loud? Flames licked up his face as he blushed. Had she sounded upset, exasperated? What the hell was he doing making her stand in the hallway outside his door while he had an internal meltdown?

  He rushed across his bedroom, threw the door open and ran to his entryway. His phone was still clutched in his hand, pressed against his ear hard enough to cause slight bolts of pain as he sprinted through the rooms. He absently wondered how he’d kept the phone, as it had been attached to the wall before he left his room. He pulled the handset away from his ear and stared blankly at the severed cord. He couldn’t waste the time wondering how he’d done such damage, not with his mate standing silently on the other side of the door. With a shaky hand he unlocked the deadbolt and slid the chain off. It took another heartbeat to deactivate his protection spell and the alarm. One more heartbeat to open the door.

  “Hey.” Victoria bit the inside of her cheek to keep from grinning. What an understated way to say, “Hi, I’ve decided that you’re my mate and I came over here wondering if you’d still take me, and yeah, I’m pretty sure my demon is going to eat you alive when we get it on.” But she couldn’t think of anything else to say with Dominick standing there looking all yummy in his pajama pants and mussed dirty-blond hair.

  “Hey,” he breathed.

  At least we respond the same way to life-altering situations. The word “awkward” came to mind as she stood in the hallway staring back at him. She wanted to absorb the first real look at him though. Emerald-green eyes flashed in the light from the hall. They swirled with emotion as she studied him. His hair looked blonder than in his picture, but the lighter coloring made the jeweled color of his eyes even more striking. He wasn’t much taller than her but he seemed to take up so much more space. Perhaps it was his aura or the magic flowing off him in waves. Or it might have been just that he was a muscular m
ale who intrigued her. Whatever the reason, she couldn’t tear her eyes off him.

  Seeing him in the flesh brought flashes of memory from meetings over the last few months. She’d been so stupid to try to ignore the fact that she’d been in the presence of her mate all that time. His scent washed over her and made her mouth water. Yep, see, you’re going to eat him. Her demon perked up and chuckled at her. A flash of another type of devouring, the licking, sucking, swallowing kind blasted through her mind and nearly had her knees buckling.

  He must have shaken himself from his stupor because his energy changed just before he moved out of the doorway. He seemed flustered, but it was kind of cute. He cleared his throat and blushed just a little. “Come in. Gods, I’m an idiot. You’ve surprised me and I’m not handling it well, it seems.”

  She squeezed by him and walked into his apartment, feeling the first twinges of peace. Yes, she knew that the next few minutes would be uncomfortable, but being with him eased something in her chest. They’d been playing cat and mouse for long enough. It was time to see if fate knew what the hell she was doing by pairing the two of them together.

  His apartment was open and masculine, but she was happy to see that it wasn’t slobbish. The short entryway opened into a large living room full of brown leather and creamy accents. His TV was massive, mounted on one wall like the centerpiece of a technological shrine. She caught a peek of blond cupboards off to her left. His small kitchen was separated from the rest of the room by a long bar, complete with tall, high-backed chair. Minimalistic. That was the best way she could classify his home. She’d expected magazines, dirty dishes, books, photos…something that would tell her what type of man he was. There was nothing she could collect information from. Whatever Dominick found important or interesting didn’t overflow into his living space.


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