Enchanted Damnation: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (The Accursed Saga Book 4)

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Enchanted Damnation: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (The Accursed Saga Book 4) Page 23

by Eva Brandt

  “Yes, but in her condition, she can’t really help you with anything. I want my brother back too, Lucienne. Please, let me help.”

  It was a little risky, but in the end, killing her might be riskier. She wasn’t trustworthy, but for now, she might come in handy, at least until I had a better strategy. Pierce was my original soulmate, the one Anna had destroyed. His power had been heavily involved in the ritual. Diane might indeed be the key to bringing him and the others back. “I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. I don’t have time to deal with you anyway.”

  I snapped my fingers and, behind me, Louis’s unconscious form started to float mid-air. Diane took this as her cue to start peppering me with more questions. “Are you going to kill him?”

  “No. I’ll just be taking him with me, since it’s too dangerous to leave him behind. It’s highly unlikely that he’ll ever recover, but you never know and I’d rather not take any chances. Someone might still try to heal him.” That train of thought brought me back to my previous dilemma. “Where is everyone?”

  “I’m not sure. There was a bit of a kerfuffle earlier, after your vampire killed Lady Augustine.”

  Malachai had killed one of Lucienne’s aunts? That was news to me. I hadn’t caught sight of that little tidbit during my foray through Louis’s mind. He probably hadn’t thought it was important. What else didn’t I know because he had dismissed it as irrelevant?

  The Dames Blanches weren’t likely to let that kind of thing go. Also, the casualties I’d caused through my outburst would upset them. That made their absence even stranger. Had they fled because they’d known they were no match for me?

  As it turned out, the explanation was quite simple. The ritual had done more damage to the home of the Dames Blanches than I’d realized. While the room itself had not been completely destroyed, it must’ve been my magic that had protected it. Outside, it was a different matter. The exit was blocked by rubble, as the corridors had all collapsed and the roof had caved in.

  Once we realized this, Diane went pasty white, undoubtedly thinking of her ailing mother. Clara had never recovered from her confrontation with my soulmates and she couldn’t have escaped, not on her own.

  I made a mental note to drop by Clara’s quarters before we left. I didn’t care about the woman, but seeing her dead would give Diane closure. Besides, I wanted to double-check. I didn’t deem Clara a threat, but stranger things had happened and it was best to make sure. The Dames Blanches could’ve taken her with them when they’d evacuated.

  I mentally willed the rubble out of the way, creating a path for us to follow. “Come on,” I told Diane. “Let’s see if there are any survivors.”

  Diane followed me without a word. I deemed it odd that she didn’t mention her mother, but maybe she realized that she didn’t need to.

  We didn’t find much among the ruins. There were some dead bodies, Dames Blanches who must’ve stayed behind after everyone else had left. But if the rest of them had survived my outburst, they were long gone. They’d also taken the unconscious Clara with them. “It looks like you were right,” I told Diane when I realized her mother was gone. “I might have some use for you.”

  “Do you suppose she survived?” Diane asked me, not taking offense at my cold comment.

  I shrugged. “She didn’t die before, so I can’t imagine taking her elsewhere would change that. The Dames Blanches are resourceful and I don’t think they would’ve let her die. But anything’s possible.”

  The Dames Blanches would also be pests later, no doubt intending to stop me. For the moment, I wasn’t too worried. They were likely regrouping and contacting other fae. I had plenty of time at my disposal to make my own preparations.

  My enemies hadn’t left behind any convenient means of transportation, but it wasn’t a huge issue. There was a human settlement nearby and I could easily procure what I wanted from there. In fact, the humans were bound to show up soon. The wards the Dames Blanches had cast around this place had collapsed during the ritual, so the humans would be able to approach at will. The explosion had undoubtedly drawn their attention and they were bound to show up any moment now.

  They would be my first target and subduing them would work well for the success of my overall plan. With that in mind, I made my way through the destroyed structure, to the surface. My magic didn’t fail me, and within minutes, we were safely out.

  “Oh, thank the gods,” Diane exclaimed once we’d left the building. “I kept thinking the whole place would collapse on top of us.”

  “That wouldn’t have happened,” I answered, “not unless I had allowed it.”

  “You realize that’s not very reassuring, right? I mean, you don’t exactly have the best history when it comes to that sort of thing.”

  I couldn’t argue with that, but I also didn’t care about her opinion on my past actions. “True. But you’re just going to have to deal with it. Unless, of course, you’ve changed your mind about helping me, in which case you should tell me now. I can still kill you where you stand.”

  Diane didn’t get the chance to reply. The sound of approaching vehicles interrupted our conversation. I allowed Louis’s still floating form to drop to the ground and waited, preparing myself for what would be a difficult confrontation.

  I hadn’t fought humans in this lifetime. I wondered what it would be like. Were their minds any different than those of the people I’d enslaved in the past? Were they more difficult to subdue? It would be interesting to find out.

  By my side, Diane fidgeted in visible discomfort. Ironically, it wasn’t because I’d threatened her life. “Lucienne? Aren’t we supposed to be leaving?”

  “Yes,” I replied. It was getting a little tiresome to have to explain every single thing to this twice-blessed woman. “We’re waiting for our ride.”

  “But they’re humans,” Diane protested. “We shouldn’t even be letting them close to this place. If they find out about the supernatural world, it would be an utter disaster.”

  “I know that, Ms. Garnier,” I answered slowly, “and believe me, I don’t intend to make any dramatic revelations anytime soon. But no one is going to assume two dirty women are secretly magic users, or that one of them is partially responsible for the explosion that brought them here. By the time they realize the truth, if they ever do, it will be much too late for them.”

  Diane swallowed audibly, and I deemed it a little funny that she’d even display scruples of any kind. She was a twice-blessed. Her ancestor came from a proud line of people who cannibalized children. She’d used me as a battery, to feed her skills. Since when did she care about the fate of a group of random humans?

  “If you don’t have the stomach for this, you should probably stand back and keep an eye on Louis. I’ll take care of everything.”

  Diane’s eyes glinted with unshed tears. “All right, Lucienne. But you don’t have to do this, you know. There are other ways to bring your soulmates back.”

  “Maybe,” I said, “but those methods wouldn’t be as efficient or as quick. Besides, Diane, humans are like ants. They’re worth less than the ground beneath our feet. They’ll be good, useful tools, but nothing more. You’d do well to remember that.”

  “You were human too, once,” Diane whispered. “Have you forgotten?”

  I didn’t bother addressing that. If she was trying to make me change my mind, appealing to my humanity was the method that was least likely to work.

  I’d been human once, yes, as Lucienne Hastings and in my previous lives. But as a human, I’d been weak. It had been my magic—the magic in my bloodline—that had saved us. If I’d been able to control it better, if I hadn’t lived so many years separated from my true identity, I might not have lost my husbands at all.

  Louis had known this. It was why he’d left me to grow up unaware of my true background. But I wasn’t that person any longer. I’d left my humanity and my weakness behind. These humans would be the first to suffer the consequences.

ber, Diane,” I said, “I’m not Lucienne anymore. I am Queen Dahud of Kerys. And I will make the world burn for my suffering.”

  A tear trailed down her cheek, but she nodded. “Do what you must then, Dahud. But bring my brother back.”

  Satisfied, I sat down on the ground and waited. Soon, I thought to myself. Soon, I would be reunited with my soulmates and my son. I’d have to spill rivers of blood to arrange it, but who cared about that?

  I’d carried this curse for too long. If I had to bear its weight, so did everyone else.


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  Now available, free for download - the interlude/prequel to my Soulmates of Seasons series Winter’s Dragons. Draconic Affairs.

  Once upon a time, a firedrake, a ryu and a wyvern melted a snow queen’s heart and learned to love and be loved in the process. But before they were her soulmates, they were bitter rivals. What secrets does their past hold?

  Also by Eva Brandt

  Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. The Academy of the Devil is waiting, and there will be no mercy.

  There is only one rule the students at The Academy of the Devil follow. The weak must be destroyed. It’s a rule the school princes—the cruel incubus, the ruthless hell-hound, and the envious cambion—follow to the letter. Now, one epileptic mortal girl will prove them wrong. Alyssa might not be ready for the students of The Academy of the Devil, but they’re not ready for her either.

  Book 1. A Hellish Year One

  Book 2. A Demonic Year Two

  Book 3. A Sinful Year Three

  Fantasy Reverse Harem Series

  Soulmates of Seasons Books 1-2: Winter’s Dragons arc

  One exasperated snow queen who simply can’t find reliable help. Three dragons who really just want to claim their female. What could possibly go wrong?

  Join Cassia in her quest to find love, solve a mystery, and hopefully, make sure her minions don’t ruin the rest of her furniture while she’s away. It’s all in a day’s work for the queen of The Realm of Eternal Ice.

  Book 1. Melting Ice

  Book 2. Frozen Flames

  Soulmates of Seasons 3-4: Spring’s Vampires arc

  One youthful queen of eternal spring who is far more than she seems. Three vampires who run the risk of forgetting all about their important mission, just because of her smile. Things are about to get steamy in The Land of Eternal Youth.

  It’s tough to be the avatar of spring when you’re surrounded by overprotective unicorns, tree demons, and hyperactive, plant-like lambs. It’s even tougher to find time for romance. For Eranthe, Lady of Spring, the arrival of three handsome vampires might just change that—along with everything else in her life.

  Book 3. Withered Rose

  Book 4. Blooms of Blood

  Coming soon: Chimera Academy

  No woman has ever piloted one of the chimeras, the legendary that once served to defend Earth from the alien invasion that nearly destroyed us all. No one… until me.

  Once, I was a normal girl. Much to my mother’s dismay, I didn’t have any magic, but that was all right. Not every girl carried Gaia’s Gift. There were other things I could do to prove myself, even if I couldn’t heal the earth. I could simply live a normal life—something which should always be treasured.

  Maybe I’d have done exactly that had I not stumbled into the mysterious Sphinx, one the most dangerous metallic guardians the world, considered impossible to pilot even by the most skilled Tamers.

  As it turns out, that wasn’t exactly true. I have a natural talent for being a Tamer, a pilot for the elite unit of Chimera Warriors, and I’m the only one who can pilot the Sphinx.

  There’s just one problem. To do that, I have to go to the legendary Chimera Academy. The all-boy academy, where everyone will hate me on principle. And I have to face the pilots of my future unit—all born and bred for this task.

  Best friends August and Pollux, the pilots of the entwined chimeras Scylla and Charybdis, the heroes who once single-handedly repelled an attack from our worst enemies.

  The mysterious, yet notorious Knox, pilot of the Cerberus, a fire-breathing demonic chimera almost as dangerous as its owner.

  And last, but not least, Brendan, the heir of the Royal House of Chimera and pilot of the monstrous Typhon.

  How can I compare to them? And how can I discover all the secrets Chimera Academy is hiding?

  Chimera Academy is a reverse harem bully academy series, and it will contain themes of heavy discrimination based on gender. Some scenes may make you want to punch certain characters in the face. But don’t worry, my MC will do that for you—with a giant robot! Also, the story will delve deeply into themes of mental health issues. There will be dark content ahead, so tread lightly!

  Pre-order on Amazon here: Souls of Steel.

  About the Author

  Eva Brandt is a romance aficionado who likes to spice up her stories with an extra bit of something special. Dragons? Perfect. Vampires? You got it. Any other type of mythological creature you might not have heard of? Absolutely. Sexy, snarky heroines and heroes with a penchant for falling head over heels in love with them? Yes and double yes.

  She also believes in a very simple motto. Be passionate about passion. Embrace temptation. Life is too short to deny yourselves the most beautiful things about it.

  When she’s not weaving her latest sexy tale, she enjoys relaxing in bed with a nice mug of tea and her ebook reader. Because nothing is better than writing a book, excepting reading one.

  Visit Eva at her website or Facebook page, join her Facebook Den of Temptation and sign up for her newsletter.




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