In It to Win It

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In It to Win It Page 2

by Ella Jade

  “Hey.” Maggie tapped her shoulder. “Are you listening to me?”


  “Jed Silver,” Maggie finished for her.

  “How did you know that?”

  “He’s the team’s new big deal. Kingston paid a ton of money for him. He’s not only an awesome third baseman, but he can knock the ball out of the park, and he does it often.”

  “He’s a Crusher?”

  “Brand new to the team. He takes the home field for the first time tomorrow.”

  “That’s my new neighbor. The guy I was just telling you about.” She replayed their conversation in her head from earlier in the day. “Oh God. He must think I’m the biggest idiot.”

  “You didn’t know who he was when you met?” Maggie laughed. “Not even a little bit?”

  “I asked him if he was obsessed with baseball.”

  “I’m going to say the answer to that is yes.” She rolled her eyes. “That’s priceless.”

  Jed joined his teammates. He’d abandoned his basketball shorts for a pair of cargo khakis and a black collared shirt with the team logo on the sleeve. Each of the Crushers welcomed him, smacking his back and shaking his hand. Frankie wanted to sink under the bar. She gulped her martini as Jed smirked at the waitress who brought him a beer. She lingered a few moments, making small talk with him. He acted smooth and casual. Did he want to leave with her? How many women had he slept with since arriving in Kingston?

  “Well, he’s here,” Maggie said. “That’s a good sign.”

  “He would have been here whether I asked him or not.” She couldn’t help but feel silly when she thought about their initial meeting. “A player, right next door to me. I didn’t even know it. He probably has women throwing themselves at him on a daily basis, and I didn’t even know who he was.”

  “Who cares? You don’t follow baseball. It’s not that unusual.”

  “Oh, well.” Frankie chugged the rest of her drink. “I’m sure I don’t have a chance with him now. There has to be a mile long line to get close to him.”

  “You already have access. He lives next door.”

  “He’s going to be on the road all summer. When will I even see him?”

  “Home games? You could do road trips too. Soph followed Pax all over last summer. They made it work. So do Rosalie and Sage.”

  “They’re in relationships with those guys. I don’t even know Jed. I thought it would be fun having such a cool, young guy right next door. I had no idea he was a freakin’ major league baseball player.”

  “He’s fuckin’ hot.”

  “I’ll drink to that.” Frankie laughed as the alcohol seeped into her head. “I need another.” Just as she pointed to her glass, the bartender set a fresh round in front of them.

  “That was fast,” Maggie said. “We didn’t even order.”

  “You didn’t have to.” He motioned toward the group of players on the other side of the bar. “This round is on Jed Silver.”

  “What?” Frankie slowly looked up, her gaze connecting with those sparkling blue eyes. They were darker in the dim lighting, but no less intense. He raised his beer bottle to her and smiled.

  She lifted her fresh martini in his direction and mouthed thank you before taking a huge courage sip.

  To the newest Crusher, she silently toasted.

  * * * *

  “See something you like already?” Holt asked. “Damn, brother. That didn’t take long.”

  “I met her earlier today.”

  Jed took a slow pull from his beer bottle as he studied Frankie. If he thought she was a goddess in her workout clothes, she was at unattainable status tonight. The sleeveless blue shirt sunk low, revealing just the right amount of cleavage. A silver necklace dangled just below her collarbone, sitting at the crease her perfect, supple breasts made. Her long black hair curled at the ends, brushing her sculpted shoulders and back. He hadn’t been able to get that shapely ass of hers out of his head all day. He hoped she would be here. He wondered if she had been waiting for him to show.

  “She’s my neighbor.”

  “That’s convenient,” Cory said. “So, whose house you gonna fuck at tonight?”

  “Not every one of us does that,” Ryder interjected. “Some of us like to get to know a girl first.”

  All the guys stopped their chatter and stared at Ryder, then burst out laughing.

  “Ignore him,” Holt said. “He’s the only player who doesn’t do that on the first try.”

  “You better not be doing that anymore.” Nic crossed his arms over his broad chest, defending his girlfriend’s little sister. “If you hurt Rosalie, I’ll–”

  “I know.” Holt chugged his beer. “You’ll kill me.”

  “Rosalie will kill you.” Cory laughed. “And then I’ll be there to pick up the pieces.”

  “In your dreams.” Holt pulled out his cell. “I have to go text my girl right now.”

  “Whipped.” Cory smirked.

  “I’m not ashamed of it.” Holt slipped off the stool and headed to the front door.

  “Don’t tell Holt, but if I had Rosalie in my bed, I’d be whipped too.” Cory glanced across the bar. “What are you waiting for?”

  “Just finishing my beer.” Jed set his bottle on the bar, not wanting to seem too eager in front of the guys. “I’ll see you ladies on the field tomorrow.”

  “Are you planning to hit your first homer in your new town?” Nic asked.

  “That’s the plan.” Jed nodded. “They don’t call me Jedi Force for nothing.”

  “You better.” Cory slapped his back. “You need to show those higher-ups why they paid so much money for you.”

  “Don’t I know it.” He waved to the guys as he made his way over to Frankie and her friend.

  The closer he got to her the more stunning she became. Her silky legs dangled off the barstool, revealing an even, natural tan. Her open-toed shoes showed off the light purple polish of her perfectly manicured feet. How was it men weren’t swarming her?

  She turned as he approached the back of her stool, as if sensing his presence. When she faced him, he caught a whiff of her coconut scented hair. His fingers twitched to tangle in those locks, unsettling them. He imagined what she’d look like satisfied and claimed as she sprawled out in his bed after a very productive night between the sheets.

  “Hey.” She greeted him with the most amazing smile, flashing her bright teeth in his direction. “You made it.”

  “I did.”

  “Thanks for the drinks.”

  “My pleasure.”

  “This is my friend Maggie.” She motioned toward the vibrant redhead sitting next to her.

  “Hey, Jed.” Maggie extended her hand. “Welcome to Kingston. I’ve heard great things about you.”

  “Nice to meet you, Maggie.” He took her hand in his, accepting her firm shake. “Let’s hope I can pull off some of those stunts I had in Chicago.”

  “Chicago?” Frankie asked.

  “That’s where your next door neighbor came from. He played for them before Kingston stole him away. Brilliant move for the Crushers too.”

  “You know your stuff.” Jed grinned at Maggie.

  “I grew up here,” Maggie said. “Baseball is inbred in us.”

  Frankie sipped her drink, shifting her legs. Jed knew she had nothing to add to this conversation, but that was fine because he really wasn’t interested in her baseball knowledge.

  Maggie stood, straightened her dress, and glanced toward the back room. “I saw some people I know over there. I’m going to say hello.” She looked at Frankie. “You’re good?”

  “I’m great.” Frankie held up her glass. “This is perfect.”

  “Don’t drink too much.” Maggie kissed her friend’s cheek, whispering something into her ear that made Frankie’s olive cheeks blush. “Thanks for the drink, Jed.” Maggie waved as she walked away from the bar area and into the back room.

  “Can I get you another?” Jed took Maggie’s

  “I better not.” Frankie pushed her empty glass away. “Maybe in a little bit.”

  “Pacing yourself?”

  “Yeah, I don’t drink that much. Flavored vodka might not be my friend tomorrow morning.”

  “I hear you.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me who you were this afternoon?”

  “Would it have mattered?” He arched a brow at her.

  “I might have known who you were.”

  “Hmm, let’s just say you were awfully adorable when you had no idea I was a baseball... how did you put it? Junkie?”

  “That sounds right.” A melodic giggle slipped from her lips. The very same full, sultry lips he planned to kiss before the night was over. “In my defense, I’ve never even seen a baseball game.”

  “Well, we’re going to have to fix that if we’re going to be hanging out. You’re going to have to see me play at least once.”

  “When’s your next game? I’ll watch it on TV.”

  “That won’t do.”

  “It won’t?” She swirled her finger around the rim of her empty glass.

  “It’s tomorrow at one and you’ll be in the stands.”

  “I will?”

  “As my guest. It’s my first home game in Kingston, and I’d like to have some support. Would you mind going?”

  “You want me there?”

  “Yeah, I do.” He traced his fingertips up and down her arm, noting how soft her skin was. He’d bet her flesh was smooth everywhere. “I’ll leave a ticket at the box office for you.”

  “I’ll be there.”


  “I’m excited to see my first game.”

  “Cool.” He held his hand up for the bartender and motioned for a round. “We need to toast that.”

  “Maybe I should just have a diet soda.”

  “Whatever you want.”

  “Well, maybe one more pineapple martini.”

  “A Stella and a pineapple martini,” he told the bartender. “Just one more.” He winked at her. “I’ll get you home.”

  “You do know where I live.”

  And her address may have been the most convenient number in all of bachelor history.

  Chapter 3

  Frankie couldn’t remember the last time she’d had this much fun. It had been years since she’d been on a date with anyone other than Christopher. In the six months since they’d separated she’d taken a self-imposed holiday from men. Focusing on herself and her career seemed to be working for her. She was in the best shape of her life, living independently, and fulfilled in her job. The move to Kingston had been what she needed to get her life moving in the right direction. She wasn’t lonely and didn’t need a guy in her bed. Well, not until tonight anyway.

  Jed ran small circles over the top of her hand with his delicate touch, releasing some kind of charge that pulsated through her. She’d subtly crossed her legs a few times, trying to ward off the strong attraction she’d developed for him. That draw was most prominent between her thighs. When had she ever been this aroused from light touch and stimulating conversation?

  Maybe a one-night stand was in order. The dry spell wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Breaking her abstinence vow with a cutie like him would make for one hell of a night. And one hell of a story when she was old.

  “Your sister lives in Kingston?” His low, southern drawl pulled her out of her naughty thoughts.

  “Yes, she moved here when her husband got relocated a few years ago. I came to visit and fell in love with the town. At the time, I wasn’t in a position to move.” I was engaged to a very needy man for the third time... No need to go there. “I decided to finally follow her here about six months ago. I was lucky to find a job and a place so quickly. It all seemed to work out for me.”

  “Kingston agrees with you.”

  “Does it?” She took a slow slip of her third martini. She’d been nursing this one for the last hour, wanting to keep her wits about her and not say anything else that might embarrass her when it came to her new friend.

  “I think so.” He took her hand in his. “You’re gorgeous.”

  “Thank you.” She shook her head, lowering her gaze to the shiny wood of the bar.

  “Did I embarrass you with the truth?” He squeezed her hand. “When I saw you step out onto your porch today I was blown away. I mean, I could have gotten some old woman with blue hair who wanted to make me cookies as a neighbor, but damn.” He shook his head, and when he bit his bottom lip, she wanted to spread her legs for him. “I totally lucked out.”

  “I am a little older than you, and I do make really good cookies.” She focused on his lips, fighting the urge to lean in and assault the mouth of a man she’d only met a few hours ago.

  “I’m twenty-five.” He turned to face her, setting his bottle down on the bar. “I don’t believe you’re older than me.”

  “I turned thirty two weeks ago.” She frowned, hoping that wouldn’t deter him from whatever he thought about doing to her.

  “Age is nothing but a number, sweetheart, and if I were five years older than you we wouldn’t even be having this conversation.”

  “True.” She smiled when he spun her stool in his direction.

  “About those cookies...” He moved closer to her. “How can I score those?”

  “My cookies?”

  “Uh-huh.” He ran his thumb along her cheek, working his way down to her bottom lip. “And a kiss. How can I score a kiss?”

  “You’re the player, you tell me.”

  “Only on the field.”

  “Just do it.” Did she say that out loud? Was it the alcohol? The adrenaline? Or the fact that the hottest guy she’d ever seen wanted to kiss her? Maybe it was a combination of all three. Before she could stop herself she raised her palm to his cheek, giving into the temptation to stroke his beard. “I’ve never kissed a guy with facial hair.”

  “We could rectify that right now.” He pressed his hand over hers, bringing her fingers to his lips, kissing them. She shivered when he swept the tip of his tongue between her thumb and forefinger.

  “Jed.” His name tumbled from her lips. “I don’t usually... We just met, but I...”

  “Let’s not overthink this.” Cupping the side of her face in his hand, he guided her to his mouth. “Just kiss me.”

  “Okay.” She breathed, relaxing once his heated mouth connected with hers. His lips were warm and tasted of beer. She liked the way his overgrown stubble scraped across her jaw when he turned his head.

  He twisted his fingers in her hair, tilting her face and drawing her closer to him. The noise in the bar faded into the background, and all she could do was indulge in what he was doing to her. Why did this kiss feel so good? Like it was the first time she’d ever been treated this way?

  “New town, new girl?” someone yelled behind them.

  “Go get her, Jedi Force,” another said.

  Jed released her hair, but continued to ravage her lips for a few more seconds, ignoring the comments from what she assumed were his teammates. When he finally came up for air, he smiled at her, stroking her cheek before lifting his hand in the air and raising his middle finger to the baseball team behind them.

  They laughed and cheered him on.

  “Maybe I should take you home now.”

  “Okay,” she agreed, trying not to let embarrassment dominant her in this overwhelming moment. “Let me text Maggie and tell her I’m leaving with you.”

  “I’ll say goodbye to the idiots and meet you by the front door.” He stood, kissing her softly. “See you in a few.”

  She nodded, taking a minute to compose herself. She giggled as she texted Maggie. When had she ever lost herself in the moment like that? It was long overdue.

  I’m leaving with Jed.

  Maggie’s response was immediate.


  Frankie rolled her eyes. Before she could respond to that Maggie sent another message.

  Have fun. Be careful.
Call me tomorrow.

  Frankie quickly typed thanks before tossing her phone in her bag and joining Jed by the front door.

  “Maggie okay with you leaving?” He took her hand, opening the door for her.

  “She knows the whole town, so she’s fine.” Her heart pounded hard in her chest when she realized she was going home with Jed. Could she really do this? As he walked in front of her, she gazed at his muscular back and massive calves. Thinking about what he looked like underneath those clothes kicked her arousal up ten notches.

  Yeah, I could definitely do this!

  * * * *

  Jed pulled into his driveway, threw his truck into park, and unbuckled his seatbelt. “Come here.” He pushed his seat back as she moved closer to him. “That kiss at Bennet’s was something else, but it got interrupted. I need a do-over.”

  “I won’t complain.”

  “I didn’t think so.” He guided her over the gear panel and into his lap, resting her against the driver’s side door as he gripped her hips. “Where did we leave off?”

  “Right about here, I think.” She massaged her fingers through his hair, pressing her mouth to his.

  “Hmm...” She tasted of pineapple and smelled of coconut, reminding him of some tropical destination. He could see himself relaxing on a beach with her, taking his time and bringing her the most incredible pleasure imaginable. His cock hardened when she thrust her tongue inside his mouth, massaging it along his.

  Inching his fingers along her waist, he slid them underneath her shirt, rubbing the skin on her flat abs. He wanted more, but there was a hesitance he’d never experienced before. He should already have her in his bed. He wanted her there for fuck’s sake, but not yet.

  “Jed.” When she shifted her weight, her ass wiggled against his cock, unleashing a raw desire for this woman. He flexed his hips, trying to find some relief as he attacked her mouth, nipping at her lips.

  He removed his hands from under her shirt, slithering them over her firm breasts. Her nipples hardened beneath his palms on his journey to her face. Working his mouth down to her neck, he licked and sucked as she tugged at his hair.

  “Frankie, sweetheart.” He rested his head on her shoulder, trying to regain his composure. Her breathing was just as inconsistent as his, and her heart raced fast against his chest. All he wanted to do was fuck her against the nearest wall.


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