In It to Win It

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In It to Win It Page 17

by Ella Jade

  Her knees buckled, but Leo caught her, lifting her easily. Her flowing skirt fell open at the splits on either side, and she shivered at the touch of his hands over her bare thighs as her legs wrapped around his waist.

  Holding her up, Leo walked back inside the building he’d emerged from, flicking on two light switches as they passed through the entry. Maggie blinked as the fluorescents lit the space, and Leo backtracked, switching one off, leaving a much cozier ambience.

  The locker room was surprisingly clean, scattered with rows of padded bench seats, which Leo released her onto. “Wait here.” His voice was a gravelly whisper, and he left her alone in the empty room, returning moments later with the items they’d left outside, depositing them onto the floor and twisting the lock on the door.

  Maggie swallowed, sitting on her hands to hide the nerves that suddenly made an appearance. He sat beside her, tucking strands of loose hair behind her ears, and he smiled, making his eyes crinkle in that way she liked so much. She kissed him again, hating the wasted time when their mouths weren’t together.


  She knew he was questioning how far she wanted to take things, and brought her hands to his cheeks, rubbing over the freshly shaven skin. “Has everybody left?”

  Leo’s eyes closed at her touch. “Yeah, gone for drinks at the pub.”

  “Weren’t you invited?”

  He opened his eyes and smiled lazily. “I’d rather be here.”

  “Leo, you were so amazing out there.” She couldn’t hold in the praise any longer, and her excited words danced between their lips, just millimeters apart. “I can see why you played for Australia. I think you still could.”

  His chuckle vibrated in the tiny space between their mouths, and then disappeared as he kissed her again. Maggie didn’t resist when powerful arms circled her waist, urging her onto his lap. She shifted onto his thighs, resting her knees either side of his hips on the padded bench, and had the fleeting thought that she never wanted to leave his lips, ever again.

  His hands traveled under her skirt—stopping momentarily in surprise at her lack of underwear, and she moaned, low and long, while his fingertips traced her bare behind, inching painstakingly slowly to where she most wanted his touch.

  When it happened, Leo exhaled, and Maggie moaned again, biting on his bottom lip as heat roared through her body. She tugged at his shirt, needing his skin against hers, and as he pulled it up over his head, she did the same with hers, tossing them both to the floor.

  She took a moment, absorbing the picture of Leo. She’d seen him without his shirt before, but it seemed so long ago, and he’d had his shoulders covered then. But now they were gloriously naked. She pressed her mouth to one, loving the feel of hard, sinewy muscle and the way he inhaled sharply, as though her touch caused his body to detonate.

  He hugged her into him, lifting her as he stood, and swung one leg over to straddle the long bench seat. Maggie clung to him trustingly, smiling as he laid her on her back and unzipped her black boots, sending them to the floor with a thud that echoed in the room.

  Her knees were bent and he moved between them, running his nose along her inner thighs, switching from one to the other as the fabric of her skirt fell away. It occurred to her that she ought to feel something about being so exposed in front of a man who was not her husband. But the way Leo paused and sat watching her with a look of pure pleasure was downright empowering. It had been a long time since she’d felt so revered.

  He hovered at the top of her thighs, but it was his fingers that found her first, gently exploring, pushing inside her, before his mouth followed. Maggie crumbled, unable to think or do anything except succumb to the indulgence of Leo’s attention.

  Her back arched, rising off the bench, and she cried out words that made no sense as her body screamed for more.

  “Leo.” Her breath was so labored she could barely get the words out. “Please tell me you have a condom?”

  He kissed his way up her tummy, biting at each breast, which strained against her bra, before reaching her mouth. His lips were a fraction from hers and he smiled, nodding.

  Maggie exhaled in relief, but her smile dropped as he moved off her, taking the warmth, leaving her vulnerable. “Hurry.”

  Opening the front pocket of his sports bag, he rummaged around and pulled out a foil square. He quickly ditched his pants, then his boxers, putting the condom on while she watched with wide eyes. He was back within a matter of seconds, and she pulled him against her, inhaling his delicious scent, while her legs wrapped around his waist and he sank into her.

  For a moment, neither of them moved. Maggie’s eyes blurred at the overwhelming invasion, consuming her so completely that she was taken off guard. Leo sighed contently, burying his face into her neck, and then slowly pulled back his hips. She was shocked at how satisfying it was, but more so by her body’s greedy response, and began to move in unison with him, slow and then fast, demanding more every time.

  Their breaths merged together, intermingled with kisses and gasps. Maggie could barely string a thought together, except how much she loved the sensation building within her body. She dug her nails into Leo’s back, giving everything to him as they moved together, and he groaned, his muscles tightening as he succumbed, while she clung to him, waves of bliss overtaking everything.

  “Holy crap.” It was the only phrase that suited as Maggie struggled to return her breathing to normal pace.

  Leo shifted onto his elbows, skimming the sides of her torso while he locked onto her gaze. His eyes were dark, full of an intensity that suddenly left her feeling vulnerable.

  “No, don’t do that,” he whispered, sitting up and offering a hand to help her do the same.

  “Do what?” Maggie smoothed her skirt over her legs.

  “Get all shy on me.”

  She laughed, bending down to scoop her t-shirt from the floor. “Well, stop staring at me like that.”

  Leo grinned.

  She swatted his arm. “Stop it!”

  He took the t-shirt from her hand and threw it across the room.

  Maggie’s jaw dropped in surprise, almost landing in her lap when he unhooked her bra. But as he ducked his head and took one breast in his mouth she closed her eyes and smiled, delving her hands into his thick hair.

  It was well into the early hours of the morning before they finally got home.

  Chapter 8

  To Maggie’s surprise, her relationship with Leo fell into a remarkably easy pattern. They traveled together every Monday night and she’d watch him play soccer, marveling at his amazing skills and finesse, and afterward she’d show him exactly how impressed she was. Sometimes they went for dinner after the match, but always managed to find somewhere private to work off their insatiable appetite for each other.

  She liked being away from home with Leo, free to hold his hand, or kiss him when the moment felt right, far from the gossiping eyes of Katoomba locals. They’d both agreed that keeping their relationship from the kids was for the best, especially Patrick who wouldn’t understand his mother being with another man.

  Felix had no idea that she was seeing Leo, and Maggie wanted to keep it that way. He’d been coming to each game on Saturdays, guilt tripping her into a family outing afterward, before he and Patrick headed to Sydney for the night to return on Sunday afternoon.

  Maggie had to admit that the time with Felix wasn’t so bad. He did seem to have matured since their break-up, and kept assuring her that he’d changed his ways. He asked relentlessly when she was going to call off the separation and let them be a family again. She knew better than to believe him, but seeing Patrick’s delight when they were together made her wonder if she was being too self-centered.

  Over and over she played with different scenarios in her head, trying to reach some kind of conclusion that would please everyone. If she and Patrick went back to Sydney, Felix would be happy, but what about her? And how would Patrick feel about that? He’d settled so well in
to life in Katoomba. But every child wants their parents to be together, and it was all too obvious that he was happiest when she and Felix were with him. Could she honestly be responsible for taking that away from him? Her head hurt, and the only time there was any reprieve was when she was with Leo.

  True to his word, he gave her additional soccer training every Sunday. Initially, Maggie had thought it was a cover for them to sneak away somewhere, but no. Leo worked her hard, concentrating on her fitness as well as skills. She could feel herself improving, although it hadn’t yet translated into a win for their Thursday night team.

  Maggie felt bad about that, especially since she’d finally gotten Leo to admit it annoyed him. He’d always insisted that he didn’t care if they won or lost, as long as everyone had a good time, but she suspected he was putting up a front. It had taken a lot of tickling—he was super ticklish under the arms—mixed with kisses, and okay there was sex in there, but he finally acknowledged that he wouldn’t mind seeing their team end up in front, just once.

  Patrick’s team, on the other hand, were little dynamos. They played so well together, listening to each other, utilizing each player, and most weeks were rewarded with a win for their hard work. Maggie couldn’t be prouder of her little boy.

  She sat now on the edge of her bed, flicking through Facebook for any interesting news, when a text arrived from Felix.

  Come home. I love you. Let’s be a family again.

  She bit the inside of her cheeks as guilt reared its ugly head. But it was less than twenty seconds before her phone beeped again, bringing a surge of anger into the mix.

  Don’t ignore me. Do what’s right for our son.

  She hastily punched out a message of her own. I’m not ignoring! It’s a big decision. I need time to work everything out.

  His reply was instant. What’s to work out? There’s no one else but you Mags, I promise.

  * * * *

  For an entire week she mulled over the pros and cons of going back to a life with Felix. It wasn’t what she wanted, she knew that deep down, yet the more she went over different scenarios, the worse she felt. Every outcome that held any appeal—staying in Katoomba, she and Patrick getting their own place, seeing where things led with Leo—all highlighted her own selfishness. It was sobering, and quite frankly, appalling that she couldn’t put her son’s happiness before her own gluttony.

  Felix texted several times a day, declaring how much he wanted her, how lonely he was, how she was the only woman in his life. The entire way through Patrick’s last soccer game he’d showered her in affection reminiscent of their early marriage. It had taken every ounce of Maggie’s energy not to punch him, especially given the way Leo kept shooting daggers in their direction.

  She hadn’t been able to look at him. It was weak, and she knew it, but it had been hard enough maintaining that stupid fake smile, and she would have fallen apart if she’d glimpsed Leo’s warm, brown eyes, even for a second. Walking away with Felix after the match had made her feel like a queen bitch. She was pretty sure Leo thought so too, if the way his gaze burning holes in her back was any indication.

  On Sunday Maggie got dressed in her sports gear and headed for the oval, not knowing whether Leo would turn up for their weekly training session, given her poor behavior. But she remained hopeful. Actually, the thought of seeing him lifted her mood higher than it had been all week, and when she arrived at the oval and saw him unpacking his bag of soccer gear, she practically floated to him.

  He opened his arms wide and she fell into his embrace, lapping up the comfort of strength around her. Smiling into his chest, she inhaled his glorious Leo smell, allowing everything else to wash away. Respite from the nagging, indecisive head-talk she’d been plagued by for weeks was heavenly, and she inhaled again, squeezing him tighter.

  Leo kissed the top of her head. “Everything okay?”

  Maggie remained still, not wanting the moment to end. “It is now.”

  The feel of his smile on her head filled her with a sense of peace. He was so unassuming, so easy to be with.

  She lost track of what was what, her mind floating in a state of serenity. “I love you.”

  Leo pulled back, holding her by the upper arms as he bent to her eye level. There was such surprise on his face that she wondered if she’d missed something. Was there an animal behind her? A mob of wild horses or something equally exciting?

  A smile formed on Leo’s lips, shifting his expression from bewilderment to pure delight. “You do?”

  Maggie frowned. “Huh?”

  “You just said you loved me.”

  She stepped back from his grip as a rather nasty niggle of doubt seared her brain. She’d thought the words, but not actually said them out loud. Or had she? Oh, bugger. Her hand clamped over her mouth, and she shook her head vigorously, denying everything. Leo’s eyes grew wide, and knowing the best way to get her to talk, he tickled.

  Maggie squealed, dropping her hand as she ran around Leo, defending herself from his onslaught. But he was an expert, going straight for the underarm, torturing relentlessly as she laughed, and failed with every attempt to reach his armpit in a counter attack.

  “Have mercy!” She dropped to the ground, lying on her back to catch her breath, and wiped the tears of laughter from her cheeks.

  Leo joined her, stretching his arms wide over the grass, his face to the cloudless, blue sky. The only sound was the deep inhale of their labored breaths, along with the occasional birdcall from surrounding trees. His hand slipped quietly into hers, and with his head still on the ground, he turned to face her. “I love you too.”

  Maggie bit her bottom lip as she stared into the sky, but the impending smile took over, and she dropped her head toward Leo. He was sporting the same kind of goofy look that was no doubt plastered on her face, and they lay perfectly still on the grass, grinning at each other.

  It was several minutes before Leo broke the silence. “So, what’s the deal with Felix?”

  Maggie groaned, brushing grass off her pants as she sat up. “He wants to get back together.”

  He sat up too, resting his elbows casually on bent knees. “What do you want?”

  The horrible tightening in her chest returned, and Maggie scrambled to her feet. “I have to stop thinking about what I want. We’re only in this disastrous mess because of what I bloody wanted!” She started pacing over the grass a few feet from where Leo sat. “I have to step up now, stop being the selfish one, and put my son first.”

  “Maggie, what are you saying?”

  She stopped pacing, but couldn’t look him in the eye. “I’m going back to Sydney.”

  Leo pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head several times before he looked up. “When did you decide this?”

  She took a wobbly breath. “Just then.”

  “Oh, that’s brilliant. I tell you that I love you, and you instantly decide to reunite with your ex?” He stood up, brushed grass off his butt, and started to walk away.


  He stopped, keeping his back to her.

  “It doesn’t have to be the end of us.”

  Leo turned around, the sadness in his expression almost unbearable. “How do you figure that?”

  Maggie’s breath was shallow as she frantically racked her panicked brain for a solution. “You’re in Sydney every Monday. We could still see each other.”

  His eyes narrowed. “A booty call?”

  She nodded eagerly, as a ray of hope slid its way in.

  Leo shook his head, his voice barely audible. “That would make you as bad as him.” He turned again and walked away.

  She let him go, silently watching until the police car disappeared out of sight. The oval was suddenly vast and cold, and Maggie slumped to the ground, wrapping her arms around herself as she sobbed.

  It was nearly dark by the time she got home, and Patrick was already there, leaping into her arms the second she was through the door. Her gaze darted nervously around the room
, quickly spotting her mother who smiled knowingly and shook her head to indicate Felix wasn’t there. Maggie returned the smile gratefully, still entangled in Patrick’s hug. She was going to miss her parents when she and Patrick left. They’d been so supportive over the past months. She never would have gotten through without them.

  “Hey, monkey moo.” Maggie ruffled Patrick’s curly hair. “Let’s go upstairs, I need to talk to you.”

  He obliged without question, bounding up the carpeted steps two at a time, into her bedroom where he performed a gold medal winning high jump onto the double bed.

  Maggie sat on the edge of the mattress, loving the way Patrick scooted beside her. “Honey, I know we’ve talked a lot about Daddy and I not being together anymore.”

  He nodded heartily.

  “What would you think if we moved back to Sydney and lived with him again?”

  The ever-present smile on Patrick’s face twisted into a confused frown. “Why?”

  “Well…I know you like it best when Daddy and I are with you, and wouldn’t it be great for us all to be together?” Maggie swallowed, trying her best to sound enthusiastic.

  He cocked his head, evidently thinking it over, even going as far as placing one finger over his lips, tapping thoughtfully. “No.”


  Patrick shook his head. “Nah.”

  Maggie stared at her son, trying to work out what to say, but he beat her to it.

  “I like it here better. School is more fun, and I love my soccer team.”

  “What about Daddy?” It was hard to disguise the astonishment in her voice. She’d thought he’d jump at the opportunity.

  He grew thoughtful again, placing his little hand on top of hers. “Mum, don’t take this the wrong way…”

  Maggie bit her top lip to hide her surprise.


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