Justice Mine: a Base Branch Novel

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Justice Mine: a Base Branch Novel Page 17

by Megan Mitcham

  “Just the truth. The moment I plucked you off the floor you stole my heart, no matter how much I tried to deny it.”

  Magdalena wrapped her hands around Law’s neck and pulled. Their lips sealed together in a desperate kiss. She ate at his mouth and laved at his soft pout. The pulse at his throat pounded against her thumb, driving her to take more and give it all. Her palms roved the granite of his shoulders and arms. She arched off the bed, abrading the tips of her nipples across his chest.

  One of his hands braced the bed while his left snugged the bow of her spine and anchored them together. The plump mushroom of his cock head prodded Magdalena’s clit. “Law, yes. Right there. Please.” He groaned into her mouth and rolled his hips. Imagines of the wide burgundy bell jolting her dissident flesh filled her mind as she gripped his lats and bore into his fierce gaze.

  The tough calluses raked over her lower back and the buxom curve of her ass as he slipped his hand behind the fabric of her shorts. His digits skimmed the crack of her bottom and strummed the swollen lips of her sex.

  “No panties,” he growled. “Dammit, Magdalena.”

  “Sad it’s not like your fantasies?” He bit her lip and slipped it into his mouth. She moaned against his lips. A fresh rush of desire dampened his fingers and she wiggled her hips, hoping to guide them inside.

  “You were my fantasy. Not your panties. Now, you are my reality, and you’re so much sweeter than I could have ever imagined. Honest. Brave. Loving. Hot and wet. You’re so ready to be mine.”

  “I am yours,” she moaned.

  Law grabbed the hem of her boxers with both hands and drew them down her legs. He bit his bottom lip as he studied her head to toe. In that long minute, Magdalena held her breath. She’d never been self-conscious of her curves, but he was so fit, without an ounce of extra skin or fat on his body. He brushed a hand over the swell of her hips and smiled.

  “Perfection,” he whispered.

  She never wanted to be perfect. But Law saw her that way. “Thank you.”

  He shook his head. “No. I worship at your altar and thank you for the life you returned to my existence and for the love you give me.”

  Law licked the tear away that tickled her cheek and levered his body over hers. Magdalena wrapped her arms around his neck, squeezing him tight. His hands coursed down her body, hooked the back of her knees, and opened her legs. The weight of his head pinned her shoulder to the bed.

  “I don’t have any condoms. I didn’t even think about them. Haven’t needed—”

  “It’s okay. I’m still on the massive dose of birth control they required from my trip. I was tested before we left and haven’t been with anyone.”

  “I’m clean…practically revirginized,” he groaned.

  “God. That shouldn’t make me so hot, but it does.” She curled her legs around his waist, careful to avoid his cuts and bruises. “Love me, Law.”

  “With everything I have.”

  His arms slid beneath her shoulders and around her waist, and he held her to his chest. Safe. Secure. On the sharp edge of satisfaction. Their gazes locked as the blunt tip of his penis gently buffeted the slippery folds of her vagina. Exquisite pressure built as his hips undulated, teasing her entrance with the barest inch of his width. His rock hard flesh stretched her, forcing her to relax and open for him. She hitched her legs higher on his back and his mouth fell open in a sigh of ecstasy.

  “Magdalena.” All across his body muscles played, bunching and releasing as he slowly worked his cock deeper. The thrum of his length massaged her narrow channel until her clit nestled at the base of his shaft. Law reared, lifting them both and supporting them on his knees with the strength of his powerful body.

  The shift in position stuffed her so full of his dick she swore at the biting pleasure as he pierced her womb. He rested his forehead on her brow, panting with her, his jaw tight in his own delicious pain. Then it struck her.

  “Your injuries…”

  “All I feel is need.” His eyes flashed flames of passion that melted her short-lived hesitation. The satin of his lips wore hers in a tender kiss, tugging her heart right out of her chest.

  “Then feel this.” Magdalena clung to Law’s sturdy shoulders and lifted herself to the tip of his penis then plunged back to his root.

  Law gripped her ass with both hands and repeated the move. His cock stroked her while his vulnerable gaze loved her with utter abandon. Sweat slicked their bodies as heat, primal and blistering, broiled between them. Her full breasts bounced in time with their mating thrusts, abrading her flushed red nipples on the slabs of his pecs.

  A storm gathered as Law thrust into her sensitive flesh, ground his wet pelvis against her swollen clit, and retreated to complete the decadent cycle again. She wasn’t the only one caught in the tumult. Law’s eyes shut and his head strained toward the sky.

  “I’m about to come inside you, Magdalena.”

  The hoarse admission of his blatant satisfaction forced a deafening clap of thunder to roll through her body. “Yes. Law. Yes. Yes.” She panted in hedonistic fashion as she came, fisting his cock as her muscles spasmed, showering his length with her release.

  “Oh fuck, Magdalena.” Hot semen gushed deep inside her. The muscles in Law’s neck strained. His fingers gripped her mounds, locking her against him as he filled her.

  Mags collapsed in blissful surrender, draping her arms over Law’s shoulders. Their chests heaved together for a moment, but Law collected his exertion into steady, even breaths in no time. He kissed a trail from her lobe to the crest of her shoulder. His arms slid to her middle and he squeezed. A smile curved her lips.

  He laid her back on the bed and snuggled atop her, never leaving the shelter of her body. Law’s green eyes sparkled and he flashed a lopsided grin of unadulterated mischief. Her nipple screamed back to life as he pinched one aching bud between his thumb and forefinger. His tongue licked over the tender skin then rolled it like a jeweler examining a fine diamond. She arched against him.


  “Tell me how it feels,” he demanded.

  She shook her head and watched stars burst behind her closed lids. Holding himself on his elbows, Law caged her jaw with his other hand, opened her lips, and plunged his tongue inside. He tormented her mouth with long sweeping strokes while he increased the hold on her ever-responsive peak. When he withdrew from her mouth her eyes flew wide. Mischief darkened to determined lust over his beautiful and battered face.

  “Describe everything, Magdalena.”

  “You’re pinching the hell out of my nipple. And it should hurt, but it’s a totally unique sensation. It makes my pussy pulse, like my heart beats around your cock.”

  “Excellent.” He nibbled her bottom lip then released it, his gaze focusing on her breasts. The grip of his fingers held firm while he cupped her other breast in his right hand.

  “I expected you to pass out on top of me from our orgasms,” she panted. “But you’re staring at my chest as though you’ve never seen tits before. I don’t know what to expect from you, and you’re making me talk about everything. It’s the best damn aphrodisiac. If you rocked your hips, I’d come again.”

  “Can’t have that just yet.”

  He fondled her weighted breast with his hand before sucking it into his mouth. Her clit throbbed and she grabbed his head, pulling him closer. “You’re forgetting something,” he mumbled.

  “Damn you.” She groaned, remembering her orders. “It feels fucking amazing. Your mouth is so hot and your coarse tongue is licking me raw, in the best way. My clit is trembling like you’re sucking it instead.” Law released her breast and nipple and she gasped at the sudden rushing return of circulation. He arched a brow and she spoke in a rush. “They burn, but it feels so good.” Magdalena’s chin arched toward the ceiling at the tingle.

  “I’m saving your little pleasure nub for later. But, trust me, it won’t feel like it does now.” He bit a path up her neck. “It’ll feel a hell of a lot be
tter.” He rolled his hips, pulled out and rammed his thick cock home over and again.

  “Yes,” Mags begged. “You stretch me wide. Fill me so perfectly. I can’t… Oh, Law. I’m com—”

  Law’s roar filled her ears and hot bursts of his release seeped out of her filled pussy and down her ass. He continued to pump into her, milking their extreme satisfaction until they both collapsed onto the mattress. Using the discarded boxers, he cleaned them both. With a roll, he cocooned her sweaty body in his arms and pillowed her head in the crook of his shoulder. Under her hands his heart galloped.

  As she stared into the green, yellow, and grey fissures of his eyes, hers grew heavier and heavier. She fought against the darkness, but was pulled into the most contented sleep of her life.


  “So, about that titty fuck you offered,” Law whispered.

  Magdalena’s sex-sleepy eyes rushed wide. The red of her kiss-swollen mouth curved into a wide smile and her belly shook against his arm. Rich laughter assaulted his already loopy senses and had him joining in the revelry of their addictive and terrifying love.

  “You’re voracious.”

  “Suddenly, I am. It’s all your fault.” He attacked her exposed neck with a hail of kisses, tasting salt and sex on her skin. His cock lengthened, but he tried his best to ignore it. Hell, he hadn’t confessed his sentiment so he could fuck her to death. Not that she complained. The little minx tossed a thigh over his hip in immediate invitation. “If I’m voracious, you’re salacious, tart.”

  Law shifted their bodies, stalled Magdalena with a wearing kiss, then scooped her into his arms. His middle protested, quaking tremors of agony through the organs behind his dark blue skin. But the gleeful expression on her freckle sprinkled face numbed his pain and empowered him like a B-12 shot, only better. He stood and carried her toward the bathroom.

  “As much as I’d love to explore your perfect rack and delicious pussy, if I don’t get some food in me I won’t be able to function. Are you hungry?”

  Her gaze glazed like a donut, syrupy and sweet. “Just for you.”

  “Wicked woman.”

  He crushed her to his chest to fit them through the narrow bathroom door, but held her there past the opening, strengthened by her eager embrace. Her delicate arms cinched around his neck, holding him in a fierce hold. When she leaned back, he pecked her nose then set her on her feet on a thin motel towel in front of the tub. He adjusted the water temperature in the shower before ushering her under the warm spray.

  The lion’s mane of her unruly hair, which absolutely fit her personality, slicked from the weight of the water. The artificial rain washed away the glimmer of seduction in her eyes and stiffened her bottom lip. Law ran his hands over the slick tresses, returning to cup her cherub face.

  “It’s catching up with you.” She launched into his arms and gave decent effort at expelling the air from his lungs. Her head nodded against his chest. “I’ve recently learned, from a brilliant and stubborn woman, talking about what’s on your mind can help ease fear’s nasty grip.”

  She sniffled, her small body wracking. Law pivoted, giving the stout spray his back, and hugged Magdalena closer. He couldn't help but feel grateful for the drama that had brought them together. But bullets flying and bodies hitting the pavement was a normal day at the office for him. The gentle woman he loved handled the situations so well, too often he failed to remember this demolished her world. A bully beamed her dollhouse with a tire iron and the hits just kept coming. Her tears ripped his heart out.

  “Magdalena. Please, talk to me.”

  “I almost lost you.” The words came in a sob.

  “Nah. I was just waiting to make my move. You were so damn brave. Stupid. But brave. You made it a fuck load more nerve wracking, but you provided a perfect distraction.”

  “Stupid?” She leaned back to toss him a counterfeit glare.

  “Hell yes. You should have run as fast and as long as your body would carry you in the opposite direction and called Baine. Like I told you to do before.” He wiped her tears away with his wet hands, exchanging liquid emotions for water.

  “The thought never entered my mind.” She batted her long lashes and he lost himself in the sea of her eyes. “I couldn’t leave you.”

  Her words whispered to his abused heart, coaxing it from the deep dark corner it huddle in like a battered mutt. He pressed his lips to her sleek hair. “I love you.” She smiled at that, and the grey recess of his mind lightened further.

  Law held her close and grabbed a tiny bottle of shampoo, depositing a liberal amount onto his palm. He massaged the light flower scent against her scalp with sure strokes. The unrelenting grip she’d locked around his middle softened, becoming long leisurely strokes of her fingers along the receptive skin of his lower back. Worry fell from her face, which smoothed in tranquility. After working to the tip of her strands, he turned her into the warm spray and sluiced off the collection of bubbles.

  Next he snagged a washcloth, wet it, and worked a small corner of it over her face. Her head lazed at his ministrations. He cupped her nape and whispered.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Mmmm,” she sighed.

  “Close your eyes and hold your breath.”

  She sank deeper into his hold, lowered her lids, and filled her lungs. Law dipped her backward under the spray. The droplets rained on her hairline and tumbled over her face, rinsing away the grime of their lovemaking. He held her there a moment longer then pulled her out of the stream, still dipped in his arms. His mouth lowered to hers and he ravaged her lips.

  “God, Magdalena. You are everything to me.”

  Law finished washing her, paying special attention to her most intimate parts, then cleaned himself with practiced efficiency, gliding over his junk only enough to get clean. It wouldn’t take much to send him over the edge again. He had enough trouble keeping Magdalena’s wily hands off his raging hard-on until they got out of the shower and dry. Her grumbles tickled a smile onto his face.

  “I’m starving to death,” Law griped as he gripped her toweled hips and walked her backward out of the bathroom to a vanity similar to the one they’d fooled around on in the B & B.

  “Shouldn’t Khani have been here by now? I mean, you talked to her nearly two hours ago.”

  “Three hours ago, you sex addict.”

  “Me, a sex addict? If I am, it’s because I’m following your lead, zealot.”

  His brow furrowed. Khani should have been there an hour ago to be precise, but he couldn’t worry about the extra time with a greedy Magdalena all to himself. “Addiction is all about instant gratification. I’d like to think our satisfaction builds.”

  “There are granola bars in the bag she brought last night. I had one last night. They’re good.” Magdalena ignored his taunts, but the amusement in her quirked mouth hinted at her cunning.

  “I had two already this morning. I need something warmer.”

  “We don’t have to wait on her. We could go get something ourselves. I mean, I can drive a motorcycle.” She grinned. “So, we can go wherever.”

  “I want to go south.”

  “Why? Isn’t there someplace we can go around here?”

  The artificial countertop wasn’t nearly as nice as the previous one, but it would do just fine. He lifted her onto the surface and she drew a knowing breath. His eyes narrowed, pinning her gaze as he tugged the terry cloth from her breasts and fanned the ends open. He hooked both hands behind her knees, yanked her lush ass to the edge, and spread her legs wide.

  “Because it will be the best thing I’ve ever tasted.” He knelt between her lush thighs and inhaled deeply, running the tip of his nose up the length of her milky leg. She gasped and the bare lips of her pussy clenched. His attention excited her and it strangled his dick against the cloth around his waist. The white of her skin turned pink at her core. Her plump lips hid her clit and smooth opening from him, but proof of her arousal glistened at the edge of her folds.
  “Imagine being starved, Magdalena.” His voice was husky in his own ears. “Denying yourself of all desserts, but obsessing over one perfect chocolate sundae for years.” His lips whispered over her mons. “Vanilla ice cream. Chocolate sauce. Whipped cream. One day soon, I’m going to put that on your sweet cunt and lick it off.”

  Magdalena’s belly quivered and she panted before he’d even touched her. So damn responsive. “But today, I’m going to enjoy you on my tongue. No added flavors. Just you.” He licked the crests of her lips. “Tart?”


  “I want you to come in my mouth. I want to taste your excitement.”


  She moaned his name as he flattened his tongue and glided it across her heated flesh. The tang of her arousal danced across his taste buds, spurring his own insatiable lust. He held her thighs wide and dove pointed strokes between her smooth creases. With tender laps he coaxed her sensitive bundle of nerves from its hiding spot, watching in rapt awe as it engorged with the rush of her pumping blood.

  Law moved closer, wrapping a hand around her waist and pulling her to his eager mouth. His other hand skated up her belly to toy with the peaks of her breasts. The world fell away, a dangerous thing in his experience, but he couldn’t muster the energy to care. Every sense he honed over the years focused on expert possession of Magdalena’s mind, body, and heart.

  He peppered her clit with light, rhythmic brushes of his tongue until her hips rolled then rocked, seeking more. Law unbound his hold on her soft midriff and hip then rubbed his fingers over her wet cleft. She murmured an incoherent plea.

  “You want my fingers, Magdalena?”

  “I want…” she swallowed, “…your cock inside me.”

  Law swirled two fingers at her pulsing entrance, teasing her mercilessly. He eased from loving her hypersensitive nub and licked her off his lips. “You’ll have my dick as deep as I can burrow it into your hot pussy. Just not yet.”

  Magdalena bit her lower lip and moaned. He thrust two fingers into her silk channel to the base and curled them repeatedly against the gathering of nerves in the front wall of her vagina. Her moan grew to a mew and her head shook back and forth. God, he loved the blush of her cheeks and the grip she fastened to his hand, holding it against her mounded breast.


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