Temporary Insanity: (Temporary; Paul and Indy #1)

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Temporary Insanity: (Temporary; Paul and Indy #1) Page 9

by H L Day

  "I would have given you water if you asked."

  He tilted his head to one side, his smile growing. "Aww, would you? That's sweet."

  I glared at him. "It's water. Don't go reading anything into it just because I'm not prepared to let you die from dehydration."

  He took a few steps toward me, the huge smile still on his face. "Are you kidding? You want me alive. That's by far the nicest thing you've said to me since we met. And just for the record, I'm talking about the second time, not the first before you get on your high horse and make some quip about hardly needing to be nice to me, given the circumstances of our first meeting."

  I sighed. How had I managed to forget how annoying he was? My gaze strayed back to the pink elephant, its bulk taking up half of the kitchen. "Where did you get it from?" It was nine o'clock at night. It wasn't as if there could be that many places open that stocked oversized stuffed animals.

  He tipped his head back and took a long swig of water while I watched the muscles of his tanned throat contract and remembered the feel of his skin beneath my lips. He was wearing a plain white T-shirt today and black jeans, the tattoos on his arms standing out starkly against his skin. "I stole it from a child."

  I stared at him, my mouth hanging open in shock. "Really?"

  He gave me a long, searching look before breaking into a laugh. "No, of course I didn't. But it's great to see what lengths you think I'll go to in order to impress you." He leaned back against the counter, his gaze trailing down over my body. "So... want to show me where your bedroom is?"

  I nodded, the air between us thickening and crackling with sexual tension. I led the way into the bedroom, hovering by the door while he surveyed the room. His gaze settled on the nightstand. I assumed he was looking at the condoms and lube until his brow furrowed and he turned in my direction, wearing an expression of concern. "What you said before... you were just winding me up, right?"

  I didn't have the faintest clue what he was referring to.

  His gaze strayed back to the nightstand drawer. What did he think was in there? And then it dawned on me, the tiny snippet of conversation coming back. If I'd been a saint, I'd have clarified it there and then. I wasn't and this was far too juicy an opportunity not to exploit. I strolled over there, leaning my hand against the side of the nightstand, and tapping my fingers lightly against the handle of the drawer. "Do you want to see?"

  He shook his head. "Erm... I mean... I'm pretty open, but that sort of stuff's not really my scene. I guess I'm pretty vanilla when it comes to sex... and it was good between us last time... so we don't really need extras, do we?"

  I tapped the drawer again, pasting disappointment on my face. "You invited yourself over here."

  "Yeah, but... I'd kinda forgotten what you'd said until..."

  "Until you walked in here?"

  He nodded, his whole body language screaming nervousness and discomfort.

  I laughed inside while ensuring that my expression stayed as deadpan as possible. What was it that I'd led him to believe I might have? "I understand. The electro-stim gear isn't for everyone."

  His relief was clear to see, the tension in his shoulders relaxing ever so slightly.

  I waited, picking my time carefully. "Can I whip you instead?"

  His eyes grew wide and he actually took a step back. "Erm... I'd rather you didn't. I don't really like, you know, pain. I appreciate that some people do, and I have nothing against those type of people... against you... but like I said, it's not really my thing." His gaze darted to the open door as if he was expecting it to slam shut any moment and trap him inside.

  The change in his demeanor from wise-cracking and flirty to timid and skittish was strangely endearing. I didn't want to see him that way though. That was the path to madness, to feelings I couldn't entertain. I conjured up a picture of him naked, his head thrown back in ecstasy as he'd ridden my boyfriend's cock. It had the desired effect, the concrete casing re-forming around my heart.

  He took a covert sidestep toward the door. "I should probably go."

  I might not want to soften toward him, but I didn't want him to leave either. Not until I'd gotten another taste of him. I guessed the joke had probably gone far enough. I pulled the drawer open. "Come and have a look what's in it."

  He shook his head and I smothered a grin, pretending to cough instead. He took another step closer to the door, his whole body turning in that direction. "No, you're alright. I'll just—"

  "Indigo..." I knew using his full name would get a rise out of him.

  He pivoted in order to make sure I could see his glare clearly. "Indy."

  I inclined my head toward the open drawer, stepping back from it and holding my hands in the air. "Just come and have a look."

  He exhaled before marching across the room. Indy came to a stop in front of me and slowly dropped his gaze to the contents of the drawer. I bit my lip to keep from laughing as he took in the open packet of tissues, the spare phone charger I kept in there, and the one concession I had to any sort of sex toy, one lurid pink dildo. I couldn't hold it in any longer, doubling over as I started to laugh. "Your face... you should have seen it... it was an absolute picture. I'm not remotely kinky. Far from it. And you were about two seconds away from making a run for it."

  The next thing I knew I had a bright pink dildo pressed in the middle of my chest as Indy advanced on me. He pressed it harder as I took a step backward. "You'll pay for that, you know."

  My lips twitched, my attempt at staying serious failing miserably. "What are you going to do? I mean, apart from threatening me with my own dildo, that is."

  Indy glanced down as if he hadn't been aware of what he was holding. It didn't stop him from tapping it against my chest as he talked to punctuate his words, though. "I don't know yet, but rest assured..." Tap. Tap. "... that I will get revenge at some point in time." He pulled the sex toy away, holding it up to eye level and scrutinizing it. "You like this?"

  I shrugged. "On occasion." I wasn't going to admit that over the last few months it had gotten far more use than it probably should have done.

  Indy smiled, slow and languorous. "You'll like my cock even more then."

  And just like that, the air was back to being thick. He placed the dildo back in the drawer and stepped forward, looping his arms around my neck. Mine automatically fastened around his waist as I stared at the impish expression on his face. He pressed himself closer. "Admit you like me."

  I wasn't going to fall into that trap. Besides, it wasn't true. "I like your body."

  "I made you laugh."

  "I was laughing at you, not with you."

  "You'll learn to like me. I'll grow on you."

  The arrogant so-and-so. From the conviction on his face, he believed it as well. It was going to be fun to prove him wrong. "I won't and if you're waiting for that to happen, you're going to end up... disappointed." I'd almost said hurt, but managed to stop myself just in time. There was no way that I wanted to infer that emotions were ever going to be a factor in our dealings. Besides, if they were, that was his problem. Not mine. I'd never made any secret of my feelings—or lack of—toward him. He was hot. He was good in bed. That's where the line was drawn and he needed to stay on the right side of it.

  With that in mind, I reached for his shirt, intent on getting on with the sex part so that I could get rid of him. He grabbed my wrists before I could make contact. "Ah, no you don't."

  I frowned at him. "What?"

  "You're not ripping this one. This is my second favorite shirt."

  "I wasn't going to rip it. You said you were bored the other night. I was just trying to spice things up."

  "I didn't say..." He stopped. "Never mind. You'll only twist it."

  My instinct to argue was stalled by the touch of his lips on my neck. I could wait. I held still as he explored its length with gentle kisses until he'd worked his way across my jawline to my lips. He wrapped his arms back around my neck as we both gave in to the rising heat betwee
n us. I pulled him closer, crushing our bodies together as I lost myself in his mouth, luxuriating in the heat and taste. In the last couple of days, I'd justified the heat between us as being alcohol-induced. I'd been wrong. I was stone-cold sober tonight, and it was still just as good. My hands roamed along his back, tracing the muscles beneath the fabric of his shirt. He had the kind of body I loved in my partners: lean and muscled, without being over-bulky.

  I needed to get naked. Indy laughed at my attempt to remove my T-shirt without breaking contact with his lips; an action which was never going to prove successful when it needed to go over my head. We broke apart, eyes still on each other as we tore at our own clothes until we were both naked.

  Indy pushed me in the direction of the bed, his palm hot against the bare skin of my chest. "Lie down."

  I did as he'd asked, lying on my back. Not because he'd told me to, but because it was where I wanted to be anyway. He straddled my upper thighs, his gaze lingering on my rapidly growing cock. "I know I said you could come in my mouth next time we were together, but I've got other plans."

  I remembered him saying that. I also remembered how insistent I'd been that there wouldn't be a next time, yet here we were. No wonder he found it so difficult to believe that I wasn't going to get to the point where I'd forgive him for the past. "What plans?"

  He grinned, reaching back over to the drawer to extract the dildo. "I thought I could use this on you. What do you think?"

  My breath hitched. From the way his lips curled into an immediate smile, it was obvious he hadn't missed my reaction. Son of a bitch was far too perceptive for his own good. I needed to take him down a peg or two. "Sure. It'll probably work better than your cock. This'll stay hard."

  He threw his head back and laughed. There he went again, finding my insults amusing. No, not just amusing, he'd graduated beyond that to downright hilarious. Once he'd stopped laughing, he glanced down at his erect dick. "Seems alright to me. Anyway, has no one ever warned you that you shouldn't question the masculinity of someone who's going to fuck you?"

  "Obviously not."

  He reached for the lube, slathering the dildo with it. "Just to be clear... I'm going to fuck you with this until you're begging for my cock, and then, and only then, will I fuck you properly."

  I stared up at him. "I'm not going to beg."

  His eyes twinkled. "We'll see." He leaned forward, capturing my lips for a long, lingering kiss before straightening up. He held the pink dildo up. "How does this work? Do you need prep before it... or are you good to go?"

  I fastened my gaze on his eyebrow piercing, my cheeks starting to burn. My reaction was ridiculous, considering I was naked with him on top of me and it was obvious I'd used it before. I guessed karma was coming back to bite me in the ass for giving away its existence in my pursuit of tormenting him. If I'd never opened the drawer, he'd have been none the wiser. Using it on my own was one thing though, discussing it with a man I barely knew was another thing entirely. I could snatch it out of his hand and throw it back in the drawer. The only problem with that action was that I wanted him to do it. "I'm good to go as long as you don't go too fast."

  He winked. "Turn over then and spread your legs."

  Grateful for an opportunity to bury my burning cheeks in the pillow, I did as he asked.


  I did that too, my breathing labored as I waited for his touch.

  "You know, I didn't think you'd be this obedient."

  I sighed into the pillow. There he went with the conversation again. We might have dismissed any notion of kink, but a ball gag was starting to sound like a mighty fine idea when it came to Indy. "Are you gonna talk me to death, or are you going to make yourself useful?"

  Fingers traced along my spine raising goosebumps, thumbs briefly brushed the swell of my ass before backing off and returning to their earlier path. "There he is, the Paul we all know and love. The one with the sharp tongue."

  "You should meet Dominic if you think I've got a sharp tongue. I'm a pussycat in comparison."

  "Who's Dominic? An ex?" There was a note of something in his voice. If I'd been able to see his expression, I'd probably have been able to identify it, but facedown there was no way of telling.

  "Why? Want to screw him?"

  Indy's fingers moved quickly to nip the skin under my armpit, right where it was particularly tender. I squirmed. "Ouch! That fucking hurt."

  "Well, behave yourself then, and I won't have to pinch you again." There was a pause, his fingers stilling on my back. "So... who is he? You've mentioned him before. I'm curious."

  "A friend."

  "Just a friend?"

  "Yeah, you've met him. He's the blond. Not the one with a death wish who gave you my number, the other one."

  Indy's response was nothing more than a soft huff.

  I felt like I had to fill the silence. "He's currently fucking his boss. My boss, as well. He's the CEO of the company where we both work. It's very un-Dominic-like, but what can you do. I have a feeling it's either all going to end horribly, or they're going to end up married. One or the other." I had no idea why I was telling him all of this. Maybe verbal diarrhea was infectious and I'd caught it from kissing him. I shut up as his hands finally moved to my ass, the fingers massaging the twin globes. I spread my legs farther. There was a dribble of cold lube against my asshole and then the familiar sensation of the dildo pressing against it. "You know, I could have done this myself. I didn't need to invite you around after all."

  Indy laughed. "Oh, is that right? When was the last time you used it?"

  Shit! Why did he have to ask that question? It had been the night after I'd had sex with him. No prizes for guessing who I'd replaced the pink silicone with in my mind. There was no way I was telling him that, though. I'd never hear the end of it. "I don't know. Can't remember."

  The silicone pressed ever so slightly before backing off. "Liar! You're not getting it until you tell me the truth."

  It nudged my hole again. I pushed back, trying to force him into breaching it, but he was fully in control. I sighed. "Saturday." I was glad I couldn't see his face.

  He pushed an inch of it inside me. It was big enough that I could feel the stretch, but I used it often enough to know I'd adjust quickly.

  "So after we'd fucked?"

  He sounded predictably smug; the dildo held still, just that small amount inside me, which wasn't enough. "Yes, I used it after we'd fucked, Indigo. I'd also used it before. I didn't rush out and buy it because sex was so mind-blowingly awesome with you, so I don't know what you're getting at." I knew exactly what he was getting at.

  "Did you think about me on Saturday when you were pushing it in and out of your ass? Did you fantasize that it was my cock?"

  "No." Yes. For every single stroke. The small part of the dildo he'd pushed inside me was withdrawn. I bit back a groan of frustration, biting the pillow to stop myself from vocalizing it.

  "I don't believe you."

  I lifted my head to ensure that my words were clear. "Believe what you like."

  He leaned forward, bare skin touching my back, lips right next to my ear. The cool metal of his nipple piercings pressed into my back, as did the far hotter length of his stiff cock. "I think..." His voice was soft and husky. "...you were remembering all the stuff we'd done together the previous evening and you got yourself so worked up that you pulled out this baby, closed your eyes, and thought about me while you fucked yourself with it. You imagined it was my cock deep in your ass, pushing against your prostate. I bet it didn't even take that long. I bet you came so hard thinking about it, imagining what the real thing would feel like."

  It was a scarily accurate picture he was painting, not to mention extremely arousing. That was exactly what had happened. The guy must share a cauldron with Gabrielle.

  "Are you going to fuck me with it or not? Because at the moment you're all talk."

  His weight lessened as he sat back up. "Yeah, I'm going to fuck you with it. A
nd then remember, you don't get anything else until you beg."

  "Not going to happen."

  I didn't need to see him to know he was smiling. I could sense it. At least the dildo was back, this time pressing deeper until I had to remind myself to breathe as my ass stretched to take it. I gripped the edges of the pillow to stop myself from calling out as he kept pushing. Then I was full, the silicone embedded in my ass up to the hilt. Indy paused, giving me a few moments to adjust before he almost withdrew it completely. There was less than a second for my asshole to relax before the silicone was stretching it wide again.

  Indy started talking, his words adding fuel to the sensations he was already causing as he expertly twisted and maneuvered the seven-inch sex toy in and out of my ass. "You're so hot like this, Paul. Spread out in front of me and taking your toy as deep as you can. It's making my cock so hard. I can't wait to fuck you with it. You're going to be so relaxed by then. Honestly, I wish you could see what I can see."

  I bit my lip, riding the wave of sensation as the dildo filled me over and over again. I needed more though than a lump of silicone to feel fully satisfied and be able to come. The sex toy was fine for when I was on my own, but I wasn't. I was with a sexy guy who had something much better he could use. "Fuck me!"

  Another twist, another thrust of the sex toy up my ass. Another graze of my prostate. "Doesn't sound like begging."

  Even while my hips were still moving to meet the thrust of the sex toy, I glowered into the pillow. "Fuck you!"

  "No, I think we'll carry on fucking you. The question is whether you want to carry on with this, or you want my cock instead?"

  I wished I had the mental strength and fortitude to tell him that I didn't need him, but I'd only be cutting off my nose to spite my face and denying myself a really good orgasm. "Your cock." My voice sounded thin and pathetic so I sought to rectify it. "But I'm not fucking begging. You want to fuck me. So fuck me. You didn't come over here just to screw me with a dildo. So stop playing games which make me hate you even more and fuck me."


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