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Motorcycle Master: Bad Boy Angel (Alpha Male Master Series Book 1)

Page 21

by Maggie Carpenter

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  For almost an hour Marco and Kat roamed through the large home. There were hidden rooms behind hidden rooms, and though they were awed by the luxurious master suite and the many features of the stunning property, it was the playroom that captured their imagination. Surrounded by floggers and fur-lined shackles, suspension cables and padded benches, when Marco pulled her into his arms and clutched her hair, Kat was already feeling the warm flood between her legs.

  "You know what I'm thinking?" he whispered.

  "Many things," she mumbled as she melted.

  "Yeah, you'd be right about that, but there's one thing in particular," he breathed, lowering his lips to kiss her neck. "My house has plenty of space. We could have a playroom of our very own."

  "I can't think when you kiss my neck like that."

  "Would a playroom of our own be something you'd like?" he asked, lifting his head and locking her eyes.

  "No, that would be something I'd love, and now we need to leave. My toes are curling."

  "Back to your room at the safe house?"

  "For sure. I know I've only been there a short time, but I'm going to miss it."

  "You should talk to Johnny. Maybe he'd let you hang out there when you want."

  "I doubt it, but please take me back there? I need to be naked with you."

  They moved back through the house and out to the motor court, and were about climb on the motorcycle when Steve jogged called out and jogged up to them.

  "Kat, you were right! That sonofabitch has plastic palm trees. They look so much like the real thing it's hard to tell them apart."

  "The money is in plastic palm trees?"

  "They're hollow!"

  "Damn, he's clever, but how does he think he can get to it from behind bars?" Marco asked.

  "Who knows. Don't forget, he can afford the best legal counsel in the world. Maybe he was going to ask that the plants to go a charity someplace."

  "Or he'll have someone sneak back here in the middle of the night and grab it," Kat suggested.

  "And that's why I'm going to leave it right where it is for awhile, with trackers inside the bags."

  "Of course you are," Marco chuckled, "and I'll bet Kat's right."

  "Before you take off, there's something Johnny and I want to discuss with you both. How about meeting us for dinner tonight. We never did celebrate."

  "Fine with me," Marco said. "What about you, Kat?"

  "Sure. Sounds good. Where?"

  "Mario's? Around seven o'clock?"

  "Great," Kat smiled. "We'll see you there."

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  A short time later they were approaching the front door of the romantic old house, but as Kat placed the key in the lock, Marco placed his hand over hers.

  "Wait...I have a surprise for you."

  "What sort of surprise?"

  "If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise. I'll be right back."

  Turning on his heel he hurried away, but he was gone only a minute, and when he returned he was carrying a pink box with a red bow.

  "What's this?"

  "Something special for my special girl," he said, handing it to her. "I was going to give it to you later, but now is better. Leave your place unlocked. I'll wait downstairs for five minutes then come up."

  "I'm excited," she beamed, as they walked inside. "Thank you."

  He watched her trot up the stairs, then wandered into the living room, and gazing up at the old-world crystal chandelier he felt a pang. It was a wonderful old house and deserved to be restored to its former glory. Continuing to meander as the minutes ticked by, then hurried up the stairs. The door was unlocked, and entering her bedroom he found her lying on the bed in the gift he'd bought her; a pink silk nightie.

  "You look gorgeous," he murmured, taking off his jacket as he ambled towards her.

  "I absolutely love it," she said softly. "It's almost identical to my other one. Thank you. I would have enjoyed seeing the look on the sales clerk's face when you asked if she had any pink silk nighties."

  "She was very helpful," Marco grinned, sitting on the edge of the bed and moving his palm over her breasts through the slinky fabric.

  "I'll just bet she was. Let me guess. She offered to model it for you."

  "How did you know? She didn't do it justice though," he said with a wry grin. "It looks much better on you."

  "Beast!" she giggled, punching his arm.

  "That would be me," he laughed, "and you're my beauty."

  "I think I just hurt my hand, and I'll bet you didn't even feel that."

  "Feel what?" he asked, rising to his feet and slowly removing his clothes.

  "Very funny."

  "Have I spanked you since you got over your cold?"

  "What sort of a question is that?"

  "One that requires a yes or no answer."

  He was staring down at her with a single raised eyebrow, and feeling her butterflies spring to life, she shook her head.

  "No, you haven't, Sir."

  "Then I must, and I like the idea of being at Mario's knowing you're sitting on a very warm backside."

  She remained silent as he finished undressing, and as he stretched out next to her, rolling her on to her side against him, she let out a happy sigh.

  "I love being with you like this."

  He moved his hand across her bottom, siding the flimsy fabric against her skin, then landed a hot slap.


  "Do you still love it?"

  "Dare I say, even more?"

  "Good answer. I'm going to shift on to my back and I want you to rest on top of me."

  As he laid flat she moved with him, and dropped her head to rest on a pillow next to his.

  "Good, now stretch your arms out, and spread your legs."

  "It feels so strange," she mumbled. "I feel off balance."

  "Keep them there. No matter what I do, keep them there. This is a lesson in obedience."


  "Yep. It's about time. You can consider today the first day of your training."


  "Are you going to repeat everything I say?"

  "No, you just took me by surprise."

  Pulling the nightie up to her waist, exposing her bottom, he moved his fingers into her sex, and she squirmed against his touch. She could feel his stiff cock, her breasts were pressed against his chest, and as his finger began to tease between her pussy lips, she let out a long low moan.

  "You love this," he crooned, then unexpectedly landed a second hot swat in the center of her backside.

  "OW. I do, so much."

  He landed a third and fourth on the same spot, and she lifted her head as she let out her cry.

  "Head back down and keep it there."

  "Yes, Sir, sorry."


  "Yes, Master."

  His hand continued to smack her exposed skin, moving from cheek to cheek, occasionally moving down to slap her sit spot, but intermittently he paused to explore her pussy.

  "Master, please, Master," she breathlessly begged, turning her head to the side, "I, uh..."

  "You what?"

  "I'm so hot."

  "You mean your ass?"

  "Yes, no, I mean, yes, my ass is burning, but I'm so turned on."

  "I know, you're drenched."

  "Please, Master, will you ravage me?"

  "No, you're going to ravage me. You're going to sit on me."

  "Thank you, yes, yes, I would love it."

  Red-faced and panting, Kat rose up and straddled his body, and as she lowered herself on to him, he ordered to her remove her nightie. She slipped it quickly over her head, and he feasted his eyes on her full melons, then raised his hands and tweaked her nipples as she began to move.

  Kat's orgasm was already looming. Marco's spanking and constant teasing had brought her to the edge several times, and now his cock was filling her and his fingers were pinching her nipples and kneading her breast
s. She was sure she was about to explode.

  Marco knew she was on the brink. Her chest was flushed red, her eyes were closed, her head was back, and she was uttering divine sounds of pleasure. Moving his hands to her waist, he clasped her, held her still, and began thrusting upwards with powerful strokes.

  "Come for me," he growled, "come for me now!"

  His cock spasmed as she let out her wail of euphoria, and with each convulsion her yowls met his groans, until her cries became mewls, his member slipped from her channel, and she fell limp on top of him. A few minutes slipped by before she rolled off his body and into the crook of his arm, then snuggling next to him she let out a contented sigh.

  "I think we should take a vacation," Marco mumbled. "Somewhere neither of us has been."

  "That's a marvelous idea. Any ideas?"

  "Do you like sheep?"


  "Yeah, you know, those small white woolly animals that graze on grass."


  "Answer the question."

  "Sure I like sheep. They're interesting to talk to, and they make great coffee."

  "You are such a--"

  "Smart-ass, yeah, I know," she giggled. "Why are you asking me if I like sheep?"

  "Because where I was thinking of going has thirty million of them."

  "Really? Where the heck is that?"

  "New Zealand."

  "That's a wild idea, but sure, I'd love it."

  "Great. We'll talk to Steven and Johnny tonight at dinner. With both of us putting pressure on them for some time off they can't say no."

  "There is something else I'd like to do," she said pensively. "After the bodies have been exhumed up at the rocks, I want to spend more time there, and I want to get the Museum of Natural History involved."

  "And I want to join you. It's a place we should be exploring together."

  "Because it's special?"

  "Yep, like us."

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  A couple of hours later, Marco and Kat were sitting at the Italian eatery with their respective bosses. After ordering their meals, Steve selected an expensive bottle of red wine, and they toasted their success.

  "I don't mean to step on the celebration, but you said you had something to talk to us about," Kat said. "What is it? Good news I hope?"

  "Uh, Marco," Steven began, "I know you're glad the operation is over--"

  "Oh, no! I'm hearing a but."

  "Don't say no until you've heard me out. This involves both of you."

  "Before you go any further," Marco said soberly, "there's something you should know. I want to leave the agency."

  "Kat, what about you?" Johnny asked before Steve had a chance to respond.

  "Sorry, yes, but tell them why Marco."

  "I want to open a P.I. office."

  "Actually, that could work," Steve murmured. "That could work really well."

  "I think I know what you mean," Johnny said thoughtfully.

  "Will one of you please tell us what you're talking about?" Kat demanded.

  "You two make a great team. We were going to ask you to keep your covers, hang out at the clubs, and see what else you can dig up," Steve replied.

  "You're thinking I could be a private investigator and use that as a cover."

  "It would be a cover for our cover," Kat exclaimed. "That's brilliant."

  "Exactly. Hang up your shingle, and stay who you are. A bad boy biker, but you'll be working for us. I can't imagine there are many private detectives wearing leathers and riding around on a Harley."

  "And you might stumble across some criminal activity that you can report to us," Johnny added.

  "Let's do it, Marco," Kat said enthusiastically. "It would be fun, and we'd have our regular lives outside work. We won't be chained to a particular club."

  "I'll make you a deal," Marco declared. "First, we want three weeks off to take a vacation."

  "That's easy," Steve agreed. "Johnny? Can you do that for Kat?"

  "Considering she was the one that uncovered HH and figured out where the loot was stashed, sure, what's second?"

  "The safe house. I want it as our office and pretend home."

  "But that place is huge," Johnny protested.

  "True, but only the downstairs and the suite where Kat's been staying is livable. We'll need an office and a fake home. That could serve as both."

  "Wow. That's clever, Marco," Kat said happily. "What do you say, Johnny. Do you think you can make that happen?"

  "Is there a third thing?" Johnny asked.

  "Besides fixing it up a bit, yeah. I want first dibs if you guys ever decide to sell it."

  "It makes a lot of sense," Steve offered. "Whatta you say, Johnny? Can you make it happen?"

  "Yep, but Kat, promise me you won't go crazy on the fixing up part."

  "I promise I'll try!"

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Later that night, though they were snuggled together and about to go to sleep, Kat was wide-eyed, staring at the ceiling.

  "Kat? Are you okay?" Marco asked, sensing her restlessness.

  "It's just hard to accept all this amazing stuff that's happened. I never imagined, when I walked into that tavern, I'd end up here."

  "I never imagined I'd end up with the hottest woman I'd ever seen."

  "Me? I'm the hottest woman you've ever seen?"

  "Yep, and you get hotter all the time."

  "My ass does, that's for sure."

  "You wouldn't want it any other way," he murmured, hugging her tightly.

  "This is true...and I was right."

  "About what?"

  "You truly are my bad boy angel."


  When Steve traced the ownership of the tavern and the house in which Kratos had lived, he found it was owned by a company. He was about to investigate further when it was discovered Kratos had left a will. He had a nephew in Bakersfield, and the young man who had been living hand-to-mouth working as a pizza delivery boy, was suddenly the owner of his own home and a biker bar. Kratos had decreed several of his longtime friends take supervisory roles to help the young man learn the business, but Marco wasn't named. It made him smile. Kratos had known Marco would be leaving, and it allowed Marco to walk away without drama or incident.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Ernie Williams, aka Jason Dean, aka HH, had broken several bones and suffered internal injuries, but his training as a stuntman early in his acting career had taught him how to land from a fall. When he was well enough to be interrogated, Steve and Johnny were initially surprised by his willingness to talk, but they quickly realized it was his need to brag.

  He spewed non-stop about how easy it had been to manipulate the people in the entertainment industry, and boasted endlessly of the parade of beautiful women who fawned over him. According to him, the authorities had been incredibly stupid, he had been outsmarting them for years, and the only reason he'd been caught was because of the traffic accident involving Kratos.

  Because of his hubris, Ernie Williams described his vast network of pushers, which included two of the biggest names in show business, and Johnny and Steve's blitz of raids resulted in scores of arrests. The empire Ernie had built was crumbling to the ground.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  As Steve had predicted, about week after their dinner, in the early hours of the morning, surveillance cameras caught a Mercedes SUV arriving at the glass palace. A tall willowy blonde stepped out, headed into the thick landscaping, and removed the bags of cash from the plastic palm trees. She was tracked to a mansion that sat above the Beverly Hills Hotel, owned by a well-known television producer. The home was raided and the cash recovered, along with several kilos of the high-end narcotics. Terrified, the man gave up all his contacts, and Jason Dean's team of pharmacists were finally uncovered.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  But Kat and Marco were not involved. After a twelve-hour flight, they had landed in Auckland, New Zealand, rented a car, and were driv
ing through the pristine countryside of rolling green hills dotted with sheep and cattle. Having crested a hill, Marco drove the car to a lookout point, and stepping out, they stood arm and arm gazing out at the pastoral beauty.

  "I think I'd like us to retire here," he murmured. "It's such a beautiful country, and the people are so warm and friendly."

  "Us? Retire?" she repeated, "but...that's got to be thirty years away."

  "Yeah, so?"

  "You think we'll still be together in thirty years?" Kat asked, feeling her pulse tick up. What was he saying?

  "Don't you?"

  "I...uh...hope so."

  "I love you, Kat, and I can't imagine my life without you," he said softly. "I'll do whatever it takes to keep things right between us."


  "Can I count on you to do the same?"

  "Uh-huh, anything," she mumbled, fighting the unexpected heat in her throat. "Of course I will."

  "Then we need to find a souvenir shop."

  "We do? Why?"

  "I want one of those miniature paddles from the maori canoes."

  "Don't you have enough paddles?"

  "Not like this one. It's made of Kauri, the hardest wood on earth. If I'm going to be with you for a lifetime, I'm going to need something that will last!"


  A Word From Maggie

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