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  Feris roared, the sound rather drunk and he knew the big cat would be upon him momentarily.

  A burst of speed took him to their blankets, where he would have a soft landing when Feris caught up with him.

  He was pounced from behind, Feris landing fully on him, big mouth around his neck.

  Oh, he loved the feel of Feris on him and around him. Even drunk off the cat mint he had no doubt that Feris would not hurt him. He rolled, gently disengaging those sharp teeth and dug his fingers into Feris' ribs. Feris' chuffed and purred, wriggling for him, tongue hanging out of his mouth. He laughed aloud, playing, wrestling, loving their games. He never failed to find joy in Feris' company.

  Feris began to lick him, long, lazy strokes with the rough tongue that started on his cheeks and kind of wandered wetly over his face. That rough tongue made him laugh, made him squirm. He grabbed Feris ears and shook that great head, rubbing noses.

  Feris purred, body rubbing against him.

  Warm and heavy and beautiful tawny fur. That was his Feris. Even if those glowing golden eyes were a little hazy.

  He was licked again, Feris' paw resting heavily on his shoulder, long body rubbing against him.

  He would be content to stay like that and while the day away, petting and stroking, maybe taking a nap. If Feris would quit licking his nose.

  As if Feris had looked into his mind, the big cat settled, deep purrs rumbling between them as those golden eyes closed.

  It looked like Feris liked his gift. He would have to keep the location of that stash in mind for later. For now, he would just settle in with his cat, and nap.

  ~Chapter Eighteen~

  Running. Good.

  Muscles stretch. Good.

  All good.

  His man. Good.

  Need. Good.

  Feris shifted into man-form as he came to the river where An neal was. His man was beautiful.

  All pale skin and long limbs and dark hair. Playing in the water. His An neal -- playing!

  It was good.

  He leapt into the water and swam to An neal.

  An neal turned to him, laughing. "Feris! You must be the only cat I know who likes the water." An neal smiled, laughed, happy for him. It was better when An neal was happy.

  "I like to be where you are."

  He moved to An neal, stepping close, fingers sliding over skin made cool by water.

  "Good. I like you with me." Moving closer still, An neal touched him, hands coming up to his shoulders, pulling him close.

  He brought his lips to An neal's. Ah, that was where all his man's heat had gone.

  They shared a kiss, warm and deep, An neal's tongue pushing against his. The water moved against them, pushing them together.

  Oh! An neal had more heat there, just below the water's surface.

  He purred into An neal's mouth, hand sliding over skin until he could wrap his fingers around the good heat.

  A deep moan met his touch, An neal arching against him, one long leg wrapping about his hip. An neal trusted him to support them, lost in their kiss.

  His free hand slid down to cup An neal's rump. He squeezed with both hands, making more moans come from An neal.

  Hands dug into his shoulders, nails leaving marks, he could feel it, as An neal pushed into his hands, back and forth, hard and hot in the cool water.

  "Feris. Please."

  "Please what?" he growled. "Tell me."

  "I would be inside you. I need you. Please." An neal pushed him toward the riverbank, eager, needing.

  He growled, allowing An neal to push him just as he would allow An neal to be inside him. Only An neal could do that. His An neal.

  They fell to the ground together, An neal's mouth moving over him, from his throat to his chest, finding his tender spots, using that hot tongue on them.

  He purred, arching into An neal's touches, hands still wrapped around shaft and rump.

  Grabbing for his bag, An neal straddled him, pushing into the touches still, even while looking for the sweet oil he kept. "Feris. If you keep that up I will spill before I have you."

  He didn't understand -- spilling meant pleasure. "That would not be good?"

  An neal laughed, gifting him with a hard kiss. "It would be very good, but I wish to be inside you when I do."

  He let go of An neal, pouting. "Hurry," he growled.

  The oil was open scant moments later and An neal's fingers slid between his legs, pushing against his hole, slick and warm.

  He growled, body tightening as it always did at the beginning. He breathed deeply, taking in the scent of An neal and relaxed, his growls turning to purrs as one finger moved into him.

  Deep and sure, that finger opened him for another, stretching him, readying him. An neal was gentle but firm, the touch turning, searching, finally finding the spot within that made him purr.

  He writhed, reaching out to grab An neal, to hold on as his man did such things to him.

  "Yes. Feris. Love." An neal used more oil on that straining shaft, withdrawing his fingers and pushing at him with the head of it. Inside, big and hard and hot, An neal pushed, straining with need, slowly, so he didn't hurt.

  He growled and bucked, pulling An neal in faster. "Just do it."

  Nodding, licking sweat from his lips, An neal pushed, sliding inside, stretching him wide. "Oh. Feris. Yes."

  He tilted his hips, growling and holding on tight. "Love," he said, hands tightening on An neal's shoulders.

  Head back, hands holding him tight, An neal moved, flesh slapping against him as they moved together. He bucked, meeting each thrust with his own body, the pleasure hot inside him.

  Harder, faster, An neal moved within in, on him, around him. Hot words and kisses fell on his skin, good and right.

  His need grew hotter and hotter, sliding between their bellies. He roared as the pleasure got too big to hold inside.

  "Feris!" His man loved his name, using it when the need got so good, so big, and suddenly An neal throbbed within him, shooting heat deep inside, shaking with it.

  He wrapped his arms and legs around his man, holding him close and purring from deep in his belly.

  "We need another bath." An neal laughed for him again, sounding happy and sleepy.

  "I will give you a bath." He pushed at An neal until his man came out and moved to the side.

  Shifting, he turned back into himself.

  Licking. Cleaning. Grooming mate.

  Chuckling, An neal scratched his ears, squirming beneath his tongue. His man. Good.


  Feris was stretched out asleep, basking on a rock really, and Anneal took the time to watch him. Just to watch. He so rarely got the chance. Either Feris was away, hunting, running, or they were together. So close that he could feel rather that see. So beautiful, his Feris. The long, lean body was covered in thick, tawny fur from ears to feet, the muzzle and the tip of that marvelous tail black, the belly white.

  Utterly perfect.

  Not that Feris was not beautiful as a man, for he certainly was. It was simply that the cat was the more natural of the two. The sun shone on that heavy pelt, lightening it, making it gleam, and Feris panted in his sleep, the pink tongue peeking out from between sharp teeth. With a feeling close to shock, Anneal realized that he had grown hard as he looked. Fully hard, and needing.

  Again, not an unusual state, to be in need with Feris about, but this was the first time Anneal could remember the sensation occurring just from looking at Feris as "himself". He waited for the inevitable guilt, or shame, or at least the feeling that he should be so, that came with such things, but he was curiously free of it. It simply was. Moving into the sun himself, Anneal stripped out of his clothes. He was not close enough to Feris to disturb him, but he could still see him, and the warmth of the sun on his skin felt good and right as he took his prick in his hand and stroked it.

  Feris' eyes stayed closed, but the large head was raised, whiskers noticeably twitching. He smiled. Feris always knew. Anneal
spread his legs wider, planting his feet and pulling harder. It felt so good, so right.

  That big tongue came out to lick at Feris' muzzle and then Feris stood, stretching before turning to look at him.

  A soft purr sounded and Feris silently padded up to him, nosing his hand and shaft. Oh. Soft, soft skin and fur, and those tickling whiskers brushed over him, making him jump and moan. "Feris!"

  Feris chuffed and licked, tongue swiping across his hand, the tip of his shaft.

  Long, low purrs sounded and Feris licked again. That tongue was so much rougher than Feris the man's, emphasizing the differences, scraping over his already sensitive flesh in a maddening way. Anneal opened his hand, cupping his prick and pushing it toward Feris, begging for more.

  Feris purred happily and began to lick and lick, from base to tip over and over again. His hips rocked, and so did the rest of him, toes to heels, his thigh muscles singing with strain. His hand dropped to Feris' head, stroking and petting.

  Feris lifted his head, those golden eyes meeting his own as Feris roared and then his feline lover took all of him into that big mouth. The heat was amazing, the hint of teeth a heart pounding sensation, and Anneal could hold back no longer. He cried out, whole body swaying as he shot hard into Feris' mouth.

  Feris let his shaft go and began to clean him, licking his shaft and his sacs, his belly, hips and thighs. Anneal dropped to his knees, his legs refusing to hold him. His arms went automatically around Feris' strong body, touching all of the places he had looked at so intently earlier.

  Feris' licking moved to his nipples and then his neck, and finally his cheeks, the tattoos and scars loved upon. "Mmmm. Feris. Love you." He stretched out on the ground, lax and sated, letting Feris do what he would.

  Feris licked him from head to toe and back up again and then lay next to him, rubbing fur and heat against his side. That Feris was aroused, was more than obvious. So warm and good. Feris felt wonderful against him, and Anneal turned his hip into Feris' hardness, letting it settle in the hollow above his hipbone, petting Feris' back.

  Feris purred and licked his face again, one big paw lying possessively across his chest as the big cat rubbed.

  It did not take long before Feris let out a sharp, almost barking sound, the scent of musk suddenly strong as heat splashed against him. He fairly purred himself, stroking Feris gently, lazily. The feeling of apprehension that usually accompanied such things was completely absent. All he felt was warmth and affection.

  Settling heavily alongside him, Feris continued to purr, to occasionally lick at him. They would nap together in the sun, and perhaps when they woke he would convince Feris to let him watch the man as well.

  ~Chapter Nineteen~

  The sun was too quick to set these late days, telling Anneal that it was nearing the time he would return to the city. The thought pained him, made him unconsciously straighten his shoulders and lift his chin, letting the bright, last rays glint off his cheeks.

  Then he sighed, knowing the proud gesture for the futile one it was. He packed away the last of the hard bread he had, and stood, stretching his back, saluting the light with upraised arms. Feris should be back soon from wherever he'd wandered off to. Perhaps he could spend some time brushing. It soothed him as much as it did Feris.

  As if drawn by his thoughts, he heard Feris' growl, the sound a low rumble. Then the big cat was there, twining around his legs, rubbing against him and purring.

  He scratched the sensitive ears, the broad shoulders and back, digging his nails into the heavy pelt to really give good sensation, loving the sub vocal purr that echoed through his fingers.

  Feris' butt went up, his neck stretching forward, the purrs growing deeper, harder.

  "Hello, there, my great hunter. I trust the day went well for you?" He scratched harder, making sure to keep the fur going the right direction.

  He got a head movement that might have been a nod and Feris turned, mouth closing around his arm, teeth just resting against his skin. Feris' purr vibrated all the way up his arm.

  "Good." The love bites Feris gave him never failed to excite him. The sensation of such powerful jaws closing so gently, the power banked so as not to hurt, it hardened him unbearably fast.

  The yellow eyes met his, beginning to glow as the sun set.

  Feris' nose twitched and he knew the cat could smell him, smell his need.

  "Yes. I am glad you came back, Feris. I... have need of you. Shall I get the brush?" He wanted to, wanted to feel that big body against him, feel the warmth and strength of it.

  Feris turned and rose up on his hind legs, huge forepaws resting on his shoulders, the gesture one of complete trust, leaving Feris' heart exposed to him. The big, wet tongue licked each of his cheeks and then Feris' cheeks rubbed along his jaw, scenting him with the cat's musk.

  A yes then.

  He shared a rubbing of noses with the big cat before ducking out from under the sheathed claws and fuzzy paws and going to his pack once more. The brush, he decided, needed to be replaced in town, a reason to be glad to go.

  He sat on his bedroll, holding his arms out for Feris.

  Feris loped over to him, running right into him and knocking him down. Big paws rested on his shoulders, Feris' head bent toward him, tongue lolling out. It looked like he was laughing.

  The tongue felt like sand against his cheek, and he laughed, digging his fingers into the long sides, finding ribs. Feris was just as ticklish this way as the other. One big paw batted away at his hand and Feris rolled, grabbing him between the powerful forelegs and turning, wrestling and tussling with him as if he were a cat himself. Gasping, laughing, he let the worries of the day slide away, playing cat games with joy, letting Feris make him smile.

  It ended with him draped over Feris like the great cat was a rug, the deep purrs rumbling all through him, one paw over him possessively, the rest relaxed.

  "Mmmm. You make me happy, Feris mine. Now up, so I can brush."

  He shoved, rolling up, so he could rest his legs against the side of Feris' body, brush in hand.

  Feris rolled as well, lying close, back stretched out for the brush. The golden eyes looked back at him again, full of warmth.

  He began to brush, long, deep strokes, hard enough to feel. Soothing, relaxing, the repetitive strokes eased his mind. He brushed Feris until the sky was lit by stars and the moon and at some point Feris had shifted, kneeling before him as a man, still purring as he brushed the long blond hair.

  "Hello, my cat." He smiled, leaning forward to give a kiss, silently thanking his Feris for the forgetfulness found in his presence.

  Feris' purrs slid into his mouth. "An neal... "

  "Yes." The taste was wild, hot, and Anneal dropped the brush, hands sinking into that shining moonlit hair, rubbing the sweet scalp.

  Feris' purrs grew into growls and he was pushed down onto his back, Feris following him down, all solid muscle and hot skin. An answering sound, more moan than anything, came from deep within him, and he spread his arms and legs, cradling his Feris against his body, baring his throat in a gesture as old as time.

  Feris shifted back into the big cat, mouth taking his throat, teeth again touching but not breaking his skin. As quick as the change into cat, Feris was again man, teeth now sinking in, lips latching on as a mark was pulled up.

  His legs came up to wrap about that strong waist, rubbing his insistent need against Feris' belly. So good. So hot.

  Feris licked at the mark left on his neck and then nuzzled, sniffing and purring. "Need. An neal."

  "Yes. Oh, yes. I need as well, Feris. Now." He licked and nipped at his lover's lips, the taste addictive, strong.

  Feris' shaft slid along his crease, finding his entrance and resting there, hot and wicked. He could feel Feris trembling with the effort not to just push in, the yellow eyes that gazed at him almost completely feral.

  He loosened his muscles, breathing deep, letting Feris slip inside him, just a bit. "Now, love. Now."

is growled and took him, pushing deep and hard. It was deep and strong and took him out of himself and into the stars. He yelled, loud and long, arching to meet Feris, taking it all in.

  "An neal." His name was spoken in that low, rough voice that sounded as if it were hardly ever used, bringing him right back to where he was, in Feris' arms.

  His lover began to move, setting a fast pace, eyes holding him pinned.

  The skin beneath his hands was warm and smooth, Feris' hair falling around them, closing out the world that would make him afraid, or angry. All he had was the thick shaft inside him, the smell of his lover's musk, sharp in his breath, those eyes, looking deep into him.


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