
Home > Other > Shifting > Page 21

  "Mine. Mine." He bit deep, marking his Mate's back with his teeth, cock slamming deep.

  Rex screamed, body rippling around him as the scent of his Mate's pleasure filled the air. Lee let himself go, seed pushing deep, pleasure hot and rich around him. Rex collapsed onto the ground, panting, purring, utterly boneless beneath him. He licked slowly, lapping at the mark that was blooming on his Mate's skin.

  So good.

  Rex raised his head, purrs growing louder. "Mate..."

  "Yes. Love you." He slid away, taking one soft kiss after another. "Mine."

  "Yours, Lee." Rex offered his neck, his belly, his kisses and his love.

  Lee purred, warm all through. He'd gave up anything for this, even his perch in the sun.


  He was playing pool with Joseph, chuckling and goofing around, wrestling over the good shots, growling over the bad ones. They'd been friends since they were kits. Off and on lovers, constant and good-natured competitors. Joseph had been Alpha of this Pride before him.

  For exactly three and a half minutes.

  Lee sank two balls, strutting around the table, to take his next shot, yelping as Joe pinched his ass. "Watch it!"

  Joe laughed, pushing up into his space. "Why?"

  He chuckled and rumbled, pushing Joe out of the way with his ass. "Because I'm the great, all-powerful Alpha and I'll kick your ass, Joe."

  They both cracked up, his shot going wide.

  A growling rumble sounded, ending in a snarl. "Get away from him."

  They both looked up, laughter fading. "Rex?"

  Rex's lip curled up, another snarl hovering behind the low growls. "My Mate. Mine. Back off, Joseph or I'll take you down."

  Joseph growled low. "He was my Pridebrother before you were born. I was doing no harm."

  Lee put the pool cue down on the table, watching Rex.

  "I saw you. Touching him. Rubbing against him. I won't allow it."

  "We were shooting pool, Mate." He moved towards Rex, rumbling, purring. "No harm."

  Rex's head whipped toward him, hurt filling the green eyes. "My mistake."

  His Mate turned on his heel and stalked off, back stiff. He followed without a word, growling low, frustrated, confused. He and Joseph had done nothing wrong. Nothing. Rex went up to the roof, never once looking back.

  "Rex. Stop. Talk to me." He pounced, grabbing his Mate and holding on.

  Rex whimpered, curling in on himself. "Why?"

  "Why what, Mate?" He moved around his Mate, petting and rumbling.

  "Why talk? Why do you care? Why do you let him touch you like that? I am your Mate! Me. Not him."

  "Joseph is my friend, not my Mate." Lee growled, muscles bunching.

  "He was all over you like a Mate would be!"

  "He is my friend, he was my lover, he never has been my Mate."

  "And if he touched me like this?" Rex asked, grabbing his ass, pinching and rubbing. "Would that be all right, too?"

  Lee snarled, growling low. Joseph would not dare to rub Rex like that. "No. It is not all right. You are Mine."

  "Ha! And you are Mine and it is not all right for him to do it to you!"

  "He was not rubbing me!"

  "It sure as hell looked like it."

  "This is rubbing!" He growled and pulled Rex into him, rubbing fiercely.

  Rex whimpered, almost melted against him and then stiffened again. "I'm still mad at you!"

  "For what? For not rubbing Joseph?" This was ridiculous. Arousing, insane. Ridiculous.

  "For letting him touch you at all -- pinch your ass, get into your face -- he wanted to rub you and you didn't make him back down." He could feel the anger -- the jealousy -- pouring from his mate. "You're Mine. Mine."

  "I only want you. I have not gone to another since I saw you. Not even when you would not have me. I am your Mate!" The last was a roar, sure and loud, echoing through the house.

  Rex refused to back down, to be cowed by his roar. "Then don't let him touch you!"

  Oh! Oh, Rex made him just... Oh! Oh! He morphed, pacing and snarling and roaring in frustration. Unable to vocalize -- or to win -- in this argument, he stopped trying, letting the Beast speak for him.

  Rex shifted as well, pouncing him, sending them rolling. His Mate's growls were ferocious, wild. They argued as only the Beasts could, pushing and snapping and snarling, bodies slamming against each other.

  After a long tussle, Rex grew still, exposing that throat and belly to him. Lee nuzzled the vulnerable flesh, licking and loving. Then, as Rex panted, he morphed, offering his Mate his own throat, the chance to mark him.

  Rex roared, big mouth closing around his neck, teeth just grazing his skin, so gentle. Then Rex followed him again, morphing, teeth grabbing hold and biting hard. Tongue and lips soothed the mark.

  He arched into his Mate's body, wild to touch, to taste. His mouth found the curve of Rex's shoulder, hands sliding over the fine skin of his Mate's body.

  "Still don't want him touching you," Rex muttered, forestalling any reply by closing their mouths together. They battled even in the kiss, the passion and fire between them sharp, the need undeniable.

  They rolled, teeth clashing, drawing blood from their lips, fueling their passion. Lee roared, love and lust filling the sound, the air, answered by Rex's. Their bodies slammed together, rubbing desperately. It was too hot, too much to last long and Rex screamed, the sound echoing loudly, as heat splashed between them.

  He pushed Rex down, licking and biting and cleaning the flavor from Rex's skin, rubbing it into his own, before pushing up, rubbing hard and letting his own seed spread.

  Rex purred, hands sliding over his skin. "Mate."

  "Yes. Yours." He headbutted Rex, nudging, loving. "Yours."

  Rex growled softly and licked his nose. "Mine."

  "Mine." He nuzzled, purring, starting to groom his Mate with little laps. Rex purred, sated and quiet beneath him. Lee curled around his Mate. "I will speak to Joseph, remind him that I am Mated, that I am yours."

  Rex purred louder, nuzzling. "Thank you, Lee."

  He rumbled in reply, letting their cheeks slide together as they scented each other. There was little he would not do for this kit.

  Precious little.


  Someone was playing with his tail.

  Lee growled low, letting whoever was playing know that he was sleeping.


  Resting in the sun.

  Not awake.

  Not playing.

  Someone didn't listen.

  He growled again.

  A chuffing laugh answered him and his tail was pounced, the end chewed on. He twitched it hard, still not willing to give up the appearance of sleeping with his body, even if his tail was awake. The chuffing laughter came again and then he was aggressively pounced.

  "Oof!" He rolled beneath the pounce, paws pushing at the dark, soft belly.

  Rex started licking his face and headbutting him. He purred, licking the heavy throat, rumbles shaking him. Rex kept grooming him, interspersing the long licks with headbutts and swats from the big paws.

  No longer feigning sleep, Lee enjoyed his Mate, stroking and nuzzling Rex's long, lean body. Rex mock-growled and purred, rubbing them together. Lee responded by pinning the kit and grooming those ears, settling each whisker in place, one paw on Rex's neck. Rex's eyes went to half-mast, his tongue lolled out and great purrs rumbled from him as Lee groomed him. Pretty Mate. Strong and brave. So black. Such long whiskers. Such fine claws. He purred and rumbled, singing his Mate's praises, stroking with sounds as well as touch.

  Rex stretched his neck out, rump and tail slowly pushing up into the air. The temptation to mount his Mate was strong, to sink his teeth into Rex's nape and take what was his. Still he waited, teasing them both. Rex's purrs grew sharper, edged with hunger and need. His songs changed, now talking of want, of the heat of his Mate's body, of how he would defend his mate from all others. Of his love and want.

sp; Rex's rear was vibrating, soft whimpers sounding. His Mate. His Rex. His Heart. His Pride. His Love. His own Love. Rex whimpered again, head turning, the dark green eyes boring into him.

  They morphed together as he moved to take a long, deep kiss, pushing into Rex's arms with a needy cry.

  "Want, Mate." Rex's voice was rough, a growl.

  "Yes. Need." He pulled Rex's leg up over his hip, their cocks sliding together.

  Rex whimpered and pushed closer. "More."

  He rolled them, mounting his Mate with a single, smooth move.

  "More." Rex's cries were full of passion, his Mate's legs wrapping around his waist.

  His own hands wrapped around Rex's shoulders, pulling them together again and again. He could feel Rex's body start to ripple around him.

  "Soon." He would have reached for Rex's prick, but his hands were full, busy bringing them together again and again. Rex's hand slid between them, wrapping around that sweet prick, tugging.

  Lee roared, Rex was so good, so tight. His.

  His Mate.

  "Lee!" Rex's head went back, exposing the long throat to him. The bite was deep, sharp, absolutely necessary as his seed pushed deep into Rex's body. Rex screamed, the sound familiar, and as necessary as the bite, as his seed. Heat sprayed between them.

  "Mmm..." He purred and licked, so happy, so warm.

  Rex licked his lips, his cheeks, purring in reply. "Mate."

  "Yes. Mate. Love you." He nuzzled, relaxing against Rex's heat.

  Rex's purrs vibrated along his body, his Mate's hands warm as they stroked his back, Rex just touching, petting. He rumbled softly, sinking into relaxation, nuzzling close.

  "Love you, Lee."

  "Mmm... Mate." His hand stroked through Rex's hair, petting.

  Rex slowly morphed until he was lying on the long, soft body of his mate, hair becoming fur beneath his fingers. His Mate's purrs were stronger, deeper, harder now. He kept petting, loving his Mate with long strokes of his fingers, tracing each muscle, each long, silky plane. Rex's paws kneaded the air, those green eyes half closing again in bliss.

  "My Mate. So beautiful. So strong. So brave. So loved." He leaned close and whispered soft and low, words and hands drawing a web of love around them.

  Rex rumbled happily, muzzle sliding along his cheeks.

  Sleep crept up on him and he shifted, curling with his Mate, waiting until need woke him again.

  ~Chapter Five~

  The house was quiet except for the periodic purrs or yawns from the kittens, the rumbling purrs of Jenna and Leah soothing them. The moon was coming full tomorrow, and most of the pride was out. Hunting. Fucking. Playing. Lee paced, wandering through the mazes of pillow strewn rooms, nuzzling the kits, letting one of the little ones chase his tail before Jenna snapped and snarled, drawing the kitten back into the litter. Finally, sure that all was well, his lair was safe, Lee bounded up the stairs to the roof of their building, curling up in the moonlight. Waiting. Guarding his pride.

  It wasn't long before a lean, black cat came up, dark fur gleaming in the moonlight as he was slowly circled. He stayed still, refusing to show concern, refusing to acknowledge the danger. He was Alpha. He was threatened by no cat.

  When the dark leopard came back around, it turned, lying with its back to him, head lowered. There was a ripple and then Rex was spread out before him, long spine and pale skin vulnerable in the moonlight. He purred, stretching forward to rest razor-sharp fangs on the bare nape. His.

  He slowly pressed against that bare heat, welcoming his mate home.

  Rex's purrs vibrated beneath him. "Lee."

  "Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrex." He chuffed with laughter, slowly changing forms, feeling the reluctance of the cat to fade. Tomorrow night, it would not. Tomorrow the Pride would follow the Will of the Moon.

  But not tonight.

  He wrapped his arms around his mate, stroking the warm skin. "Good hunt?"

  Rex stretched and purred, nuzzling back against him. "Yes. It didn't feed all my hungers though."

  "No?" He nuzzled along Rex's soft hairline, nibbling and nosing. "How do you hunger, kit?"

  "Not a kit," growled Rex, muscles tensing and releasing.

  He chuckled, nipping hard. "So snarly when you're horny." Lee reached down and cupped his mate's heavy balls. "Kit."

  Rex snarled, but couldn't risk moving with his hands where they were. Instead, his mate pushed back against him, neck stretching forward, offering him a wide expanse of skin. Lee rumbled and purred, tongue sliding over the salty skin, tasting desire and need. The flavor of Rex in his mouth stoked a fire in his belly, making his cock hard, his need fierce.

  Rex whimpered, rubbing the fine ass back against him.

  "Mine." He pushed up over Rex's back, teeth fastening over his lover's nape.

  Rex remained still, purrs making his body vibrate. "Yours."

  His cock slid along Rex's crease, and he growled low, the heat sharp and sweet, desire rich in the air. Rex jerked, shuddered. "Damn it, Lee, take me!"

  Snarling, Lee's world went bright and he mounted his mate, teeth biting deep, holding Rex still as his body answered their need. Rex yowled, ass pushing back to meet him.

  He fucked Rex hard, hips slamming into the tight hole over and over, rejoicing in the needy sounds pushed from his mate. Rex took everything he gave and begged for more, body rippling around his cock, those sounds rising into the night sky.

  They rutted until the pressure, the pleasure, flared furiously, his hand digging into Rex's hip, pulling him in tight. Rex roared, the scent of his mate's seed growing strong as the tight tunnel around his cock rippled and squeezed hard. His own cry was lower, harmonizing as he spent himself inside Rex's body, marking the kit as his own. His.

  Rex lay quietly beneath him, back expanding with each panting breath. "Lee... love you."

  He purred, lapping the mark at the back of Rex's neck. "Love you, mate." A shudder went through the kit, Rex rolling beneath him, offering him the tender belly and vulnerable throat. Lee bent his head, mouth and tongue tasting, marking, accepting all his mate would give. "Mine."

  "Yours," growled Rex. His mate licked his cheeks and curled in close, purring.

  He draped himself around his mate, rumbling softly. Good. His mate. His Pride, blessed by the moon.


  Rex's rich purrs vibrated with his own.

  Very good.


  Someone was playing with his tail. No, not playing. Chewing. Chewing on his tail with tiny, needle-sharp, brand-new baby teeth.

  He was going to kill Leah for finally having a kit and then deciding to go back to the clinic before the kitten was properly weaned. Then he'd kill Jenna for letting the wee thing escape the nursery and letting it decide Rex was his best friend. After that? Rex, for thinking it was cute and bringing it everywhere.

  Lee cracked open one eye. This was a punishment for sleeping too much. He knew it. He flicked his tail, groaning as the kitten gave chase. There was a sound that sounded suspiciously like his Mate's laugher.

  He growled low and the kitten, tiny and furry and bouncing -- fucking bounced up to headbutt him, completely fearless.

  The laughter -- and it was definitely laughter -- got louder.

  This time he opened both eyes, looking over at his Mate, baring his teeth and rumbling. Someone needed to teach the kitten manners or at least self-preservation. Not that he'd eat the kitten. On purpose.

  The kitten pounced his head, bouncing on him and chewing on an ear.

  Rex laughed harder, rolling.

  Oh, that was it. He roared and grabbed the kitten by the scruff, bounding down the stairs to where Jenna and Samuel were minding the brood. He dropped the kitten on the floor, snarling and expressing his displeasure. Loudly.

  The kitten tried to bounce up to headbutt him again, but Jenna grabbed the little monster, carrying it to safety. She growled at him reprovingly.

  He snarled at her, tail slashing from side to side. He advanced on
her, teeth bared, eyes flashing. She would not question his authority, not before the others, before the children. He was still Alpha here. This was still his Pride.

  Jenna pushed the kitten behind her and stepped up to him, head lowered, offering him a soft whimper. He huffed, but accepted the apology, rubbing their cheeks together once.

  Then he moved away, heading downstairs for some coffee, some food. Maybe a bit of a scratch, if Katrina was down there. He was almost all the way downstairs when Rex pounced from above, sending them tumbling down the last few steps.


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