
Home > Other > Shifting > Page 26

  He pulled up in the alley behind the bar, letting the motor idle for a moment or two before turning it off. Stepping off the bike, he took off his helmet and gloves and then leaned casually against the bike, waiting for his Mate.

  It wasn't long before the back door open, Lee dark and sultry in his white shirt, tight jeans. "Rrrrrrrrrex."

  He purred. "Lee."

  He moved slowly toward his Mate, slinking as the need thrummed through him. Those bright eyes trailed over him, one of Lee's hands dropping to frame that sweet cock. His purr became a growl, telling Lee the tale of his need, his hunger. His growl was met by Lee's, his Mate's thighs parting, muscles rippling. Offering that hard need, that feral sex that belonged to him.

  His growl changed and he launched himself at Lee, knocking his Mate into the wall as he plastered their bodies together, took Lee's mouth. Lee's hand wrapped around his head, sliding into his hair and tugging him close. He bit at Lee's lips, fingers digging hard into his Mate's hips.

  Low growls filled the air around them, the full moon only days away, the Beast strong and hungry, needing. Too many clothes and the urge to turn into the Beast was strong, but this wasn't the place. Instead he grabbed Lee's t-shirt and tore it, baring his Mate's torso to his hungry mouth.

  The growl was sweet, the arch into his lips better. "Mate!"

  He bit at one nipple and then the other, nipping the tight belly. The tight muscles rippled beneath his mouth, Lee snarling, growling. Wanting him. He tore open Lee's jeans sucking down the fat prick that leapt out.

  "Fuck!" His Mate didn't play, didn't tease, just wrapped hard hands around his head and started fucking his mouth. His growls vibrated along Lee's cock, his hands wrapping around his Mate's ass. That thick cock pushed hard, deep, thrusting into his throat.

  He moaned and whimpered, purred and growled, sucking hard, taking it all, wanting more. He felt Lee tightening, beginning to shake when suddenly he was lifted, spun against the door, Lee's hands tearing down his leathers. "Mine. Need. Mate."

  He helped Lee get his pants off, pushing his ass back toward his Mate. The wide, thick cock pressed into him, fucking him deep and hard, not giving him the chance to relax, to adjust. He whimpered and then growled, rocking back to meet each thrust.

  Sharp teeth fastened onto his nape, Lee holding him, marking him, tasting him. He screamed, coming hard, body clamping down on Lee's shaft. The thrusts within him grew fierce and then Lee roared, filling him with heat, with his Mate's seed.

  He slumped against the wall, purring.

  A hot tongue slid across his nape, nuzzling and stinging just a little. "Love you."

  His purrs got louder. "Love you."

  "Good. Want to come in? I have to do the deposit and make an order."

  He nodded. "Yeah. And then we can do it all over again."

  Lee chuckled, the sound a rolling purr, "My clothes won't survive a do-over, Mate."

  "So take 'em off first," he growled.

  Lee's teeth scraped his skin, the answering growl delicious, sensual. "If you're good..."

  He shivered. "And if I'm bad?"

  "Then I'll make you take them off me with your teeth, Mate."

  "Is that a promise or a threat?" he asked, rubbing back against Lee.

  "You'll have to find out, won't you?" Lee dropped a kiss on his neck. "Come on in. After we're done, you can take me for a ride."

  "Oh, I'd love to." He turned and took Lee's hand, squeezing tight. "Love you, Mate."

  His hand was brought up to Lee's lips, licked. "I know."

  Happy, sated for the moment, he followed his mate.

  ~Chapter Ten~

  He stumbled home, torn body and soul.

  Lupa had called him, whimpering, scared, begged for help. "I want to come home, Brother. I want to be free. Diego, he... Please, Lee."

  So he'd gone to get her, his sister's agony ringing in his ears like a roar, like water falling and falling, like the call of the moon. She had been alone, standing silent and dark and small in the alley -- only her eyes, bright as his own, giving her away.

  "Lupa? Can you walk, love? Come on, let me take you home, get you safe."

  He could see the tears in her eyes, the loss hidden there, sown there. Her features, a match to his own, two hearts in a single litter. She stumbled toward him, tears streaking her face. "You came."

  "Yes, you called. You knew I would come."

  Lupa nodded, sobbing. "I knew."

  "Come home, Lupa. I will protect you." He held his arms open, reaching for his twin, his sister. The neon lights were red and blue and flashing, almost a warning and he felt the sudden instinct to move, to take Lupa and run home.

  Run fast.

  Something in Lupa's face hardened and she pushed into his arms. "You will protect me. You will."

  The blade was so sharp it didn't hurt, simply left a chill deep in his belly. "Lupa?"

  Her eyes were cold and hot all at once. "He has my children, Lee. You will protect them, protect me. Once he has your pelt at his feet, all will be well. You promised to protect me."

  "I..." He felt wet heat pouring over his hand, agony so deep he could not feel it. Oh. Oh, please. No. "I would have brought you home with me. I would have given you a home."

  "Like you gave the weakling I sent you? Your mate? Diego will tear him apart and stake him out as a gift for his lieutenants, a hole. You will die. Your Pride will fall. You have no home, Lee."

  Rex. Mate. His home.

  He could still hear the sound her head made as it rolled into the darkness, the click of her earrings against the concrete echoing in his ears. They had slept together, curled and snuggling for years. She had been beside him in the womb, in the world.

  Soon, in the grave.

  Lee walked up the stairs, silent but for the slow drip of blood from the cuff of his pants. Home.

  Home to his Mate.

  Home to the one who would soon be the Alpha.

  Home to die.

  Rex was in the rec room, watching a movie with the others, laughing.

  Beautiful. Strong.

  Oh, how he loved...

  Lee kicked the couch, snarling. "It's time, kit. Get up. Fight me."

  They all jumped, startled and Rex's nostrils flared. "Lee! You're hurt!" His Mate came to him, worry and concern etched deep. "Call Leah!" demanded Rex.

  He shook his head. He didn't have time for this. Gathering the last of his energy, he attacked, trusting in Rex's instincts, trusting in the Beast.

  Rex morphed, one big paw batting him easily aside. Then Rex was standing over him, human once again, snarling at the kits. "I said get Leah! Now!"

  His Mate turned back to him, anger and hurt and fear making the green eyes dark like the night. "What's the matter with you -- have you gone mad? You're hurt!"

  He forced himself on his knees, forced his eyes open. "He'll come now. Lupa is dead. You... You protect them. The Pride is yours. Mark me." He sobbed once, looking into his Mate's eyes. "Please. Let me die as your own. As Pride."

  The beast stood again in front of him, Rex growling. Then his head was pushed back and Rex's mouth closed over his throat, teeth sharp and strong, breaking the skin.

  Then Rex stood over him and roared. The victor. The new Alpha.

  Lee sighed, tears sliding down his face as he morphed, slinking into the Beast, into the darkness.

  So beautiful, his Mate.

  How he loved.


  Smelled bad. Sharp. He fought his way up out of a nightmare where Lupa's disembodied head chased him through the streets, teeth flashing in the lamplight.

  Hurting. Trapped. Cages. Home. Home.

  He roared, or tried to, the sound that escaped him only a squeak, raw and tiny.

  A gentle hand slid along his fur, petting, soothing. "Sh... Lee, it's okay. You're home. With the Pride."

  The voice belonged to Leah, the smell to her antiseptic and her medicines.

  Lee let his eyes fall closed again, panting as he tr
ied to relax. Home. Home. Home.

  "Are you still in pain? The wound is healing nicely. You were lucky -- it didn't get any of your intestines."

  He whined, not quite able to find his human form, needing his Mate's strength.

  His Mate.


  Where was Rex?

  He lifted his head, calling out, worried and needing.

  Leah pushed him back down, shushing him again. "Rest, Lee."

  She turned, bending to speak to one of the kits who bounded away.

  He forced himself up, legs buckling as they hit the floor. The ache inside him bloomed into pain as he started sliding, back legs moving stiff on the floor. He needed his Mate.

  "Damn it, Lee! I told you to rest." Leah reached for him, but was pushed away, Rex there, snarling at her, making her back off.

  Then his mate was sniffing him. Lee tried to purr, pushing close. Mate. Mate. Mate.

  Rex roared and out of the corner of his eye he could see everyone scatter. He was pushed to the ground, Rex beginning to lick him, groom him.


  He relaxed, sinking into the feel and scent of his Mate touching him, loving him. Lee rubbed his cheek against one paw, tongue sliding clumsy over Rex's fur. Rex growled and headbutted him gently, moving out of range.

  He was groomed from ears to the tip of his tail, Rex spending a long time at his wound, licking, cleaning, adding his Mate's scent and strength to the healing process. He was purring by the end, the pain faded to a dull throb by Rex's touch.

  Rex nudged him, pushed him toward a patch of sunlight. Oh, warm. Bright. He curled up carefully beside Rex, chin leaning against Rex's heat. Rex put a paw over him, growling softly. He managed to tilt his head, lick Rex's jaw and chin, just loving and touching . Rex morphed suddenly, the pale skin bruised and scarred, fingers digging into his fur and scratching him behind the ears.

  Lee melted, crying out his worry, his pain, rough growls and sobs and almost-barks sounding as he laid his soul out for his Mate, baring himself and his pain.

  "He's dead, Lee. I killed him. All his lieutenants are gone, too. Joseph stayed in Centerville. He's the Alpha there now. He'll teach them the proper way to be a Pride." Rex's voice was rough, as if from disuse or abuse. He whimpered softly. If only he'd gone earlier, fought Diego earlier, been stronger. Rex looked down at him. "I'm mad at you, you know. I thought I'd killed you. I had to go fight Diego thinking I'd killed my mate."

  He forced himself to morph, knowing he couldn't hold it long, knowing he couldn't bear it, but needing to speak. "I'm sorry. I couldn't leave the Pride without an Alpha. You should have been Alpha before. I... I'm old, Rex. Too weak."

  Rex growled at him, hands gentle on his face, stroking his skin. "Not old."

  "I... I love you. You..." He swallowed his pride, his ego, tears falling onto Rex's fingers. "You are free now. To take another. A younger Mate. Stronger. No one will blame you."

  Rex's growling grew stronger, angry. "Don't make me beat you again, Lee."

  He chuckled, wincing as it pulled his wound. "I'm at a disadvantage, kit."

  "Not a kit," Rex shot back immediately, the growls easing. Rex's fingers were warm and soft on his skin, his Mate's tongue licking at his cheeks, cleaning away his tears. "You are my Mate, Lee. I will kill anyone who tries to say otherwise."

  Lee nodded. "Yours. For as long as you need me." He blinked, fighting the need to change. "Lupa's kits? Did you find them? Bring them home?"

  Rex growled again. "I will not have them here."

  "They are Pride. They are family."

  "Joseph is Alpha at the Centreville Pride now, he will take care of them."

  "They are mine to protect." He blinked, losing his form, so tired. He slumped into Rex's strength, purring softly.

  "Joseph will protect them as his own." Rex petted him, stroked and scratched him. "I am Alpha now, Lee, and I will not have them here."

  Lee would have argued, would have fought, but... he was tired in a place deeper than his bones, deeper than his heart, and he needed to heal.

  To rest.

  So he stopped fighting and slept.


  Rex wasn't happy.

  He didn't mind being Alpha, though he wasn't as good at it as Lee had been. And he'd enjoyed the fight against Diego. He'd wanted to kill that rat for a long time. He hated how it had happened though. Hated that he'd thought he'd killed Lee. Hated that he'd had to take his Mate while Lee was already down. It was like he'd cheated. And now he was Alpha and the threat from Centreville was neutralized and he should have been happy but he wasn't. He and Lee should have taken Diego down together.

  He lay in the middle of Lee's pillows... his pillows, letting the sun warm him. The rest of the Pride gave him a wide berth, even the youngest of the kits keeping their distance.

  He smelled Lee before he saw him, his Mate aged by the last few days, moving slow and careful. Lee looked at the pile of cushions, then up at his perch, then sighed and curled up on the floor in the sunshine, unwilling to leap. He could feel the growl building and he wanted to tear Diego to pieces all over again along with that bitch who hurt his Mate. He swallowed it and leapt down, landing next to Lee, nuzzling, licking.

  Lee's eyes lit up, the low purr sounding immediately. His face was groomed, Lee nuzzling close, scenting him. He groomed and licked Lee all over, searching for the wounds, checking to make sure they were healing. He could not taste sickness. Lee was getting better every day. Physically. But his Lee would have attempted the leap. Lee nestled close, eyes closing, breathing soft and quiet. His Lee would be heading back to work, would be hunting. Would be eating with them all. Would be playing, pouncing and making love. Would be their Alpha.

  He headbutted Lee. His Mate rumbled softly, curled tighter, licked him. He growled and pounced Lee's tail. One eye opened, blinked at him. Then Lee's tail flicked his nose, thwapping him.

  That was more like it. He pounced Lee's tail again, biting the tip. Lee growled and nipped his leg, tail pulled in close, hidden except for the twitching, moving tip.

  He batted Lee's hip and headbutted his Mate again. Lee would play with him or make him stop.

  Lee made a soft, curious noise, moving close, licking his face in long, slow motions, loving on him. He whimpered, growing more upset. He bounded away, ran around Lee twice and bounded back, headbutting his Mate again.

  Lee growled, pushing back against him, baring those teeth a little in warning. Yes!

  He bounced and headbutted again. His Mate puffed up, growling steady, eyes focused on him, tail swishing sharp and hard. The message was clear. Stop or Lee would bite.


  Maybe they would fight.

  Maybe Lee would win.

  Maybe things could go back to normal.

  He headbutted his mate again.

  Lee was rumbling, meeting him head on and pushing back, teeth nipping his ear. He batted at Lee's shoulder, bounding away and then turning back and headbutting again. Lee's eyes were bright, watching him with a look that was half-aggravated, half-amused.

  He growled. Come on, Lee. He ran around Lee again and pounced Lee's tail, biting hard.

  Lee spun with a roar, pushing hard, backing him up with a flare of fury and energy and teeth. The snarls were strong, sure, careful warnings, clear warnings. He'd never been so happy to hear anything in his life.

  He growled back, batting playfully at Lee's shoulder, butting their heads together again. Come on, Lee. Fight! The roars filled the air, aggravated and pissed off and alive. Strong. Lee meeting him head-on, protecting that scarred belly, refusing to give up any ground.

  He pounced his Mate and they rolled. Lee ended up beneath him, back legs raking at his belly, teeth sharp against his shoulder. He backed off, head low, growling softly.

  Green eyes watched him, breath coming hard. When Lee morphed, it was almost odd, seeing the man. "What are you up to?"

  He growled and went to Lee, butting his Mate's hand, wanting a scratch for
a moment, then he morphed. "I wanted you back."

  Lee opened his mouth, then nodded. "It's hard. I hurt."

  He spread his fingers over Lee's belly. "I don't smell anymore sickness. Leah will give you something if you have pain. I need you."


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