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  Rex nuzzled him, soft purrs sliding into his mouth as Rex licked at his lips. "Love you, Mate."

  "Yes." He offered Rex a soft, slow smile, lips parting easily. Rex took his mouth gently, but thoroughly. Lee moaned, relaxing into the touch, enjoying the chance to be tasted, taken. It felt good, to share himself, to encourage Rex's need.

  Rex's hand came up to slide over his skin, stroking his belly, the marks on his neck. The marks tingled, made him gasp and press closer. His cock filled slowly, rubbing against Rex's heated skin. More purrs filled his mouth, Rex pushing him onto his back.

  "Mmmm... Rrrrrrrrrrrex..." He stretched, nipping those warm lips, purring loud.

  "Mate. Mine. 's good," murmured Rex, nuzzling close, hands moving over him.

  "Yes. Yours. Good." He shivered, toes curling with pleasure. Rex nudged his chin up and licked at his neck. Oh. Oh, good. He arched and growled, the sun bright in his eyes, on his skin. "Rex! Mate! Need!"

  "I know. I'll give you what you need, Lee." The nip to his neck was quick and sharp. He yelped, body jerking and awash in sensation. Rex scented him from neck down, nose sliding over his skin. He found one of Rex's hands with his own, pulling it up to his lips to bite. Rex purred and nipped at his hips.

  "Rex!" His thighs parted, moaning, teeth scraping against Rex's wrist.

  "You make me need, Mate. You make me forget everything but the scent of your body with mine." Rex nosed his shaft and then swallowed him down.

  He roared, hips bucking, taking that hot, beautiful mouth with all he had, nails scrabbling. Rex purred around him, sucking hard. His feet were planted, thrusts fast and furious, eyes rolling in his head. "Mate! Mate, please!"

  Rex's fingers slid into his Mate's mouth alongside his cock and then slipped away again, pressing against his opening, pushing in. The burn rocked him, pure and sweet and exactly what he needed, his seed spraying as he roared his pleasure for all to hear.

  Rex swallowed him down, tongue gentle as it cleaned him. Rex looked up at him, smile smug, fingers still inside him. He purred, licking his lips, watching Rex closely. Then he tightened his body around Rex's fingers.

  Rex moaned, the smug look fading as his Mate's eyes went dark, hot. Oh. Oh, yes. He did it again, teasing.

  "Mate," Rex growled. "Need."

  "Mmm... yes." He grinned, eyes burning in his head. "Yours."

  Rex nodded, growled softly. "Mine. My mate." The fingers inside him started moving again, scissoring and stretching him. He rumbled, knees spread wide, hips shifting as he rode his Mate's touch. Rex purred and settled close between his legs. "You want me."

  "I do." He met Rex's eyes, proud and strong, refusing to back away, to kowtow. "You want me."

  "I do." Rex's fingers disappeared, the heat of his cock taking their place, pushing against him.

  He rose up, impaling himself on Rex's flesh, angling until he was in his Mate's lap, riding, smiling down into stunned eyes. Rex whimpered and brought their mouths together, kissing him eagerly as his Mate's hands wrapped around his waist. Soon they were moving together, Rex thrusting up, pulling him down.

  "Rrrrrex..." His hands were hard in Rex's hair, holding his Mate close so he could take those sweet lips, feeding from their passion.

  Rex whimpered and moaned, hands still hard on his hips, moving with him. His cock rubbed against Rex's belly and it made him growl and purr, eyes closing as his balls tightened. Rex broke the kiss, mouth sliding along his jaw and then down to his neck, gnawing on him.

  "Yours! Mate!" He threw his head back, hips grinding down.

  "Mine," growled Rex, biting, working yet another mark into his neck.

  One of the hands on his hips dragged around to his prick, wrapping around it and tugging as Rex fucked him. He roared, offering the proof of his need, his love to the city, heat spraying between them. Rex's roar followed his, heat filling him deep.

  Lee settled, moaning soft against Rex's shoulder, wrapped around his Mate. Rex's fingers stroked along his back, petting him as sweet purrs vibrated against him.

  "Love you, Mate." His own hands settled on Rex's hips, circling loosely.

  Rex nodded. "I know. Love you, too."

  His mate's tongue slid along his skin. "So much, Lee."

  "Are you happy?"

  Rex's head lifted, his mate looking at him. "I am, Lee. What about you? Are you happy?"

  "I am." Lee nodded, meeting Rex's eyes. "I don't know what to do sometimes, what my place is. But I am home and with my Mate."

  Rex chuckled. "You don't know what to do sometimes? How do you think I feel?" Then his Mate shook his head and ran strong fingers through his hair. "Your place is here, with me."

  He purred, stretching beneath the touch. "Yes. My Mate. Mine."

  Rex's purrs answered his, soft bites covering his shoulders. "Yours. Mine. Yours. Mine."

  "Yes. Yes, kit. Ours. Us. For life." He leaned down, licked Rex's ear. "We mate for life."

  Rex purred some more for him. "Yes, Mate. For life. You are mine for always."

  "Always." He closed his eyes, purring, basking beneath the sun.

  "I want to stay here forever," murmured Rex, holding him close.

  "Forever." He held tight, nodding. Yes. Just like this.

  For life.

  ~Chapter Twelve~

  Rex patrolled the borders of his Pride every day, taking the motorcycle out past the city limits in all directions before returning home. It probably wasn't necessary, Diego was dead, one of their own leading the Centreville Pride now. Still, it wouldn't do to get complacent. Though Diego's lieutenants had been killed and life was better for the Pride with Joseph as Alpha, there might be those who wanted to take revenge.

  And though he trusted Joseph far more than he trusted Diego, there was always the chance the Alpha of Centreville Pride would decide they needed the Edgetown Pride to join them. You never could be sure and he was not willing to risk his Pride for being cocky and overconfident. He was settling into the role of Alpha, Lee's guidance and support making all the difference. There were still times he wished Lee was still the top cat, but those moments came less and less often.

  He pulled up into the garage and strode up the stairs and into the heart of his Pride.

  He could smell the tension, see the worry in Jenna's face as she met him at the door. "Someone's come to petition the Pride. He's making his way through the males."

  He growled. "Where from?"

  The gold eyes were dark, Jenna rumbling softly. "Somewhere north of Centreville. St. Henri, I think? He knew Joseph's name. Stopped in Centreville, then came here."

  He nodded, already headed for the stairs, the beast nipping at him. "The roof?"

  "Yes. Lee is..." Jenna followed close behind, her worry bitter on his tongue. "Rex. Is Lee strong enough to fight?"

  "Lee doesn't have to fight," he growled. "I'm the Alpha, Lee is my Mate." He stopped and turned to her. "Are the kits safe?"

  "The kits are fine." She met his eyes, dead serious. "If the new-comer challenges him, Lee will fight. You are Alpha, but Lee has his honor. Is he strong enough to fight?"

  "You just said yourself that he will fight regardless. Yes, Jenna, he is strong enough to fight." He pushed his own doubts aside, he would not embarrass Lee by insisting his Mate not fight. At the same time he would not allow Lee to become fatally injured.

  He let the beast take him and bounded up the stairs.

  Samuel was licking his wounds at the top of the stairs, Leah bent over Chris, stitching up a long slice in the scarred man's chest.

  He stopped only long enough to scent them both and give their wounds a quick lick, assuring them they were still a part of his Pride.

  He burst out onto the roof with a low, menacing growl.

  Lee was circling the newcomer, tail swishing slowly. The new male was large, strong, young -- maybe even younger than him -- and hungry, lonely, the scent of desperation strong on the tawny pelt. The Pride needed another adult male, maybe even two. But not at the expense
of the ones they already had. Not at the expense of his Mate.

  He roared. My Pride. Mine. Lee's eyes met his, his Mate answering his roar. Strong and possessive -- the sound was almost a challenge in itself. Together, they shook the sky.

  He padded over to Lee, not even looking at the newcomer until he stood by Lee's side. Lee licked his muzzle once in greeting before facing the newcomer again, rumbling and growling low. With his mate at his side, he felt safe in morphing and he stood there, naked and proud. "This is my Pride. Why are you here?"

  The newcomer changed for him, a tall, tan blonde, eyes green as grass. Young and strong, hungry and lost, the kit was bruised, deep scratches marring him. "I wish to find a Pride. A home."

  He wondered if this was what he'd looked like when he'd first come to Edgetown. He thought maybe he'd been a little more desperate. "Where are you from?"

  "Everywhere. I've been traveling. Word's out that your old Alpha is fading, your second gone. I'm a good hunter, a good fighter. I'm strong." Nervous too, and eager.

  "I'm Alpha here and I'm not old," he growled. "My Mate is my second." He walked slowly around the kid, growling low, warning the kit not to do anything stupid. "I'm not saying we wouldn't invite the right person in -- new blood keeps a Pride strong."

  "The new Alpha from Centreville sent me here. Said... said to tell the Alpha here that your second had a home there with him, a family." The kit was shaking, watching him closely. "I am strong. Worthy."

  He growled. Joseph had no right. "My second is my business," he snarled.

  The kit immediately dropped his head, submitting.

  He liked that. The kit would make a good addition if they could trust him. He resisted the urge to look over at Lee. He was Alpha, he needed to be able to make these decisions himself.

  "You can stay," he told the cub.

  The kit gave a soft sigh, green eyes meeting his. "I'm Cole. Thank you."

  Lee watched for a moment, then left, heading for the others, nuzzling at Sammy, licking gently. He watched Lee leave, wanting to go to his Mate, but he knew he needed to welcome the kit properly. He morphed back, letting the beast scent the kit, lick the cuts and bruises.

  Cole whimpered softly, settling down on the concrete, offering him the thick column of neck. He wrapped his mouth around the flesh, biting, leaving his mark there.

  Welcome to the Pride.

  The kit growled, then started purring, morphing back into the tawny beast. He groomed the kit until Cole smelled of the Pride, fighting his need to go to Lee, to be with his Mate and let the adrenaline free. The kit nuzzled him, purring and relaxing, sharing their scents. He had no idea how long he was expected to share himself with the kit, but his need for Lee soon had him morphing back. "I will show you the kitchen and Leah will look at your injuries."

  "Leah?" Cole blinked over, eyes dazed and tired.

  "Our doctor. Come with me. You're safe here now." He headed toward the stairwell, the kit would follow.

  The stairwell was empty except for Leah. "Lee told me to wait, said the newcomer was Pride."

  He nodded. "This is Cole. Cole -- Leah. Our doctor. She'll patch you up and then show you where the kitchen is."

  Leah nodded, holding one hand out to the kit, completely unafraid. "Come on, Cole. We'll do both at once."

  "I'm going to find, Lee." He left Cole in Leah's capable hands, taking the stairs as quickly as possible.

  Lee was curled in his perch, back to the room, still and dark and quiet. He went to his Mate, reaching up to dig his hands into Lee's fur, knowing where his mate liked best to be scratched. Lee was stiff for a heartbeat, then melted, muscles relaxing as a loud purr sounded. He gave a sigh, melting against the warmth of his Mate, adrenaline rushing through him, leaving him shaking.

  Lee leapt down, took his hand in that tooth-filled mouth and led him to their bed. He was unceremoniously pushed down and groomed, tongue rough on his skin. He purred, letting his Mate make his claim. Lee licked every inch of him -- head to toe, front, back, covering him in the familiar, musky scent.

  "Better?" he asked. Lee growled, headbutting him, tail slapping his thigh. He laughed, hands going into the fur behind Lee's ears. "You're jealous. You don't need to be you know."

  Lee growled again, but the sound was weak, fading into a happy purr, those bright eyes half-closed.

  "We mate for life, remember?" He pulled Lee down onto him, wriggling against the heavy, warm, soft-furred body. Lee rested heavy, tongue licking at his jaw, his throat, tail tickling his legs.

  "Love you, Mate," he murmured, hands scratching and petting.

  His Mate morphed, cheek nuzzling his. "Love you, kit."

  He licked Lee's nose. "Not a kit."

  The protest was just token though, habit and comfort.

  "Mine." Lee nipped his bottom lip, eyes hot. "I won't share you."

  Growling, he flipped Lee and glared down into the green eyes. "Did I ask you to? I'm yours, Lee. Mates. For life."

  "Didn't ask. I was letting you know. Letting everyone know. My Mate. My Rex. My love." Lee rumbled and pushed him over, sending them rolling over the cushions, mouths meeting in a flash of passion and fury. He kept them rolling until he was on top, humping against Lee. Lee's eyes flashed, teeth sharp on his shoulder. "Mine."

  He sank his own teeth into Lee's neck. "Mine," he growled back.

  Sharp nails slid up his back, bright and sure, Lee hard and hot, rocking against him. "Mine."

  He split Lee's legs, pushing into his Mate without ceremony. "Mine."

  Their bodies slapped together, sharp and feral, growls and snarls hot between them. So good. Raw and primal. Harder and harder he thrust, Lee's body pulling him in.

  Lee's eyes rolled, fingers bruising on his ass, tugging hard. "Rex. Mate. Love you."

  "Yes, Mate! Love you!" He put his head back and roared, letting the whole Pride hear him.

  Lee's hand trailed over his throat, stroking his skin. "Beautiful."

  The long body tightened around him, gripping hard, rippling as the scent of Lee's seed filled his nose. He roared again as he filled his Mate with his seed, branding Lee once again as his own.

  Lee was hot beneath him, arms wrapped around him. He purred, nuzzling into his neck, licking at his skin.

  "Feel better?" Lee stroked his hair, purring low.

  He nodded, kissing Lee. "You always make me feel right."

  "It's my job." Lee's eyes were quiet, still. "I won't submit to him. I am your second."

  "And my Mate. I do not want you to submit to him."

  "Eventually one will come that can best me."

  He growled and licked his Mate. "You are my Mate and I will protect you when the time comes."

  "You... You would honor me, even weak?"

  "Lee... how could you think for a moment that I would not?" He headbutted his Mate. "You are mine. For always. Remember?"

  Lee purred, nodded. "Yours, Mate. For always."

  He shifted, curling around his Mate, head on Lee's shoulder. "And don't forget it."

  Lee chuckled, petting him gently. "I have a feeling you won't let me."

  He nipped at Lee's neck and then licked. "I won't."

  Lee went very still, then a soft whispered "thank you" sounded.

  He purred, nuzzling. "Anything for you, Mate."

  Lee relaxed, curling into him and morphing, the rough tongue sliding on his skin. He morphed as well, wrapped around his Mate and purring.


  The new kit was going to get himself killed -- and the way it was going, he wasn't going to have to do it, either. Cole had jumped Katrina, snarling at Samuel, demanding her as his own, as his right for defeating Sammy on the roof. Lee thought Jenna was going to spit nails. Either that or rip the kit off Katrina and fuck him herself. She really missed playing with Joseph. Katrina had whirled away, spitting and clawing, catching the kit's face but good.

  Rex's roar was loud and angry as he bounded over to stand between them, fur raised, tail up high in the a
ir. Lee watched closely, fighting the urge to purr. There were benefits to not being the Alpha. You didn't have to fight as often, you got to watch. You got to have all that delicious sexual fury turned on you afterwards.

  Cole snarled angrily and Rex pushed him, mouth wrapping around the kit's neck. The kit backed off and morphed, growling unhappily. "You have a mate!"

  "And Katrina is Sam's. Find your own."

  Katrina snarled and swiped again, then hurried over to Sammy, posture worried and unhappy. Samuel started grooming her, rumbling softly, eyes flashing. Oh, yeah. There would be new kittens coming from there. Sammy was pissed.


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