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  He would be grumpy if someone woke him that way, but not Rishi. Malik gave chase, bouncing after that tail, feeling only about a third of his years.

  Rishi dove into the big grasses, crouching low and trying to hide, to pounce back. Malik could see him, vibrating and chuffing and watching, pretty eyes shining like the sun, white tipped tail peeking out of the grass.

  Should he let Rishi pounce him? Thinking about it, Malik circled their rocks, going to his belly and slinking. He would let Rishi try, that was what he would do.

  He managed to get around the rocks before Rishi burst from the grasses, all paws and white belly and bright sounds.

  A roar burst from him as he met Rishi halfway, the two of them thudding to the ground and rolling, tails tangling. He chuffed, tongue hanging out, rolling over and over, loving the sun and the wind and his Rishi.

  They landed hard and a flock of white birds went flying, all beaks and long, long legs. They leapt together, chasing and roaring and running.

  When the birds were all gone they turned back to stalking each other, romping until they both breathed hard and Malik's thoughts turned more to loving than playing, as they always did when he and Rishi rubbed and tumbled and bit and licked.

  Rishi nuzzled his cheeks, tongue smoothing along his ruff, his shoulders, a low, pleased purr shaking his mate's body.

  His own purrs sounded loud in his ears, and Malik returned the touches, grooming his mate happily.

  Rishi chuffed and nuzzled, smoothing eyebrows and whiskers, lapping his paws. Then Rishi stretched, offering him that vulnerable throat and so-white and soft belly.

  His So Good Rishi. Malik nuzzled, licking at Rishi's belly and chest, teeth closing over that bared throat, claiming his young one once more.

  The purr was so happy, his Rishi loved him above all else, paws kneading his chest gently.

  Malik growled and rumbled, telling Rishi how he loved him in return, as big as the sky and the trees and the rivers. Pressing down against Rishi brought his hardness against the softest, most beautiful belly fur, and he purred rubbing firmly.

  Rishi moved and panted beneath him, tongue lapping and licking his chin again and again, his young one's need growing strong and heady.

  The wild scent of them spurred him on, making him push and grunt and snarl, feeling Rishi's shaft rub against him. The loving was as good as the playing. Better. Almost as good as swimming or napping. Maybe as good.

  Rishi rolled out from beneath him, hips canting, tail raised. That fine nape was exposed, a needy snarl in the air.

  Yes. Oh, yes. Malik pounced, teeth fastening on Rishi's neck, sinking deep as he pushed against Rishi from behind, sliding inside his young one, rutting upon him. Tight! Hot! So Good.

  The roars and low cries shook the earth itself, the flocks flying as his Rishi sang for him.

  Scrabbling, Malik found better purchase against the hard ground and pushed, moving in and out, taking his Rishi deeply. His Rishi. His love. Growling his triumph, Malik bit again and again, letting Rishi feel him, letting his young one know his pride.

  He could feel Rishi's climax, feel the tight body burn and ripple and squeeze him tight. Then the scent hit his nose, rich and male and right.

  Oh. His own pleasure came upon him quick and hard, and Malik slammed into his Rishi, grunting and roaring to the trees and rocks as he shot deep into Rishi's body.

  Rishi's head came to rest on his paw, tongue licking so soft, so slow.

  Malik nuzzled and purred, so proud and pleased and happy they'd played.

  They settled together, curling in the sun, tails sliding lazily. Now. Time to nap.


  Rishi looked over at their Man who was doing...


  He scooted closer, curiosity itching at him.

  Their Man was looking at a... something. A something like a little box with flat leaves. Flat leaves that turned. Flat spotted leaves.

  Rishi inched a little closer.

  Their Man didn't stop looking at the something, but Lynn did reach out and scratch him behind the ears.

  Mmm... Rishi Purred and nuzzled into the touches, pushing and wiggling until his head was in Lynn's lap, almost right next to the something.

  Lynn chuckled and placed a kiss on his head.

  Then their Man went back to looking at the something and only sometimes stroking Rishi's head.

  Well, this was No Fun.

  He shifted again, knocking the something out of Lynn's hands completely by accident.


  "Rishi!" Lynn tutted and fussed over the something, picking it up and smoothing it and making the leaves rustle.

  He harrumphed, head butting Lynn's side. That something was BORING. He was Right Here and Soft and Purring.

  Silly Mans.

  Stupid Man Things.

  Lynn tutted at him again, but the something was put aside and two hands were sunk into his fur. "Silly Rishi, I was reading."

  He tilted his head into the touches, making a curious noise before carefully putting himself into a man's form. "Rrrrrrrrrrrreading?"

  "Yes. Reading. It is like... someone has put their words into symbols on the paper and I look at the symbols and turn them into the words again."

  He blinked. "Mmmmagic?"

  Lynn laughed. "No. Well, perhaps it is a magic of sorts, but anyone can learn it. I could teach you."

  "Teach me?" He moved closer, nuzzling, wondering what their Man meant, if his Raj would Growl.

  "Yes, make is so that you know the words that the symbols make. Then you could read as well."

  It took only a little to crawl into Lynn's lap, licking and nuzzling. "Rrrrrrrrrread."

  It was a fun man-word to say.

  Lynn half chuckled, half moaned, hands sliding on his skin. "Yes, Rishi. Read."

  "Rrrrrrrrrishi. Rrrrrishi rrrrrrrrrrrrread." He laughed. Oh, those words made his belly tickle.

  Lynn kissed him softly. "Would you like to learn now?"

  He purred into the kiss, cuddling close, begging another. Learn? He knew all about kissing.

  "Maybe we'll do that another day..." Lynn licked at his lips and then pushed inside his mouth.

  He moaned and curled his arms and legs around Lynn, shaft beginning to fill. Mmm...So Good Lynn. So Good Rishi.

  Lynn gasped softly, hands going to his buttocks, pulling him close against their Man.

  Oh. Warm. Good. Lynn. So Good. He rubbed and growled, hips pushing back into Lynn's hands.

  Lynn's hands felt so good and pulled him close so he could feel the heat of Lynn's need even though the stupid man furs Lynn always wore.

  Rishi leaned in, tugging at Lynn's furs with his teeth. Off. Off.

  Laughing, pushing at him, Lynn took off half the man-furs so there was skin from Lynn's head to his waist.

  Mmm! Better.

  He Licked and Nuzzled, Purring over that salty skin.

  Lynn gasped and moaned, hands going back to his bottom, squeezing and pulling him close again.

  Oh. So Good. He nibbled and bit, stretched and pushing his hips into Lynn's hands, offering himself.

  "My trousers," murmured Lynn, hands leaving him so Lynn could push at the bottom man-coverings. He pulled and tugged, growling low. Silly things. Silly not-furs, hiding their Man from them. "Careful, I don't want them torn. Again."

  "Want." He nuzzled, head-butting gently. "Want."

  Lynn nodded. "Yes, Rishi, I want, too. Let me get rid of these..."

  He nudged and nodded, lapping at whatever skin he could find before stretching out in the grass, rear in the air.

  "Oh, Rishi, you make me want so much." Lynn's hands slid along his buttocks, down to cup his sacs.

  "Lllllynn. Need." His thighs parted, back arching.

  "Yes, I need, too, Rishi. So much. So big." There was a sucking sound and a pop and then wet fingers pushed inside him.

  Oh! He roared, pushing back against those fingers and taking them deep.

  "So hot, Rishi
, so tight." Lynn leaned over him, kissing his spine, licking him. "So good, Rishi."

  He rolled his spine, Purring. "Yessssssssss... Sssso Good. Sssssso Good Rrrrrrrrishi and Lynn."

  "I can not wait any longer, Rishi." The fingers disappeared, the hotbluntgood of Lynn's shaft pressing into him.

  He shuddered, fingers digging into the ground. Good. So Good. So Good.

  "Rishi!" Lynn began to rut with him, filling him over and over again.

  He pushed back, panting and moaning, eyes rolling at the heat and need pouring through him.

  One of Lynn's hands wrapped around his hip, the other around his shaft, pulling, pushing, sending him soaring.

  Rishi Roared, the sound as huge as the rushing in his ears. Lynn's call wasn't nearly as loud, but it was good, heat filling him. He panted, head hanging down as tingles moved through him.

  "Oh, Rishi. Love this. Love you, Rishi." His Man said words and kissed his skin.

  He purred, settling on the ground on the So Soft Grass. "So Good."

  Lynn lay down beside him, fingers stroking his face. "Yes, Rishi. So good."

  He licked and nuzzled those fingers, loving his Lynn so hard.

  Lynn made his man-purring noises and then they were kissing again, Lynn loving him hard, too.

  Oh. Oh, maybe he would stay in his man skin, share more kisses. Love their Man.

  Still kissing, Lynn pressed closer, hands warm on his man skin.

  "Mmm..." His purrs grew louder and he Rubbed. Soft. So Soft. So Good Lynn.

  Lynn's tongue was hot and wet and good in his mouth.

  Lynn's eyes looked at him, warm and bright and he shivered, cuddling closer. "I love you, Rishi. My so good Rishi."

  "Love. Love. Love." He rubbed their cheeks together, happy.

  Their Man was happy, too, showing his teeth.

  He reached up, touched Lynn's teeth, so small...

  Lynn nipped gently at his fingertips, eyes happy.

  He chuffed, blinking. "B...b...b...big!"

  He looked at his fingers, then touched Lynn's teeth again.

  "Big?" Lynn nipped again.

  Oh! Oh, yes. Big and Sharp and Good and Oh!

  Rishi Nodded, Growling.

  That made Lynn laugh and bite hard.

  Oh... Rishi leaned his head back, offered their Man his throat. So Good. He loved.

  Lynn made his small purring noise and those small teeth went into the man skin of his neck.

  Rishi shivered. Never had anyone bit him but his Raj. Never had anyone made Marks.

  Lynn moaned and pushed him to his back, teeth finding a new patch of skin and making biting again.

  He whimpered, stretching out and shaking with wanting and hot needing and oh! More! Good! So Good!

  Still finding new places to bite, Lynn began to move against him, so hot sliding above him.

  Rishi was burning -- tingling inside, moving up and up, growls and cries sharp on the air.

  Faster, Lynn moved against him and harder those small teeth bit and marked and made him know that Lynn wanted him.

  He Needed and touched and Roared and moved and..."Lynn!"

  "Yes, Rishi, give me your pleasure."

  The words were followed by a sharp nip and his body knew that well, pleasure pouring from him, hot and wet and real.

  "Yes!" Another bite, this one over the place where he could feel his heartbeat and Lynn shook, spreading more heat, marking him with burning seed.

  The feeling made his shaft throb again and, if he had not been So Ready to Nap, he might have spent again.

  Lynn lay atop him, lazily licking at the marks on his man skin.

  He Purred, blinking slow. So Good. So Good Lynn.

  Lynn murmured and wriggled a little and went heavy on him.

  Rishi let the man form go, curling warm and Real around their Man.

  Lynn didn't need a something, their Man needed a so good Rishi.

  ~Chapter Twenty~

  Their Man was... Odd.

  Lynn wore false furs.

  Lynn ruined his meat in fires.

  Lynn could not roar or pounce or purr or groom or twitch his whiskers -- although he did have many whiskers, sometimes, when he did not cut them short with a terribly sharp knife.

  Rishi licked his paw in memory -- terribly sharp.

  Still, Lynn had Many Good Things.



  He tasted good.

  And the Brushing was good.

  And he Nuzzled almost as good as Malik.

  And he could find fishes.


  Rishi blinked over at Lynn, ass wiggling, tail flicking as he prepared to pounce.

  Oh, yes. He was very good for pouncing.

  Lynn screeched and oofed loudly as he went down under Rishi's weight.

  He grinned and li-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-icked, purring loud. Yes, Lynn tasted very good.

  "Rishi!" Lynn pushed at him and then started to pet him, chuckling and moaning.

  Before Lynn could even get a good hold on his ruff, a loud roar sounded and his Raj bounced right up and knocked him over with a head butt.

  He growled and rolled, paws reaching for his Raj, for fur.

  Malik turned a tight circle and faced him, tail up and head down.

  Oh. Oooh. He crouched, backend raised up, a low, happy snarl filling the air.


  So Fun.

  Sneaky Raj! Malik circled, putting Lynn between them, chuffing at him.

  Oh... So Mean! So Smart, his Raj.

  He bounded up to their Man and then, as fast as he could, spun around to leap at Malik.

  Lynn shrieked and tripped as he moved out of the way.


  Yes. Oof.


  So Good Rishi.

  He roared.

  Another bounce brought Malik back to him for another pass, pushing him off Lynn, tackling and rolling.

  He hit the ground hard, paws wrapping around Malik and holding on tight.

  Lynn suddenly pounced them both, shouting as he landed.

  Oh! Oh, so Good Lynn! Playing!

  "I win!" Shouted Lynn.

  Chuffing, licking, Malik rolled again, sending all three of them spinning.

  He roared and purred, tongue dragging over skin and fur, the scent of their pleasure filling the air.

  Lynn laughed, hands pushing through his fur.

  His Raj purred, low sounds telling him he was So Good, the same sounds telling their Man how brave and strong he was.

  Yes. So Good Rishi. So Good Lynn. So Good Raj.

  So Good Them.

  So Good.



  by Julia Talbot and Sean Michael

  ~Chapter One~

  He was never going on another blind date in his life. When Les had called, it had sounded cool enough -- new guy on campus, friend of Vic's, GLBT mixer first, then dinner and drinks at Lucy's Bar and Grill with all four of them.

  Okay, cool. Except...

  The guy was way older than him and sort of scary in a leather strappy pants sort of way and he was, well, he was a geek, wasn't he? And Les had a migraine before the mixer started and there were lots more than a few people and then Vic had to take Les home and now he was at Lucy's with this Jason guy.

  Alone. Watching the dude eat damned near raw meat with a scary sort of gusto and, well, it wasn't fucking Halloween or anything, but it sure seemed that the guy's eyes were shining.




  So, basically? Not cool.

  Keith picked at his chicken and potatoes, drinking his diet coke and trying hard not to stare. "So, uh... What do you study?"


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