
Home > Other > Shifting > Page 48

  "Yeah. Damned puppy teeth. Jade, especially, she's teething." He motioned to the kitchen table. "Want some coffee?"

  Keith wrinkled his nose. "No, thank you. Can I help? I mean, you've been so nice and I've been so lazy. Just sleeping and eating and eating and you haven't turned me in or anything."

  A low growl escaped him before he could help him, lip lifting in a snarl. "Will you stop with the turning you in! You didn't do anything but defend yourself."

  The softest whimper sounded and the kid backed up a few steps, nodding. "Yeah. Okay. Sorry."

  Those dark eyes were hidden behind the bangs, the sharp smell of fear tickling his nose.

  He sighed. "Hey, cub. I'm sorry, 'kay? It's just, I have no intention of making you go anywhere. How are you at scrubbing pots? The one in the sink could use it." He stepped close, ran a soothing hand down the kid's back.

  He got a nod, the lean muscles under his hand trembling for a moment before relaxing. Then Keith moved to the sink and started the hot water up, the scent of lemon soap strong in the air.

  Yeah. The disorientation was going to take some time.

  He dished up the stew, heading out to feed the pups, giving Keith some space. He came back just in time for the kid to finish up washing, and he dished up two more stews.


  He got another quick grin and those olive cheeks reddened. "I think I'm always hungry. It's unreal." Keith stretched up as far as he could. "Maybe I'm going to get taller, huh?"

  "Yeah. Regular growth spurt." Seamus laughed, but something went tight in his belly at the sight of the little patch of skin that stretch revealed. Shit. He needed to hunt.

  "Want something to drink?" Keith was scenting the food again, bouncing lightly on the balls of his bare feet, dark eyes just glowing along the edges.

  "Nah. C'mon. Sit and eat. I'm good." Really, if he could get the cub to stop thinking? Keith'd be a natural.

  "'kay." The word was sharp, almost a bark, rich with hunger and eagerness. Keith settled on the chair, watching him, waiting to see what he'd do, unsure of the instincts that were altering the slender body.

  He figured instinct would take over, but he'd be polite and start using a spoon, make Keith feel better.

  He figured the cub managed two bites with the spoon, maybe three, before it was discarded and the stew devoured, those eyes golden and glowing bright.

  Which was just fine with him, because that meant he could scarf his down. He was hungry. He licked the bowl clean, heaving a happy sigh at the full feeling in his gut. Now if he could just do something about the horny.

  Keith cleaned his own bowl, sliding it idly about the table, holding onto the changes longer this time. Those eyes kept watch on him, more curious now, wary rather than scared.

  He made an inquiring sound, low and deep, watching the kid's face, scenting the air. Anything he could get Keith to react to would help.

  Keith tilted his head, an answering sound rumbling from the thin throat, curious and questioning.

  Yeah. That was the stuff. The kid was going with it, not thinking too much. If he could keep it that way, they'd be good. He gave a sharp sound, more a bark than anything, and got up to go to the living room. Time for some close contact. Seamus settled on the couch, sure that Keith would follow.

  The cub stayed at his heels, soft sounds trailing behind.

  He held out a hand, waiting for Keith to sit with him, pulling the kid close, rubbing belly and back, knowing it would soothe. Had to get the kid used to his touch, his scent.

  Keith stretched under his touch, panting softly, eyes glowing warm and gold. Those nostrils flared, sniffing, breathing deep. He just rumbled, petting easily, shifting so that Keith was draped over his thighs. His lower thighs, far enough away from his hard-on to be safe.

  He found a ticklish spot and Keith chuffed, teeth gleaming with the laughter.

  There was hope for the kid yet. Which was a damned good thing. Not like there was much choice in him taking care, because he would. But if Keith could tap into the old instinct, that would make it easier. Besides, he was easy on the eyes.

  The gold slowly faded from those eyes, black replacing it, before they closed, hiding him. "I'm sick. There's something wrong with me, isn't there? Something really wrong?"

  A low, almost sub vocal sound came from his chest, instinctively soothing. "You're not sick. Not like you mean, cub. But there is something pretty significantly different about you now, yeah."

  "Can you fix it? Help me? I... I'm not who I was and I..." Tear-filled eyes met his, sorrow and fear so much deeper than panic filled the air. "I'm scared. I'm scared to go home. I'm scared of what I'll find."

  He held Keith close, nuzzling his neck. "Hush, kid. Hush. You don't have to go home. You're here."

  "But where's here?" The words were worried, human, but the way Keith sank into him spoke of pure trust, the cub accepting him as alpha without question.

  "With me. With the pack. You'll be fine." He kept nuzzling, licking, letting his sounds and smells make the kid feel at home.

  "The pack..." Keith whimpered, the soft musk of arousal rich and heady. "I can't think when you do that."

  "That's what this is about, kid. Not thinking. Just instinct." God, he was hot.

  "Instinct." His jaw was nuzzled, a needy sound tickling his jaw. "Not a kid."

  "Right. But you are a cub. Just barely." He titled his head, letting Keith at his lips and cheek.

  The cub rubbed their cheeks together, lips sliding, just barely touching. Those black eyes were tinged with gold again, questioning and wanting.

  "Yeah, cub. Yeah." He turned, catching the kid in a hard kiss, knowing he was probably going to push the kid over the edge, but wanting. Needing. And the cub brought out all of his protective instincts, and a lot of something a Hell of a lot more horny.

  The kid gave a sharp yelp and then opened to him, hunger meeting him head-on.

  Hell, yes. That was what he needed. He pushed the kid back and down, pressing against him, kissing hard, hands everywhere. Fingers tangled in his hair, body pushing back into him, rubbing. Low growls filled his mouth, flavored with blood and lust. Growls were coming out of him too, and he nudged Keith's chin up, biting at the exposed throat, fingers working the fastenings of their clothes.

  No more words, nothing but need and skin and heated desperation swelled between them, the cub responsive and needy. He bit down, drawing a tiny bead of blood, letting it feed his need. The he took another kiss, letting Keith taste his desire, hands cupping the kid's hips, his cock.

  The kid shuddered in his arms, trembling. Short yelps sounded as Keith's thighs parted, the cub's control slipping.

  "Yeah. That's it, cub. Let it go." Kid felt good under his hands, hot, damned good. He rubbed against Keith's thigh, close to the edge himself. The spray of spunk splashed against him and a roar sounded, proud and pleased.

  He let out his own snarl, coming like a ton of bricks, holding onto the man Seamus by a thin thread.

  The cub didn't manage as well, the animal responding to the sex, to his own presence, and fighting to be free. Yellow eyes fastened onto him, toothy snarls questioning and worrying all at once.

  "Shhhh. S'all right, cub." He managed not to collapse on the kid, God knew he'd needed that, but the kid needed him more. He stroked, soothed. "S'all good."

  The cub whined softly, nose pushing against him, trembling muscles relaxing under his touch, dark body curling up against him.

  "Yeah. Like that, cub. Just like that." They would sleep now, would rest, would let the kid come back to himself. They would deal with all the rest of the shit later.

  A soft tongue ran over his hand and then the cub settled, snuffling softly.

  There'd be time enough later for teaching the kid things he needed to know, for helping him learn. For now it was time to appreciate the power of a good nap.


  Liz and Bruiser were settled on their beds, Jade still awake and snippy. Bruiser was fair-
haired, blue-eyed and stocky, unlike the twins with their dark brown hair and gold eyes and thin muzzles.

  Keith petted Jade, humming soft and low as he hid out in the pup's rooms while Seamus did... whatever Seamus did. It was easier in here. Easier to hide. Easier to lie. Easier to not think and just be.

  He didn't want to think about why he was still here, why he hadn't gone back to his dorm room. Why he wasn't worrying about classes. Why he wanted to push into Seamus' arms and just...

  Yeah. Well. He blushed and shook his head. Right. Just.

  Jade nudged his hand with her nose, reminding him he'd stopped petting. Again.

  Then all of the sudden Jade was gone, scrambling over his legs and standing at the door, wagging so hard her whole butt moved.

  "Hey, lady." Seamus opened the door, chuckling as the pup threw herself at his sturdy legs. Seamus scratched Jade's ears, looking curiously at him. "You okay, Keith?"

  He blushed even darker and nodded, eyes trailing over Seamus' body. "I was playing with the puppies. I... How're you?"

  Seamus made it hard not to check him out, wearing nothing but a pair of boxer briefs and some sweat. "Fine. Wondering if you maybe wanted to keep me company for a while, you know, while I make dinner. We can let the pups have the run of the place."

  He was nodding before Seamus even stopped speaking, taking the large, square hand in his own and getting up off the floor. "I would. Yes. Please."

  Pulling him close for a minute, Seamus nosed his neck, breathing deep. "Oh, cub... I should have come got you sooner."

  His chin lifted, a low rumble filling him. There was something about Seamus' touch, the scent, the heat of the broad body that excited and soothed him all at once.

  "Yeah. That's it, cub. That's what I want to scent on you. Come on." Seamus tugged him, Jade bounding behind them. "I was thinking something with chicken."

  "I like chicken." He followed along, something inside him laughing. "What have you been doing today while the puppies and I played and lazed around?"

  "I went out and got some groceries, picked up the mail from the PO Box, did a few jobs for Mrs. Dooley down the way, her gutters needed fixing. That sort of thing."

  "I should go to my dorm room and do that stuff, shouldn't I?" He met Seamus' eyes, squeezed the big hand. "Things seem so different now, so... strange."

  "You can if you want. Don't have to if you don't want to. Things are different, babe. I won't lie about that." Seamus detoured from the kitchen, led him to the couch instead, pulling him down, surrounding him with that big body.

  He still wasn't sure what he believed, what he was supposed to believe. Him? An animal? He read books and sneezed at cats and... Keith settled into Seamus' arms, nuzzling the thick column of throat. "I just want things to be like they should be. God, you feel good."

  "So do you." They curled together like the pups still sleeping back in their bedroom. Jade pushed her nose against his back and Seamus cradled him close, and it was easier suddenly.

  There was something about this that felt so right, so natural. He let the soft rumble that was building in his chest free.

  "Yeah." A low sound answered, deep in Seamus' chest. "See? It can be easy."

  "Being with you makes things easy, Seamus. Something about you turns my brain off." He hoped Seamus didn't take it as an insult; it wasn't meant as one.

  "S'okay. Supposed to. You know me, deep down, like I said before." Seamus nuzzled, nibbled. Made him lose all his thoughts.

  He relaxed completely, just letting himself go, tongue sliding along the salt-heat skin beneath his mouth. His fingers rubbed against Seamus' belly, petting and caressing.

  "Yeah. That's it, sweet cub. You're a natural, babe. Could have been born into it." The deep rasp of Seamus' voice touched his skin, hot breath raising one nipple just before Seamus' mouth closed over it.

  He gave a soft cry, body arching towards Seamus' mouth, world collapsing until there was nothing but Seamus' mouth and hands and body.

  Teeth scraped over his skin, so sensitive, and Seamus held him in place, keeping him awash with sensation, low growls sounding. Each growl sank him deeper into the swell of passion they created, his cock throbbing in time with Seamus' heartbeat.

  Moving, shifting them around, Seamus pulled him up for a kiss, hand going between his legs to rub his cock through his shorts, squeezing and pulling.

  His eyes rolled, hands pushing into Seamus' thick hair as his hips jerked. His tongue slid into Seamus' mouth, pressing deep, tasting and licking.

  Wild, fierce, and spicy, that was what Seamus tasted like. Hot too, with harsh stubble that burned his cheeks. Seamus moaned, pulling him closer, hand still moving fast between them, pushing his shorts aside to get at his skin.

  Shuddering, he pulled his t-shirt off, the material heavy and weighing on his skin. When their chests brushed, he gasped, head falling back. "More..."

  His voice had taken on the increasingly familiar edge, throaty, rough.

  "Yeah." Seamus reared back, pulling his shorts off, then Keith's, then pushing back into the kiss, pulling Keith onto his lap.

  He straddled Seamus' thighs, belly rubbing against that amazing heat. Hands cupped his ass and he pushed back into them, his cock leaving a long, wet trail over Seamus' abs.

  "God, babe. Yeah." Seamus arched up beneath them, pulling until their cocks lined up together and rubbing.

  "Never wanted anyone like this, like you. Fucking addictive." He nipped at Seamus' bottom lip, growling.

  "Yes. Hell, yes." Needy, hot, Seamus moved against him, short, sharp twists of his hips.

  "I need." He reached down and pumped that throbbing prick, each motion driving another sound from him, another shudder.

  "Smell so good. Feel so damned good. Been waiting for you, cub." He didn't know how he understood that voice, as guttural and thick as it was but he did. Understood the heavy heat in his hand just as well. Seamus needed him, too.

  "Yes. Oh, God, love. Fuck!" He arched, body shuddering, sliding on the razor edge.

  "Come for me, cub. Want to smell it. Wanna taste it on your skin."

  Keith threw his head back and howled, come pulsing against his belly. So hot. Seamus snarled, bringing a hand up to lick his come off, hips bucking against him, adding a deeper, earthier scent to his. They rubbed together, mingling their scents, the odor heady, making his head spin.

  They stayed together that way for long moments, bodies softening into each other. "Better, cub? Want you to know you're safe."

  "I do. I am." He nuzzled Seamus with his nose. "I want to stay. Things are different now. I want to stay with you."

  "Good. Want you here. Need you, cub. Should have known that loony old bitch was right."

  "Who?" His fingers were petting through Seamus' hair, listening to the strong heart beat.

  "Hmmm? Oh, Grania. The bitch herself. Never mind, cub. We need to get up here soon, and make the pups some dinner, yeah?"

  He had started to argue when Bruiser's head appeared over the edge of the couch, Liz following in short order, barking in sharp agreement as Jade bit his toes hard. Shaking with laughter, he nodded. "Okay, okay. Fine. Food first. Then we can talk."

  "Deal." Seamus got them all untangled and got up, helping him up as well, walking off to the kitchen, stark naked.

  He almost grabbed his clothes when the scent of Seamus distracted him and Keith found himself following close behind, body brushing the long line of spine. "What're we doing with the chicken?"

  "Maybe some rosemary and some lemon garlic?"

  "Mmm... sounds good." Keith licked Seamus' shoulder.

  "Or we could just feed them the steak I had thawing in the fridge and fuck like bunnies." Seamus turned, pulling him close again, nibbling his neck.

  "Oh... Oh, that sounds so much better." He stretched up, nodding. "We can order pizza later."

  "Mmm. Yeah." His shoulder got a bite, his arm a nibble, his neck a deep bruise.

  "You're leaving marks." He was already needing
again, prick filling, breath coming in soft pants.

  "Mnn. Yeah. You're mine, babe. Gotta mark what's mine." Seamus marked him again, just under his ear.

  "Yours..." He wasn't sure if it was a question or a fact, his head was spinning, marks throbbing gently.

  "Mine." Seamus pressed him back against the kitchen counter, lifting his weight easily, hands under his butt.

  He nodded, wrapping around solid heat. Unreal. Unreasonable. Ridiculous and absolutely true. He could no more argue with those words than return to his old life. "Yes."


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