
Home > Other > Shifting > Page 55

  "Oh. Now there's a picture." They were back, and Grania was smiling at him. "They really love you."

  "They're good pups. Mostly." He scritched Jade's ears. "Except for B-A-T-H-T-I-M-E."

  Bruiser lifted his head and growled and Seamus laughed. "Yeah, or unless it's time for a walk and I-C-E-C-R-E-A-M."

  Keith nodded, covering Liz's ears, which where starting to perk. "They like that." He grinned at Grania. "A lot."

  "I'm sure they do."

  It all seemed so normal, so easy. Okay, maybe she was important, but she wasn't scary. Keith just let himself relax, let himself love on the pups and watch his lover and chill out before the hectic thing that was feeding and walking and bedtime.

  Somehow or another that came quickly, their guest rising and petting the pups and kissing Seamus' cheek then his before announcing that it had been a long trip and retiring to bed. Leaving he and Seamus to their nightly ritual. It went smoothly, though, and they got the little beasts fed and walked and put down with very little growling and only a few threats.

  They shut the door and Keith looked up at Seamus. "Thank God it wasn't bath night."


  Seamus woke the next morning with a stiffie that wouldn't quit and the niggling feeling that there was something he should remember, but couldn't. But since he couldn't remember what it was, he said fuck it and started rubbing against Keith.

  Keith moaned and turned, nuzzling against him, lips soft against his jaw.

  "Mmm. Morning, cub." He couldn't wait too long, he was so hard. So hot. Seamus turned Keith onto his back and pushed those thin legs apart.

  "Yeah. Love." Keith rubbed up against him, eyes half-closed, hands tangled in his hair.

  "Yeah. God. Need you." He did. Something was driving him this morning, something desperate and needy and hurting, and he greased Keith up quick and pushed inside. Too fast, but he couldn't wait.

  Keith didn't seem too upset though, eyes rolling, hips snapping up toward him. Fingernails raked up along his back, pulling him close. "Love!"

  "Uhn." Fuck yeah, that was when it was the best. When the man started to slip away and the real Seamus came to the fore, snarling, biting, hips slamming against Keith's ass.

  Keith growled, head falling back, offering him that long, pale neck. Growling low, Seamus took what Keith offered, teeth closing with great delicacy, marking Keith as his. His.

  A low howl sounded, Keith's spunk spraying between him, those glowing eyes rolling. One thrust, two, and he was doing some howling himself, hearing the pups answer from their room.


  That's what he was supposed to remember. Grania.

  He snorted. "Good thing we put in that sound-proofing."

  "Mmm..." Keith nuzzled and grinned. "Yeah. Morning, love. Was good."

  "Better than good, babe. Just what I needed. I think I can even face making a real breakfast." He was feeling much better than the day before. Relaxed even. Fucking A.

  "Ooooh! Breakfast?" He got another kiss and another, Keith bright-eyed and bushy tailed.

  "Yeah. Eggs and sausage. Something breakfast-y burrito for the kids. Maybe some bread type things."

  "Cool! I'll take them for their morning walk and get a gallon of juice, if you want?"

  "That would be great. And some lemon honey tea. She likes that." He grinned. Damn it. It would be okay if it killed him.

  "Lemon honey tea. Cool." Keith wiggled out from under him, little ass waggling for him as the cub danced toward the bathroom.

  His chest vibrated with his growl. "Shake it one more time and I'll be in it again, cub and we'll never get moving."

  Keith's laugh was happy and bright, that sweet tail shaking furiously before the bathroom door shut.

  Rolling out of bed, he made the bed haphazardly before sliding into sweats and heading out to the kitchen. He let the pups out on the way, knowing Keith would want to let them tear around before walking them.

  About the time he got the pans out, the scent of clean, wet Keith filled his nose and a kiss brushed his jaw.

  "Mmmm. Oh, and pick up some syrup, yeah? Bruiser ate the last bottle, remember?" He turned, taking a kiss.

  "Oh, shit, how could I forget? The sugar high was... memorable." Keith grabbed the leashes, stealing one more kiss before bouncing out with three barking pups, leaving the house quiet.

  Leaving him to deal with Grania.


  The day was moving along better than yesterday. Well, at least it was more normal than yesterday.

  They'd taken two trips to the store because Jade had bitten clean through the orange juice. And Bruiser had eaten the neighbor's new daffodils. And Liz wouldn't walk on the grass because she decided she was scared of it. And Seamus was more than ready to eat by the time he'd gotten everybody in and unleashed and settled.

  But there was coffee and pancakes and bacon and laughing and all-in-all? Yeah. Better.

  Even if Seamus was still growly and snarly and the kids were keyed up by it. Seamus was trying. That was the important thing. It was just that Seamus hated to be questioned by anyone as it was, and having his whole life evaluated had to rankle.

  Grania spent the better part of the meal looking at Seamus with fond exasperation, which seemed to make Seamus ready to boil over.

  So when everyone was done eating, and he was wiping syrup off of Bruiser's tail, Grania winked at him, and turned to Seamus. "Seamus, my love. Take the pups out and run them. Work off some of that nervous energy."

  Oh, that set off a frenzy, Liz leaping up into Seamus' lap and Jade bouncing over to where the hooks were and barking -- just in case they'd forgotten where the damned leashes were kept, and Bruiser's happy wagging smeared syrup all over his arm.

  "Good. I'll do dishes while you're out." He offered Seamus a smile, almost sympathetic as Bruiser's tail sent Grania's teacup over. "And make more tea."

  Seamus looked like he wanted to protest, but the pups were so excited and Grania looked so implacable that Seamus finally shrugged, and kissed him, hard. "I'll be back. Don't let her twist you up." And with that, Seamus was gathering up the pups and herding them out the door, the only difficulty coming when the tip of Bruiser's tail got stuck in it.

  Then there was silence.

  He took a deep breath, just sort of enjoying it a second. Then he smiled over at Grania. "More tea?"

  "Yes, please. But only if you let me help with the dishes. Oh, that's lovely. How do you stand the pandemonium in such a small space?"

  "Stand? Oh, the puppies? Well... they're just babies, they're trying to be good." He grinned over. "And they're excited about our company."

  "They're wonderful." She smiled back, moving easily around him, gathering up dishes. It was sort of like working with Seamus. "They adore you. It's heartening to see."

  "Yeah? Good. I... I love them. Love Seamus too, you know." He met her eyes. "I'm not going to let anybody hurt them. They're my family."

  "Yes, I can see that." He could see her weigh her words, something Seamus rarely took the time to do. The thought made him smile. The last dish was put away dry and the tea was ready before she went on. "Let's sit down and chat."

  He nodded, grabbing a soda, a little nervous, but not enough to make his breakfast rumble around.

  "First off, I think you should know I've made my evaluation already. I knew the minute I walked through the door that this was a good place for the pups, despite being far different than what I envisioned. I suppose one cannot truly understand the city without being here." Grania sipped her tea, eyes going far off and cloudy.

  "Oh." Oh, thank God. Thank God. Nothing else mattered, not really. Not now. They were okay.

  "I am sorry if you were worried. I know that Seamus has been. But I had to meet you to know, Keith. Only then could I See." She smiled again, but it was a sad smile. "I was the one to insist upon trying something like this, so it was only right I be the one to come. And frankly, almost any other Elder would look at this place and immediately try to
drag Seamus and the pups back to packlands."

  "It's a good place, clean, safe. Why, Grania? Why?"

  "Because it is different, and all things different are frightening to ones as old as they. Indeed, to one such as I. Had I not Seen how our way of life was coming to an end, and Seen that Seamus was the one who was strong enough to leave us... well. You would no doubt be dead, and the tribe would go on the way they were until we became extinct."

  He shook his head, even as he knew she was right. Seamus saved him, taught him, loved him. "What... What do you want us to do?"

  Earnest and serious, Grania leaned forward, putting a hand to his knee. "I want you to love him. I want him to make the pups strong, and help them grow up smart and brave, as they will need it when they return to the pack. And I want you to prepare yourself. For someday soon you will come to us, and they will be harder on you than you can imagine. I am easy, for I see the necessity."

  A low sound, much like the ones Seamus used to soothe him, came from her chest. "Do you understand?"

  He rumbled, but nodded, sure. "I am his mate. Nothing will change that. Nothing, Grania."

  "Good." For a moment, he felt sure he saw the true face of her, her age showing in her eyes. "He is stubborn and hot headed, but he will make a good pack leader." She laughed. "He takes after his father."

  "Yeah? Was his dad cool?" He grinned, folding his legs up under him. "And Seamus isn't hot-headed, he's... passionate."

  The word made him blush dark.

  "His father was indeed a wonderful young pup. And yes, I can imagine you appreciate his enthusiasm. He tells me you had some difficulty to begin with, accepting your new life." The change of subject made him blink.

  "Yeah. I was scared and it was so hard, to change, to look at a person and smell food. But Seamus helped me, showed me." He tried not to worry that Seamus had talked to someone about him, told someone he'd fought so hard.

  "He's very proud of you. So many that are not born into it are lost." There was that hint of sadness again, and the pat to his leg. "I am glad he has you."

  "I'm okay now. I wasn't going to leave him alone. I won't." He couldn't stop his soft whine, though, his need to find Seamus and press close.

  As if his need conjured Seamus out of the thin air, the door burst open and Seamus was dragged in by the pups, their tails wagging and tongues lolling.

  "I swear to God, Bruiser, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week." Seamus got everyone untangled and looked at him sharply before glaring at Grania. "You through grilling him?"

  Keith hopped up and took the leashes, using the act as an excuse to smell, to touch, to ease himself with Seamus.

  "Quite through, yes," Grania answered. "And I'll thank you to keep a civil tongue, Seamus. I am still your Elder, and family besides. Now, I think the pups and I will watch one of those movies on tape. You both look a little worse for wear. Why don't you go and get cleaned up?"

  Seamus had time for a snort and a, "Yes, Gran," before Grania swept off to the living room, a low bark bringing the pups to heel behind her.

  "How does she do that..." He watched for a second, just a little stunned, then turned and pushed into Seamus' arms. "Kiss me."

  "Okay." Seamus pulled him close, hands hard on his back and ass, and kissed him breathless.

  Oh. Okay. Yeah. Better.

  He moaned, fingers petting through the thick, heavy hair. He wasn't giving this up. Not ever. No matter what. Seamus was his.

  A low groan answered his unspoken thought. "Yours."

  "Uh-huh. Mine." He whimpered. "Need you, love. Shower? I'll be quiet. Promise."

  "Yeah. Now." They stumbled and staggered, and finally Seamus just carried him, dragging him into the bath.

  He managed to get Seamus' t-shirt up and off, get those blue jeans unfastened and his fingers tangled in those heavy red curls crowning his mate's cock.

  "God. Babe." That low voice became a deep growl, approval and need and love all in one sound. Seamus ripped at his clothes, snarling when they caught and dragged, finally getting to his skin.

  Keith nodded, climbing up until his legs were wrapped around Seamus' waist, cocks moving together, with a fierce need -- steady, strong, growls and whimpers shared between them.

  "Oh, cub." Hard and fast, Seamus moved against him, biting at his bared throat.

  "Yours. Never... never fucking letting you go." He growled low, hips humping furiously, need riding him.

  "No. Mine. Not letting anyone take you." Seamus pulled him even closer, trying to crawl into his skin.

  He nodded, their mouths crashing together, the contact soothing deep inside even as he body seemed to catch fire.

  Hand, tongue, cock, they all pushed him higher and higher, making him crazed.

  His nails scratched all the way up Seamus' back, his howl ringing through the bathroom as he came, seed spraying over Seamus' belly.

  So much for quiet. Seamus was no better, snarling and growling loud enough for a full pack with empty bellies, Seamus rocked against him, heat spilling over him, into him.

  He slumped in Seamus' arms, panting. "Oh. Oh, needed that. So needed that."

  "Yeah. Oh, babe." They rested together, their scent strong and mingled and good. "You all right?"

  "Yeah. She says we're good, the puppies and everything." He nuzzled into Seamus' throat. "She just sorta worried me."

  "She talks in fucking riddles. Wait until you see her have a fucking vision." Seamus laughed, forehead resting against his. "I love you."

  "Oh. Good." He held on tight. "I love you." He closed his eyes, drifting, then opened them again. "Visions? Like as in visions?"

  "Yeah. She's a Seer."

  "Creepy." He shook his head. "She said you were like your dad."

  "Yeah? She ought to know I guess. She raised him." They got his feet on the floor and the rest of the shreds of their clothes off, and Seamus pulled them into the shower proper, turning the water on, hot and good.

  He grabbed the soap, started washing Seamus with long slow strokes. "Yeah? Did you like growing up there?"

  "I didn't know there was anywhere but there." Arching into his touch, Seamus rubbed, loving on him. "But yeah, it was good."

  "You miss it?" He scratched and petted, fingers knowing just where to touch.

  "I did. When it was just me and the pups. Still do, sometimes, when I really want to just run. But I'd give it all up forever for you, babe." Wasn't often Seamus got so blunt, or said those kinds of things. It warmed him.

  He leaned up and took a kiss, rubbing them together, heart just pounding. "Mate..."


  ~Chapter Thirteen~

  She was gone. Thank all the Gods and little fishes, Grania was gone, and taking a favorable report back with her.

  The pups were asleep, fed and happy and snoring away in a pile of snouts and tails. The apartment was fairly clean, the trash was disposed of, and the blinds were drawn.

  Time to fuck his mate into the floor.

  If he could find him, that was. Where the Hell was Keith anyway? "Babe? Did you change your mind and run away?"

  A happy laugh came out of the extra bedroom. "Nope. Just making sure there wasn't any trash left in here. You sorry she's gone?"

  "Hell no. Get that skinny ass of yours out here, babe. Want you." God, he was reduced to growls already. It would be a wonder if Keith even understood him.

  A soft series of rumbles answered him, his mate slinking into the room, eyes glowing. "Not skinny."

  "Are too. But still the sweetest ass I've ever had." He couldn't wait to be naked. The shirt might have to have some buttons replaced, in fact.

  Keith stripped off his shirt, leaving the cub in nothing but blue jeans. Blue jeans with a big rip at the knee and the upper thigh.

  Oh, damn. So much for getting naked. He wanted Keith naked first. One long step was all it took to close the space between them, and Seamus dropped to his knees, nuzzling Keith's prick through the thin denim.

h..." The sound was more growl than speech, Keith's hands hard in his hair.

  Yeah. That whole cloth thing wasn't working for him, though, and Seamus grabbed that very convenient hole and ripped, the jeans coming away in two pieces. Skin. Fuck, yeah.

  That hard cock bobbed as Keith growled, rubbing his cheek, the scent of his mate strong in his nose. Maddening, that scent. Arousing as Hell. Seamus licked at Keith's cock, the taste exploding in his mouth, making him need, making him growl and squirm. Keith stretched, thighs parting, the velvety sacs swaying and heavy against his chin and jaw.


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