Dragon Protectress

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Dragon Protectress Page 2

by Opal Thomas

  My face must have fallen as she immediately back-tracked.

  "I mean that in the best way possible. I need some mothering these days..."

  I could only nod. My heart swelled. Her parents had been robbed from her way too young in life. We all hated it the most, that in the end, it wasn't the Den who'd killed them but a stupid drunk driver. I changed the topic.

  "The bathroom is right through there and we all believe in long baths around here. The tub is huge. Maybe a nice soak before sleeping?"

  "That would be nice. But I'm pooped. I'm gonna get some rest. When are you usually up in the morning?" she asked.

  "I like to get up at seven but please, feel free to sleep in. I have a house-maid. Today's her day off but she'll be back tomorrow. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen and don't hesitate to ask her for breakfast if you want. Make a grocery list too."

  "Okay, Aiden. I promise," she said teasingly, crossing her heart.

  "Okay, I'll get out of your hair. Sleep well. We're all just down the hall, so don't hesitate to let us know if you need us," I said, stepping towards the door.

  She smiled. "Thank you."

  "Good night, Amelia. Welcome to my home."

  "Good night, Aiden."

  I closed the door behind me and walked away wondering why my heart was beating fast. Was I anxious? Feeling nervous around her? Or was it just simply because I'd done a rescue and the adrenaline was still coursing through my veins? Could she tell? That I was nervous around her? Could Tracie and Devon?

  This was out of character for me. I'd always been confident. Poised. In control. I was an Alpha by nature. CEO of my holding enterprises. I dealt with all types of situations and for some reason, Amelia had stunned me tonight. She'd remained reasonably calm for someone so young. Soon to be done with college. Was it her Alpha nature? Was my dragon hyperaware of her?

  Now it was my turn to have questions circling in my mind and all of them revolved around her.


  -- Jerau --

  "Venom, we could sense her at first, but then she was gone. As if she'd disappeared," I explained, standing before our leader. "The mob was in full control and I knew we'd drawn her out, but she fled and then she was gone."

  Venom glared at me. "Fools! She was right in our grasp... How did she disappear?"

  "I don't know. I could sense her one minute and the next, she was gone."

  "That means her powers have awakened. She's learning her talents. Impressive," Tazora said, looking disappointed.

  We all fell silent. I was always a little uneasy around Venom. As the head Mage, he was dark and stormy. Always brooding. Tazora was more relaxed and calculating. Calm, most of the time.

  "We can try again," I sighed.

  "Don't bother. If she's capable of teleporting or making herself invisible, then she is using her powers and we have to be more careful," Venom said. "She's no longer the easy target she once was."

  Tazora nodded in agreement. "Besides, we sensed that she may be in contact with her Draco guardians. Which means our chances of isolating her and getting her alone have vanished. They'll be on high alert now."

  "Jerau, when she disappeared - how did it happen? Did you see a waver? Or was she just there one minute, gone the next?" Venom asked.

  "Gone the next, no waver," I explained. I was the only one who'd successfully identified the witch-sorceress at the mob before she'd disappeared. It had been dark and so I wasn't able to describe her features, but I had sensed her unique power signature.

  "I think it was one of the guardians. Some of them can cloak, appearing invisible. If they rescued her, they could have made contact, making her disappear and carried her off into the sky. None of us would have ever seen it happen," Tazora elaborated.

  "I'm sorry I failed you," I said, regret heavy in my voice. I was the best tracker amongst my kind.

  "Don't be silly. We got very close to her. Without you, that would never have been possible. We'll draw her out again. But it will have to be a while. When their defenses are down," Tazora said, running a hand through her thick red hair.

  I always marveled at her beauty. Venom was lucky to have her as his partner. I admired her from afar. Truth was, I worked hard - for her. But feared Venom and his wrath should he ever realize I was in love with her. I'd hid it for decades. Each day hoping for an escape from my heart's lust-filled desires.

  "Thank you, Tazora," I said.

  She nodded in acknowledgment, then stood to leave. "I'm going to meet with Anya. I need a reading."

  We both nodded as she left the room.

  Venom stepped closer to me, his gaze heavy. "Don't fail me again, Jerau." Then he dismissed me.

  I bristled beneath the surface. I served Venom for the sake of Tazora. But for no other reason than we were the same kind and I was in love with his wife.

  * * *

  -- Amelia --

  I wake up to the sound of birds chirping and jolt upright, confused about my surroundings. I'd been in my own apartment for nearly four years now and so it was a shock to be in a strange bed in an unfamiliar room.

  Then it came back to me. The events of the night before, flooding my memory.

  It hadn't been a dream...

  Which brought about a cluster of mixed feelings. But the smile returned to my face when I remembered that I was in Aiden's guestroom, in his home.

  I slipped out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. Just like he'd promised, a glorious bathtub beckoned. I was a shower person for the most part but being here now, I could take advantage of this small luxury. Something to look forward to in the evening. I slipped into the shower and ten minutes later, I was done and drying myself off.

  My mind was replaying the events from last night and the questions were piling up. I had so many.

  Once dressed, I made my way down the stairs, taking in my surroundings. His home was beautiful. A balance of quality wood and steel. Once again, the art on the walls with the mysterious symbols called out to me and I paused at the bottom of the stairs, standing in front of one that seemed the opposite of the Gaiia symbol they had mentioned last night. This one seemed to complement and harmonize with the feminity of the Gaiia symbol. Maybe one was for women, the other for men? It was just a guess, but a unique feeling swelled inside me as a I contemplated.

  I made my way into the kitchen and sure enough, a woman wearing a maid's uniform was baking.

  "Good morning," I said softly. "I'm Amelia."

  "Oh! Good morning. I'm Sherry. Did you sleep well?"

  I nodded, my gaze landing on the Keurig. "Yes, like a babe. Thank you."

  "Want some coffee? What do you like? We have it all," Sherry said.

  "Got any Starbucks? Cafe Verona?" I asked.

  Sherry smiled, "We do. Let me put it in for you. What do you like to eat in the morning?"

  "It depends. But cottage cheese, toast and fruit sounds good if you have it?"

  "I do, have a seat, I'll prepare it for you. Do you want orange juice too?"

  "Yes, that would be nice."

  I sat down at the table where a placement had already been set. Likely from Sherry anticipating me. I wanted to know the time and saw it on the microwave. Ten-thirty. Wow! I'd really slept in. Thankfully it was Saturday, so no classes. Otherwise I would have been up at seven a.m. like Aiden.

  A newspaper was on the table and on the front page there was an article about the obscure and angry mob. A small gasp escaped me as I read. It had gotten violent after Aiden rescued me with passerby's being struck and cars damaged. Police had attributed to a gang but it was clear to me from the pictures that no one looked like gang members. I felt Sherry watching at me and looked up to catch her gaze.

  "Crazy, right?" I said.

  "Yes, very. I'm glad you're safe."

  "Do you know? About me and their family?" I stumbled over my words, unsure as to what she may or may not know.

  Sherry nodded, bringing over a small plate of fruit and toast with a bowl of
cottage cheese. "Yes, I've worked for them for a long time. Aiden will explain, won't you Aiden?"

  She was peering behind me and I was surprised I hadn't heard him approaching.

  "That I will. Good morning, Amelia. Sleep well?" he asked, walking up to the table.

  "Very, thank you."

  "Good, glad to hear it."

  His hand rested on my should briefly before he sat down at the opposite end of the table. His eyes flickered to the paper and then back to me. I was taking my first bite of food and nodded in acknowledgment.

  "You've met Sherry. She's been with our family for a long time."

  I nodded again, unsure as to how to respond. I sipped my coffee, taking in a couple of large gulps before resuming eating.

  "What's the plan for today?" I asked, in between bites.

  "Well, I was thinking we could drive to your place and get your school stuff. Feel up for that?"

  I realized that I liked the idea of spending devoted time with him. A drive would be nice, a chance to talk and learn more. "Is it safe?"

  "I believe so. My guys have been hovering and so far, the coast is clear. We're not sensing anything either, so I think the Den has pulled back. They do that. They're only aggressive when they have to be."

  "Well, if you think it's safe, I like that idea. I have homework, so I'll definitely need my laptop and books."

  "Okay, then. I have some calls to make so I'll come get you. Enjoy breakfast," he said, standing suddenly making me aware how tall and strong he was. He was at least a foot taller than me and I wasn't short.

  My gaze gobbled him up. A funny look crossed his face and I quickly looked away, pretending to read the paper in front of me. He strode out of the room and I looked up to find Sherry watching me, a knowing smile on her face. Had she just seen me ogle Aiden?

  * * *

  -- Aiden --

  Once again, her scent was driving me wild. Amelia sits next to me in the car and she is fresh and clean from her shower this morning. She sips at a coffee carafe and is quiet. Rather than asking lots of questions like I'd anticipated, she's been quiet, enjoying the drive. My Tesla hums softly and I have on the 90's station by Sirius XM.

  Just being near her, my senses were heightened. This time, I couldn't deny it. It was as if I had laser focus into the moment. In the now, where every little detail was excruciatingly clear. Sound was crisp, light was brighter, my fingertips felt every little detail and my sense of smell was drowning with her powerful, feminine scent.


  We'd guessed she was an Alpha female, but hadn't been sure. It took being near her to know for sure. After she'd gone to bed, we'd discussed this quietly, keeping our voices low.

  I thought back to what Devon said about her blossoming effect on humans, particularly males. "She'll have to learn how to rule with dignity, not by engaging the battle of the sexes."

  Tracie had rolled her eyes. "Give her a chance, she seems wise beyond her years to me. I think she's level-headed. Any other woman would have been near hysterical after being rescued and taken to the sky by Aiden. I know I would have been terrified."

  "I agree with Tracie, I think she is handling all of this better than I expected. Thankfully," I said.

  "But she has an effect, right? You get what I mean?" Devon insisted.

  "You mean sway and glamour? Yes, but no. I don't think she's very experienced... in the ways between men and women. She's been a bookworm her entire life. Very dedicated to school. Not a big socializer. More likely to spend a Friday night at home reading than out on the town with friends. She's had one boyfriend in college and that ended a year ago with no dating since then," I said, feeling protective.

  "I think she's having an effect on you, Aiden. I saw it. Felt it. No need to be defensive," Devon teased, then winked.

  Tracie had smiled, a knowing look on her face. "Whatever the case, she's going to be something else. The Gaiia was active all night. I had to temper it to get it to retreat. It's excited to be in her presence. Thirteen years is long enough."

  "Speaking of which, when do we introduce her? Should we wait? Or introduce and see if it helps her get acquainted with her powers?" I'd asked.

  "Let's give her a few days. Get settled. I think if she's anything like her Mother, it will happen naturally," Devon said.

  My cell phone rang, pulling me out of my reverie and back into the present. I ignored the call since I didn't want Amelia to be privy to any private conversations. Not yet, at least. As a protector, we'd be close no matter what, but for now - she needed time and acclimation. Not because she was fragile but because she was powerful and would need to hone her power.

  "You didn't take the call?" she asked demurely.

  "Not important right now, you're what's important today."

  She smiled, then blushed. I felt it right down to my bones.

  We were getting close to her apartment and I was psychically scanning the area, searching for signs of any trouble. Nothing stood out, so I pulled into the parking lot adjacent to the apartment complex. It was a decent enough place, the trust left to her by her late parents taking care of all her college expenses and living needs.

  "Ready?" I asked.

  "Yes," she said, nodding.

  We walked to an upstairs unit, one that I was acquainted with from the PI's reports. We'd only invaded her living space to make sure it was safe and free of surveillance tech that the Den like to use on their victims. Never knowing if they knew who she was and where to find her. They'd gotten close but thankfully not close enough.

  Once inside, her cat brushed up against her leg, meowing for attention and food.

  "Can I bring him to your place?," she turned and asked, then picked him up, cuddling him lovingly.

  I scruffed his chin, "Absolutely. Got a cat carrier?"

  "Yeah, in the hallway coat closet. Top shelf."

  She set him down and headed over to her desk where her laptop and books were. She set about putting stuff away in her backpack while I wrestled her feline pet into the carrier, tempting him inside with cat food.

  "What's his name?"

  "Oreo. Like the cookie. Black and white," she shared.

  "Cute. Like him."

  She smiled and let out a meow, one that sounded as real as an actual cat. Oreo mewed back a sweet meow.

  "He talks!"

  "Yes, we talk all the time. He's my buddy. Totally loves to chat."

  I could tell she felt somewhat off tilt, with me in her space, her home and sharing the sweetness between her and her pet.

  "Gonna get my duffel and bring some of my own clothes. Not that I don't like what you guys got me, just that I love my comfy jeans and yoga pants," she said, heading to her bedroom.

  "Of course, bring whatever you want."

  I waited, verbally soothing her cat who mewled with concern at being in the cat carrier. "It's okay, buddy. We're just taking you with us. You'll be happier with her than without," I said to her feline familiar, putting a finger in the cat carrier to scratch his head.

  Witches' cats were always more intelligent than the average creature or beast. They understood their humans. Even responded to my kinds' telepathic abilities.

  "Okay, I'm ready," she said, a duffel crossed sideways across the front of her body, the backpack on her back, which made my eyes travel up and down her beautiful body. Strong too. By the time my eyes made their way up to her pretty face, she was blushing, aware of my attraction to her.

  "Do you want me to help carry those?" I asked, gesturing at her.

  "Nope, I got it. They're not that heavy. Besides, Oreo likes you."

  "You can tell?"

  "Yes, he hasn't hissed at you. He's a one-human kind of cat. Shy around most people," she said.

  "Got it, well then - let's go," I said, stepping towards the front door and opening it for her.

  We were halfway to my place before she got talkative.

  "Sherry is nice. Down to Earth."

  "Yes, glad you think so. The
re's more to Sherry than meets the eye. You can trust her, she's been with my family for almost a hundred years," I divulged.

  "A hundred years?!" she exclaimed.


  Amelia took a sip from her coffee carafe. "What do you mean that there's more than meets the eye?"

  "Sherry is a psychic. She's got gypsy blood in her. She reads tarot cards. She has a way of knowing what's coming around the bend. For example, she predicted you needing to come to my place before your twenty-first birthday."

  "She did?"

  "Yup, she did."

  "A hundred years... How old are you?"

  I gulped, I'd been waiting for this question. "I'm centuries old. More than I care to reveal."

  "You don't seem it. I mean, by appearances - that is. You look like you're in your early thirties," she said softly, glancing my way.

  "Thank you," I said. "We tend to stay young looking in appearance for most of our existence.

  "What about your sister? How old is she?"

  "She's older than me by a few centuries," I said.

  Amelia's eyes got big. "Wow... that's just crazy."

  I decided now was not the time to tell her that she's immortal as well. Give her some time to digest that it's even possible to live beyond the average human's life-span.

  "If it helps, I feel young at heart," I said teasingly.

  She turned to look at me and a large smile blossomed on her face. "You're teasing me!?"

  I let out a laugh, "Don't take me so serious. I'm a clown underneath it all. Truly."

  "Hmmm... do you work, Aiden?" she asked out of the blue.

  I nodded, "Yes, we own a business - more like a holdings company with businesses all under a corporate umbrella."

  "What kind of companies?" she asked.

  "Some tech, finance, and pharmaceuticals."

  "You say that as if it isn't impressive," she said, an impressed look on her pretty face.

  "Money is like oxygen for us. Always ever-present. We work, but much of it is done by others we've hired. We put in our initial time and now we reap the rewards. Make sense?"


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