Halfway Wicked (Wildes on the Hunt #1)

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Halfway Wicked (Wildes on the Hunt #1) Page 6

by Dara Kent

  “Stop. Just stop.” I chugged what was left of my beer, slamming the empty bottle on the bar.

  “That’s the thing, isn’t it? You don’t want me to stop. We both know it.”

  “No, but I want to want you to stop.” Shit. Why the hell did I say that out loud? I internally cursed my levels of tequila consumption again.

  “Val.” Jensen grabbed the seat of my stool and yanked, causing me to tumble into him, my hands landing on his chest. His lips curled up seductively as I gazed at him, my breaths ragged. “I knew within the first five minutes of meeting you that I was a goner. I’ve accepted my fate.”

  Unable to help myself, my mind conjured the memory.

  I slowed my car long enough to get a gander into the back of the moving truck before pulling into my driveway. Although brief, my gaze snagged on a very nice, jean-clad ass, the owner of it turned away from me.

  Nibbling my bottom lip, I considered the potential value of being neighborly. My curiosity had officially been piqued, my libido no longer satisfied with my battery-operated boyfriend. I wasn’t a stranger to no-strings-attached hookups, but usually, they were more trouble than they were worth. Even so, every so often I craved actual human contact.

  I’ll just meander over to say hello. Check him out. Find out if the rest of him matches his ass and if he’s single. No hurt in doing a bit of recognizance. I should know who lives in our neighborhood, for safety reasons at least. He could be a demon. Yes, I need to make sure a demon didn’t move in a few doors down from us.

  Clamoring out of my car, I straightened my tank top and ran my hands through my hair. There was no point in doing more since I didn’t want to seem overeager. Forcing myself not to sprint down the sidewalk, I focused on the ramp at the back of the truck, hoping to time my arrival as he exited the truck.

  Tall, dark, handsome, and covered in a gleam of sweat, my new neighbor hit the pavement with a medium-sized box in his leanly cut, muscular arms, his attention conveniently not on me, giving me a chance to study him. Dark hair curled around his ears, poking out from under a beat-up baseball cap, the logo long since faded. Strong, angular features, just shy of too pretty, housed a pair of ice-blue eyes that were staring right at me. Shit!

  Waving awkwardly, I smiled. “Hey! I live a few doors down.” I motioned vaguely toward my condo. “So I came over to check out … I mean, greet my new neighbor.” Oh, come on, Riss. You’re not that out of practice with men. Keep it together!

  One side of his mouth curled up, and his eyes twinkled with mirth, but he merely nodded instead of segueing my greeting into a conversation.

  Shifting from foot to foot, I continued, “I’m Riss, by the way.”

  He continued to stare, tilting his head slightly to study me openly.

  I glanced at the truck. “Do you need any help?”

  “What did you have in mind?”

  I blinked a few times before responding. Let’s see, you asked if he needed any help, and he asked what I had in mind? Is he propositioning me? And if so, where do I sign up? “Umm … what do you need?” I bit my lower lip, hoping it delivered the message of my interest.

  He chuckled, the sound dark and delicious. “I think I’m going to like it here.”

  “Okay, sooo … help, yes?”

  “Sure, you can take this in if you want.” He nodded at the box in his arms. “Set it anywhere. I just have to grab one more thing before I can take a break.”

  Please let taking a break lead to me and you christening your new condo. “Okay.” Good thing I wasn’t interested in more than getting him naked because we seemed to be conversationally challenged. Granted, we just met about five seconds ago.

  I strutted over to him and reached for the box. The leather band I usually wore to cover my twice marked brands on my wrist snagged on the corner, unsnapping. Shifting quickly to take the majority of the weight of the box on his bent knee, my neighbor grabbed my wrist, brushing his callused thumb over it. He lifted his gaze to mine. “Twice marked. I didn’t expect that.”

  I stiffened, glancing at the inside of his left wrist, which was hidden behind cardboard. “Are you—”

  “I’m a warlock. It’s nice that I don’t have to keep it a secret from you.” He flashed perfect, white teeth at me. “I’m Jensen, by the way. Jensen Blackwell.”

  “A warlock, huh? Is that a male witch?”

  He snorted. “No. If I was a male witch, I would have said I’m a witch. Warlocks work differently than witches.”

  “Oh.” Interesting on a level, but I didn’t care much. I was still focused on getting him naked. “So, umm … how about we take this conversation inside?”

  He grinned. “Good to know my instincts aren’t off. I had a good feeling about moving here.”

  Impatience and frustration nettled. He’d pretty much said he was good to go for some down and dirty time with me, and yet here we still were having awkward introductory conversation in front of his condo.

  Suddenly emboldened, I ripped the box from his hands, dropped it to the ground, and fisted the material at the neck of his T-shirt. “Are you going to take me inside or not, Jensen Blackwell?”

  He smirked. “Lead the way.”

  I snapped back to the present, pushing aside the warm fuzzies the nostalgia blossomed in my chest.

  “The only thing I knew within the first five minutes of meeting you was that I wanted to get you naked. Our entanglement wasn’t supposed to get so complicated.”

  He slid his hand into my hair, tugging just the right way. “I like complicated.”

  “Obviously,” I grumbled.

  “And as I recall, you were quite aggressive. Dragged me into my condo, tore off my clothes, and rode me right there in my empty living room.” He leaned closer, purring, “My Valkyrie. So wild and fierce.”

  Flashes of us naked and entwined assaulted my mind, causing my pulse to quadruple in time. I swallowed, all moisture gone from my mouth. “I didn’t drag you. You were extremely willing.”

  He chuckled. “And you were pretty pissed when I showed up on your doorstep the next day wanting to take you on a real date.”

  My lips curled up against my will. “You wouldn’t take no for an answer. Still won’t.”

  “You call me controlling, but the real reason you keep pushing me away is because you don’t like not being able to control me.” He skimmed his lips along my jaw, and I bit back a moan. “But if you could control me, then you would have lost interest a long time ago. My Val doesn’t suffer weak-willed people and she likes a good fight.”

  “Just shut up and kiss me, you arrogant asshole.” Not waiting for him to react, I attacked his lips fiercely with mine.

  Jensen reciprocated instantly, his tongue wrestling with mine for dominance. Heat raced through my veins, settling in my core like molten lava.

  “Demons!” Lily’s shrill voice shattered my haze of lust, and I pulled away from Jensen, the room spinning briefly.

  Chaos erupted around us as the dozen or so hunters, most intoxicated, brandished weapons to face off with the handful of demons scuttling through the front door of the bar. With jet-black skin, two heads, and a multitude of arms and legs, this brand of demon served as foot soldiers in Hell itself. They were rarely seen on our plane of existence because they didn’t blend well, and for that reason had difficultly performing most tasks beyond smash and grab or assassination.

  Shoving me behind him, Jensen raised his arms, fire sparking along his fingertips. “You’re too drunk to fight right now.”

  “So is everyone else.” Throwing my elbow at his side, I moved past him, my steel blades already gripped tightly in my hands.

  “Val,” Jensen growled, “let me take care of you just this once. Please.”

  Ignoring him, I let loose a battle cry as I dashed forward.

  I’ve got this, drunk or not.


  Focusing on a demon to the far left, I wobbled a bit, adjusted, and decided instead to take on whichever demon got to me
first. Jensen was right. I was compromised by the alcohol coursing through my system, so I would have to take that into account with my fighting tactics.

  Bracing myself, one blade held high, the other low, I waited to make my move. Just as one of the gnarly creatures neared, blue flames shot over my head, sweeping through the throng of demons, leaving nothing but ash behind. It happened in an instant. Demons there one minute, all of them gone the next.

  Pivoting on my heel, much to my chagrin, I grabbed onto Jensen’s forearm to keep from toppling over. Despite that, I jutted my chin out and narrowed my eyes. “I told you that we could take care of it ourselves.”

  He smirked. “No, you raced off to take on the demons even though you can’t stand up straight without my help.”

  I ground my teeth together. “It was implied.”

  He lifted one arrogant eyebrow. “Was it?”

  “You know it was, you—”

  “Thanks, Jensen.” Monica patted him on the shoulder, giving him a lopsided smile. “That could have gotten ugly. None of us are exactly sober.”

  Yeah, of course, the Heaven marked isn’t worried about her demon kill numbers. As long as the demons are dead or banished, she’s happy. To me, Jensen’s help translated to lost numbers on my final tabulation. It could make the difference between me belonging to Lucifer or sailing past the pearly gates when I died.

  Lily staggered over to my side. “I bet that was the whole point. Send those demons up to take us all out while we were vulnerable. Phew.” She feigned wiping her forehead. “Good thing Jensen was here to help.”

  Okay, fine. I’m the only one worrying about numbers at the moment.

  “And good thing the only people in this bar are hunters,” Monica added. “It would have been tough to explain that away.”

  Gnawing on the inside of my cheek, I attempted to focus on the demon issue and not my seething anger at Jensen. “I’ve never heard of an attack like that out in the open happening in modern times.”

  Lily wildly motioned to the hunters around us, most huddled in small groups like ours having heated discussions. “It was a hit. They knew we were here.” She swallowed audibly, her curls bouncing around her face as if they were charged with nervous energy.

  Taking a few steps away from Jensen, I leaned against Lily for support. “It’s not exactly like we were secretive about Tomas’ funeral or anything surrounding it.”

  Wait. The Hell marked! My brain finally supplied the information I’d been fumbling for. “There was a Hell marked outside the bar before I came in. He could have encouraged the demons to come. But no …” I drummed my fingers along my thigh. “He wanted our help finding something, so killing us wouldn’t line up with that agenda. Unless—”

  “Umm … hello? There was a Hell marked outside the bar and this is the first we’re hearing about it?” Lily pinched the back of my hand.

  “Ow.” Rubbing my skin, I swayed back into Jensen, meeting his hardened gaze. “What?”

  “The Hell marked wanted the hunters’ help finding something. Tomas was tortured and killed, probably for information. The demon who slipped into your mind was searching for something.” The muscles in his jaw jumped as his mouth pressed into an angry slash. “Do you not see the connection?”

  “I mean …“ Fuckity-fuck-fuck-fuck. I completely missed it because I hadn’t been paying attention. I’d been consumed with both mourning Tomas and with the Jensen drama. There hadn’t been room for anything else. Which only served to prove my point why having a romantic relationship with a warlock was a bad idea for a hunter.

  Monica leaned into me, her voice dropping to a choked whisper. “Did he say what they’re after?”

  “He claims a hunter killed Pestilence with some kind of weapon he or she stumbled across. But they don’t know if it’s a spell or something more tangible. They’re looking for the hunter and the supposed weapon.”

  Three pairs of startled eyes were locked onto me. I shrugged. “I didn’t believe him. Which is why I didn’t mention it. I thought he was just trying to spoil Tomas’ celebration by getting up in our heads.”

  Monica’s expression steeled, and she turned to address the crowd, her voice carrying over all the individual conversations. “It’s time we call it a night. Thank you all for sharing your love for Tomas with me.”

  “I can’t believe you didn’t at least tell me,” Lily hissed.

  “The four of us need to have a private chat.” Monica’s gaze slid from me to Lily, to Jensen. “Meet me at your place in an hour.”

  I internally groaned. Four? Why does Jensen keep getting included in everything? It made me wonder how I managed to avoid him for two whole months. “Jensen doesn’t need to—”

  Monica silenced me with a death glare that put mine to shame. “Now is not the time for your petty anger.”

  I scowled but kept my mouth shut.

  “Come on.” Lily tugged me along with one hand, and Jensen with the other. “We’ll ride together.”

  “And who is going to drive?” I scoffed. “None of us are sober.”

  Jensen snorted. “I am.”

  Dragging my feet, I spun toward him. “What? No way you’re sober. You went toe-to-toe with me on drinks.”

  He regarded me steadily. “I cheated.”

  “Magic,” I spat. “You used your stupid warlock magic somehow, didn’t you?”

  “Why wouldn’t I? I knew you’d get sloppy tonight and I wanted to make sure I could take care of you.”

  Breaking away from Lily, I invaded Jensen’s space, smacking him in the chest with the side of my fist. “You mean take advantage of your drunk ex-girlfriend.”

  He sighed. “Please. You kissed me.”

  “Because I’m drunk!”

  “Because you wanted to. Just like you do right now.”

  “I’m still drunk!”

  “I can fix that if you want.” He crossed his arms over his chest in challenge.

  “It’s only fair!” The entire time I’d been pounding shots, Jensen was pretending to partake, lulling me into a false sense of security. It was one thing if I got sloppy alongside him, but to do so when he was stone-cold sober was another. He knew I had no filter when I was mainlining tequila, and he was probing and pushing, trying to wiggle his way back into my good graces via seduction.

  Jensen rubbed his palms together while mumbling something under his breath. I glared up at him as he placed his palms against my temples. Heat lashed against my skin, penetrating slowly, before spreading down through my body. The fog in my head cleared steadily, sweat beading on my forehead and upper lip.

  “There. Happy?” The wicked warlock dropped his hands but made no move to put any additional space between us.

  I shook my head, missing the pleasant haze, but not the vertigo. “No. You could have done that so I could have fought the demons.”

  He sighed heavily. “I can’t win, can I? You told me before, and I quote ‘don’t use your weird warlock voodoo on me ever.’”

  “I didn’t mean it. At least not with that. Plus, I think I was drunk then, too.” I wouldn’t have minded an offer of a magical hangover cure the other day, but then again, I probably wouldn’t have accepted the gift out of stubbornness. Why am I like this?

  Jensen bared his teeth, biting back a snarl. “How am I supposed to know when to disregard what you say and when to take it to heart?”

  “You should just know.” Yep, I was being unfair. I knew it, and Jensen knew it, but I wanted to stay pissed at him, even if I had to go into irrational territory to do so.

  “I’m not playing this game with you right now.”

  I quirked my brow. “Then stop playing.”

  He grabbed me by the shoulders, his fingers digging in enough to cause a jolt of pain. “I love you. I’m not giving up on you just because you’re determined to sabotage our relationship for some idiotic reason.”

  Puffing out my chest, I raised the volume on my voice. “I’m not sabotaging anything! I just want y
ou to leave me alone!”

  My body chose that moment to stage a rebellion, overcome by the proximity of Jensen, and I lurched forward, my lips slamming into his. Our teeth and tongues clashed violently before my brain wrestled control of my mouth back. No! You don’t even have alcohol as an excuse anymore!

  Rearing back, my fist connected with the side of Jensen’s jaw. I blinked up at him, startled. “Take off the tracking spell.”

  Wiggling his jaw, he cupped the side of his face. “No.”

  Lily grabbed my arm and spun me toward her. “I can’t believe you hit him. And not a sexy kind of hit, like a love tap or a consensual dominatrix type hit, but a real hit. You straight up hit him. Hit him!” Her expression was thunderous. “What kind of feminist can you claim to be if you have a double standard like that?”

  Glancing over my shoulder, I sneered. “He’s more than welcome to hit me back.”

  “Do you hear yourself right now? What the hell is wrong with you? Huh? Because right about now I’m tempted to hit you myself.” My sister shoved me, her eyes flashing with barely controlled rage.

  “I just … I don’t … I’m not—” Fuck. She’s right. What I’d done was unforgivable and I had no excuse or recourse.

  “This is classic Riss,” Jensen growled. “She panicked and wanted to do something, anything that I wouldn’t forgive her for.” He leaned in to whisper in my ear, his voice curling in and around me, causing all the fine hairs on my body to rise, “But it won’t work.”

  My emotions were twisted and gnarled, and I was at a complete and utter loss of what I should do. I was pretty sure it was clearer when I’d been seeing the world through my tequila and beer-colored glasses.

  Sobering up was a mistake. I took a tentative step toward the bar, eyeing the liquor.

  “No!” Lily grabbed me again, yanking hard enough that I stumbled after her as she stalked for the front door. “No more stupid for you tonight. You are officially cut off.”

  “You’re still drunk. I’m not. Plus, you don’t get to decide—”


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