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Unmasked Page 9

by Shannon Youngblood

  Clean yet lived in, it was what you would imagine a young adult room to look like. To my left was a large four poster bed, complete with a large white down comforter and netting around the entire bed. Little white lights twinkled at me from inside of the tulle. Her bed was covered with stuffed animals, and her walls were framed with pictures of Phoenix, her family and her friends. To the far right was another door which I assumed was her bathroom and to my immediate right, her closet door stood ajar.

  I started my searching there. My goal was to learn anything and everything I could about my new bride. I didn’t figure she would be the most open about it and I certainly had no intentions of asking her good for nothing father.

  I made my way to her closet and took a peek inside. Hangers were on the floor as if she had been packed haphazardly and quickly. My guess was that she wasn’t the one who had done it. She didn’t even seem to realize the purpose of the masquerade ball and the auction. My best guess was her mother had packed up some of her belongings.

  Not finding anything of interest in her closet, I scoped out the rest of her room. I looked at every photo on her wall, but nothing was sparking any kind of sentimental value. That was until I looked at her bed. A pile of stuffed animals sat inconspicuously amongst her pillows but one in particular caught my eye.

  Grabbing the stuffed phoenix, I held it out in front of me. To anyone else it would just look like a stuffed bird, but the value of it was plain as day. The other animals were newer, and untouched, but the bird in my hand was dirty, used. She may have been twenty-one but it was obvious she slept with it every night. One of the wings had been sewn on, and by the looks of it, multiple times, and it was missing one of its eyes.

  I put the bird underneath my arm and kept looking around for anything else that would help me with my new slave.

  “I have your water, Master Zander,” Wayne’s wife said, walking into the room. “May I ask what you’re doing with that stuffed animal?” She asked, her eyebrows raised.

  “No, you may not,” I scolded. “Phoenix is my wife now, and whatever I do on her behalf no longer concerns you or your husband. Is that understood?”

  She nodded at me and handed me the water. “That is her favorite stuffed animal. She’s had it for many years. I am sure she would appreciate having it back.”

  “Very good. I must be going now. Thank you for the water,” I said handing the untouched glass back to her.

  I didn’t wait for a response as I made my way down the stairs and out the front door. There was something about Mrs. Ainsworth that rubbed me the wrong way and I didn’t know what it was, I also didn’t much care.

  “Claire, take me home, please,” I stated as I got in the car. “Tonight I need to find out exactly who I married.”

  Chapter 12


  It was approaching lunchtime and there had still been no word, nor sight of Zander. I didn’t know why not seeing him put me on edge. Did I even want to see him? I shook my head, but even I knew I was lying to myself. I wanted to see him, to feel his hands on me again, although I would never tell him that.

  The conflicting sides of my psyche were giving me a migraine. I didn’t want to be a slave, to be his slave. Hell, I didn’t even want to be a wife, but there was something about him that drew me to him, like a moth to flame.

  Our tour of the grounds had been sufficiently boring, but Gwen’s excitement for being out of the community home was infectious. Most of my items had been brought over before I had even arrived but Gwen didn’t own anything so she borrowed from my own closet. While I had chosen to dress like a bum with my jeans and t-shirt, Gwen had chosen a lovely spring floral sundress that matched her complexion perfectly. Mildred and I both laughed watching her twirl around in the bright sun while we chatted about my duties.

  “As his wife, and his slave, it is your responsibility to make sure that Master Zander remains happy and pleased. You will keep his home clean, keep his belly full and his balls empty.”

  The crassness of her words had my mouth agape.

  “I wasn’t always an old woman,” she laughed at my shocked expression, “And I once had a Master of my own.”

  “What happened to him?” I asked.

  “Several years ago our home caught on fire. I had been at the store, and my Master, Tony had been napping. He didn’t hear the fire alarms, and he didn’t make it out.”

  I watched as Mildred pulled a tissue from her pocket and dabbed at her eyes.

  “I don’t understand,” I told her. “Wouldn’t that make you free? Why are you here?”

  “Oh my young naive, Phoenix. We’re never free. Even when our debt is paid, we are women, and they will never release us from our servitude. The High Master took pity on me when my husband died and asked me to come work for him. I accepted because I had no desire to live at the community center. As I’m sure Gwen will fill you in, it’s not a pleasant place to be housed, especially not for someone of my age.”

  “You sound like you loved your husband,” I scoffed.

  “I did. I grew to love and respect him very much as I hope one day you will grow to love yours.”

  I shook my head at her. “That’s never going to happen. I’m nothing more than cattle to that man, and he’s nothing more than an egotistical prick. I can’t imagine ever falling for someone like him.”

  “Who is an egotistical prick?” His voice sounded from behind us, causing me to turn on the bench awkwardly and fall back.

  Once again, I found myself in Zanders arms.

  “We have to stop meeting like this, little bird,” his voice rang out as he sat me back upright.

  I immediately pulled away from his touch, not trusting my own body to not respond.

  “Master Zander,” Mildred bowed her head before calling out for Gwen and taking her into the house.

  When they were out of earshot, Zander sat down next to me, a bag held tightly in his hands.

  “What’s in the bag?” I asked him, clearly to his dismay.

  “You’re going to need to watch that mouth of yours, little bird, or it is going to get you in trouble.”

  I wanted desperately to respond to him and call him a prick to his face, but something inside of me held me back. I didn’t know if it was fear or a growing respect, but I kept my mouth shut.

  “That’s better,” he smirked. “I have something for you, but you’re only going to get it if you can keep your tongue in check, and answer everything I ask you honestly and thoroughly. Do you think you can do that?”

  I nodded at him, but kept my eyes on the bag.

  “I expect a verbal answer from you when I ask you a question, Phoenix. You’re going to need to learn how to act the part of my slave if you ever want to make it through this.”

  “Yes. I can do that,” I responded, biting my own tongue.

  “Good. Let’s go inside and adjourn to my study. Shall we?”

  He got up, and I followed behind him as he led me in the house and into his library right off the foyer.

  I wasn’t sure the proper protocol for entering his study or where I should sit, so I waited patiently by the door. I took a moment to remember my youthful years at my father’s house. I couldn’t remember a single time I had ever been in his own personal office, nor my mother. I didn’t even know what the inside of it looked like.

  “You may sit, Phoenix,” he said, gesturing towards an armchair in front of the fireplace. “I don’t normally do this, and I don’t intend to make it a habit, but we have quite the conversation in front of us and I would prefer your candid replies. Would you like a drink?”

  With the exception of one glass of champagne at the auction, I had never had anything to drink, but he was right. If I was going to be comfortable enough to answer whatever questions he may ask me, I knew a little liquid courage would go a long way. My mom didn’t drink much either, but I knew how relaxed she would get when father would let her drink wine at dinner.

  “Yes, please,” I nodded.
r />   “What would you like?”

  I looked at him, unsure of what to say or what to even request.

  He chuckled. “You’ve never drank before have you?”

  Remembering my manners, I spoke instead of just nodding. “No, I haven’t.”

  “I see. Well I don’t really have anything fruity or girly, so you’ll have to have some brandy with me.”

  I watched as he pulled two small glasses out and poured them with a small amount of amber liquid, before reaching over and handing me one.

  “We’ll eventually teach you what each one is so you can get me a drink should I ask.”

  The retort was on the tip of my tongue. How easy it would have been to tell him he could get his own drinks, but from what I had experienced of Zander so far, he was, as Mildred said, a good man. I didn’t want to piss him off needlessly.

  “Don’t gulp it, Phoenix,” he said, eyeing me as I put the glass to my mouth. “Brandy is better sipped, and you’ll be able to handle it better.”

  Taking his advice, I tipped the glass just enough to wet my lips. The taste was nothing I had ever experienced, and it burned on the way down making me cough just a little.

  “You’ll get used to it,” he grinned, sitting in the armchair next to me. “Now, we had better start with our discussion.”

  I nodded at him and placed my glass down on the table in front of me.

  “First, I would like you to tell me how much your father told you prior to the auction last night?”

  I snorted, and then blushed when he raised his eyebrow at my unlady like noise. “Virtually nothing. Up until an hour before I was clueless. I just thought this was a big dance to celebrate the women and men who turned twenty-one.”

  “I see. What exactly did he tell you?”

  “He said we are in a community called The Faith, and that I would be auctioned off and that I would have a Master,” I shrugged.

  “That’s all he told you?” He asked, his voice climbing in tone and volume.


  He gulped the rest of his brandy down and got up to refill his glass. “He should have told you everything. Why didn’t he tell you everything?” He asked more to the alcohol than to me.”

  I decided to remain quiet. I had no desire to anger him any further than what he seemed to already be. It was several moments before he spoke again, and several shots of brandy as well.

  “What I am going to tell you is going to be a lot. I suggest you drink up, little bird.”

  I grabbed the ignored glass and with a look in Zanders direction, downed the remaining content. I tried desperately not to cough, but the smooth liquid was burning a hole in my throat and I sputtered loudly.

  “What did I tell you about drinking it all?” He sighed, exasperated, patting my back.

  When my little episode was over, and my head felt a bit swimmy, I looked over at him, begging him with my eyes to continue. I could feel the alcohol working it’s magic on my insides, and I knew the bravery wouldn’t last long.

  “You were born with a price tag. Every woman is born with a figure on their head. Your job is to prove your worth either by being auctioned or working in servitude to The Faith. By purchasing you as my own, I have paid your price, and you no longer owe a debt to The Faith.”

  “Eighteen million,” I said, more to myself.

  “Yes, Eighteen million. A higher price than most, but better stock than most as well.”

  He looked at me to see my reaction. I didn’t have any words for what he had just told me, so I beckoned for him to go on.

  “Along with that, you must complete three tasks. They talked about it during the auction, but with everything going on I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t remember.”

  “Thank the Father, Thank the Master, Thank the Faith?” I said, interrupting him.

  “That’s correct,” he said, a glimmer of pride shining from his eyes. “You’ve already completed one; Thank the Father.”

  A shiver ran through me remembering what I had gone through just a mere twenty four hours before. I wanted desperately to block out the memories of my father ripping my innocence from me, both mentally and physically, but the pain was far too fresh.

  “You still have two more tasks to complete, Phoenix, before things will settle down, and believe me when I tell you, they will much more difficult than just lying there while your dad fucks you.”

  His crass words were like a punch to the gut. What exactly could be worse than that, I thought to myself. I looked up at him, the very question lingering in my eyes, and on my tongue.

  “I can’t tell you what they are, Phoenix. I don’t know. They change every year, and although they have probably already been selected, I’m not a part of the high council. I will find out at the same time you will.”

  I nodded at him, my mouth too dry to speak.

  “A week before the next task, we will get instructions on what is needed, if anything, and maybe I can decipher the task from there, but for now, we need to make sure we train you.”

  “Train me?” I asked, my head becoming fuzzier with every word.

  “Yes. Between Mildred, Gwen and myself, we will need to teach you how to be a proper slave,” he said, his irritation rising with each question that came out of my mouth. If he expected a mute slave, he would be sorely let down.

  I shook my head. “What if that’s not what I want?”

  “It doesn’t matter, Phoenix,” he bellowed, his anger rising again in a split second. “I have paid for you, and you are mine. You do not have a choice anymore.”

  “You’re a fucking monster,” I shouted, standing quickly and almost falling over.

  “Yes, I am. And the sooner you get that through your head, the easier this will be for you.”

  “I fucking hate you!” I spewed, turning on my heel to leave.

  “Don’t you dare walk away from me Phoenix Cunningham,” his low voice growled from behind me. It was the first time he had used my new married name, and a chill swept over my body.

  I froze to the spot as he came up behind me, his arms snaking around my torso to pull me back into his body. I wanted to fight it, to fight him off, but my foggy brain and body had other ideas.

  “If you fight me, I can guarantee the next sixty years of your life is going to be hell on earth. But, if you’re a good girl, and if you behave, I will take you to heights of pleasure you never dreamed possible. I will teach you to crave my Dominance, my rules, and my guidance. You will beg to be on your knees for me, and I will reward you as no Master ever has. You are my property, little bird; my pet. Either you will learn to fly in your submission, or you will crumble to ash at my feet. The choice is yours.”

  His silky smooth voice in my ear, and his hot alcohol laden breath on my neck was enough to have me swooning with desire and need. Never had I felt this way before, but something deep down inside of my body liked it; welcomed it. My knees quivered as I fought to keep myself upright.

  “You already feel it, don’t you, Phoenix. You feel my command over you. Tell me, girl. Do you want me to bend you over this chair and fuck you? Do you want me to slide my thick cock into your cunt until you see shooting stars of pleasure? Is that what you want?”

  I wanted to shout yes but the only thing that came out was a whimper as his hand pressed down on my pubic bone.

  “That’s a good girl. You’re made for this. You’re made to submit to me and I’m going to teach you how. But not today. Right now, you’re going to go to the kitchen and help Mildred fix me dinner.”

  With that, he released my body and pointed me towards the exit. It took a few moments for my body to listen to my brain and start moving, and when I hit the door, I turned to look at him.

  “I fucking hate you,” I whispered under my breath so he couldn’t hear. My only hope was that my brain and my heart heard it, and would heed the warning that my body had obviously ignored.

  Chapter 13


  I took the carafe of br
andy and poured myself a glass, full to the brim, adjusting my pants in the process. As soon as her ample body had made contact with mine, I had been instantly hard. But who was I kidding, just being near her left me at half-mast most of the time. To say my slave was attractive was an understatement. She was drop dead gorgeous, and she was mine.

  I shook my head to try and clear the fuzz from the brandy. In one night I had gone from not even wanting a slave, to wanting to train her to be perfect. This wasn’t me at all. I couldn’t help but wonder what had come over me. Surely it couldn’t just be her looks.

  No, it wasn’t. It was her entire persona; the way she moved, the way she talked, and the way she tried to defy me. I knew deep down there was a beautiful submissive slave in there begging to be released, but getting her to release it and accept it would be tricky. It would take every ounce of patience I possessed, which was already sorely lacking. My hope was Mildred and Gwen would help her along, but I knew when it came down to it, I would be the one to show Phoenix who she truly was. My only hope was that I didn’t break her in the process.

  No, I shook my head. Phoenix was far too fucking stubborn to break, at least not by my hand. My only concern was the remaining tasks she would have to face. I knew better than most, being the son of the High Master, that the tasks for the slaves were brutal and terror inducing. I had heard of quite a few of them from the past and even a few of those had made my stomach turn. The year Bella turned twenty-one her tasks had been a public gangbang for the Masters and a six-month vow of silence for The Faith. Jenny’s had been worse; branding, and they shaved her head, respectively.

  What concerned me was the lack of a High Master. The high council had always gotten a vote on the annual tasks, and most of them were far more brutal then being fucked by multiple men at once, but the High Master always had veto power. Without a leader, the council was free to vote in their own tasks, without someone telling them no. I hoped that with Phoenix’s father on the council maybe he would convince them to go easy this year, but Wayne was as bad as they came. His tasks would probably be the most gruesome of all.


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