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Unmasked Page 11

by Shannon Youngblood

  “Back up on your knees, whore,” he spat out and I complied as quickly as I could.

  I didn’t look up, for fear of what I would find, but a moment later I didn’t have a choice. He unclasped my wrists from the ring in the ground and lifted my arms up, attaching it to a ring I hadn’t noticed, hanging from the ceiling.

  In front of me, at eye level, was Zanders hard cock, but when I looked up into his eyes, Zander was gone, replaced by something dark, something dangerous.

  “I’ve wanted to be inside that warm mouth of yours since the moment I laid eyes on you. Open.”

  “Zander, please, I begged, which only seemed to enrage him.

  “Address me as Zander, one more time,” He yelled, daring me to do just that.

  “Master Zander, I’m sorry. Master, please,” I pleaded.

  He took a step back and walked over, grabbing something off of the wall.

  “Do you know what this is, my little slut?” He asked me.

  “No, Master,” I shook my head.

  “This is a spider gag,” he said, showing me the device in his hand.

  Looking at it, it made sense. A large ring was the primary focus of it, surrounded by little metal legs. It was all attached to a leather belt that looked like it was just big enough for someone’s head.

  “Now, open your fucking mouth, or I’ll do it for you.”

  I opened my mouth a small amount but it was all he needed to wedge the ring inside behind my teeth, the metal legs poking into my cheeks. With his cock now only millimeters from my face, he fastened the belt around my head.

  Within an instant, I could feel my mouth pooling up with saliva, and I was unable to close my lip to swallow.

  “Look at that pretty mouth cunt you’ve got. It will look so much better full of my cum, don’t you think?”

  He didn’t wait for a garbled response from me as he pushed the head of his cock past the ring and kept going.

  “Oh fuck yes,” he growled, pushing in further until he reached the back of my throat. “Take a deep breath, bitch. You won’t be getting one for a while.”

  I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as he grabbed my hair and thrusted forward. Pushing past my tonsils and beyond, my body wretched, trying to expel the intruding appendage. He withdrew slowly and then thrusted back in again, fully lodging himself down my esophagus.

  Over and over he plowed into my throat and slowly retreated. Every time he came out of my mouth to let me breath, he brought with him trails of my saliva dripping from his cock down onto my tits. And as if to further my humiliation, he cupped his hands, grabbing the spit from my chest and smeared it into my face.

  I could feel a part of myself dying inside, and I was helpless to stop it. I knew he had to be getting close when he grabbed onto my hair with both hands and instead of thrusting his cock into me, he bobbed my head back and forth onto his waiting shaft.

  “I’m going to cum down your little fucking throat, and when I’m done you better fucking thank me for gifting you with a part of me. Is that understood you my little slut?”

  I looked up at him, my eyes full of tears and spit and I nodded.

  “Here it comes,” he shouted before plummeting into my throat, his balls throbbing on my chin.

  I could feel his cock twitching in my mouth as thick goo travelled down my throat and into my belly. I clenched my eyes tight and prayed it didn’t come back up. After a few moments, my lungs cried out, on fire, begging for oxygen, and Zander apparently got the hint, pulling his sopping cock out and letting me breathe.

  “What do you say, slave?” He said, pinching my chin between his finger and thumb.

  “Hank Ew,” I sobbed, my eyes still shut tight.

  “That’s a good slut,” he smirked, releasing my hands from the ceiling, tucking his cock away and walking out the door, leaving me alone to wallow in my first punishment and unfortunately, probably not my last.

  Chapter 15


  I had let him loose, and it had felt phenomenal. It always did when I let the beast out. I felt both relaxed and powerful, like everything in my world had shifted into its rightful place. The humanity inside of me knew I had done wrong by Phoenix, not only in her punishment, but also by leaving her alone after it was over. I knew I should have gone right back up there, but with the way I had acted, she probably wanted nothing to do with me right now anyways.

  “Gwen!” I called out from the foyer. When she appeared I gave her her orders. “Go unlock Phoenix from the dungeon. Make sure she takes a warm bath and apply some cream to her ass. Is that understood?”

  “Yes Master Zander. Right away.”

  At least someone knew how to be a proper slave, I thought.

  She fled from my site immediately. She was a smart girl. I knew she had helped with getting Phoenix that letter, and she deserved equal punishment, but Phoenix had done enough for the both of them.

  My high fell quickly as I locked myself in my study and poured myself a glass of vodka. Every second that passed drove me deeper into guilt for the way I had acted. Had the initial punishment fit the crime? Probably. But had my sexual appetite gotten in the way of a successful punishing? Definitely. I didn’t want to be like one of those Masters, and yet when I was around Phoenix, it just sort of happened.

  With every hit I delivered to her ass, I watched as her cries turned louder and her ass grew redder. It was the sexiest thing I had ever seen, and when her arousal starting dripping down between her thighs, I couldn’t hold back any more. I wanted to fuck her. I wanted to throw her down and rut with her like a wild animal, but the way she said those words made me want her mouth even more.

  I had never really been a fan of being called Master, but the way the syllables left her lips left me helpless and needy. I needed her to be my slave, just as much as she needed me to be her Master, even if she didn’t know it yet.

  I sat back and dreamed of a world where she willingly submitted to me with no ties to The Faith. Where I could show her all it meant to be my twenty-four-seven submissive and it not be looked at as a bad thing. The traditions of The Faith were heavily flawed, but the basic concept of the BDSM lifestyle was powerful and beautiful. I would never just be a man, it didn’t feel right. I was Dominant, I was a Master, but under these terms, the word itself was skewed past lines I didn’t want to cross.

  I drank my vodka quietly, hoping to hear any sounds from the girls above me, but none came. I pictured the feisty Phoenix fighting Gwen off, vowing she could clean herself. Poor Gwen tried her hardest to teach Phoenix, but she was just too submissive to anyone with a backbone, and Phoenix had one in spades.

  I wanted to go see how she was doing, but I honestly didn’t know how well she would receive me. Would there be fear in her eyes? Would her defiant nature send her over the edge at my appearance? There was only one way to find out.

  I sat my glass down and picked up the offending letter I had left there, sticking it in my back pocket. The least I could do was share the details inside if it pertained to her next task. I took the stairs two at a time, more eager than I should have been for the confrontation ahead of me.

  I knocked on Phoenix’s door, but there was no answer. Knocking again, I waited a suitable amount of time before I grabbed the handle and twisted it open. The door to the bathroom was closed and there was no one in the bedroom area so I assumed that was my next destination.

  Nerves flitted around my body, but I tamped them down. This was my house and these were my rules. I had no reason to be nervous. Out of courtesy, I knocked on the door and waited.

  “I said leave me be, Gwen. I don’t want to see anyone right now,” her tiny voice sounded from the other side of the door.

  “It’s not Gwen, little bird. It’s me,” I announced myself, turning the handle and walking into the ensuite.

  Her cheeks blushed as she saw me enter and look right at her naked form hidden behind a mountain of bubbles.

  “What do you want?” She whispered, unable
to look me in the face.

  I let her rudeness slide.

  “I wanted to check on you and see how you were fairing,” I stated softly, coming to her side and perching myself on the lip of the tub. I had broken what little bit of trust I had gained with her, and more than anything I needed to make it right.

  “I’m fine,” she replied, short and clipped. Her face was still red and puffy from crying, and seeing it up close was like a punch to my gut.

  “Are you?” I asked, unsure of what to say next.

  “Yes. Please go.”

  “I would like to check for myself,” I told her, running my hand through the warm water, spreading the bubbles around.

  “Why do you even care?” Her whispers turned more aggressive.

  “Believe it or not, Phoenix, I do care.”

  She snorted and I raised my eyebrows at her.

  “I don’t want to punish you again, please remember your place,” I lightly scolded. I sighed and stood in front of her. “I didn’t ask for this, Phoenix. I didn’t ask to be born into this life, just as you didn’t. I took things too far today, and I know that, but I won’t apologize for them.

  “I care about you a great deal, and as part of that caring, I need you to be prepared for anything that could possibly happen in the future. What I did was mild in comparison to what others will do if for some reason I’m not around anymore.”

  The last statement had her head snapping up to look at me.

  “Why wouldn’t you be here?” She whispered.

  I shook my head. “I don’t know, but that’s irrelevant. You need to be ready for anything that lies in our future. Now. I’ve asked you once to check your marks, please don’t make me ask you again.”

  I could see the wheels spinning in her head. She was not so much scared of me as she was cautious. Did she stand up and expose herself to me again, or defy me and risk another punishment? Her decision came soon enough.

  I watched in fascination, as she lifted her head, straightening her spine, and stood with no shame, bubbles falling from her curves. She turned around and let me see the damage.

  Thankfully it was minor, only minimal pinkness left over from her strikes, although I knew the damage to her mental state would stick around for much longer.

  “No lasting effects,” I murmured to her back.

  She turned to face me and nodded. “I thought for sure I was bleeding on the last few,” she told me, sitting back down in the warm water.

  “Why?” I asked, “Did I really hit you that hard?”

  She blushed again “Thinking back on it now, it wasn’t bad, but at the time, it was excruciating, and I could swear I felt blood dripping down my legs.”

  I smiled at her, wicked thoughts running through my mind. “That wasn’t blood, little bird, you were turned on and wet.”

  I knew my comment would have her cheeks pinked up again, but I enjoyed the small amount of torment too much to bite my tongue.


  “There’s no shame in being turned on when I touch you, Phoenix. In fact, I would prefer it if you were. I don’t want to take something you’re not ready to give me. I want you to freely hand yourself over to me, not because I demand it. My rules are different than that of The Faith. We have to keep up with appearances when we’re in public, but in my home, I want you to want to submit. Does that make sense?”

  She nodded at me, and looked down to absentmindedly play with the bath water.

  “Would you like me to leave you in peace?” I asked her, giving her a choice most Masters would have disapproved of.

  Her teeth grabbed her bottom lip as she pondered over my question. “What will you do if you stay?” She asked coyly.

  “I can tell you what I want to do, which includes water and bubbles all over the floor, or we can just talk.”

  She nodded, “I would like that, to talk, I mean,”

  “Good. Tell me what you thought of your punishment. I am giving you free reign to speak your mind. As long as you are not rude or disrespectful, you can say what you wish.”

  “I, well, I knew I deserved it. I shouldn’t have tried to read your letter.”

  “No you shouldn’t, but it’s been dealt with and there’s no reason to bring it up again. Tell me why you chose the fifteen hits and not the fifty lighter ones.”

  “I figured I could handle the harder hits, and fifteen was quite a bit less than fifty,” she shrugged.

  “Do you regret that decision now? Would you have changed your mind given the opportunity?”

  She shook her head at me, “No, I don’t think so.”

  “Good. Now tell me about after your spanking. How did you feel about that?”

  I could have spared her the humiliation of reliving my throat fucking, but I was curious to see what she thought.

  “I didn’t like it,” she said vehemently, shaking her head.

  “What didn’t you like?” I asked.

  “It was sudden. I wasn’t prepared.”

  “Interesting,” I murmured. She didn’t mention hating the actual act itself, or the gag, or even the lack of oxygen, just that she wasn’t ready for it. “Is this something you think you might enjoy if you had known it was coming?”

  She shrugged her shoulders, clearly uncomfortable with my line of questioning.

  “Can I ask you something now?” She looked up at me.

  I nodded and let her compose her thoughts.

  “Did you enjoy it?”

  “I did. I haven’t cum that hard in a very long time,” I told her. “Hey, don’t look away, little bird,” I said, grabbing her chin to face me. “Sex is nothing to be ashamed of, and there is nothing wrong with liking things that aren’t considered normal. I was caught up in the moment and should have prepared you better, but next time we will do it right.”

  “Next time?” She squeaked.

  “Oh yes, Phoenix. There will be a next time. Now come on, stand up. Your water is getting cold.”

  I grabbed a towel from the rack behind me as Phoenix stood and wiped away the remaining bubbles from her body. She stepped out onto the mat and I wrapped the towel around her, rubbing her down with the soft terry cloth. She stood still with her eyes closed, obviously enjoying the moment.

  I couldn’t stop myself from leaning into her and taking a deep sniff of her body. She smelled like vanilla buttercream, one of my favorite desserts.

  “Does the thought of me filling you up turn you on, little bird?” I whispered in her ear. I shouldn’t have pushed, but the way she looked and smelled, had me all riled up again.

  She hesitated only a moment before she nodded her head.

  “Do you want me to bend you over the tub right now?” I asked her, walking behind her to dry her back.

  Again she nodded.

  “Tell me.”

  She whimpered, her legs shaking as I dropped the towel and wrapped my arms around her torso from behind.

  “I want you,” she whispered.

  “You want me to do what?” I goaded her.

  “I want you to bend me over the tub.”

  I waited, motionless to see if she’d catch herself, and she didn’t let me down.

  “I want you to bend me over the tub, please, Master Zander.”

  It was all I needed to hear. I moved one of my hands up to her throat to softly grab it and tilt her head back, while my other hand slid down her tight body, to rest on her barren pussy lips.

  “You shave,” I commented, grinning in her ear. “Good, I like you bare.”

  She didn’t respond, the only indication my actions and words were getting to her was the deep breaths she was taking.

  I kissed her neck, while my fingers passed her lips and headed for her clit. She was already wet, and I knew it hadn’t been from the bath water.

  “Look at my little slave. You’re already wet and ready for Masters cock aren’t you?” I whispered in her ear.

  “Please,” was all she could manage to say.

  “Please what?
” I continued to tease.

  “I need you,” she replied.

  I slipped one finger into her tight cunt and my cock pushed against my zipper begging to be free. She moaned loudly, and her knees shook. I needed to get out of these pants and into her tight hole as soon as possible. Releasing her from my grasp, I took a step back. She turned and gave me a quizzical expression.

  “Be a good girl, and show me how you kneel for Master,” I commanded, unbuckling my belt while she stared.

  She instantly fell to the ground and into the second pose I taught her, the Nadu. With her head bowed, her knees spread and her hands palm up on her thighs, she was completely exposed to my wandering eyes.

  “Very beautiful slave, very beautiful,” I complimented her, pulling my belt completely off and throwing it at her knees, the simple gesture offering a world of promise. I stepped closer to her and patted her head.

  “I can’t give you what you desire with these pants on, now can I?” I asked her.

  “No, Master,” she said, involuntarily licking her lips.

  “Take them off.”

  With deft fingers I had not anticipated from one lacking experience, Phoenix unbuttoned my pants and pulled down the zipper. It didn’t take long before I was completely naked from the waist down, my hard cock in her face for a second time that evening.

  “What now, little bird?” I asked her, letting her choose the next move and making her say her innermost desires out loud.

  “Um,” she squeaked, embarrassed again.

  “Tell me what you want,” I growled, impatience lacing the words, but trying to reign it in.

  “I want to taste you,” she whispered, keeping her head down, her hair blocking her face.

  Her admission shocked me. Not more than a few hours after being face fucked, she wanted to try again.

  “You may,” I nodded at her, hiding my surprise.

  With determination I hadn’t seen before, I watched as Phoenix grabbed my cock and placed the tip of it inside of her mouth, her lips wrapping around the head. It took every ounce of strength I possessed not to ram it down her little pink throat, but I kept myself in check and let her explore with her tongue.


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