
Home > Other > Unmasked > Page 14
Unmasked Page 14

by Shannon Youngblood

  “Oh, don’t worry, slave. If you are with child we won’t touch you today, but as soon as you give birth, you will complete your task.”

  Of course I would, I rolled my eyes, but it really made no difference as the test came back negative.

  “Unfortunately for us, but fortunate for you, you will be anesthetized for this surgery. When was the last time you ate?” He asked me.

  A look at the clock told me it was already ten in the morning, at least fifteen hours since I had consumed pizza with Gwen and Mildred. When I told him that information, he smiled.

  “Well, it looks like everything is in order and we can start your surgery momentarily.”

  His smile creeped me out, but I refrained from telling him that.

  “Please go ahead and get undressed and the nurses will be here shortly.”

  Benjamin left Zander and I in the room and the weight of what was about to happen, hit me full force.

  “Breathe, Phoenix,” he cajoled. “It’s going to be ok.”

  I sat down next to him and gripped his arm for support. I could do this. I didn’t have a choice, but I knew I could do it. Once my breathing was under control. I let go of Zanders arm and stood up, removing my nightgown before carefully folding it and putting it on the chair next to him.

  “I’ll be here when you get out and as long as you’re doing well we might be able to go home tomorrow,” he told me, and I nodded.

  If I spoke, I was scared I would cry, and I refused to let them see me cry. I would be strong for myself, and I would be strong for Zander.

  The thought was like a bucket of cold water. Since when had I come to wanting to do things to please him or make him look good? I’d only known him a few short weeks and in that time he had bought me like milk at a store, he had whipped me, throat fucked me, screamed at me, and belittled me. He’d also given me a few of the most intense orgagsms I had ever had, free range of most of his home, protection from my father and other Masters, and his support. I was in a mental conundrum.

  I couldn’t think about that now. Right now was for mentally preparing myself to be cut open like a hunk of meat and removing something that had been with me my entire life. I would focus on my feelings later.

  “Miss Phoenix?” A woman’s voice sounded as she stepped into the room. “It’s time to take you up now. Are you ready?”

  I gave Zander one last look before I stepped into the hall and climbed my way onto the long stretcher.

  “I’ll be in your room when you wake up, little bird,” he said as the nurse wheeled me away.

  The hallway seemed to go on forever as she wheeled me along with no words spoken. I imagined she wasn’t allowed to speak unless she had to or was directly spoken to.

  “What’s your name?” I asked her.

  She looked down at me and smiled, “I’m called 03P, Miss Phoenix.”

  I rolled my eyes for the eightieth time that day. Masters and their weird naming practices.

  “I’m gonna call you Nina, alright?” I told her.

  “If that would please you, Miss Phoenix. It’s a very pretty name.”

  I nodded, just as we reached a set of double doors.

  “Slave Cunningham, checking in,” she said, pushing me through into a very sterile white operating room.

  “Good!” I heard Benjamin’s voice, “Bring her over to the table.

  Nina pushed me over and directed me to climb off the gurney and to lay myself onto the cold metal operating table. Once I was positioned, Nina left, and I was alone with Master Benjamin.

  “Please spread your arms out wide, so your chest is in full view, slave,” he directed, with me following his command. What I hadn’t expected was the thick cuffs he strapped around my wrists, holding me to the table.

  “Why am I being strapped down?” I asked, my tongue running away with me.

  The punch to my gut knocked the wind from me.

  “Zander isn’t here to protect you now, slave, and if I want to strap you down and fuck that pretty little mouth or that tight asshole of yours, no one is going to stop me, understand?”

  I couldn’t respond as I desperately tried to get oxygen back into my lungs.

  “Lucky for you, you have a special visitor, and he gets first dibs.”

  My eyes widen and I opened my mouth to speak but that was just the opportunity Benjamin needed to stick a giant ball gag into my mouth.

  “I would watch yourself, slut. You don’t want to anger this one,” he said, his head nodding in the direction of the door.

  I looked over just in time to see a man dressed in scrubs from head to toe waltz in, a familiar gaze in his eyes.

  My father.

  He pulled down his mask and smiled at me, his eyes roaming my naked body.

  “We’re going to do things a little different for you, my precious little flame,” he laughed running the back of his index finger along the curve of my breast. “Should we call in the nurses?”

  Benjamin nodded as my father gripped my nipple and pulled, releasing a hiss from behind the all gag.

  “That’s a good little pain slut,” he said releasing my nipple and then walking around to the head of the table to release my wrist cuffs. “Sit up and lean against me, slave.” He commanded.

  I did as I was told fearful of what would happen if I didn’t.

  Benjamin’s voice sounded from behind me, “Now you’re going to feel a little poke. Try not to move.”

  As soon as the ‘little poke’ happened, I could feel everything become lighter, as if the entire world was melting away in that instant, and I giggled. I could no longer feel the bottom half of my body, it was as if a cool numbing sensation started at my back and travelled quickly to my lower appendages.

  My father laid me back down and re-fastened the restraints, but I didn’t even care anymore. I was floating.

  “Yep, she’s high as a kite,” one of the guys said. “How are her vitals?”

  I tuned out the answer because the holes in the ceiling desperately needed counting.

  “She won’t be for long,” my father’s voice rang out clear.

  I stopped my counting for a moment when some sort of odd pressure landed on my chest. I couldn’t look and see what it was, my head was too heavy.

  “Oh she wants to look. You there, slave, help her sit up.”

  The voices all blended together and I couldn’t decipher whose was whose, but I didn’t much care. When I was unable to see the ceiling anymore, I looked down at my naked body and giggled again. A man was between my legs, but with the mask on, I couldn’t make out which one it was, until my father spoke next to me.

  “Your asshole Master thinks he’s going to take what’s rightfully mine? Well he has another thing coming. I will end his family line here and now, and never again will a Cunningham be the High Master.”

  I looked over to him and my eyebrows crinkled. I had no idea what the hell he was blathering about, and if I hadn’t had the ball gag in, I would have asked him just that. Lucky for me, he caught on to my confusion.

  “You see, little flame, Master Benjamin here is our obstetrics doctor. He is going to make a small slit just underneath your belly button, and when he’s done, you’ll never be able to have kids again.”

  I probably should have been horrified, but I couldn’t stop giggling to process his words. Instead I watched as the good doctor took a scalpel and made the cut my father promised. I was shocked. I couldn’t feel anything.

  The room around me began getting darker and darker as my eyes closed and sleep tried to claim me.

  “Not yet, slut,” my father said, pinching my nipple again, although I could only really feel a slight amount of pressure. “I want you to watch as I take away your right to being a mother. You may not process it right now, but sometime in the near future as you’re falling asleep in your Master’s bed, right after he’s fucked your whore holes, the memory will pop up. I want you to remember every detail of this day.”

  I kept my eyes open w
atching Benjamin working, but unable to mentally understand what was happening, and before long my eyes closed again, but this time, he didn’t make me reopen them.

  The lights were so bright, I didn’t want to open my eyes. I could feel the fluorescent glow right on the other side of my eyelids, but the blackness was just so much more appealing. My body ached all over, and although I couldn’t feel the missing bone in my body, I could feel the invisibility of where it had once been. It was an odd sensation that I didn’t particularly care for.

  I was also sore farther down my body, near my pelvis, but I wasn’t sure why. I groaned, loudly, potentially alerting someone to my alertness. It hadn’t been my intention, but a slight move of my hips had caused a sharp pain in my torso.

  “Little bird?” Zander’s cool voice sounded in my ear. “Are you awake?”

  “No.” I whispered and Zander chuckled.

  “Two hours out of surgery, and you’re still just as sassy as ever,” he laughed.

  “It’s too bright in here,” I murmured, trying to crack open my eyelids just a little but immediately shutting them from the harsh lights.

  “I’ll dim the lights a little,” he said. “Is that better?”

  I blinked rapidly but was slowly able to open my eyes. Zander’s beautiful emerald eyes peered back at me, full of concern.

  “How are you feeling?” He asked me, his hand on my forehead, pushing the stray hairs away from my face.

  “I’m not sure,” I answered honestly. “Like, I know it is gone, and I don’t feel any different, except for a bit sore. Shouldn’t I feel an entire piece of me is gone?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t honestly know, Phoenix. I did some more research while you were out. People have ribs removed voluntarily all the time and some people have to have them removed after accidents and such, but I couldn’t find anything about the after effects. It seems to me it’s almost like having your appendix removed.”

  “You’re comparing my rib to a useless organ?” I scoffed, a little perturbed by his nonchalant statement.

  “Not at all,” he reassured me. “I’m just trying to find any information that I can so we can get you healed and anything we need to be on the lookout for in the future.”

  He was trying to help me and I’d just lashed out at him. I could feel tears forming in my eyes. “I’m sorry, Zander,” I whispered.

  He stiffened at my informal address but immediately softened. “Don’t be sorry, little bird. You’ve literally just woken up from surgery.”

  “What time is it?” I asked, “And how long do we have to stay in this place?”

  Zander looked at his watch. “It’s almost four in the afternoon, and I’m hoping I can take you home tomorrow.”

  I nodded at him and wiped away my tears, wincing when my arm came up and then back down.

  “Are you in pain?” He asked me.

  “A little.”

  “Let me see if we can give you some more pain medication. Stay right here. Don’t fly away on me, ok little bird?” He grinned.

  I laughed and cringed as a painful shock ran through my body. Zander frowned and left the room quickly.

  Once he was gone, I carefully lifted up the blankets. My body was completely bandaged from right underneath my boobs down farther than I could see since I couldn’t lift the covers very high. The door to the room opened and I dropped the blankets.

  “That was fast, I th--” I stopped as my father walked in, and not Zander.

  “You are awake,” he said coming over to me and pulling the covers back, revealing my naked but bandaged body. “How is my little ribless slut feeling?”

  “I’m sore, Daddy,” I cringed, hating myself for still calling him that.

  He nodded, “That’s to be expected after two minor surgeries at once.

  “Two?” I questioned.

  “You don’t remember?” He asked, a wide grin coming to his face.

  “Uhhh, no?” I said, trying to think back to the surgery in which I was asleep for.

  “Think very hard little flame. I’m sure it will come back to you.”

  I closed my eyes and tried to recall the details. I remembered the epidural very clear, and I remember everything being in and out of focus, but everything was such a hazy blur, I couldn’t even fathom what he was asking me.

  “You’re just as dumb as your mother,” He snapped rolling his eyes. “All tits and no fucking brains.”

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered, bowing my head.

  “You should be. At least she has an excuse to be so stupid. I raised you better than this,” he scolded.

  “I don’t understand.”

  He rolled his eyes again and ran his fingers through his hair, clearly irritated. “Of course you don’t, but maybe it’s time I tell you a story. Your mother is not who I bought at my first auction.”

  My mouth dropped.

  “She was a looker, but I wasn’t the least bit interested in her, outside of fucking her. No, I bought and paid for another woman. The perfect slave. She was everything any Master could ever hope for, and truthfully I fell in love with the little whore.”

  “What happened?” I asked, needing more of the story. I was so lost.

  “I’m getting there you little impatient bitch, just wait.”

  I blushed and nodded.

  “After three years of endless cunt fucking, both by me and at least twenty of my friends and no pregnancies to speak of, I got a little worried. We took her to see Benjamin. It turned out my little slave bitch was infertile. She could never bear my children.”

  “I’m sorry,” I told him, still confused.

  “Yes, well, I couldn’t have a dud for a wife and a mother so I had to kill the poor bitch. It was truly a sad day indeed,” he nodded his head at the memory.

  “You killed her?” I asked, completely and utterly shocked.

  “Of course I did,” he snapped, as if it made all the sense in the world. “I wasn’t going to be straddled with a crippled and barren meat bag! But, luckily enough for me, your whore of a mother turned up pregnant the very next month. It didn’t surprise me though. I took out all of my grief on her cunt and I made her stop taking her birth control,” he shrugged.

  Things were starting to make a little more sense, as horrible as they were, but there was still something that plagued me.

  “But why does she hate me so much?” I asked him.

  “I hope your new Master teaches you a thing or two about manners and being more patient,” he growled.

  I apologized again for speaking out of turn.

  “At first, I didn’t believe I could be the father even though she swore up and down it had to have been mine, and once she was far enough along, I made her get an amniocentesis to check for paternity. She didn’t want to because the risk for miscarriage is high, but I didn’t give a fuck. If it was mine then I knew for certain she could get pregnant and I would just put another baby in her. If it wasn’t mine, and it died then it wouldn’t fucking matter anyways.

  “It turned out, the baby was mine. I went to the High Council, paid the rest of her debt and took her home with me,” he told me matter of factly.

  “When she gave birth to you, I was furious you weren’t a boy, and I beat her within an inch of her life the day we got home from the hospital. I didn’t touch her for nearly a year after to teach her a lesson. The next time the bitch got knocked up, she would give me a boy. But in that time she grew jealous of our relationship. I rarely let her see you and when I did, I could tell she was plotting ways to get rid of you. It had to stop, so I started trying to put another baby in her, in the hopes her jealousy would stop or at least a new baby would give her something else to think about.”

  A tear fell down my cheek for my mother. Something that had never happened before.

  “Your mother got pregnant easily, but miscarried every single time. After six miscarriages, I got suspicious and took her to see Benjamin. It turned out the little cunt was causing them herself.”r />
  “Why?” I asked.

  He chuckled, “She thought she was teaching me a lesson, but that little whore got what was coming to her,” he smiled wickedly. “The next day, I took her back to the surgeon where they did a full hysterectomy and a vaginal obliteration.”

  “What is that?!” I asked, appalled by just the name alone.

  “They sew the pussy completely shut, only allowing for piss to come out.”

  My mouth dropped in horror. My father had completely mutilated my mother because she was jealous over me. It was a lot to take in, but he didn’t stop his story to let me process.

  “She became my little anal only slut and still is to this day, although I find myself rarely sharing her bed anymore. I much prefer the company of young, supple, willing whores, like you,” he smiled, reaching his hand down and cupping my pussy.

  I tried to wiggle free but the pain in my chest was agonizing.

  “Don’t you dare pull away from my touch, slut. If I want your pussy, no one is going to tell me no. And now that you’re as infertile as your mother, I can use you as I see fit without worry.”

  “What?” I whispered almost inaudibly.

  Wayne’s hands travelled up my slit, over my pubic one and landed on a small gauze patch I hadn’t seen. He pressed down and a sharp pain flooded my body.

  “Benjamin did me a little favor and did a tubal ligation on you. Now you’ll never bear children for Zander and his family’s claim to High Master will come to end.”

  He pressed on the spot one last time and my vision went blurry with pain, before he covered me back up and headed for the door.

  “When he finds out, he’ll probably try and kill you. Try not to die though little flame, I’d much rather have you back at home where I can use you as I’ve wanted to since the day you grew those perky big tits.”

  He walked out of the room, shutting the door and I let the torrent of tears fall from my eyes. My father had found another way to break me and I could feel myself crumbling under the weight of his words. I was only twenty one and to be honest, kids were nowhere on my radar at the moment, but to be told I could never; would never have any, well, how did I process that so quickly out of anesthesia.


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